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The morphology and ultrastructure ofBullacta exarata spermatozoa observed by light and transmission electronmicroscopy are presented in this paper. The spermatozoon is composed of head with a simple acrosomal complex and anelongated nucleus, and tail with a midpiece, principal piece and an end piece. The midpiece consists of a mitochondrial ring,and the principal piece is composed of axoneme and lateral fin. The structure orB. exarata spermatozoa differs significantlyfrom that of other gastropods, especially in the lateral fin and the principal piece, which was described scarcely before. Acomparison is made between B. exarata and other gastropods, and its significance on reproductive evolution andphysio-ecological adaptation is preliminarily discussed.  相似文献   

The morphology and ultrastructure of Bullacta exarata spermatozoa observed by light and transmission electron microscopy are presented in this paper. The spermatozoon is composed of head with a simple acrosomal complex and an elongated nucleus, and tail with a midpiece, principal piece and an end piece. The midpiece consists of a mitochondrial ring, and the principal piece is composed of axoneme and lateral fin. The structure of B. exarata spermatozoa differs significantly from that of other gastropods, especially in the lateral fin and the principal piece, which was described scarcely before. A comparison is made between B. exarata and other gastropods, and its significance on reproductive evolution and physio-ecological adaptation is preliminarily discussed. Project supported by the Committee of Natural Science of Zhejiang Province (No. 398081) and Wenzhou Normal College (No. 2001Y15), China  相似文献   

A simple yet useful criterion based on external markings and/or number of dorsal spines is currently used to differentiate two congeneric archer fish species Toxotes chatareus and Toxotes jaculatrix. Here we investigate other morphometric and meristic characters that can also be used to differentiate these two species. Principal component and/or discriminant functions revealed that meristic characters were highly correlated with pectoral fin ray count, number of lateral line scales, as well as number of anal fin rays. The results indicate that T. chatareus can be distinguished from T. jaculatrix by having a greater number of lateral line scales, a lower number of pectoral fin rays, and a higher number of anal fin rays. In contrast, morphometric discriminant analyses gave relatively low distinction: 76.1% of fish were ascribed to the correct species cluster. The observed morphometric differences came from the dorsal and anal spines lengths, with T. chatareus having shorter dorsal and longer anal spines than T. jaculatrix. Overall, meristic traits were more useful than morphometrics in differentiating the two species; nevertheless, meristics and morphometrics together provide information about the morphological differentiation between these two closely related archer fishes.  相似文献   

约翰奈斯·勃拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms),德国著名作曲家,一生留下了许多传世之作。其中包括21首匈牙利舞曲,犹以升f小调第五号《匈牙利舞曲》最为著名。乐曲以严谨的复三部曲式结构,在特殊的创作背景下,忠实的继承了古典主义音乐的风格,又融入了匈牙利民族特有的音乐素材,特别是借用了吉普赛音乐的旋律,旋律粗犷豪放,节奏自由,是一首有创造性的、有个性的、有强烈民族情感和爱国思想的优秀作品。  相似文献   

《净海赞》是清代作家洪亮吉描写赛里木湖风光的一篇山水小品,它一改过去作家对西域风景的粗犷描写,展示了西域阴柔的一面。  相似文献   

《春的音画》是我国青年作曲家刘丁创作的一首艺术歌曲,作品在思想内涵、音乐形式和创作手法上都充分体现了作曲家的创作才华。本文通过对《春的音画》的曲式结构、旋律形态、词曲结合、和声技法、钢琴伴奏等方面的分析,对其创作特征进行解读。  相似文献   

格什温的成名作《蓝色狂想曲》是将爵士乐与古典音乐创作技法完美结合的典范之作。作曲家以古典音乐的表现形式来表现自由的爵士风格,但又不过分拘束,而是选择了曲式结构比较自由的“狂想曲”体裁。曲调流畅随意但记谱固定,切分节奏与布鲁斯音阶等爵士风格特点的运用令人耳目一新。  相似文献   

深部隧道岩爆已成为影响工程安全施工的重要危险源,室内模拟实验是研究深部岩爆问题的重要手段之一。为研究岩爆倾向性较高的模型,使用石英砂、水泥、石膏等材料进行配置,设计正交试验方案,进行力学试验,依据岩爆倾向性指数及脆性指标,利用试验试件参数进行有限元模拟,对室内试验进行验证。结果表明,配比为石英砂55%、石膏水泥比2.5:1、松香4%、水含量23.3%的2号试件具有比其他两组试件更强的脆性,配比为石英砂70%、石膏水泥比1.5:1、松香3.5%、水含量20.6%的16 号试件具有更强的岩爆倾向性。以2 号试件为例进行数值模拟,两者数据拟合较好,模拟现象与试验现象相吻合,可为岩爆室内试验及模拟提供参考。  相似文献   

当代作家张炜是一位传统文明的坚守者,他以小说为载体,把自己的成长经历、生活体验和对农业文明的赞赏杂糅起来,谱成一曲田园牧歌,荡漾在工业文明的上空。这部乐曲分为三章:对土地的执着、对家族思想的继承与发展以及对于多种感情道德化的美化。  相似文献   

肖斯塔科维奇是20世纪音乐领域中极富影响力与个性的杰出作曲家,其一生中创作了多部音乐作品。本文笔者以肖斯塔科维奇的《24首钢琴前奏曲》作品34为研究对象,对其创作背景、思维与技法特征、和弦运用技巧进行研究,力求揭示与学习该作品的创作观念与和声技法。  相似文献   

邵华  宫莉 《德州学院学报》2003,19(5):99-103
钢琴改编曲《夕阳箫鼓》是一首与中国传统音乐文化有着密切联系的作品。这首作品集中体现了“古为今用,洋为中用”的创新原则,是钢琴改编曲创作的代表作之一。本文对《夕阳箫鼓》的改编背景、音乐分析及创作手法进行了较为深入的探讨。其创作手法的科学性、时代性、民族化是钢琴改编曲成功与否的关键。  相似文献   

冯望岳 《安康学院学报》2011,23(1):66-68,74
《狂人日记》是中国现代文学史上纪念碑和奠基石型的经典之作,其中的"狂人"形象蕴藉极其丰富。它以直面残酷生存环境与地位的自觉性和思辨力,独立思考、重估一切的胆略和勇气,出类拔萃、超凡脱俗的忏悔意识和赎罪心理,追求"真的人"世界的高远志趣为内核和特征的人格精神,是中国现代民族精神的高标和珍贵遗产。  相似文献   

测定了彩石鮒的体长、头长、头宽、头高、吻长、眼后头长、眼径、眼间距、体高、尾柄长、尾柄高、尾鳍长、背鳍基前距、背鳍基长、腹鳍基前距、腹鳍臀鳍间距、体重和去内脏体重.各形态特征变量与体长之间的回归关系显著,相关系数在0.65~0.95之间,所有P<0.000 1.截距的显著性检验结果在不同变量存在差异,其中头高、吻长、体高、背鳍基长、腹鳍基前距、体重和去内脏体重的截距具有显著的统计学意义,即与零假设(a=0)差异显著(所有P<0.018),占检测的变量总数的41.18%,其余变量(58.82%)的截距与零假设(a=0)差异不显著(所有P>0.061).本实验的数据说明比值的数据处理方法在形态学数据的统计分析中的使用需要一个变量之间关系性质的条件检验.  相似文献   

We present a new algorithm for nesting problems. Many equally spaced points are set on a sheet, and a piece is moved to one of the points and rotated by an angle. Both the point and the rotation angle constitute the packing attitude of the piece. We propose a new algorithm named HAPE (Heuristic Algorithm based on the principle of minimum total Potential Energy) to find the optimal packing attitude at which the piece has the lowest center of gravity. In addition, a new technique for polygon overlap testing is proposed which avoids the time-consuming calculation of no-fit-polygon (NFP). The detailed implementation of HAPE is presented and two computational experiments are described. The first experiment is based on a real industrial problem and the second on 11 published benchmark problems. Using a hill-climbing (HC) search method, the proposed algorithm performs well in comparison with other published solutions.  相似文献   

拉赫玛尼诺夫是跨越十九、二十世纪俄罗斯最杰出的音乐大师。他创作的浪漫曲根植于俄罗斯的民族音乐之中,每一首都是抒情的诗篇,浸透着对祖国人民和民族艺术的热爱之情,充满着对美好生活的向往。  相似文献   

18、19世纪,欧美出现了最壮丽的浪漫主义文学景观.与古希腊神话与以《西游记》为代表的浪漫主义神话不同,它是资本主义工业化生产方式激起人们开拓自然领域即以科学世界观为其前提的,既有无限的主体性,又是绝对内在的.拜伦、雪莱、欧文、库柏等的浪漫之作,精神与物质互为协调,客观写实因素随之加强;中国浪漫之作如《女神》,主体性无限扩大,精神溢出了物质.在理想问题上,西方浪漫之作常展现出理想化的社会图景,而中国屈原、李白所希望的是圣君贤相施以仁政,20世纪革命加恋爱的浪漫模式,其理想蓝图亦是抽象朦胧的.  相似文献   

方文山的歌词《乱舞春秋》是富有鲜明地域特色和时代意义的音乐作品。本文利用语境学中的语境差理论,分别从内容与形式的语境差、人物与情节的距离感、作品叙述语言与接受语境差三方面论述了该作品中的语境差问题,目的在于通过对音乐作品的“内构造”的分析来揭示其审美的特质所在。  相似文献   

日本神田文库所藏裴注《史记.河渠书》残卷之论赞末附有一条《集解》,该注与《河渠书》论赞及正文全不比附,实是游离篇外。此条《集解》亦见于北宋景本以来的传世刊本《史记.河渠书》篇末,沿存至今。考察这条《集解》之来历,可知唐写本此卷祖本——六朝《史记》夹注本与徐广《音义》、裴《集解》所据本《史记》有异。唐写本《河渠书》残卷末的这条游离《集解,》为研究《史记》夹注本的源流及其与北宋景本以来存世刊本《史记》之传承关系提供了一项重要线索和证据。  相似文献   

The Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) has accomplished much to elevate the status of school leadership, particularly the principalship. Standards have been developed for school leaders that have broadly impacted the performance expectations most states are setting for the licensure of their beginning principals. The School Leaders Licensure Assessment has been developed to screen candidates with respect to the ISLLC standards. My intent in this piece is to extend our discussion of the work of ISLLC by focusing on four issues. The most important of these is, What do we need to do to advance the reform of school leadership with respect to the ISLLC Standards? I contend that, unless a concerted effort is made to change the public's image of the principal, it will be difficult to obtain the resources necessary for the meaningful reform of school leadership.  相似文献   

郭志鸿《新疆舞曲》的音乐学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭志鸿教授是我国著名的钢琴教育家、演奏家,并且创作了大量优秀的钢琴作品。他的钢琴作品大都由民歌改编而成,具有典型的民族性风格。本文以钢琴作品《新疆舞曲》为例,对其创作背景、哈萨克民歌原型进行溯源研究,并通过对郭志鸿先生的访谈整理,对该曲进行全面的音乐学分析。  相似文献   

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