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以"科学方法教育"为主题词,检索1986-2015年被CNKI、万方和维普收录的文献,统计文献量、文献来源、关键词等内容,绘制关键词知识图谱,分析研究热点。基于文献的定量、定性分析结果,发现我国科学方法教育研究呈现出研究内容与热点多元化、学科分布、研究对象和研究者相对集中、学术水平不均、基金资助少的发展现状,提出应拓宽研究主体和对象、拓展研究范畴和方法、深化科学方法教育的系统研究等未来展望,以期构建适应我国教学实际的科学方法教育体系。  相似文献   

大学国家重点实验室分布特点与立项建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家重点实验室是大学办学水平和科研实力的重要标志,是国家创新体系的有机组成部分.大学131家重点实验室建设经历了从无到有、从少到多的快速大发展,实验室布局呈现学科领域齐全,内部分布不均;地域分布不均,区域聚集明显:大学分布不均,呈现聚类相关;主管部门集中,教育部为主体的特点.大学国家重点实验室布局乃是所依托大学经过长期的历史发展、文化积淀、社会经济因素、国家政策因素等相互作用的结果.实验室建设从过去强调研究基础的单一学科发展向多学科、交叉学科以及新兴学科发展转变.取得成绩的同时,也应看到,国家重点实验室新增立项的时间间隔较短,新增立项数在年份上的两极分化;大学国家重点实验室研究方向和内容重复,最新科学领域和基础数理领域的布点缺乏;国家重点实验室的校际层级形成,区域和大学的国家重点实验室分布不和谐,等等.这些问题要求我们重新审视大学国家重点实验室的立项,出台新的立项管理办法,促进国家重点实验室立项工作的科学化和可持续发展.  相似文献   

地方文化蕴藏着优秀的中国传统文化,是实施国家课程的重要补充资源,也是激活生命课堂的重要路径。2004年以来,地方文化融入国家课程的主题逐步引起了不少研究者热切的关注,研究成果相继而出。研究的量和质均有所提高,研究内容主要集中在地方文化融入国家课程的功用、现实背景、路径及对策的探究。但整体发展态势欠佳,在"量"方面主要体现在研究的学科、年段及主体的比例分布不均,在"质"方面主要体现在研究内容的深度和广度有待提升。  相似文献   

通过对几个案例的分析发现,数学史融入教学存在以下问题:主次颠倒、融入浅显、分布不均。主要原因在于教师数学史素养低、资料少。建议教师提升自身数学史素养,研究者共同开发用于教学的数学史料,实施相应评价措施。  相似文献   

新世纪以来,国内关于高职公共英语教材建设的研究逐渐增多,也取得了一些成果。但同时也存在一些问题,主要表现为理论研究薄弱、研究主题分布不均、研究方法科学性较低等。因此,未来研究者需要更多地关注上述问题,并积极进行探讨,以更好地促进我国高职公共英语教材建设的研究与实践。  相似文献   

中小学教师教育科研存在着多演绎推论,少归纳抽象;感性材料有余,理性思考不足;定性研究有余,定量研究不足和研究成果多,成果转化少等现象,不利于教育科研的深入,必须转向.教师作为教育的实践者、研究者,可从研究内容、研究方法、研究成果等维度实施转向.  相似文献   

采用文献计量法和内容分析法,对我国2001-2012年间发表或出版的个性化作业的研究成果,分别从成果数量、研究分布、文献类型、研究者类型、研究方法和研究内容六个维度进行实证分析。统计结果表明,个性化作业的成果数量呈上升趋势,研究正走向多元化,且逐渐细化和深化,但也存在研究地域分布不均、实践研究与理论研究失衡、研究方法单一、研究主题存在重复与不平衡等问题。建议今后个性化作业的研究应加大理论研究的力度,加强理论研究者与中小学实践工作者之间的合作,大力开展个性化作业理论体系的构建研究;努力加强研究方法的科学性;开展信息技术环境下的研究。  相似文献   

通过对《复印报刊资料·小学语文教与学》2016年论文转载情况的统计与分析得出:论文主要来源于17种小学语文教学专业刊和教育类综合刊;作者以小学一线教师为主,地域分布严重不均;论文内容主要涉及教学理论与实践,有关课程教师学业评价、教师专业发展方面的研究明显不足;论文中课题成果数量增加,研究者的课题意识有所增强。2016年...  相似文献   

通过对《复印报刊资料·小学语文教与学》2016年论文转载情况的统计与分析得出:论文主要来源于17种小学语文教学专业刊和教育类综合刊;作者以小学一线教师为主,地域分布严重不均;论文内容主要涉及教学理论与实践,有关课程教师学业评价、教师专业发展方面的研究明显不足;论文中课题成果数量增加,研究者的课题意识有所增强。2016年在语文核心素养、互联网+语文教学、微课程、课外阅读、文体教学、习作评改、思维能力培养等领域取得了一定的研究成果,但仍然存在一些有待深入研究的问题。未来研究将主要关注语文核心素养的落实、部编教材教学及学习方法策略等内容。  相似文献   

近十年来,中国国内古村镇旅游快速发展。通过文献检索发现,古村镇旅游案例研究呈现出阶段性较强和地域集中分布的特点。研究内容上,古村镇的旅游开发和保护是研究者关注较多的内容,当地居民和旅游者也逐渐被研究者重视,旅游影响研究也有所侧重。研究者主要采用了以问卷调查为主、结合访谈的田野调查法,模型研究较为少见。概念界定不清、案例地选取的局限性、研究内容和研究方法的单一,都制约着国内古村镇旅游研究在深度和广度上的进一步发展。  相似文献   

Based on a qualitative study on young Korean immigrant children’s interpretation of American popular culture, this paper reflects on the researchers’ role by examining the research challenges faced. Prior to discussing the research obstacles in conducting the study, we begin with briefly describing its methodology and design. Next, we discuss the various obstacles we encountered when conducting our study and howwe attempted to overcome these dilemmas by discussing two major struggles during the research process: a) the relationships between the researchers and our young participants, and b) the cultural sensitivity that was needed in initially gaining permission from and working with the parents of our informants. It then illuminates how the researchers attempted to cope with such difficulties by rethinking a researchers’s role emphasizing the importance of cultural context in research. Finally, the paper provides some discussions and implications based on our research experiences.  相似文献   

This Forum issue discusses the centrality of the fieldwork in doctoral research. The inevitability of researchers’ influence and of their values apparent during and after their fieldwork calls for a high degree of reflexivity. Since the standard methodology textbooks do not sufficiently guide on addressing such challenges, doctoral researchers go through stressful phases, at times revising various decisions they made before starting fieldwork. By drawing upon four case studies from varied contexts, this forum highlights some of these challenges including: going beyond signing the consent form and building rapport to elicit student voices; the ethical implications of White privilege of researchers turning consent into an obligatory contract with participants; unanticipated delays in the fieldwork opening up new possibilities; and tensions resulting from negotiating between insider and outsider identities while researching in two hostile contexts.  相似文献   

赵蒙成 《职教通讯》2012,(10):28-32,37
质性研究具有与定量研究不同的逻辑和质量判断标准,而职业教育及其研究也具有自身的特点与要求。从二者的契合点出发,职业教育研究中质性研究的判断标准应特别重视建立研究者与被研究者之间的互信关系,设置足够时间的研究周期,促使研究结果及时接受实践活动的检验,促进科研与教学的实质性结合等问题。同时,它对研究者的综合素质提出很高的要求。  相似文献   

现有的关于幼儿园园本课程的研究成果比较丰富,论述范围较广,有关于园本课程理论的探讨,有具体的根据当地实际的课程开发与实施,也有根据不同的领域进行园本课程的研究等。此外,有的侧重于幼儿教师作用的发挥,有的从管理的角度进行分析,有的着重探讨课程资源的利用,还有的关注家园合作等等。无论是体现自身特色,还是融入本土文化,最终都需要通过园本课程的开发和实施来加以实现。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以后,日本的高校面对国际竞争出现种种困境。其中,学者的国际流动性差、研究成果的国际影响力低以及研究创新性不足的状况迫使日本政府和高校采取了各种措施,2014年推出“国际化研究人才培育项目”即是其中之一。该项目力图通过促进日本与海外的高校或研究机构间进行学者互派与交流,进而开展合作研究并发表相关研究成果,从而培养日本的年轻研究者使其达到世界顶尖水平,提升大学和国家的科研竞争力。以东京农工大学为例,实施该项目以后,在学者的国际交流、合作研究成果的发表以及开拓国际尖端研究等方面取得了一定成效,促进了年轻研究者的成长。但该项目也存在其局限性和不足,对我国有较好的启示意义。  相似文献   

The boundaries between communities of teaching and educational research are very persistent. Boundaries can be conceptualized as sociocultural differences, leading towards discontinuity in action or interaction. Boundary crossing refers to the efforts made to establish continuity. The purpose of this article is to provide a better understanding of how these boundaries can be crossed by teachers who are also PhD students in a national PhD program for educational research in the context of science education. Sixteen teacher researchers as well as their professors and school principals were interviewed. Additionally, two stories were studied of two teacher researchers who seemed successful in crossing boundaries between the two communities. Many differences were found between the two communities, not all of them being boundaries. Specific personal characteristics - such as communication skills and flexible switching – seemed to facilitate boundary crossing, just like particular contextual factors such as school teams with open learning climates and supportive supervisors. All 16 teacher researchers contributed to better science teaching in their own practices, while eight teacher researchers had been able to share insights from their PhD projects with others.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a comparison of two research approaches of the study of the reflective practice in two different modes of tele‐guidance of the school practicum. The results of two studies were contrasted encouraging the dialogue between researchers coming from different research paradigms. Although the researchers in the two studies shared some perspectives on educational practices and student teachers’ reflection, the studies resulted in two different reports on student teachers’ reflection. Ontological, epistemological and methodological beliefs in both studies are related to a rationalistic and a naturalistic paradigm informing the two research sites. Researchers’ voices in both studies have been interacting, changing and developing but the differences in beliefs between the two sites seem to have contributed to the different analyses and results.  相似文献   

The article examines the processes and challenges involved in conducting participatory research and evaluation in schools, by looking at a case study of a collaborative evaluation research that was conducted in a secondary school in Israel by two researchers and three teachers. It describes the experiences of the research team while conducting the study, the processes that developed during this collaboration, and the kinds of knowledge that emerged over the two years of teamwork. It also describes the features of the relationships between the various individuals who participated in the study. Implications for evaluation in schools are presented.  相似文献   

This article draws upon the work of two researchers who facilitated practitioner research with school professionals in Liverpool. The researchers themselves had not been involved in practitioner research before. In this account, the researchers reflect critically upon their own experience. The discussion presents the learning curve that the researchers underwent as well as what they discovered about the relationship between practitioners and researchers when engaged in school‐based research. Crucially the issue of practitioners’ understandings of what constituted ‘good’ research emerged as a significant issue. In particular, positivist notions of research that drew from popular scientific understandings, as well as the culture of numerical targeting in the schools system, seemed to shape these practitioners’ sense of what was expected of them as practitioner‐researchers. The article finishes by reflecting upon the possible lessons that this work presents for education managers considering practitioner research approaches for continuing professional development (CPD).  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍亚类型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发展性阅读障碍是关系人类健康和发展的重要课题。多年来研究者试图寻找这个群体中发生困难的真正原因,希望从根本上解决阅读落后问题和消除阅读障碍。但是研究者发现阅读障碍群体内部具有很大的变异性。文章在简介了当今具有代表性的两种流派对阅读障碍原因的解释和相应的研究证据后,着重阐述了阅读障碍的亚类型的发展历史、研究者对亚类型的划分以及不同亚类型在语言技能上、一般感知能力和生理机制方面的差异,并且阐述了亚类型研究对阅读障碍早期预测的作用,为根本消除阅读障碍提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

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