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This article examines whether European Commission (EC) competition policy and merger control provisions can prevent excessive market power and safeguard open access and consumer choice in the European media and communications industry. The study looks at the structure of the media industry and points to the amalgamation of corporate power. It assesses whether EC competition law and merger provisions can effectively address the dangers of ownership concentration and safeguard diversity of sources. A number of merger cases either blocked or allowed by the EC are reviewed to establish the level of competition. The article suggests that a more rigorous competition policy is required to guarantee competition and prevent domination in merger activity.  相似文献   

通过对食品产业链进行拆分,筛选专题领域,建立专题领域的分析指标,将文献检索、专利分析、市场分析、核心技术聚焦等一系列情报分析方法进行整合,较完整地反映食品产业的发展现状和前景,为科技决策与研发提供参考服务。在此基础上,形成一套基于产业链的产业技术服务模式,以供业界研究和探讨。  相似文献   

Technological adoption, with an emphasis on Information and Communications technology (ICT), is considered as a decisive factor for the overall development of each country. For this, the European Commission (EC) has launched a number of policy frameworks, aiming to enhance the usage and to improve the quality of European citizens' lives. However and so far, the results are still below the initial goals. Thus, the EC recently decided to set some additional targets, in order to facilitate a wider adoption of information services and maximize economical and societal benefits.  相似文献   

荷兰科技期刊运行机制和发展环境研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍荷兰科技期刊出版业的特点,从宏观管理、法律制度和经济制度三方面分析荷兰出版业的社会发展环境,透视荷兰出版业高度发达的成因,指出,荷兰之所以成为世界出版业大国之一,不在于国家采取了什么支持手段和法律规定,而在于荷兰本身有着促使其出版业不断成长的历史渊源,有着雄厚的科研实力作背景,有着荷兰以世界通用语言英语进行科技出版的策略,同时更有着符合市场规律的商业化出版体系。  相似文献   

中国信息产业理论是在引进,借鉴西方信息经济学的理论成果基础上形成发展起来的,包括产业的宏观规模,政策的确定,微观信息经济的分析等。同时,中国也应从实出发,建立符合国情的信息产业学。中国信息产业由信息工业,信息技术业,信息服务业和非信息产业内部信息组成。信息工业是基础,信息业是先导,信息服务业同时以国有事业机构为主体,非信息产业内部信息业是重要组成部分。中国信息产业的发展道路是面向21世纪,参与国际  相似文献   

周晟宇  吕建新 《编辑学报》2020,32(2):209-211
在当今全媒体时代,随着信息网络技术的飞速发展和新媒体的崛起,各种新兴媒体形式和传播手段不断涌现,给面向市场的传统行业期刊带来了严峻的考验,同时也为其发展提供了更多的可能。本文重点阐述在全媒体的大背景下,行业期刊如何打造自己的全媒体平台,利用新的媒体形式和传播手段,做好融合营销。  相似文献   

Nudging is seen to complement or replace existing policy tools by altering people's choice architectures towards behaviors that align with government aims, but has fallen short in meeting those targets. Crucially, governments do not nudge citizens directly, but need private agents to nudge their consumers. Based on this notion, the paper takes on an institutional approach towards nudging. Rather than looking at the relationship between nudger and nudgee, the research analyses the regulatory and market structures that affect nudge implementation by private actors, captured by the ‘budge’ idea. Focusing on the European energy policy domain, the paper analyses the contextual factors of green nudges that are initiated by Member States, and implemented by energy companies. The findings show that in the smart meter context, there are regulatory measures that affect implementation of smart meters and that government has a central role to ‘budge’, due to the dependence on private agents.  相似文献   

There is much discussion in research literature regarding the information produced by inter-governmental organizations (IGOs) and what publications are available for use in libraries. At the same time, there is little discussion of the information policies of IGOs regarding access to IGO information. In fact, the freedom of information debate, with few exceptions, has not been extended to include IGOs. Although IGOs are made up of governmental bodies, the role of the IGO seems to be that of facilitator for state policy formation. This role fails to recognize that IGOs produce information of their own accord and make decisions which affect peoples in the member states. This article surveys the issue of access to IGO information and discusses how national debates can be extended to the IGO level. It shows both explicit and implicit information policies with case studies from the environmental information field: the European Union's (EU) directive on environmental information, and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). Three issues emerge: these are varying levels of access to IGO information, varying levels of IGO information policy, and a relative paucity of research on the subject. The principles of accountability, transparency, and public involvement are being made explicit more frequently in the documents of IGOs. However, a continuing gap between explicit and implicit policies must be bridged.  相似文献   

As Mexico's government undertook neoliberal reforms to join the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994, a number of scholars questioned the cultural consequences of closer media ties to the United States and Canada. Government officials countered that Mexico's strong identity needed no protection. This study situates the disagreement within cultural policy traditions, and examines how Mexican television broadcasting changed under globalization forces—including domestic competition, international market expansion, and new technology development—during the 1990s and early 2000s.Thestudy concludes that insufficient attention was given NAFTA's impact on Mexico's own television industry, which strongly influences culture.  相似文献   

This article examines the diffusion of an e-government innovation, a common e-customs standardized solution, which is currently subject of research in the European Union. One of the goals of the European Union is to achieve trade facilitation as well as to secure import and export. In order to achieve this goal, the European Government aims to have a common e-customs standardized solution. For this reason, the European Government provided an e-government model. However, while the e-government model regulates the boundaries of the e-government elements and provides high-level functional and technical specifications, the adoption part is in the hands of the individual EU member states. Procurement of information technology and implementation of e-customs solutions are not specified. The main goal of this study is, therefore, to identify facilitators and barriers that can influence the adoption of standardized e-customs solutions. The research is based on Rogers' theory of innovation considering the technological, organizational, and environmental context. Within the framework of a European funded project, we conducted our study collecting data from interviews and workshops involving an inhomogeneous group of participants, i.e. stakeholders coming from academy, industry, and governmental institutions. By demonstrating the existence of four generic facilitators (benefits potential of the public sector; procedural improvements and streamlined business processes; avoidance of misinterpretations of standardized regulations; and standardization of processes, messages and data models) and three barriers (slowdown in regulation execution due to missing procedural templates, increased complexity in the standardization process itself, electronification of operations) related to customs management, the article contributes towards the research in diffusion and adoption of e-government standards and in particular of standardized e-customs solutions as well as political and societal impact of e-customs policies.  相似文献   

杨扬  孔少华 《出版科学》2016,24(1):86-89
电子书产业是信息社会中涌现出来的新兴业态,近些年来展现出巨大的发展潜力,台湾地区由于市场规模小,资源紧缺,往往难以实现产业发展中的规模效应。针对这一现状,台湾电子书平台在运营中另辟蹊径,以“创新性”“体验性”和“社交性”为发展方向,致力于丰富电子出版物的内容,提升平台的服务质量,培养读者的阅读兴趣,在实践中不断壮大电子出版市场。本文以台湾地区电子书城Readmoo平台的经营经验为例,深入分析台湾电子书平台的创新实践和运营哲学。  相似文献   

This paper elucidates the formation stages of the scientific-technical policy of the European Union, which is carried out according to medium-term framework programs and its major characteristics. It considers the history of creating and implementing the Framework Programs of the EU as the largest competitive scientific-technological programs in the world aimed at strengthening the European scientific-technical basis and supporting the competitive capacity of European industry in the world market. The dynamics of the development of scientific and technical cooperation between Russia and the European Union are analyzed.  相似文献   

In the context of its role in providing the day-to-day administration of the European Union, the European Commission is responsible both for stimulating the development of interactive electronic information services in Europe and for providing public online databases of information on the Union's activities. Following a brief survey of the background to the Commission's activities, this article outlines the Union's current telecommunications policy and the ongoing transition towards closer integration of the various telecommunications networks in Europe. It then describes the various practical arrangements for obtaining access to the Commission's online services, presents two of its programmes, which are intended to stimulate the professional use of electronic information services, and lists the various databases that it provides for public access.  相似文献   

饶世权 《出版科学》2016,24(2):100-104
指出法律是日本文化产业发展的强大推动力。通过对日本文化产业法律制度的研究,指出日本文化产业法主要建立了以准则主义为主的市场准入制度,文化产业的知识产权创造、运用与保护制度,以及包括行政指导、财税支持、信息公开、人才培养、市场培育在内的各种支持制度,并且对区域文化产业发展规定了相应的制度。借鉴日本文化产业法律制度的经验,我国应当明确文化产业法与《文化产业促进法》的区别与联系,在《文化产业促进法》中强化国家的干预,在其他文化产业法中强化市场机制。  相似文献   

以Thomson Innovation(TI)数据库作为数据来源,对2004 至2013 年间授权的文化产业相关美国专利进 行了检索、清洗和分析。从领域总体的逐年授权情况和技术生命周期,各子类的专利总量和年度变化,以及专利权人 的类型结构和主要专利权人信息等角度深入考察了世界文化产业专利的发展趋势、应用态势以及竞争格局,并发现其 中存在的一些不平衡现象,这一现象由需求拉动和技术推动两个因素导致。进而结合专利所属IPC(International Patent Classification)分类,验证了信息  相似文献   

宋鸿 《图书情报工作》2010,54(10):25-29
着重介绍20世纪之后4次危机时期英国的科技政策变迁情况。历史已经证明英国在危机时刻的科技政策关键性转变对其生产力提高和基础研究及应用开发影响力方面起到很大的推动作用,这种积极影响贯穿至今。但它的政策体系也存在一些问题,如科技投入增长幅度较低,科研难以为继;科技政策不能贯彻到底等。通过研究,得出英国的发展之路在于科学与技术应用结合,转化为生产力;继续创新;充分利用欧盟共同体平台,参与全球知识生产过程的结论。  相似文献   

In the Greek publishing industry, tradition and the desire for innovation go hand in hand. The industry is influenced by European developments in publishing and bookselling in terms of book promotion methods, the role of chain bookstores and the impact of information technology. Greece shares the features of other small book markets in Europe, whilst retaining the individuality defined by the Greek language and the country’s cultural and social conditions. This article provides an overview of the publishing industry in Greece through a review of the relevant literature and the available statistics. This work also focuses on the need to develop publishing skills through publishing education and continuous professional development.  相似文献   

The article argues that the Federal government needs to develop special government-wide policies, similar to OMB Circular No. A-130, which would be applicable to scientific and technical information (STI). After exploring the relation between government information and government STI, the author points out that Federal statistics has its own special set of policies known as Statistical Policy Directives. STI's situation is different from other government information because it is carried out in the culture of science and academia, in the culture of classified information and export controls, and in the international arena. A policy circular for STI would touch on Federal research and development, technology transfer, classified and export control information, international considerations, interagency sharing, and several existing areas of policy. The Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Science and Technology Policy, or the National Science and Technology Council could issue the policy.  相似文献   

国内外对信息资源建设政策还没有较为系统的研究,它的研究成果分布在多个领域当中。本文在大量文献调查的基础上,分别从文献信息资源建设政策、数字信息资源建设政策、信息资源共建共享政策以及信息技术与标准化政策四个领域探讨20世纪90年代以来国内外信息资源建设政策的研究进展。  相似文献   

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