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当前高校图书馆正处在由传统型向现代化型转变的重要历史时期,读者服务工作呈现读者需求多元化、服务项目多元化、服务手段与方式多元化的格局。针对这种现状,高校图书馆必须实行多元一体化服务。西文就多元一体化服务的特征及实行多元一体化服务需解决的问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

高校图书馆读者工作的多元一体化服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校图书馆正处在由传统型向现代化型转变的重要历史时期,读者服务工作呈现出需求多元化,服务项目多元化,服务手段与方式多元化的格局,针对这种现状,高校图书馆必须实行多元一体化服务,本文就多元一体化服务的特征及实行多元一体化服务需解决的问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

图书馆是人们增长知识、开阔眼界的重要场所,多元服务可以更好地满足人们的学习需求.文化的多样性日趋明显,对图书馆服务的要求不断提高,图书馆必须坚持多元服务理念,才能满足不同层次读者的需求.多元化也是图书馆发展的必然趋势,图书馆必须改变传统的服务方式和服务理念,提高服务质量.  相似文献   

研究型读者的情报信息需求决定图书馆为其提供的服务层次为知识服务。面对研究型读者,图书馆的服务呈现出四大转变:服务层次由信息服务向知识服务转变;服务方式由传统咨询服务向知识发现服务转变;学科馆员素质由单一型向多元型转变;图书馆由文献信息中心向学术交流中心转变。  相似文献   

公益性是图书馆服务的本质属性,读者权利的实现要以公益性为前提。公益性和有偿性具有内在统一性,图书馆服务要正确处理二者的关系,使读者权益得到保障。应坚持图书馆的公益性原则,积极开展图书馆法制建设,加大政府对图书馆的投入,探索图书馆的多元供给方式,不断改进图书馆服务工作,强化对图书馆有偿服务的监管,建立图书馆公益服务的评价机制。  相似文献   

分析了我国图书馆面临的严峻形势,从延伸与拓展两个方面对图书馆的未来发展提出了自己的见解:我国图书馆界应紧跟科技发展的步伐,将图书馆的传统业务深化、细化、精化、强化,把过去单一的被动服务转变为多元的主动服务,借助资源优势拓展服务领域和服务方式,主动参与到民族文化建设和国家的政治生活中去,承担起更多的社会责任。  相似文献   

本文从传统的图书馆服务方式入手,提出图书馆走知识服务之路是一种必然。从图书馆的服务时间、服务空间、服务手段上对传统服务和知识服务进行了比较,提出了高职院校应构建的服务方式。  相似文献   

123图书馆是民间图书馆发展模式和服务模式的创新,她的服务理念,服务资源,服务价值,服务方式形成四维一体的图书馆延伸服务。要从宣传推广、技术创新、责任担当、制度建设、合作共赢等策略实现123图书馆的延伸服务。  相似文献   

图书馆文献组成类型的多元化与信息载体的多样化,衍生出图书馆一种全新的文献资源布局形式——多元一体馆藏模式。探讨了多元一体馆藏布局模式下图书馆资源配置特点,分析了多元一体馆藏布局在构建特色馆藏方面的优势。  相似文献   

藉由两次台湾自由行参访了新北市地区的若干提供少儿读者借阅服务的图书馆,充分感受到了台湾少图借阅服务之细致,之人性化.论文旨在将参访时所见所感加以梳理,以便日后工作中参考借鉴.文中所提及的多元友善的阅读空间有两方面的含义:“多元”指的是少图服务已不再局限于传统的借阅,而是集休闲娱乐社交为一体的多样化服务;“友善”指的是各阅读功能区块配置的硬件设施蕴含的以人为本,为少儿读者服务理念.  相似文献   

合理化的馆藏结构是与学科结构相对应的特色化馆藏结构、与用户需求层次相对应的层次化馆藏结构。选取三所不同层次和类型的高校图书馆馆藏结构进行比较,分析其馆藏结构的得失成败,为馆藏结构的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

Given similar demographics (age, size, and user population), to what extent do community hospital libraries differ in collection content? It is sometimes assumed that hospital libraries are relatively homogeneous and therefore subject to standardized procedures and collection development guides. This study compares the holdings of two community hospital libraries in Illinois to determine similarities and differences.  相似文献   


The Committee on Inter-institutional Cooperation (CIC) is an academic consortium of thirteen large research institutions in the midwest with its own regional network, CICNet. The CIC libraries and CICNet are building a managed electronic journal collection out of the content and collection experience of the CICNet E_Serials Archive-a collection of over 800 freely distributed electronic serials. The libraries have developed and endorsed a broad collecting policy for the new collection, the CIC Libraries Electronic Journal Collection (CIC EJC). CIC Librarians are selecting a complete, authoritative and permanent collection of electronic journals to be shared by the CIC libraries. The collection will be actively managed, cataloged and maintained by CIC libraries and CICNet staff. Some titles from the E-Serials Archive are being selected for the EJC, and many new journals are being included as well. Cataiogers from six CIC institutions are creating bibliographic records for each selected title. The records will be entered into OCLC and made available to each CIC library's online catalog. This paper focuses on the specific problems encountered in creating the managed collection: locating all issues of each title, cataloging the collection, providing access and managing the collection as a long-term cooperative resource for all the CIC-libraries, and making it accessible to the scholarly research community at large.  相似文献   

The kind and size of a library determines the need to collect and the method of controlling government publications. New Zealand libraries tend to handle these publications like any other book with the exception of official records and statistics. As a rule, public, rather than academic libraries, are the designated depositories. In comparing the concept of New Zealand libraries to that of the University of Oregon Library concerning government publications, I found that New Zealand libraries collect and store official and statistical publications and give them partial use; most government publications are integrated into the general collection (use is not known), and few libraries have separate government publication sections with special librarians governing the collection. On the other hand the University of Oregon collects all types of government publications for optimum use; many have been integrated into the general collection (use is not known); and a separate documents section is open to the public with several librarian specialists in attendance. Government publications in the general collection are not, as a rule, recognized as government publications by the public, but those publications are readily accessible. Many government publications at the University of Oregon Library are housed in the general collection, but since 1974 publications of the United States, Canada and many international organizations are shelved in the Documents Section. Use of the various classification schemes has proved successful; however, changes and improvements should be considered frequently to make the government publications collection the best able to serve the public.  相似文献   

Academic libraries have a long tradition of endorsing and creating written collection development policies to communicate, both internally and externally, their dynamic collection practices. As revealed by a literature search, academic libraries, over time, appear to have abandoned this practice. This article documents how Texas A&M University Libraries embraced the ambitious task of resurrecting written collection development policies and, as part of this process, assessed the current state of collection development, systematically planned for future collection growth, and identified emerging fields of research requiring additional collection support. This process also undertook the integration of collection development into the organizational culture of the libraries. Reflecting on this process, the authors present the case for creating and maintaining written collection development policies in academic libraries.  相似文献   

目前,图书馆对"文献捐赠说明"缺乏应有的重视,并存在着一些问题,体现在文本概念混淆、言辞淡漠,具体内容忽视对非正式出版物的收集,对文献收藏范围界定模糊,提供的受赠方式不够人性化等方面。文章分别选取公共馆和高校馆的"捐赠说明"各一例,进行分析与反思,同时简要对比港台地区部分图书馆使用的"捐赠说明",条缕出可供内地图书馆学习的部分。最后,列出合适的公共馆和高校馆的"捐赠说明"模板。  相似文献   

文献征集是图书馆利用非采购途径丰富馆藏的一种方式,既能扩大馆藏、满足读者需求,又能宣传图书馆工作、树立图书馆形象。国内外文献征集的成功案例表明,准确界定文献征集的主题、合理确定文献征集的范围、拓宽文献征集渠道、提升征集人员的素质、加强阶段性总结与管理等举措有助于优化图书馆文献征集流程。  相似文献   

我国公共图书馆专题图书馆建设与发展简述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专题图书馆是一种依托于专题文献资源的收藏开展专题服务的图书馆。专题图书馆不同于专门图书馆,两者在组织结构、服务对象、馆藏特征和服务特征等方面存在很大差异。经济的发展激活了公共图书馆发展的潜力,公共图书馆灵活的服务方式和求变的思路又为专题图书馆的发展提供了舞台。目前我国已经有很多成功的专题图书馆建设范例,随着全民阅读事业的推进和图书馆事业的不断发展,专题图书馆将会获得更大的发展空间。  相似文献   

From the time the Reverend John Harvard donated his collection of books in 1638 to start the library at the newly established Harvard University [1], gifts have played an important role in the development of collections in U.S. academic and special libraries. Today, gifts are still vital to most libraries as publication costs rise and book budgets shrink. Over the years, much has been written on material gifts to libraries, from their use in collection building to the practical points of handling gifts and donors in the technical services area. Culled from the pool of literature, this annotated bibliography is a collection of many of the most useful and informative sources written on the various aspects of gifts in libraries.  相似文献   

文章对美国大学图书馆在信息资源组织与利用方面的创新与实践进行梳理总结,以期为国内图书馆的资源建设提供借鉴。选取美国顶尖的11所大学图书馆作为考察对象,重点介绍它们在馆藏特色文献数据化、资源多样化收集与元数据整合、数字资源全生命周期管理方面的特色和进展。图书馆在资源服务方面所扮演的角色在不断演变,美国大学图书馆正借助先进的信息生产、存储和传递技术,向着实现信息资源共建、共知和共享的目标迈进。国内图书馆需要关注新兴技术,加强特藏资源开发,促进纸质与数字资源融合,优化数字资源业务流程。  相似文献   

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