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持续大负荷状态和机能下降时运动员某些感受性变化的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用训练现场监测方法,测试运动员在持续大负荷和机能下降状态时肌肉用力感、上肢多关节联动动觉准确性、重量辨别、腕关节动觉准确性4项指标的变化,结果表明,4项感受性指标在持续大负荷状态下较安静状态和机能下降时有提高。不同的感受性指标之间在持续大负荷后的提高幅度有较大的差异,其中,重量辨别在持续大负荷与安静和机能下降状态之间、上肢多关节联动动觉准确性在持续大负荷与安静状态、用力感在持续大负荷和机能下降之间的差异达到显著或非常显著。而腕关节动觉准确性在持续大负荷与安静和机能下降状态之间的差异不显著。显示了在持续大负荷状态下不同性质感受性的变化在总体是提高趋势的同时具有非均衡性的特点。  相似文献   

采用训练现场监测方式,测试武术运动员在不同负荷下反应时、肌肉用力感、操作思维及肘关节动觉准确性4项指标的变化,结果表明:随负荷加大,反应时下降;其余几项指标在次大负荷时有所提高,而在大负荷时又呈现下降趋势,且感受性的变化具有不均衡性的特点。  相似文献   

目的:探讨高水平射箭运动员的腕关节、肘关节和肩关节的动觉感受性特征。研究假设,射箭运动员的训练程度影响动觉感受性,运动员的持弓臂与拉弓臂的动觉感受性存在差异。方法:以北京大学仪器厂生产的动觉方位辨别仪为实验仪器,以32名射箭运动员为实验对象,考察不同水平射箭运动员的腕关节、肘关节和肩关节的肌肉紧张感与运动幅度感。结果:与一般运动员相比,优秀运动员腕关节、肘关节和肩关节的肌肉紧张感和运动幅度感误差得分低。运动员拉弓臂的腕关节、肘关节和肩关节的肌肉紧张感和运动幅度感误差得分明显低于持弓臂的腕关节、肘关节和肩关节的肌肉紧张感和运动幅度感误差得分。结论:优秀射箭运动员腕关节、肘关节及肩关节的动觉感受性明显优于一般运动员。运动员持弓臂的腕关节和肘关节动觉感受性明显比拉弓臂的动觉感受性差,而运动员持弓臂的肩关节动觉感受性要优于拉弓臂的动觉感受性。  相似文献   

篮球运动员不同运动负荷状态下投篮准确性变化的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用专家咨询访谈、心理实验测量和数理统计等方法,对辽宁省40名优秀青年男女篮球运动员不同负荷状态下投篮准确性的变化进行研究。篮球运动员在三种负荷状态下感知觉发生明显的变化后使投篮准确性发生了明显的变化,在中等负荷状态下的投篮准确性最好。表现在感知觉方面的皮肤两点辨别阈、手动稳定性、肘关节敏感度测试值的提高,反映出在此状态下,运动员的心理控制能力高,这与运动负荷对人体机能的影响有关。  相似文献   

采用实验法,探讨不同定向状态(目标定向/非目标定向)和唤醒水平对篮球投篮准确性的影响,揭示在不同实验条件下被试的生理变化。结果发现:不同的唤醒水平对投篮准确性有显著影响,即高唤醒水平下的投篮准确性非常显著好于低唤醒水平,中等唤醒水平下的投篮准确性也显著好于低唤醒水平。不同定向状态对投篮准确性无显著影响。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、心理实验测量和数理统计等研究方法,对辽宁省20名青年男女篮球运动员的安静、中等负荷及大负荷状态下5项感受性指标进行了比较研究,同时探讨了投篮准确性与感受性指标的关系。  相似文献   

采用九洞仪和投篮命中率实验,测试了安静状态、次大强度、大强度时的手动稳定性指标。结果为:当身体负荷从安静状态下渐增时,手动稳定性呈明显下降趋势;在次大强度和大强度身体负荷时,手动稳定性指标变化无显著性差异;对安静状态和承受不同运动负荷状态下,投篮命中率的实验与使用九洞仪进行的手动稳定性测试结果相同。  相似文献   

目的:测试正三摇期间不同阶段(起跳、腾空、落地)上肢主要环节运动学参数,分析上肢及上肢主要关节运动生物力学特征变化规律。方法:选取15名健康男性专业跳绳运动员每人完成若干次正三摇跳绳动作,采集完整正三摇动作时上肢肩、肘、腕关节运动学数据,计算其他相关运动学参数。结果和结论:正三摇跳绳起跳阶段上肢各关节角度变化肩小于肘小于腕,左臂角度变化大于右臂(除右肘);正三摇跳绳腾空阶段上肢各关节角度变化更为平滑,但在加速度曲线上频频出现问题;正三摇跳绳落地阶段上肢各关节角度变化幅度较小,加速度曲线左臂相对稳定,右臂腕关节出现大幅度变化。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家访谈、心理测量、教练员评定和数理统计等研究方法,对辽宁省的51位优秀青年男子篮球运动员,进行了认知能力与技术效能关系的研究。结果表明:优秀青年男子篮球运动员的选择反应错次、综合反应错次、操作思维时间三项认知能力与技术效能的相关具有显著性;不同位置运动员与技术效能具有显著相关的认知指标不同,后卫队员的注意力和肌肉用力感与技术效能有显著相关,前锋队员的操作思维时间与技术效能有显著相关,中锋队员的肌肉用力感与技术效能有显著相关,表现出各自的群体特征。  相似文献   

朱建国 《体育科技》2011,32(3):24-26,40
运用文献资料、实验和数理统计等研究方法,对肌肉精确用力方位能力和原地投篮命中率两项实验指标以及两者之间相关性进行比较分析和研究,结果表明:两者之间存在着密切的相关度,并且是正相关。  相似文献   

BackgroundAcute ankle injury causes damage to joint mechanoreceptors and deafferentation and contributes to proprioception deficits in patients with chronic ankle instability (CAI). We aimed to explore whether deficits of proprioception, including kinesthesia and joint position sense (JPS), exist in patients with CAI when compared with the uninjured contralateral side and healthy people. We hypothesized that proprioception deficits did exist in patients with CAI and that the deficits varied by test methodologies.MethodsThe study was a systematic review and meta-analysis. We identified studies that compared kinesthesia or JPS in patients with CAI with the uninjured contralateral side or with healthy controls. Meta-analyses were conducted for the studies with similar test procedures, and narrative syntheses were undertaken for the rest.ResultsA total of 7731 studies were identified, of which 30 were included for review. A total of 21 studies were eligible for meta-analysis. Compared with the contralateral side, patients with CAI had ankle kinesthesia deficits in inversion and plantarflexion, with a standardized mean difference (SMD) of 0.41 and 0.92, respectively, and active and passive JPS deficits in inversion (SMD = 0.92 and 0.72, respectively). Compared with healthy people, patients with CAI had ankle kinesthesia deficits in inversion and eversion (SMD = 0.64 and 0.76, respectively), and active JPS deficits in inversion and eversion (SMD = 1.00 and 4.82, respectively). Proprioception deficits in the knee and shoulder of patients with CAI were not statistically significant.ConclusionProprioception, including both kinesthesia and JPS, of the injured ankle of patients with CAI was impaired, compared with the uninjured contralateral limbs and healthy people. Proprioception varied depending on different movement directions and test methodologies. The use of more detailed measurements of proprioception and interventions for restoring the deficits are recommended in the clinical management of CAI.  相似文献   

局部肌肉疲劳对踝关节本体感觉的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张秋霞  张林  王国祥 《体育科学》2011,31(3):68-73,80
目的:通过分析局部肌肉疲劳前、后踝关节在矢状面内运动的位置觉、肌肉力觉的变化,探讨局部肌肉疲劳对踝关节本体感觉的影响,为踝关节损伤防治和康复训练提供基础理论和实验依据。方法:选取14名无踝关节疾患的受试者为实验对象,踝关节位置觉采用对踝关节跖屈5°的被动定位、被动复位能力进行测试,肌肉力觉采用受试者踝关节对跖屈肌群25%最大等长峰值力矩值的复制能力进行测试;疲劳测试采用60最大等速向心运动模式;对于局部肌肉疲劳前、后踝关节本体感觉的对比,采用重复测量方差分析进行。结果:踝关节的位置觉(VEJPS和AEJPS)和肌肉力觉(RVEFS和RAEFS)在局部肌肉疲劳前、后的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:1)最大等速向心运动至局部肌肉疲劳后,踝关节的位置觉均较疲劳前下降;2)最大等速向心运动至局部肌肉疲劳后,踝关节的肌肉力觉均较疲劳前下降;3)踝关节最大等速向心运动至局部肌肉疲劳后,受试者的中枢控制策略发生改变。  相似文献   

目的:确定运动员在落地后即刻启动完成侧切变向(LSC)动作的下肢踝、膝和髋三关节矢状面的运动学和动力学特点,并与平地跑动侧切变向(SC)对比分析、探讨这些差异对下肢关节造成的影响。方法:以14名高水平足球运动员为背景的大学生完成落地侧切和平跑侧切动作时的下肢运动学和动力学数据进行采集与分析。结果:LSC动作的踝、膝关节ROM和关节角速度显著增加,髋关节ROM则呈相反趋势(P<0.05或P<0.01);LSC的踝、膝和髋关节力矩峰值,踝、髋关节功率峰值呈现显著大于SC(P<0.01),膝关节功率峰值小于SC(P<0.05);LSC在水平向后、垂直向上地反峰值及峰值加载率有明显的增加(P<0.01),水平向右地反无明显差异(P>0.05)。结论:LSC虽然略降低了膝关节功率峰值,但其余所有运动学、动力学及GRF都预示其下肢关节所承受的损伤风险更高,尤其是踝关节和膝关节。踝关节的高功率和跖屈肌的持续紧张、伸膝力矩和三维地反的显著升高,使得该动作比公认高损伤风险的平跑侧切损伤风险几率更大。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify joint angular kinematics that corresponds to shooting accuracy in the stationary ice hockey wrist shot. Twenty-four subjects participated in this study, each performing 10 successful shots on four shooting targets. An eight-camera infra-red motion capture system (240 Hz), along with passive reflective markers, was used to record motion of the joints, hockey stick, and puck throughout the performance of the wrist shot. A multiple regression analysis was carried out to examine whole-body kinematic variables with accuracy scores as the dependent variable. Significant accuracy predictors were identified in the lower limbs, torso and upper limbs. Interpretation of the kinematics suggests that characteristics such as a better stability of the base of support, momentum cancellation, proper trunk orientation and a more dynamic control of the lead arm throughout the wrist shot movement are presented as predictors for the accuracy outcome. These findings are substantial as they not only provide a framework for further analysis of motor control strategies using tools for accurate projection of objects, but more tangibly they may provide a comprehensive evidence-based guide to coaches and athletes for planned training to improve performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify joint angular kinematics that corresponds to shooting accuracy in the stationary ice hockey wrist shot. Twenty-four subjects participated in this study, each performing 10 successful shots on four shooting targets. An eight-camera infra-red motion capture system (240 Hz), along with passive reflective markers, was used to record motion of the joints, hockey stick, and puck throughout the performance of the wrist shot. A multiple regression analysis was carried out to examine whole-body kinematic variables with accuracy scores as the dependent variable. Significant accuracy predictors were identified in the lower limbs, torso and upper limbs. Interpretation of the kinematics suggests that characteristics such as a better stability of the base of support, momentum cancellation, proper trunk orientation and a more dynamic control of the lead arm throughout the wrist shot movement are presented as predictors for the accuracy outcome. These findings are substantial as they not only provide a framework for further analysis of motor control strategies using tools for accurate projection of objects, but more tangibly they may provide a comprehensive evidence-based guide to coaches and athletes for planned training to improve performance.  相似文献   

体操动作技能再认的信号检测论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林呈生 《体育科学》1993,13(2):78-83
以四种不同的学习方式(视觉表象、动觉表象、视觉表象伴随言语指导、动觉表象伴随言语指导)及三种不同的实验对象(教育系学生、体育系普修体操学生、体育系专修体操学生)从体育动作技能形成的角度,以信号检测理论手段,探讨若干体操动作再认的特征。结果表明:(1)对体操动作再认的辨别力d′值随专业水平的提高而提高。(2)四种学习方式所得 d′值比较,动觉表象学习方式所得 d′值最高。(3)三种对象关于动觉表象学习所得 d′值 F 检验呈显著性差异证明。动觉表象因学习程度不同存在着水平和层次的差别。(4)动觉表象学习方式所得 d′值与体操成绩呈显著性正相关。d′值可作为衡量体操成绩好差的间接指标。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure the contributions of the motions of body segments and joints to racquet head speed during the tennis serve. Nine experienced male players were studied using three-dimensional film analysis. Upper arm twist orientations were calculated with two alternative methods using joint centres and skin-attached markers. The results showed that skin-attached markers could not be used to calculate accurate upper arm twist orientations due to skin movement, and that the use of joint centres produced errors of more than 20 degrees in the upper arm twist orientation when the computed elbow flexion/extension angle exceeded 135 degrees in the final 0.03 s before impact. When there were large errors in the upper arm twist orientation, it was impossible to obtain accurate data for shoulder or elbow joint rotations about any axis. Considering only the contributors that could be measured within our standards of acceptable error, the approximate sequential order of main contributors to racquet speed between maximum knee flexion and impact was: shoulder external rotation, wrist extension, twist rotation of the lower trunk, twist rotation of the upper trunk relative to the lower trunk, shoulder abduction, elbow extension, ulnar deviation rotation, a second twist rotation of the upper trunk relative to the lower trunk, and wrist flexion. The elbow extension and wrist flexion contributions were especially large. Forearm pronation made a brief negative contribution. Computed contributions of shoulder internal rotation, elbow extension and forearm pronation within the final 0.03 s before impact were questionable due to the large degree of elbow extension. Near impact, the combined contribution of shoulder flexion/extension and abduction/adduction rotations to racquet speed was negligible.  相似文献   

定距离原地投篮的弧线轨迹主要取决于出手速度和出手角度。为了探究优秀青年男子运动员不同距离原地投篮命中率的各影响因素,采用平面定机高速摄影和运动技术解析法,采集12名U16中国国家男子篮球运动员罚篮、中投和三分投球中篮过程投篮手臂的腕、肘、肩、膝等相关关节的线速度和角速度等参数,运用关联度和回归分析(Matlab2018a)探究规律。发现8项因素对原地投篮对命中率有不同程度的影响,其中,球初始高度、球离手高度、腕关节速度和膝关节速度4项因素,通过投篮角度和投篮速度对不同距离投篮中命中率的影响最大。  相似文献   

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