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当前,我国基础教育在教育拨款方式、教师选用方式、教育管理方式、招生方式、学生学习方式等方面存在一定的问题。教育发展依靠改革,科学的改革手段需要设计具体的操作模式。目前,贵阳市基础教育信息管理系统、中考网上招生录取系统、中小学自助网络学习系统已初步形成运用现代信息技术解决基础教育诸多问题比较完整的体系,初步实现了基础教育管理方式、招生方式和学习方式等方面的变革,对促进教育公平、提高教育质量将起到积极作用。  相似文献   

在我国经济发展新常态中,着眼于教育现代化,立足于教育发展实际,实施教育服务供给侧结构性改革势在必行。目前,教育服务供给存在着供给主体单一、体系障碍、结构不合理和配置不均等问题。满足人民优质均衡个性化教育需要和经济社会发展人才需求,应该完善供给机制、改革供给体系、优化供给结构、改变供给方式、补齐供给"短板"等。  相似文献   

随着我国人口老龄化逐渐加剧,老年教育中的供需矛盾问题日益突出。为破解这一难题,采用调查法对河北省老年教育供需状况进行深入分析。结果发现,在教育需求方面,老年人教育需求处于中等偏上水平且不同性别、不同学历和不同居住类型的老年教育内容需求有所差异;在教育供给方面,存在"供给机构数量不足,主体单一;供给资金不足,资源有限;供给模式陈旧,内容片面;供给政策不完善,制度不健全"等问题。在此基础上,从改革供给主体、增加供给资金、创新供给方式、优化供给内容、整合供给资源、完善供给政策等供给侧方面提出今后老年教育持续健康发展的新路径。  相似文献   

开放大学要实现服务全民终身学习的办学目标,就应正视自身存在的问题,直面时代的挑战,利用已有的优势,为学习者提供优质的教育服务。终身学习背景下,开放大学教育服务模式应该在供给主体上转向多元化、供给方式上趋向网络化、供给内容上面向个性化、供给单元上走向碎片化、供给关系上倾向需求化,以满足学习者的学习需求。为适应新时代学习者的学习需求,开放大学在教育服务供给模式方面需要改革,主要策略包括:搭建终身学习平台以整合教育服务资源,在明确教育服务供给模式改革方向的基础上构建教育服务供给体系,保障教育服务供给质量,并建立基于"需求侧"的教育服务供给评价机制。  相似文献   

为保障"双减"政策的落地,满足学生个性化学习、家校社深度合作和教育评价方式创新的需求,教育新基建从智慧校园、信息网络、平台体系、数字资源、创新应用、可信安全等各方面助力,且在共享优质资源、重塑教育体系等方面具有独特优势。与此同时,教育新基建助力"双减"政策落地也面临诸多挑战:如何提高投融资市场成效,构建教育专网,深化智慧校园建设;如何规划软硬件建设,重视平台资源使用,促进个性化学习;如何补足人才供给缺口,指导技术的创新应用,规范可信安全的监管体系。面对这些挑战,政府、社会、学校等多元主体要协作发力,创新政企校合作模式、建设以人为本的智慧校园、并完善监管体系,全力保障"双减"政策的落地,共同打造高质量教育新生态。  相似文献   

认为当前的研究生教育供给结构、供给制度不适应我国社会需求结构转换升级的需要是导致供需错配、结构失调等问题的根源所在。一是在教育机会供给上,研究生教育机会供给滞后于需求,引发“供给不足”与“需求无应”矛盾;二是在教育产品供给上,研究生人才供给与需求错位,导致“一职难觅”与“一才难求”并存;三是在教育制度供给上,研究生教育制度供给滞后于需求,存在“体制遗留”和“误用工具”问题。指出要推进研究生教育领域供给侧改革需抓住教育供给方式转变、教育供需衔接调整、教育管理制度改革三个着力点,通过改善结构、制度层面的有效供给,破解局部研究生教育结构失衡、供需错配的困局,构建、塑造和强化我国研究生教育长期稳定发展的新动力。  相似文献   

“新冠肺炎”疫情考验着区域教育在突发应急状况下的治理水平和治理能力。北京市东城区委教育工委、区教委科学应对疫情引发的教育新问题,探索非常态下的教育治理方式:在治理策略上,坚持党对抗疫工作的全面领导,化常态治理优势为应急治理效能,化疫情危机为教育发展契机;在治理实践中,探索塔型闭环指挥体系和党建引领保障体系,构建“停课不停学”的政策支撑体系和五育并举的教育教学体系,搭建对内舆情信息交流平台和对外全媒体宣传矩阵。后疫情时期,对教育职责使命、育人方式、治理优化的反思,将会不断丰富新常态下的教育治理体系的内涵。  相似文献   

教育改革在于创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育创新是理论创新、制度创新、科技创新的知识和人才基础。“教育创新是时代的要求”,是科教兴国战略的需要,也是教育发展和改革的需要。教育创新,首先要求解放思想。教育观念的转变是先导,教育制度是保证。教育制度创新包括教育投入制度、教育管理制度、教育教学制度等的创新。我们要根据十六大报告提出的战略目标,到21世纪初,建成终身学习的教育体系和学习型社会的教育体系。  相似文献   

熊跃政 《湖南教育》2014,(11):22-24
今年2月,国务院教育督导委员会办公室印发了《深化教育督导改革转变教育管理方式的意见》。学习这个《意见》,我们深刻领会到:在教育领域的综合改革中,深入推进"管办评"分离,是国家强化教育督导,改进教育管理方式,促进教育治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要举措;更是促进教育公平,提高教育质量,推动教育科学发展的有力抓手。面对过去我们在开展教育督导工作中的许多"瓶颈",我们摸着石头过河做了一些尝试。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情期间,为落实“学校不停课、教师不停教、学生不停学”的要求,高校普遍开展了大规模的实时、互动、异地、分散的在线教学,推动应急状态下教育资源供给方式变革,推动形成高水平教育教学新模式。  相似文献   

在英语学习过程中,介词的学习和使用是比较重要的方面,需要在弄懂其确切含义的前提下,努力加以掌握,本文着重探讨了成语介词due to(因为)和owing to(因为)的相同和不同之外,以期引起英语学习者的注意,掌握好成语介词,进面为学习英语打好基础。  相似文献   

In this paper Fiona Reeve, Jim Gallacher and Terry Mayes of Glasgow Caledonian University, bring together two current themes in higher education, work‐based learning and the use of new technology in teaching and learning. The paper begins to explore their interaction by examining the ways in which new technology can help to overcome some of the barriers which exist to work‐based learning. To begin this analysis a general model of a WWW‐based learning resource is described which has relevance for a range of open learning contexts. A central aspect of this model is the use of communication technologies to promote the creation of learning dialogues. The way in which this general model might be applied to work‐based learning is then examined. Having suggested that such a model has much to offer work‐based learning, some of the constraints which might be encountered on implementation are then identified. Finally, the authors conclude that it is in promoting more and better forms of communication that new technology can contribute towards work‐based learning practice.  相似文献   

初二是抽象思维形成的阶段,我们应激发学生的学习热情,培养他们的积极性、主动性和创造性,使他们积极思维,善于思考,鼓励他们树立自信心。  相似文献   

Young children enter formal schooling with a repertoire of modes of representation with which they try to make sense of the world – drawing, modelling, role play, storying, emergent literacy and numeracy. In drawing they use mark making for kinesthetic pleasure and later learn to repeat patterns and shapes intentionally. From these repeated marks they begin to explore the potential of drawings to represent what they know. A parallel set of drawing strategies with an explicit communicative function develop through social relationships at home or in pre-school/care settings. Children observe and mimic modes of representation and absorb the semiotics modelled by adults or older children in the community/culture[s] in which they are reared. On entering formal school, the messages children receive from the culture of classrooms is that the modes of representation that are valued are the formal symbolic modes of literacy and numeracy whereas teachers perceive drawing as useful for occupational or recreational purposes. Ironically, as children are cultured into ‘academic’ achievements, they lose out on opportunities to engage in alternative modes of representation/symbolic systems, which may offer opportunities for cognitive challenge at higher levels. Thus, whilst pushing children to perform ‘academically’ in the early stages of schooling, we underestimate them ‘intellectually’. At elementary school level children’s mark-making is shaped into a ‘catch-all’, narrative/representational style of drawing across all subjects. Children often elect to explore their own personal, culturally specific ways of drawing outside school as ‘home art’. In school their capabilities in using alternative modes of representation as tools for learning wither away.  相似文献   

猜想与假设是科学探究的重要环节之一.本文结合教学案例,分别讨论了如何运用演绎法、归纳法、类比法、直觉法等物理思维方法引导学生猜想与假设.  相似文献   

The National Curriculum for Initial Teacher Education in English is specific and detailed about the knowledge expected of primary teachers. Shulman (1987) argued that teachers transform this sort of subject content knowledge into something accessible and meaningful to their pupils and this knowledge is described as ‘pedagogic content knowledge’. Medwell et al. (1998) found that effective literacy teachers only knew literacy in the way that they taught it. The research project underpinning this article aimed to explore student teachers' conceptions of the teaching of reading in order to find out what they thought they were teaching when they taught reading. It was thought that the personal reading histories of the students would impact on their developing conceptions of teaching reading. This article traces one student, Gordon, through the year of his PGCE course. In the form of dialogue between Gordon and the researcher developing understanding is articulated. Three different types of reading are described: decoding, making meaning and engaging. Reading is seen as a transformative process, where the reader is both within and outside the text. This has implications both for the conception of reading contained within the curriculum and the way it is implemented within the classroom. A teacher can only introduce children to experiences and ways of reading that are known to herself. It is argued, therefore, that student teachers need to extend the boundaries of their own reading and so appreciate the wide range of ways in which meaning is constructed and readers are created.  相似文献   

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