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针对高中信息技术课程教学中难以提升学生的思维品质和解决问题的能力等状况,文章提出STEM教育理念下的项目学习教学模式,并以"算法与程序实现"模块为例,构建STEM教育理念下高中信息技术项目学习"三层六维"模式,并阐述如何运用此模式开展高中信息技术项目学习的教学,最终培养学生解决问题的综合素养能力,养成学生终身学习的习惯,为高中信息技术教学提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

教育公平是STEM教育的重要问题。STEM教育公平的实现不仅要注意宏观的教育环境,还要关注具体的学习活动。美国五大湖公平中心(The Great Lakes Equity Center)2013年发布的《STEM教育需要所有儿童:公平问题的批判性审视》报告,分析了教育公平理念下STEM教育中探究学习活动的设计,为教师在教学实践中体现教育公平理念提供了指导;同时提出了保障STEM教育中探究学习公平开展的课程注意事项以及分析工具,为学校从组织能力和课程教学两个方面评价STEM教育公平提供了参考。我国STEM教育虽然已经逐步展开,但是仍在起步探索阶段,对于如何满足不同地域、不同阶层学习者的学习特征方面,还有待完善。根据教育公平理念下STEM教育中探究学习的设计及保障措施特点,我国在设计与实施STEM教育时,需注意尊重学生的文化差异,构建平等、协作的教育文化环境,通过多元教学评价以及文化回应性教学等,推进STEM教育的探索与实践。  相似文献   

随着对高中信息技术学科教学改革的深化与教学实践研究的深入,STEM教育理念在高中信息技术教学中的应用越来越受到关注。在对STEM教育理念内涵和特点认知的基础上,剖析高中信息技术教学的现状,并且尝试性地探索STEM教育理念下的高中信息技术教学策略,旨在通过STEM教育理念达到提升高中信息技术教学效果的目的,为培养学生的信息素养和综合能力提供教学支持,以推动高中信息技术教学的改革与完善。  相似文献   

姜勇  宋玲 《学周刊C版》2023,(1):148-150
高中是学生强化发展学科素养和综合技能的紧要时期,教师要想切实激发学生的创新、实践、探索等精神品质,实施STEM跨学科主题学习课程是一条可靠的路径。STEM教育理念致力于融合渗透科学、技术、工程以及数学知识技能,是开展跨学科主题教学的思想和模式支撑。本文主要探讨高中实施STEM跨学科主题学习课程的对策,以期为构建STEM主题学习模式提供有价值的建议,从而调动学生跨学科探究的意识和思维。  相似文献   

文章基于STEM教育思想,确立了跨学科融合、创设情境问题、增强实践体验和强调同伴协作四个课程设计理念,通过对教学目标和学习者特征进行分析,采用6E设计型学习模式进行了基于工程设计的STEM课程设计——建筑结构设计,并在此基础上进行教学实践探索。该课程以解决工程问题为课程主线,融入技术设计、数学和科学知识,以达到培养学生的STEM素养、激发学生学习工程的兴趣的目标。本课程的教学实践为我国高中开展基于工程设计的STEM课程提供了一种可能的实践路线。  相似文献   

STEM生涯技术学校是美国生涯与技术教育阶段实施STEM教育的主要场所。聚焦美国生涯与技术学校和STEM教育的发展历史,阐述了STEM生涯技术学校建立的背景和原因。分析了STEM生涯技术学校的特点,包括STEM教育和生涯与技术教育充分融合;拥有丰富的网络资源;开展以实践为主的课程模式;为学生提供基于项目的学习。并对我国中等职业学校开展STEM教育提出建议,以期发展我国中等职业教育阶段的STEM教育。  相似文献   

探究高中生物学实验课程中的STEM教育元素,总结生物学实验教学与STEM教育整合的基本流程并进行案例分析,提高学生的生物学核心素养,为高中生物学实验与STEM教育理念融合提供教学借鉴,有效解决目前生物学实验教学中存在的问题。  相似文献   

张志  袁磊 《教学与管理》2022,(30):101-104
随着全球科技的快速发展,科技教育成为提升国家核心竞争力的重要手段。为了培养更多的复合型创新人才,美国先后发布了多条STEM教育相关政策。分析美国近十年的STEM教育政策,了解美国STEM教育发展的特点,可以为我国STEM教育的发展提供理论基础。文章首先梳理了美国STEM教育政策的历史演变过程,以2011-2020年美国的STEM教育政策为研究基础,总结了美国STEM教育政策的三大变化。其次,归纳出美国STEM教育的五个特点:以培养学生的综合素养和能力为目标、以开发多学科交叉的STEM课程或项目为前提、以多方合力为手段、以创新教学评价方式为突破口、关注教育公平。最后,结合我国STEM教育现状,阐述了美国STEM教育政策对我国STEM教育发展的启示:加强顶层设计,完善STEM教育政策;变革教学方式,提升学生STEM素养;强调证据导向,提高STEM课程开发质量;构建教育评价体系,创新STEM教育评价方式。  相似文献   

教育公平是美国STEM教育发展战略的重要目标。美国推进STEM教育公平历经理念萌芽期、踟蹰探索期、蓬勃发展期和全面提升期4个阶段。政策变迁呈现三大趋势,即体系建设整合化、发展逻辑人本化、保障范畴扩大化。从实践举措来看,美国治理STEM教育公平发挥了权威型、能力型、系统变革型和学习型政策工具的组合优势,不仅依托宏观层面的国家战略引领、财政经费支持和组织机构协作,也得益于微观层面的办学模式、师资建设与课程体系创新。为推动我国STEM教育迈向公平,实现高质量发展,未来应优化STEM教育发展战略规划,构建和谐有序的STEM教育体系;拓宽教育经费筹措渠道,保障STEM教育财政投入公平;健全STEM教育公平的组织机构,挖掘智库的资政启民功能;建设STEM特色学校,疏通校内外学习要素链。  相似文献   

美国在高中阶段实施的"生涯与技术教育"(career and technical education,CTE),是一种实现STEM(Science Technology Engineering Mathematics)教学目标的有效途径。通过介绍STEM与CTE的背景、模式和内容,以及CTE与STEM如何相互合作与协调,从中汲取经验、借鉴成果,以完善我国的科学教育与职业教育工作。  相似文献   

Historically, the mission of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) schools emphasized providing gifted and talented students with advanced STEM coursework. However, a newer type of STEM school is emerging in the United States: inclusive STEM high schools (ISHSs). ISHSs have open enrollment and are focused on preparing underrepresented youth for the successful pursuit of advanced STEM studies. They promise to provide a critical mass of nontraditional STEM students, defying stereotypes about who does STEM and creating positive STEM identities. In this article, we advance a conceptual framework designed to systematically capture the qualities of ISHSs that can provide exciting new possibilities for students and communities. An iterative review of the literature suggests 10 critical components that may work together across 3 dimensions: design, implementation, and outcomes. Our goal is to apply this framework in various school models to better understand the opportunity structures that emerge and to create a theory of action of ISHSs.  相似文献   

The Urban Review - Considering the growth and promising outlook of STEM occupations and the significant need to diversify STEM, the present study explored Black and Latinx youths’ situated...  相似文献   

陈晓 《天津教育》2021,(3):72-74
算法是计算机科学的基础,算法思想是指按照一定的步骤去解决某个问题的程序化思想。笔者在课堂教学中从鼓励直觉思考、挖掘教材思想、引导迁移学习这三个层次实施建构算法思想的策略。本研究致力于帮助学生建构算法思想,提升解决问题的能力,养成科学的思维方式。  相似文献   

刘敏 《天津教育》2021,(5):67-69
在全新的教育教学环境下,传统的教学理念已经无法适应新时代的教学需求。因此,从教育的角度入手,解决教与学之间的发展矛盾,引入新的教学思想势在必行。笔者针对初中创客校本课程的建设活动展开论述,思考如何利用STEM理念优化教学工作,从而创造与教学要求相配合的教学模式。  相似文献   

Navigating the current STEM agendas and debates is complex and challenging. Perspectives on the nature of STEM education and how it should be implemented without losing discipline integrity, approaches to incorporating the arts (STEAM) and how equity in access to STEM education can be increased are just a few of the many issues faced by researchers and educators. There are no straightforward answers. Opinions on how STEM education should be advanced vary across school contexts, curricula and political arenas. This position paper addresses five core issues: (a) perspectives on STEM education, (b) approaches to STEM integration, (c) STEM discipline representation, (d) equity in access to STEM education and (e) extending STEM to STEAM. A number of pedagogical affordances inherent in integrated STEM activities are examined, with the integration of modelling and engineering design presented as an example of how such learning affordances can be capitalized on.  相似文献   

Elementary schools in the United States have been the terrain of a highly politicized push for improved reading and mathematics attainment, as well as calls for increased importance to be given to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). With priorities placed on basic skills, however, instructional time in subjects such as science in the elementary years has been greatly diminished. We recount in this article the efforts of a school district to create an elementary STEM school through the designation of a magnet school and elaborate on the inherent tensions and conflicts in such an effort.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - The middle school years are a crucial time for cultivating students’ interest in and preparedness for future STEM careers. However, not all...  相似文献   

Like most developing countries in the world, there is a huge gap in opportunities to access quality science education between students from the high- and low-socioeconomic strata of Philippine society. In establishing its own science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) high school, despite limited public funding in 1964, the government embarked on a hopeful project for continuously building up its scientific and technological work force to support modern economic development. The initial focus on elite talent development, however, eventually had to give way to legislative reforms that address issues of social equity. Greater accessibility for scholarships by underprivileged students in the provinces was accomplished, first, through the regionalization of its admission system and then, later, through its transformation into a network of science high schools across the nation. In my home country, sustaining equitable access to STEM education also means enhancing school participation through partnerships with community constituents and the private sector.  相似文献   

A defining characteristic of contemporary trends in global education policy is the promotion of STEM learning in the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors of education as a means to generate innovation and prosperity in the economy. Intertwined with common sensical assumptions about future labor markets and the transformative potential of technology in education, STEM has become a hegemonic discourse informing policy formation and educational practice. In Gramscian terms, the struggle over STEM as a discursive practice, between proponents of instrumental learning of marketable economic skills and those of education towards humanistic goals, reveals insights about the ideological characteristics of the push for STEM learning. This article explores the power dynamics behind the push for STEM learning as an ideological discourse propagated by global networks of elite policy actors and enacted by non-elite policy actors at the school level. The findings point toward a disjuncture between the discourse of elite policy actors in the US, the realities of STEM labor markets, and the actualization of this policy discourse into classroom practice. The implications of this study indicate that analyses of vertical power relations in network governance in STEM education should attend to the semiotics, materiality, and mutability of networked spaces.  相似文献   

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