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李素峰 《现代语文》2009,(9):116-118
宗教信仰是人类精神生活的重要方面,对民族文化有着深刻的影响.作为语言的重要组成部分,谚语具有十分丰富的文化内涵,它折射出不同的宗教思想和宗教观念.对不同的宗教思想和观念在英汉谚语中的折射进行研究,将有助于我们加深对中西文化背景和文化差异的了解.  相似文献   

谚语是一种经过千锤百炼后流传于人们生活中的语言形式,它生动形象,言简意赅,通俗易懂,其中往往包涵了深刻的文化意义.宗教思想是人类精神生活的一个重要方面,对民族文化有重要影响.由于各民族文化各有其独特之处.对不同的宗教思想和观念在英汉谚语中的映射进行研究,将有助于我们加深对中西文化背景和文化差异的了解.  相似文献   

本文通过对汉、英谚语来源的分析来对比谚语的文化含义,对谚语在反映宗教思想、反映道德观念、反映对自然的认识和反映生产经验等方面的情况加以研究,从中发现,不同民族的一些文化因素蕴涵在谚语中,在谚语中认识民族文化,比较文化异同,不仅是研究语言的方法,也是研究民族文化的一种手段。  相似文献   

谚语以及俗语作为人类在长期发展过程中所累积出来的精髓,早已经成为各个不同民族在语言文化方面极其重要的内容。同时,宗教是一种人类社会现象,具有悠久历史、广泛分布以及影响深远的特点,它与人们的生活是紧密相连的,在俄罗斯俗语谚语中也充分体现了这一点。宗教色彩是俄语俗语谚语的一个重要特点,正确的理解俄语谚语的宗教色彩,有助于对文化的深入了解,对学习语言有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

蒙城历史悠久,文化灿烂。在蒙城方言里,谚语内容丰富,题材广泛,其中许多谚语涉及家庭伦理文化。这些谚语深含着蒙城人民对生活的体悟,生动体现了人们的心理观念,主要反映家庭关系、婚姻观念、血亲意识等,从不同角度折射出蒙城传统社会关于家庭的观念。  相似文献   

怒族谚语是怒族语言文化的一个重要组成部分,是怒族人民智慧的结晶。怒族谚语不仅反映了怒江地区独特的地理气候,而且蕴含了怒族传统的耕织文化、狩猎文化、宗教信仰以及伦理道德观念。  相似文献   

谚语作为一种历史长、使用普遍的语言艺术,从一定的意义上讲,代表着一个民族语言的基本特点。无论是维吾尔语还是汉语,都是有丰富的谚语的语言,谚语较完整地反映这两个民族民族特点和他们的民族文化、宗教、风俗习惯,生活方式和生活环境等方面的特点。本文对维汉谚语中部分专用名词的使用情况进行初步对比。  相似文献   

从宗教思想、生活环境、风俗习惯、道德观念等方面对英汉谚语文化上的差异做了一些比较,认为只有深入了解英语文化与汉文化的不同特点,才能深刻理解英汉谚语的涵义;只有深入了解英语文化的特点,才能更好地掌握英语.  相似文献   

英汉谚语与民族文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英汉谚语是英汉民间文学艺苑中的两朵奇葩,它们不仅凝聚着民族的经验和智慧、表现了英汉民族创造语言财富的艺术才华,而且由于谚语依存于民族的社会生活,与民族的特定历史、生活习惯、信仰,自然环境等密切相关,因而英汉谚语还形象地反映了各自民族独特的文化。本文从宗教、动物、农业与航海、酒和龙凤文化几个方面对英汉谚语所反映的英汉民族文化作了比较和探讨。  相似文献   

藏族谚语中包含着丰富的生产知识和生活经验,且多借用本地区特有的和所熟知的事物,以物喻理。无论是对酥油的生产制作过程,还是对酥油的日常食俗、药用功能以及宗教功能,我们都能从中找到与之一一对应相映射的谚语。通过对这些有关酥油的谚语的总结和分析,我们能够从中更深刻地体会到酥油在藏族人日常生活中所处的不可或缺的独特地位。同时它在一定程度上也反映了人们的思想、观念和信仰。  相似文献   

This article interacts with a recent article by Denise Cush and Catherine Robinson in which they call for a new dialogue between religious studies in universities and religious education, and identify a number of developments in religious studies that have implications for the practice of religious education in schools. Cush and Robinson are representative of an influential body of opinion among religious educators that looks to religious studies for inspiration. It is argued that they, along with others, fail to appreciate the difference between the aims of religious studies and those of religious education and that this unrecognised difference leads them both to engage uncritically and superficially with the history of post-confessional religious education and to fail to recognise that the roots of some of the weaknesses in contemporary religious education can be traced to the influence of religious studies over it. Showing that religious education has (and is required to have) a different set of aims from religious studies (though some aims may be held in common) alerts us to its distinctive nature, and this in turn facilitates a clearer understanding of its role in schools, which can serve both to direct and to evaluate educational outcomes.  相似文献   

从历史角度看,以哲学、思想理论为主导的老庄道家创立于前(先秦),以宗教信仰为主旨的道教建立于后(东汉以降),随之而来的是道家与道教的融合、涵化、整合、熔铸,亦道家亦道教,亦道教亦道家。因此,从整体上说,作为思想学术的老庄道家与作为宗教信仰的道教的关系是一而二、二而一的关系。章分析了老庄道家自然主义的生死观与道教“我命在我”的长生成仙说,说明了在生死观上道教对道家思想的援引和衍化。  相似文献   

宗教社会是人类社会中一种特殊的社会类型,其道德生活具有高度的整体性、较强的单一性和偏执型以及高度的稳定性等特点.作为宗教社会生活秩序的宗教信仰、宗教戒律、宗教仪式对于宗教社会道德生活的构建发挥了重要的作用:宗教信仰是宗教道德向生活渗透的自觉的精神力量;宗教戒律是宗教道德向生活秩序渗透的重要中介;宗教仪式则是强化人们宗教信仰的日常生活形式.  相似文献   


The rule of law presents a new path for understanding and handling religious affairs in contemporary China. The field of religious education is no exception and current legislation has to be improved so that China’s religious education can be further promoted. This research examines the legislation and legislative regulations governing China’s diversified and dynamic religious education, which includes professional religious studies, religious education embedded in ethnic education, missionary religious education, religious education included in general education, and education on religious policies and regulations. It argues that how to understand and implement the principle of separation of education and religion stands out as the core issue, as China requires a more dialectical and pluralistic religious education.  相似文献   

Drawing on sociocultural perspectives on educational design, this article presents a qualitative study investigating how religious texts emerge as educational objects and mediating artefacts in Norwegian textbooks of religious and moral education. The article describes how the distribution of text references in textbooks influences the formation of religious traditions as objects. It also describes how religious texts are given various roles and how textbook assignments use various means to facilitate the interpretation of religious texts in a response to the demands posed by Norwegian syllabuses of religious and moral education.  相似文献   

宗教旅游本质的界定对研究宗教旅游十分重要,目前对宗教旅游本质的研究还没有形成统一的观点。鉴于此,选择哲学的视角对宗教旅游本质的阐释是相当必要的。宗教旅游的本质可划分为宗教旅游的特殊本质与宗教旅游的一般本质,其本质特征表现在三个方面,即以信仰为特色的宗教文化熏陶、以宗教伦理为基础的道德培养、以宗教建筑等为外壳的环境唯美。从而揭示了宗教旅游的内在本质关系,即神秘性与参与性的统一、文化性与体验性的统一、艺术性与观光性的统一。  相似文献   

This paper proposes that the acquisition of meta-concepts and thinking skills in order to facilitate scholarly religious thought should be the principal aim of religious education in schools. As a result, the aim of religious education is primarily stated in cognitive terms and religious education is understood as closely related to education about religion. The educational value of this approach is explained in a cultural–historical perspective on learning. It is shown that there is a close connection between learning and development and that school learning especially contributes to development of pupils’ higher cognitive functions, if school learning aims at the acquisition of subject-specific meta-concepts and thinking skills. In order to apply these insights to religious education, the aim of religious education is reconsidered and some examples of meta-concepts and thinking skills that may serve as the content of religious education are discussed.  相似文献   

民办高校学生已成为大学生群体的重要组成部分。调查显示,上海地区的民办高校学生中信教人数不多,且多数信教学生能够过正常的宗教生活,但少数信教学生也有在校园传教的冲动;未信教学生有较深厚的宗教意识,对宗教保持较高的兴趣度。学生对当前民办高校宗教观教育的满意度较低;多数教师缺乏应有的宗教知识和宗教政策观念、法律意识,民办高校宗教观教育能力有待提高。  相似文献   

阐述宗教文化旅游包括宗教信徒的宗教朝圣旅游和非宗教信徒的宗教观光旅游,而目前的宗教旅游产品开发缺乏一个完整的体系。以莆田妈祖文化为个案,依据旅游产品的三种类型——核心产品、外围产品和附属产品构建宗教文化旅游产品的体系,对宗教文化旅游产品的开发还提出应注意协调性、务实性、生态性和保护性等四个方面的问题。  相似文献   

在传统的宗教思想定义中,信神和对来世的向往被认为是两个最主要的因素。但是,这样的定义无法有效地对中国传统宗教思想作出归纳和解释。根据我们的研究,中国传统宗教思想的本质特征是人类的生命关怀和生命神圣化。以此为依据,中国传统宗教思想大体可分为两种类型:自救的宗教思想,即依靠信徒自己的努力而摆脱疾病和死亡;他救的宗教思想,即依靠神灵的拯救而摆脱疾病和死亡。  相似文献   

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