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目前,各家电视台都把打造民生新闻栏目看成提高新闻报道影响力和收视份额的一条重要途径。但随之而来的是观众和业界对电视民生新闻同质低俗的批评也越来越强烈。电视民生新闻亟待转型与提升,已经成为业界共识。随着栏目品牌的不断增加,竞争也日益激烈,如何在竞争中生存,建立高品质的栏目品牌,是值得广大新闻人考虑的课题。  相似文献   

目前,各家电视台都把打造民生新闻栏目看成提高新闻报道影响力和收视份额的一条重要途径。但随之而来的是观众和业界对电视民生新闻同质低俗的批评也越来越强烈。电视民生新闻亚待转型与提升,已经成为业界共识。随着栏目品牌的不断增加,竞争也日益激烈,如何在竞争中生存,建立高品质的栏目品牌,在如雨后春笋般淋漓的节目中脱颖而出,是值得广大新闻人考虑的又一课题。  相似文献   

提升电视民生新闻品质四大策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,各家电视台都把打造民生新闻栏目看成提高新闻报道影响力和收视份额的一条重要途径.但随之而来的是观众和业界对电视民生新闻同质低俗的批评也越来越强烈.电视民生新闻亟待转型与提升,已经成为业界共识. 栏目形态从单一化到多样化 创新栏目形态是根除民生新闻同构同质"沉痼"的一个必要手段.  相似文献   

龙璐 《青年记者》2007,(20):49-49
民生新闻栏目品牌维护的动因品牌是市场竞争的产物,也是市场竞争的有效工具。作为一种无形资产,品牌不仅能产生良好的社会声誉,更能赢得丰厚的市场回报。对于电视媒体来说,品牌栏目具有普通栏目难以企及的收视率和观众忠诚度。因此,在当今电视节目竞争日益激烈的市场上,创办名牌栏目、  相似文献   

作为中国电视界新闻改革的重要成果之一,民生新闻已经成为各电视台尤其是地方电视台的主打新闻栏目。各地方电视台纷纷将具有浓郁地方特色的民生新闻作为竞争利器。使民生新闻栏目成为频道和电视台的品牌栏目,并借助其品牌效益,带动其他栏目和频道发展。从而提高频道和电视台的整体影响力和竞争力。衢州广播电视总台生活娱乐频道作为衢州地区最早开设民生新闻的电视频道。已经走过整整9年的历程。在这9年中,民生新闻不仅稳步发展。而且为频道收视率和创收作出了重要贡献。但在成绩的背后.电视民生新闻的发展也面临一些困境。如何实现新的突破,笔者认为,重点应在速度、厚度、温度、力度四方面下功夫,求创新。  相似文献   

电视民生新闻在蓬勃发展的同时,也存在着挖掘新闻止于表层、节目流于世俗、同质化竞争严重、栏目风格单一等问题,探讨电视民生新闻发展空间,在民生新闻深度和广度上进行挖掘、在新闻品位上进行提升,致力于栏目的个性化和多样化,可为电视民生新闻的发展提供更广阔的天地和更大的可持续发展能量。  相似文献   

民生一直是国家、社会、人民普遍关注的问题,也是电视新闻栏目主要报道的内容之一。本文结合了当前形势下电视民生新闻的发展需求,深入探析了在新媒介生态环境下电视民生新闻的传播之路,并对电视民生新闻文化多元化发展模式进行了相关论述,以期促进栏目品牌的升级与转型,为我国在新媒介视角下探寻电视民生新闻传播发展之路提供了科学参考。  相似文献   

一、电视民生新闻的出现及其认识2002年元旦,《南京零距离》诞生,其关注的内容既有社会新闻,也有舆论监督,还有生活资讯,甚至也有时政新闻,被称为做南京的"电视晚报"。由于异乎寻常的收视率和高昂的栏目广告费用,这个电视栏目获得了空前的成功。一时间,在全国出现了许多与之类似的电视新闻栏目。这些新闻节目迅速掀起了中国电视的"民生新闻"潮流。随之而来的是,民生新闻渐渐成为业界与学术界广泛关注的名词。  相似文献   

杨小平 《新闻爱好者》2010,(10):111-112
最近几年兴起的民生新闻由于本土化等特点而备受当地受众的喜爱,很多电视台的民生新闻栏目收视率一直居高不下,各地电视台都在强力打造民生新闻栏目。然而随着民生新闻的发展,电视媒体之间,电视与广播、报纸、网络媒体之间的民生新闻的竞争也越来越激烈,电视民生新闻的路子越走越窄.主要表现为:  相似文献   

望诊电视民生新闻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程前  陈枕 《视听界》2004,(6):30-32
发端于南京地区并很快在全国各地浪潮汹涌的电视民生新闻,引起了电视理论界的广泛关注,做好民生新闻,办好民生新闻栏目已经成为媒体贴近受众、赢得市场的一个重量级武器。但是,无论是在学界还是业界,目前对民生新闻的认识还存在着某些分歧和不少误区,尤其是业界,在具体的实务操作过程中出现了诸多的问题。在民生新闻热浪滚滚的当下,我们似乎更需要冷静、仔细地考量和审视这一被誉为开创了中国电视新闻“第三次革命”的新现象。  相似文献   

This study assesses the ways in which local television news operations and major metropolitan newspapers in the top 40 U.S. media markets are making information accessible and structuring interactive experiences online as the industry transitions into a third generation of Internet news. As Net news approaches its first decade of existence, online news sites are assumed to be evolving from a noninteractive, passive model of information delivery into an environment of increased immediacy, content richness, and user control. To investigate this question, a content analysis was performed in 2 waves, once during fall 1998 and again during fall 2000. For comparative purposes, differences across years are examined. In addition, the efforts of local television news sites are contrasted with the online activities of dominant newspaper sites, which have assumed a commanding lead in building a local online audience. The analysis argues for valuing Net news sites less from a profit-loss standpoint and more for the nonmonetary contributions they make in relation to the broader news mission, namely, enhanced coverage, brand loyalty, and news credibility.  相似文献   

丁玲华  陈蕾 《新闻界》2008,(2):106-108
面对日益激烈的新闻竞争,城市电视台要取得新闻整体竞争效益的最大化,就应当确立大新闻观,打造快捷、高效,与城市生活合拍的新闻资讯传播系统;同时实行品牌带动整体跟进的战略,通过新闻节目的本土风格培养观众的认同感;通过为新媒体提供本市视频资讯内容拓展发展空间,培养新生观众。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,中产阶层作为广告的主体受众和电视文化产品的消费者,在新闻内容、信息来源、新闻价值观和趣味等多方面深刻影响了电视产业的内容生产。  相似文献   

This essay examines television news treatments of stay-at-home dads (Mr. Moms)during the late 1990s and argues that these news accounts represent a challenge to more traditional masculine identities depicted in media. While offering a nominal challenge, however, these representations reinscribe significant aspects of patriarchal privilege within domestic space. Through a combination of discursive strategies compatible with the commercial needs of contemporary media organizations, television news programs' Mr. Moms operate ideologically to legitimate domesticity and nurturance as appropriately masculine. In so doing, they challenge some traditional notions about men while further solidifying a connection between these men and heterosexuality in the context of mainstream television news representations of middle-class family life in the contemporary United States. This process of legitimating nurturance and domesticity also and concurrently reverses the genders long articulated to particular advertising target segments within the commodity broadcast audience. This representational process reifies and naturalizes the class specificity of these Mr. Moms while it fuels television's continual need to produce and satisfy new audience niches in order to survive and compete in the media environment of today.  相似文献   


This study examined the impact that program scheduling and market characteristics had on people's exposure to the early evening local news. Three factors combined to explain 81% of the variation in local news ratings across the U.S.: a station's network news rating, the lead‐in rating for the local news, and the size of the available television audience. We discussed how such structural factors might be better integrated into research and theory that emphasize individual characteristics as determinants of exposure to television programming.  相似文献   

This study examines the attitudes and the selection criteria of U.S. television journalists toward international news. Q factor analysis of 3I journalists from major national networks and local television stations reveals that journalists select international news based on market demands and local relevance. The findings strikingly delineate along the line between network versus local television. Network journalists manifest a global view, selecting international news with diverse themes, while local television journalists adopt a more pragmatic stance due to business pressures and audience demands, choosing international news with a local angle. All, however, emphasize timeliness and U.S. involvement in news selection.  相似文献   

电视民生新闻:在故事化的叙述中坚守新闻的真实性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
故事化的叙事方式广泛运用在电视民生新闻中,这种叙述方式可以拉近媒体和受众之间的距离,使民生新闻特有的亲民效果得到延伸。随着这种叙述方式的广泛应用,电视民生新闻中出现了一些因故事化而导致新闻失真的种种现象。本文试澄清电视民生新闻中故事化叙述方式的界定,并分析故事化的叙述方式在电视民生新闻的运用中存在的问题,探讨了电视民生新闻如何在故事化的叙述方式中坚守新闻的真实性问题。  相似文献   

Adopting the construct of “brand personality,” this article examines the perceived differences among various television news brands, investigates the distinction between cable and broadcast news brands, and explores the applicability of brand personality in this market. CNN was found to possess the most distinct, positive personality, whereas CBS news had the least differentiated brand personality. Fox News was seen as the most dynamic and conservative. Overall, broadcast network news was perceived to be more traditional and liberal than cable network news. Three modified dimensions—competence, timeliness, and dynamism—were found to represent the personality facets of the television news product.  相似文献   

在传播日益大众化的时代,DV新闻的出现突破了传统的新闻模式,改变了受众与媒体的关系。虽然它的随意与非专业带来了一系列的问题,但它进一步拉近了受众与传媒的距离,深化了受众参与,是当前新闻传播活动中受众参与理论的成功范例。  相似文献   

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