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环境作为外因对儿童的发展具有重要作用,同伴关系作为精神环境的一种,它对儿童发展的作用更不能小觑。同时,儿童作为社会中的人,其社会能力的发展影响着今后的工作学习和生活。要促使儿童社会能力向着积极方向发展,好的外部环境不可缺少。本文选取支持性同伴关系和儿童的社会能力发展两个维度来探讨二者的发展和相互作用。  相似文献   

同伴关系是儿童生活经验中重要的社会关系之一,在儿童社会化过程中起着独特而无法替代的作用。我国特殊儿童同伴关系影响因素的研究对象涉及听觉障碍、视觉障碍、智力障碍和学习困难四类特殊儿童。这四类特殊儿童同伴关系影响因素的研究程度不同,如视障儿童同伴关系的影响因素研究只涉及心理理论,而影响学习困难儿童同伴关系的因素较为全面,包括性别、个性、社会行为、社会认知和情绪等个体的内在因素,还涉及外部因素中的家庭因素。  相似文献   

同伴关系在儿童社会化中的作用是显著的。本文在论述良好的同伴关系对儿童社会化的积极影响和不良的同伴关系对儿童社会化的消极影响的基础上,对同伴关系不良的儿童通过社会技能训练进行干预,以促进他们个性和社会性的健康发展,让他们为适应未来的生活做好准备。  相似文献   

同伴关系是儿童社会化进程中的一个重要方面,利用心理剧干预技术,紧密结合小学儿童同伴关系的特点,对学生进行心理剧干预实验,在干预前后对实验组和对照组同学进行《儿童社会距离量表》的调查。研究结果表明,通过心理剧干预活动,实验组儿童社会距离前后测量结果存在显著差异,心理剧干预活动对改善同伴关系不良学生的社交距离和社交态度具有显著效果。心理剧对改善儿童不良同伴关系有积极的影响。  相似文献   

社会能力是儿童能力发展中的重要组成部分,对儿童的后期社会适应有着重要作用。社会能力及其结构的界定是不一致的。当前主要采用社会测量法和他人评定法来测量儿童的社会能力。家庭、同伴和儿童自身等因素是影响社会能力的主要因素。  相似文献   

本研究对六所普通中学的616名儿童青少年进行了研究,结果发现,留守儿童比非留守儿童同伴关系更差,他们受到同伴的尊重和接纳更少,更易受到忽视。留守儿童家庭的社会经济地位显著低于非留守儿童家庭,且对留守儿童的同伴关系有显著影响。父母受教育程度,特别是母亲受教育程度和家庭月收入对留守儿童的同伴关系有一定预测作用,母亲受教育程度显著预测同伴尊重、同伴接纳,家庭月收入可以显著预测同伴接纳和同伴忽视。未来研究中需对家庭社会经济地位对留守儿童的同伴关系影响的作用机制进行探索。  相似文献   

利用张文新修订的Olweus欺负问卷、陈欣银等人修订的儿童社会行为量表、社会提名法等对827名中小学生进行测查,考察中小学生受欺负的状况,及与其行为表现、同伴关系之间关系.结果发现:(1)总体而言,中小学生受欺负的发生率比较高,且相当稳定;(2)中小学生受欺负与同伴接纳显著负相关,与同伴拒绝显著正相关,即儿童受欺负频次越高,其同伴接纳越少,同伴拒绝越多;(3)在中小学中,儿童的社会行为在儿童受欺负对同伴关系的影响中起部分中介作用.受欺负频次通过社会行为中的攻击行为和羞怯-退缩行为间接地影响同伴关系.  相似文献   

家长的教养方式、儿童的社会认知技能、儿童的行为特征等是影响儿童同伴关系的主要因素,家长对儿童良好同伴关系的建立应讲究策略。  相似文献   

智障教育以培养儿童自立并最终融入社会为目标,而儿童同伴关系对于促进儿童的社会化有着重要影响。所以智障儿童同伴关系的培养,是智障儿童心理教育的一个重要内容。由于受个体特征、家庭教养、社会环境等影响,智障儿童的同伴关系现状并不理想,不能很好发挥儿童同伴关系的功能。家长、学校应互相配合,从优化交往环境、增强儿童自信、提高交往技巧三个方面入手,培养智障儿童建立良好的同伴关系。  相似文献   

同伴关系在儿童发展中的作用是显著的,儿童良好的同伴关系是他们心理健康和取得学业成功的必要前提,是一个人将来顺利适应社会的必备条件.积极发展儿童的同伴关系,让他们与同伴主动交往,是培养儿童的社会技能,增强他们的社会适应性的可行措施.  相似文献   

Peer relationships provide an important context for the young child's social development. Teachers can influence children's developing social competence in a variety of ways. This article describes how teachers can support children's peer relationships by intentionally shaping the classroom's physical and emotional context. With these basic supports in place, teachers can effectively use planned activities and on-the-spot guidance to help children learn to interact competently and form satisfying relationships.  相似文献   

语用能力决定了儿童语言的实际表现,目前有关儿童语用能力的构成及内涵还缺乏明晰的界定。通过文献研究、比较研究和理论研究等方法,对国内外学术界关于儿童语用能力的构成及内涵进行探讨,在此基础上,综合语言学、语用学及教育学的相关理论,将儿童汉语语用能力构成要素概括为语篇组织能力、言语行为能力、间接含义理解能力、会话能力、社交情感调节能力和非言语交流行为能力几个方面。儿童语用能力对学前教育的启示为:充分认识儿童语用能力发展的重要性,创设良好的语用能力学习环境,全面培养儿童的语用能力。  相似文献   

美国社会能力培养研究与启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为儿童能力发展的重要组成部分 ,社会能力不仅影响着儿童的个性发展和社会适应性 ,而且还影响着儿童未来的社会生活。从 2 0世纪 70年代开始 ,社会能力培养的研究受到美国教育界的高度重视 ,关于社会能力的理论和实践不断得到拓展 ,并在促进儿童的社会性发展上起到了重要的作用。本文着重介绍美国社会能力培养研究的发展以及社会能力研究发展的新特点 ,并在此基础上进一步探讨美国社会能力培养研究对我国素质教育的启示。  相似文献   

Recent research indicates that children's learning-related skills (including self-regulation and social competence) contribute to early school success. The present study investigated the relation of kindergarten learning-related skills to reading and math trajectories in 538 children between kindergarten and sixth grade, and examined how children with poor learning-related skills fared throughout elementary school on reading and math. Latent growth curves indicated that learning-related skills had a unique effect on children's reading and math scores between kindergarten and sixth grade and predicted growth in reading and math between kindergarten and second grade. In addition, children with poor learning-related skills performed lower than their higher-rated peers on measures of reading and mathematics between kindergarten and sixth grade, with the gap widening between kindergarten and second grade. Between third and sixth grade, this gap persisted but did not widen. Discussion focuses on the importance of early learning-related skills as a component in children's academic trajectories throughout elementary school and the need for early intervention focusing on children's self-regulation and social competence.  相似文献   

This study explored the relation between measures of emotional competence, behavioral regulation, and general social competence and African-American preschoolers' peer acceptance and popularity. These children came from both lower and middle income families. Data were collected in a short-term longitudinal study following children over the course of a school year. Gender, emotion knowledge, emotion regulation, and themes of violence in response to hypothetical situations of interpersonal conflict were strongly related to peer acceptance. The results are consistent with findings from middle-class Caucasian samples. The results also highlight the importance of potential influences of context and setting on children's peer status as well as the need for greater understanding of within- group variability with regard to these constructs. Given the growing evidence that peer relationships are related in important ways to children's school adjustment, understanding the development of positive peer relationships may help shed light on ways to help children achieve at more optimal levels in the school context.  相似文献   

学龄期儿童情绪能力的发展特点概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着生活环境、人际关系、认知以及社会技能等方面的重大变化,学龄期的儿童在心理、情绪能力的发展上出现了一个重要转折。在学龄期,儿童情绪理解能力、情绪表达能力有了很大发展,对情绪的表达规则逐渐掌握并趋于娴熟,情绪的调节能力增强并出现了高级的调节策略———情绪伪装。研究发现,儿童情绪能力的发展受家庭和社会文化的影响甚大。  相似文献   

儿童叙事能力发展研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叙事能力(narrative)是一种脱离语境的语言能力,叙事能力体现了儿童发展诸多方面丰富的信息,例如情感、认知、社会和文化发展。欧美国家的学者对儿童的叙事能力已有许多研究,本文综述有关儿童叙事研究的缘起、叙事的定义和特征、叙事功能以及儿童叙事能力的发展研究,以期对汉语儿童叙事能力的研究有所启示。  相似文献   

We studied the relations among children's reports about their own competence, objective measures of their competence, and their views of important relationships with others as a function of sociometric status. 515 third- and fourth-grade children responded to questions about aspects of their personal competence and about their relationships with mothers, fathers, teachers, and best friends. Rejected children reported the least supportive relationships overall with their fathers of any status group; this was especially true of rejected-aggressive children. Neglected children reported the lowest perceived social competence with peers. The subjective reports of rejected but not neglected children overestimated their social competence as rated by peers. Relative to teacher reports, rejected-aggressive children also overestimated their behavioral competence. While highlighting heterogeneity among low-accepted groups, these results add to knowledge about the subjective experiences of children who are unpopular with peers.  相似文献   

I consider Eccles et al.'s (1983) expectancy-value model of achievement performance and choice from a developmental perspective, by examining how recent research on the development of young children's competence beliefs, expectancies for success, subjective task values, and achievement goals can be incorporated into the model. The kinds of change in children's achievement beliefs considered include change in the factor structure of children's competence beliefs and values; change across age in the mean level of those constructs; and change in children's conceptions of ability beliefs and subjective values. I also discuss how achievement goals are conceptualized in this model, and how goals are conceived by other current motivation researchers. Changes in the nature of relations among competence beliefs, subjective task values, achievement goals, and achievement behaviors also are considered.  相似文献   

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