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This paper investigates eParticipation practices and the mechanisms of influence that help promote changes in public policy formulation. We use the perspective of power as a lens for our investigation. We analyze eParticipation processes in the drafting of three public mobility policies in major Brazilian cities. Based on comparative and retrospective cases, we propose a processual framework for understanding eParticipation practices and the mechanisms used over time to influence decision-making. We show how the actors involved, tools chosen, platform design, interactions on the platform, mediation, and mechanisms used by engaged citizens and the government influence public policymaking. Our study contributes to the literature concerning eParticipation with an original processual framework to explain actors' practices and the mechanisms of influence on policymaking in digital participation spaces. Additionally, we broaden the discussion regarding the complementarity between possession and practice views of power. We argue that a better understanding of the eParticipation platform interactions that influence public policy decisions requires attention to formal authority and critical resource control. However, it is also necessary to recognize the interactions and mechanisms implemented in practice. Our findings are helpful for policymakers seeking to create effective participatory processes while considering citizens' opinions.  相似文献   

Smart cities are expected to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of urban management, including public services, public security, and environmental protection, and to ultimately achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 for making cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Big data have been identified as a key enabler in the development of smart cities. However, our understanding of how different data sources should be managed and integrated remains limited. By analyzing data applications in the development of a sustainable smart city, this case study identified three phases of development, each requiring a different approach to orchestrating diverse data sources. A framework identifying the phases, data-related issues, data orchestration and its interaction with other resources, focal capabilities, and development approaches is developed. This study benefits both researchers and practitioners by making theoretical contributions and by offering practical insights in the fields of smart cities and big data.  相似文献   

As the negative environmental impacts of cities continue to grow, citizens must be involved in climate change mitigation initiatives. A range of policy instruments can be used by municipal policy makers to encourage citizens to engage in environmentally responsible behaviours. Information and communications technology (ICT) is an important lever for changing individuals' behaviours and thus is increasingly found among the policy approaches adopted by cities. This research focuses on cities' use of ICT-enabled persuasion. Combining the unimodel of persuasion with the persuasive system design framework, the research develops and tests a theoretical model explaining how dimensions of the user context (green identity, goal intention) and technology context (integration support) influence the persuasiveness of city-sponsored applications with respect to environmentally responsible behaviours performed in the home and community. A survey of 203 individuals in North America shows that goal intention and integration support provided by the applications significantly influence perceived persuasion effectiveness for environmentally responsible behaviours at home. For environmentally responsible behaviours in the community, all three independent variables have a positive influence on the perceived persuasion effectiveness. The research extends the digital government literature by investigating an emerging policy intervention and providing a novel theoretical explanation of how elements within an ICT-enabled persuasion event come together to affect individuals' behaviours. Furthermore, the research provides municipal policy makers with new insights into how to design an ICT-enabled policy instrument for encouraging greater environmental citizenship.  相似文献   

With the recent increase in urban population worldwide, and the emergence of big data analytics, there is a growing interest in research on how cities are actively reconstructing themselves into a smart and sustainable city. Research studies have shown that the smart city system primarily focuses on integrating three components: economic, environmental, and social. The social component includes participatory democracy with citizen engagement. In many cases, smart cities focus on discovering answers for various urban problems through the adoption of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) designed to collect citizen feedback, or provide knowledge resources that can improve the quality of urban life. However, there are very few studies that attempt to close the information loop and link problems to solutions in one, unified framework. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate such a unified approach. Using the theoretical lens of dynamic capabilities, we expand the definition of a smart city to include the notion of an urban organization with dynamic capabilities, which operates within cycles of ‘sense’, ‘seize’, ‘align’, and ‘transform’ functions. Our case study focuses on the ‘sense’ and ‘seize’ steps, describing a medium-size city in Texas, where an open-ended survey is used as a collection instrument for citizen input and concept-based analytics are employed to convert such input into actionable insights. Our approach has the potential to assist policy makers in designing a comprehensive strategy toward the goal of the smart city.  相似文献   

国内外学者在鼓励科技人员创新创业方面都进行过深入研究,且近几年来呈现上涨的趋势。文章采用文献 调查法对通过研究相关文献了解到目前有关科技人员创新创业的研究和发展、影响因素、鼓励政策措施进行分析。在 了解有关科技人员创新创业现状的基础上,对影响其发展的原因进行归纳总结,并结合各地出台的相关政策措施分析 出制定鼓励科技人员创新创业政策的关键,旨在为各省市针对自身不足有效出台政策办法提供有价值的参考与启示。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过政策计量视角观察当前我国公共文化服务政策环境全貌,优化公共文化服务政策设计,提供政策、研究、实践等板块之间进行比较的思路与资料库。[方法/过程] 收集公共文化服务政策文本形成样本集,利用机器自动抽取和人工规范相结合的方式进行主题标引,构建政策类目框架。[结果/结论] 对政策类目框架中8个一级类目组及24个一级类目进行描述,阐述公共文化服务政策的核心内容主题。以内容主题为分析单元,可以考察公共文化服务政策制定、理论研究、机构实践之间的互动关系。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 智慧数据是"智慧地球"背景下数据科学领域的新概念,目前其理论探讨与实践应用均在迅速发展。梳理学界对其认知脉络,凝聚共识、辨析差异,对厘清智慧数据理论体系和促进智慧数据应用开发意义重大。[方法/过程] 在广泛深入阅读国内外领域相关文献的基础上,将智慧数据研究脉络梳理为概念内涵、价值取向、关键技术与应用框架四个分面,通过对比与分析,归纳出智慧数据的三种概念视角、五个特性特征、五类价值取向、三簇关键技术和五大应用领域。[结果/结论] 研究发现,智慧数据的本质在于通过数据演进或结构设计实现数据规范精准及价值增值,其价值取向呈现出多元化复合特征,其技术体系旨在提供"可计算-可理解-可会话"的逐级演进支撑,其应用框架核心在于精准实现"数据"与"用户"的智慧交互,未来智慧数据理论体系还需在大"数据科学"观下围绕理论体系构建、数据权利治理、技术均衡发展、服务层级深化、理论实践交融等不断完善。  相似文献   

E-participation enables citizens to have an impact on policy-making through electronic means. Two of the most popular channels are social media and dedicated e-participation platforms. However, the ideas, comments, discussions of citizens on these two channels generate a lot of data to be processed by political representatives or public agents afterwards. Despite the existence of various techniques for social media analytics, literature is scarce regarding the analysis techniques to mine e-participation platforms as well as the possible combination of insights between the two channels.In order to address these gaps, we design a policy analytics framework to leverage insights from e-participation platforms and social media through relevant data analytics to support policy-making. In order to do so, we rely on the Design Science Research methodology. Through the analysis of four different cities in Belgium (Liège, Mons, Marche-en-Famenne, Leuven), we identify policy-makers' requirements and needs of information from platforms and social media. Then, we explore data analysis techniques to address those requirements. Finally, we design an actionable framework, present it as an interactive dashboard and iteratively test it on the case of Liège. This policy analytics framework supports each step of the traditional policy-making process with appropriate data analytics applied to the two sources.  相似文献   

Despite the exponential growth in the popularity of artificial intelligence (AI), our knowledge on the public perception of AI, especially in the context of local government services, is still limited. To bridge this gap, this study aims to provide empirical evidence and insights into public perceptions concerning the use of AI in local government services. Our methodological approach involves collecting data via an online survey from the residents of three major Australian cities—i.e., Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane—and Hong Kong (n = 850), and performing statistical analyses. We found that: (a) Ease of using AI is significantly and positively influenced by attitude towards AI; (b) Attitude towards AI significantly and positively influences perceived usefulness of AI in local government services; (c) AI is seen useful in resource management and to improve delivery of service, reduction of cost to provide urban-service, improvement of public safety, and monitoring the effectiveness of strategies to manage environmental crisis, and; (d) AI is more positively perceived by Australians in comparison to Hong Kongers, indicating the impact of contextual and cultural differences. The research findings inform local government authorities—e.g., urban policymakers, managers, and planners—on their AI policy, planning and implementation decisions.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the results of analysis of mapping ICT-enabled social innovation initiatives promoting social investment across the European Union. The key goal of the research is to provide a deeper understanding of how EU Member States can make better use of ICT-enabled social innovation to implement the actions suggested in the EU Social Investment Package (SIP). The findings of the analysis shed light on the main characteristics and patterns of the initiatives assessed according to an original conceptual framework, and taking into account the characteristics of different welfare systems and service models. Building on the analysis, the paper draws conclusions in terms of the contribution made by ICT-enabled social innovation to the implementation of social investment policies. It also provides recommendations for future research, and outlines implications and possible directions for policy. The conclusions are set to help policymakers and practitioners to use ICT-enabled social innovation to modernise EU welfare systems, providing better and more efficient social services and increasing the wellbeing of citizens. At the same time, the documented research design, its proposed terminology, theoretical framework and empirical findings contribute to the growing scientific interest and debate about ICT-enabled innovation in the field of social services and social policy redesign within the scope of the emerging discussion on the renewed agenda for Social Innovation being shaped as part of the debate on the future of Europe.  相似文献   

This paper identifies and evaluates Malaysia's television policy in a period of change. A period, that is, which sees the transnational media becoming more dominant and influential in this region. A period, on the other hand, which also sees Malaysia's policy makers arguing in the international arena for ‘Asian’ values and, domestically, for ‘Islamic’ values.

By locating the development of Malaysian television and its contents within these wider proclamations of intent by the powers that be, this paper argues that while these declarations give the policy makers much political mileage and may help them ‘look good’ in the local and international arenas, in reality, all is not what it seems with Malaysian television.

What this paper argues is that while the rhetoric of ‘Western media/ cultural imperialism’ is constantly evoked by the policy makers in Malaysia to imply that they are ‘Malaysianizing’ the medium of television, current practices and trends indicate that it is very much ‘business as usual’, with Malaysian television being led further and further into the international marketplace and the attendant pressures this entails.  相似文献   

提出开放出版支持政策的多维分析框架,从受资助者范围、可支持期刊范围、受资助论文的权益要求、经费资助方式、论文处理费控制、履行政策的检查机制六个方面,对国外典型资助机构和典型科研教育机构的开放出版支持政策进行实证分析,指出是否支持复合出版期刊、如何保障开放出版经费、如何争取开放论文权益、如何支持传统出版社和图书馆平稳过渡等已经成为开放出版支持政策的挑战。  相似文献   

Government agencies are gradually moving from simpler towards more sophisticated and complex practices of social media use, which are characterized by important innovations at the technological, political and organizational level. This paper intends to provide two contributions to the current discourse about such advanced approaches to social media exploitation. The first is of practical nature and has to do with assessing the potential and the challenges of a centralized cross-platform approach to social media by government agencies in their policy making processes. The second contribution is of theoretical nature and consists in the development of a multi-dimensional framework for an integrated evaluation of such advanced practices of social media exploitation in public policy making from technological, political and organizational perspectives, drawing from theoretical constructs from different domains. The proposed framework is applied for the evaluation of a pilot consultation campaign conducted in Italy using multiple social media and concerning the large scale application of a telemedicine program.  相似文献   

"推动全民阅读"作为我国重要的公共文化服务工程,在提升国民素质、构建学习型社会、推动精神文明建设中发挥了重要作用。国家及各省市区陆续出台了推动全民阅读的政策,其中国家层面的政策提供了基本指导,各地方的政策和管理办法因地制宜,有效地推动了各地阅读活动的开展。本文从政策工具视角对我国省级全民阅读政策现状与格局进行考察。通过网络调查,收集和整理政策样本;基于政策工具理论,并结合行动者网络理论,从政策工具和全民阅读参与主体两个维度建立二维框架,利用内容分析法对政策样本进行剖析,梳理我国省级全民阅读政策的演变过程。研究发现:全民阅读政策空间持续拓展,参与者及其参与类型日趋多元,政府在政策制定中的行为逻辑发生变化。建议加强政策工具协同,优化全民阅读政策工具体系;挖掘参与主体的功能多样性,促进多主体共同推动全民阅读事业发展。图1。表4。参考文献15。  相似文献   

This paper is based on Shalini Weerasooriya's Masters dissertation in Public Health at the University of Sheffield. A literature review was conducted to understand the role that orphan drug policies have played in the development of new treatments for rare diseases. The impacts of the policies were categorised as ‘tangible’ or ‘intangible’ and further synthesis identified 10 main themes such as incentives for investment, criteria for eligibility and assessment of drug applications and further guidance to industry during the drug development cycle. The review concludes that whilst policies have contributed positively towards improving the research and development of orphan drugs it has not exhausted its uses and must now shift its focus to facilitating greater accessibility and affordability of the treatments and that stakeholders are essential to the success of this process. Implications for practice are identified, for example the need to further update and refine the policy with changing demographics and advancing technologies and, in particular, greater collaboration and involvement through, for example, evidence based training programmes is recommended. It is concluded that focus must shift to address the gap between having available drugs and being able to access and afford them. F.J.  相似文献   

The institutionalisation of Smart City Functions (SCF) within local authorities creates significant IT Governance (ITG) challenges, including the need to foster a triadic alignment between the overall organization, the IT function and the SCF. Building on existing literature on ITG, smart cities, and the emerging conversation on Adaptive Governance in the public sector, the following exploratory question has been formulated for this study: How are ITG structural mechanisms implemented in city authorities to oversee and govern smart cities? To address this question, a qualitative multiple case study was carried out across three city authorities in Ireland characterised by diversity in their ITG structural arrangements to govern portfolios of smart city initiatives. From this analysis three types of ITG structural implementation are proposed named: Detached, Integrated, and Traditional. These are compared and discussed in relation to: (1) orientation of each approach; (2) decision-making authority; (3) alignment with the IT function and the overall municipal organization; and (4) the challenge perceived by the SCFs under each ITG arrangement. This research contributes to the academic conversation on adaptive governance, smart cities as well as to the broader ongoing debate on ITG in the public sector.  相似文献   

美国图书馆界数字化建设调查:实践、标准和技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 对美国当前的数字图书馆实践进行了调查研究。建设优质的数字化资源是美国各类型图书馆共同的任务,所面临的挑战是将什么资源数字化、应遵循什么标准规范、技术方法有哪些。文中介绍了一些最佳实践案例、趋势和业内关注的有关数字化政策、技术和市场的问题。  相似文献   

Technologies are increasingly adopted and used by young children at home. Parents play an important role in shaping their media use, keeping certain possibilities open for children to play, learn, and socialize while limiting others. Nevertheless, the literature on parental mediation of young children’s media use is scant. In this article, we describe a qualitative, mixed-method study involving 24 parents and 36 children aged 3 to 9, and focus on the contextual factors that shape (transitions between) parental mediation practices. The results point to the emergence of new manifestations of parental mediation and provide evidence of their dynamic, often paradoxical nature. In particular, the insights on distant mediation, various buddy styles, and participatory learning, as well as the value of a wholeness approach for understanding children’s conditions for media engagement, suggest new prospects for parental mediation literature.  相似文献   

An increasingly data-intensive research environment has highlighted the need for greater research transparency to facilitate integrity and trust in open science and in the conduct of research more widely. The initial findings of faculty researchers' behaviors and practices toward research transparency, using the research data lifecycle as a grounding framework are reported. Four focus group sessions were conducted with faculty researchers in different disciplines, including natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, and different transparency practices were captured using the researchers' own language. Four generic transparency components were identified: action verb, object, task, and stage in the research lifecycle. The inter-relationships between specific transparency components were visualized using network visualizations. The network visualizations suggest that the lifecycle stages of Process/Visualize/Analyze and Publish/Preserve/Archive are key points for transparency, where ‘data’ play a critical role demonstrated by the multiple node-edge relationships. Based on the findings, a conceptual model, termed the Tasks-Toward-Transparency (T3) Model, was developed. This model may inform researcher practices and support research stakeholders whose role is to articulate and deliver transparency advocacy, policy, training programs, and services.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 以欧盟知识产权统一国际私法政策为切入点,研究欧盟孤儿作品立法的制度环境与《孤儿作品指令》法律效力的关联性,为构建中国本土化孤儿作品利用的法定许可制度提供理论支持。[方法/过程] 采用法律规范分析方法,以《孤儿作品指令》适用反致为研究基础,分析《孤儿作品指令》的法律渊源,如著作权延伸性集体管理制度和著作权补偿金制度等。[结果/结论] 要构建中国本土化的孤儿作品利用法定许可制度,首先应明确孤儿作品立法的价值目标和制度功能。其次具备孤儿作品利用所要求的具有可操作性的制度供给和组织架构。  相似文献   

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