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加拿大联邦政府电子文件管理策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先介绍了加拿大图书档案馆(LAC)在联邦政府电子文件管理中的职责、与政府信息主管部门的关系;然后,从政府机构内电子文件保管、LAC接收保存电子文件两个相承接的角度,分析LAC在履行作为政府机构电子文件永久保存地的职责中遇到的困难和挑战,以及采取的应对思路和对策。  相似文献   

As the Federal Depository Library Program moves toward the increased utilization of electronic technologies to meet the government information needs of the public, libraries must plan how to best take advantage of local, state, and regional resources to make this transition successful. This paper suggests that depository libraries should begin immediately a planning process to develop state or regional service strategies for electronic government information and outlines the steps to develop such plans.  相似文献   

国家加快建设全国一体化在线政务服务平台导致档案部门的管理职能被蚕食,政务服务平台建设管理机制与电子文件管理部际联席会议制度在职责上叠加重复,确认了电子签名、电子印章、电子证照和电子档案与相应实物件具有同等法律效力,并首次明确了电子文件不再以纸质形式归档和移交。档案部门应当按照"一网通办"的要求修订和完善现有档案法规规章,重新审视档案部门工作职责,主动拓展档案信息资源采集范围,实现电子文件管理联席会议制度在政务服务平台建设层面上的重组与融合,不断提升电子文件管理相关软硬件设施的自主可控水平,加大对电子档案"四性"保障新方法的探索。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the divergent requestor privacy policies of professional librarians and the administration of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and urges the federal government to adhere to librarian ethics in order to protect FOIA requestors. Section 1 of the paper provides information about the origins and purpose of the FOIA. Section 2 offers an overview of the philosophical and historical origins of library patron privacy ethics, discussing both the ethical basis for patron privacy and actual instances where library records have been sought for government surveillance of private citizens. Section 3 describes the state library laws that protect library requestors, as well as federal laws that protect non-FOIA requestor privacy rights, including the Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA), which protects video rental records. Section 4 of the paper warns that, in the digital era, it is more important than ever to safeguard personal information like that contained in FOIA requests to prevent the stifling of information seeking activities in the United States. By modifying laws tomeet the needs of the “information age,” the United States government can embrace and utilize the ethical standards that are at the foundation of librarianship, and protect the principle that information should be free and available to the American populace.  相似文献   

The paper highlights some of the issues relating to reliability and accountability of digital information with special reference to the Malaysian experience. Problems in establishing this accountability and reliability in records management in a digital environment are considered. Focus is also placed on the control measures and steps that need to be taken by the major players in records management in Malaysia in their work to preserve selected information.  相似文献   

Operating of the laws on right to information is related to effective management of government records and information having social value. This article contains the relation of government records and records management considering the role of records management at institutions in execution of law on right to information in Turkey, and the evaluation of Turkish Law on the right to information that came into force in 2004 in view of records management and archival approaches.  相似文献   

The paper highlights some of the issues relating to reliability and accountability of digital information with special reference to the Malaysian experience. Problems in establishing this accountability and reliability in records management in a digital environment are considered. Focus is also placed on the control measures and steps that need to be taken by the major players in records management in Malaysia in their work to preserve selected information.  相似文献   

随着计算机、数字化技术在政府公务中的深入渗透,电子文件逐渐成为政务信息主流.但是电子文件生成方便、种类丰富以及传播快捷等特性,在提高政务处理效率的同时,也造成数据壁垒、信息孤岛以及信息增量重复等现象.本文针对这些现象,提出面向政务信息共享平台的数据文件中心建设构想,并从数据文件中心的概念界定入手,从现实需求、顶层设计、技术支撑三个方面分析建设的可行性,并提出具体的业务流程和实现策略.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(94):207-223

Over the last ten years the Government Printing Office has made a massive shift from print to electronic media as the preferred distribution medium for government documents. Federal agencies over the same period have created large numbers of electronic records that require long-term preservation under the law. This article examines how the National Archives and the Government Printing Office are responding to the technical, financial, legal, and political challenges of providing permanent public access to electronic government information. NARA efforts to collect, appraise, and preserve records following the mandates of the courts in the wake of the PROFS litigation in Armstrong v. Executive Office of the President are discussed. The work of the GPO to develop an electronic archive and develop electronic partnerships with depository libraries and federal agencies is also examined.  相似文献   

从确保我国文件档案形成和管理机构应用云服务的安全性、可靠性和真实性出发,对目前机构运用云计算管理文件和档案出现的问题进行分析,主要包括信息环境变化、双刃剑效应、可信任和法规标准问题,分析问题的成因和主要应对,为我国文件档案管理机构积极引进和运用云服务进行电子文件管理,提供思路和启示。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,公众对政府电子形式的信息需求越来越强,公民获取政府电子文件信息权利已成为这个时代公民一项重要的私权利,但该权利要得到保障还需一系列动力的驱动.本文对公民获取政府电子文件信息权利保障动力机制进行分析,指出该动力机制由压力机制、推力机制、助动力机制组成,这三个机制相互作用、相互影响共同推动公民获取政府电...  相似文献   

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse was set up in January 2013 to investigate child sexual abuse in institutional contexts and to focus its recommendations on addressing systemic issues. Recordkeeping issues are at the core of the problems that institutions face when dealing with child sexual abuse although the Royal Commission did not address them systematically in 2013–14. The present article analyses the recordkeeping issues that arose in the public hearings held by the Royal Commission up to October 2014. It shows that recordkeeping issues that appeared in different contexts provide evidence of critical failures in the recordkeeping systems of the institutions under study. It then highlights three implications for professional practice: the need for the professional associations to step up and advocate for a hearing on recordkeeping issues, the importance of putting in place appropriate systems to preserve the records of the Royal Commission, and the need to raise awareness about the complexity of the recordkeeping issues in the institutions that deal with out-of-home care and to develop recordkeeping systems that better meet the needs of the children in care and that support the prevention, detection, reporting and prosecution of child abuse.  相似文献   


Many aspects of electronic serials cataloging have not yet developed standard practice, or are still in transition. This article will explore some problematic issues in electronic serials cataloging first by presenting current CONSER policy in these areas and then by examining the practices of three institutions who are cataloging electronic serials. For brevity, the term “electronic serial” will be used to mean “remote access computer file serial” unless the more specific term is needed for clarity. The five topics covered in this discussion are: Access and Location Information, Multiple Versions, Definition of Electronic Serial, Bibliographic Access Points and Display of Computer File Characteristics.  相似文献   

随着计算机信息技术的不断发展,与计算机相关的案例也不断出现。计算机取证被用来解决大量的计算机和网络犯罪,如网络入侵,军事、商业机密信息的窃取,对政府、军队、银行网站的攻击破坏,计算机欺诈,计算机病毒传播等,它已成为政府、军队部门以及商业公司信息安全保证的基本工作。利用具有法律效力的计算机取证方法,使用规范而客观的计算机取证技术,提取和保全合乎法律规程的电子证据。这种具备法律效力的电子证据,已逐渐成为一种崭新的证据形式。  相似文献   

A right to preserve one’s culture is recognised in the United Nations human rights treaty system. Individual and collective cultural identity within government and private archives can be enabled through a participatory approach which acknowledges record subjects as record co-creators. This article analyses cultural human rights instruments found in international and domestic Australian laws as warrants for a participatory archive within the Australian context, premised on the recognition of the rights of those who are subjects of the record to add their own narratives to records held in archival institutions, and to participate as co-creators in decision-making about appraisal, access and control, thus shaping and reshaping the archive from their perspective. To this end, it proposes the use of social media to enhance cultural rights and cultural identity. Adopting the principle of rights maximisation, a participatory approach lessens the impact of the right to be forgotten on cultural rights. The article concludes that Australian archival policy makers and jurisdictions which have a human rights regime, have a clear mandate to give priority to the preservation of records of distinctive cultures, in particular those of Indigenous peoples and minorities.  相似文献   

Digital libraries aim at unhindered access to content over computer and communication networks, and digitization may be taken as a visible proposition to enhance the shelf life of non-digital content by preservation apart from the virtue of increased and easy access, thereby furthering usage. As a fresh, lively and dynamic area with a lot of enthusiasm and activity by researchers from different disciplines, institutions and countries, digital libraries are viewed in different perspectives and the single most development that has brought about sweeping changes in the library and information discipline currently in the developed world is that of digital libraries. Advancements in computer and information technology with breakthroughs in memory technology has not only reduced the cost of infrastructure required for hosting digital libraries, but the demonstrated success of a wide variety of projects in USA and Europe also endorsed the chances of their survival even in a developing country. Though the professionals and libraries in developing countries are also experiencing the virtues of Internet, and electronic information highways, many of these libraries have not gone much farther than the computerization of in-house operations, availing databases in electronic media such as CD-ROMs, and web access of subscribed journals and various free resources. Digital library development should be taken up as an additional task to populate the web sites with valuable in-house content like the research reports, publications of in-house researchers, and so on. Digital library projects and developments in the country are so many, though a large number of them are only at an aggressively enthusiastic preliminary stage. In a country such as India so rich in content of indigenous research and development in disciplines varied from science and technology to social science, humanities and spirituality, there is tremendous need for hosting full fledged digital libraries by appropriately tagging the content with affordable information technology. However, what is lacking, especially in developing countries, is a coordinated collaborative approach to bring in institutions and identifying content valuable for digitization with sufficient monetary and infrastructure support. The digital library development in the country needs a two-pronged strategy (i) to digitize local content, and (ii) to devise options for accessing external resources. Channels for internal content include journals and serials for research, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations and preprints, research and status reports, textbooks and learning materials, government publications, spiritual/heritage sources, tourism information, traditional knowledge, etc. As far as external resources are concerned, there are electronic options from publishers and information provides such as, online access through Web of subscribed journals, CDs and floppies containing supplementary material of printed books, bibliographic/full-text databases, which can be hosted on library servers or intranet along with local content. The problems for digital library development are manifold in India such as lack of interest, non-availability of computer and IT infrastructure for library activities, copyright problems, ensuring secure access, properly selecting content from the mass available, internet bandwidth, absence of sufficient financial support, over concentration of professional time on administrative routines, acute shortage over concentration of professional time on administrative routines, acute shortage of competent manpower, etc. The software boom engulfing the country, as a result of the big leap in computer penetration, sudden rise in proficient manpower, and sizable improvement in communication infrastructure should also be treated as an asset and taken advantage of by authorities and information professionals to create and maintain digital information facilities to usher in the new information age.  相似文献   

本文以北京全景视觉网络科技股份有限公司诉成都日报社侵害作品信息网络传播权纠纷案为引入案例,探讨此案中关于电子证据的认定争议。系统比较了人民法院保全、公证处保全、市场现存第三方存证机构保全三类电子证据保全途径的优势与局限性,指出目前电子证据保全的重点与难点在于确定保全机构公信力与资质的前提下实现数据的实时保全,以保障电子证据生成、传输、存证全程的真实性。进而从证明力、专业经验、资质和效率方面分析了档案服务机构参与电子证据保全的优势,提出了“档案服务机构全程管理+档案行政管理部门与相关行业协会监督与评估+公证、鉴定、司法机构合作增强证明力”的电子证据保全模式,并为该模式的推进提出建议:实现切合司法需求的电子文件实时保全与全程管理、推进档案服务外包行业的规范化建设;拓展与公证、鉴定等机构的业务合作。为档案服务机构的服务拓展提供了参考。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(94):225-232

The past few years have seen the Government Printing Office (GPO) move from managing predominantly paper based government publications to collecting, organizing, and disseminating government information electronically. Serious concerns have been raised about perpetual access and authentication of government information in the new digital environment. This article focuses on GPO's plans to preserve both electronic and tangible government information resources and the initiatives being taken by GPO in collaboration with the library community and other stakeholders to address these matters.  相似文献   

政府电子文件协同管理:美国经验及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强政府电子文件协同管理是促进政府电子文件高效管理和价值实现的有效路径。采用协同创新管理理论框架对近五年美国国家档案与文件署发布的电子文件管理相关政策进行文本分析,并对五个部门工作人员进行访谈,深入了解政策现状,归纳总结出美国在政府电子文高效协同管理方面的措施,揭示其在目标协同、主体协同、客体协同、过程协同、要素协同五个方面的协同经验。最后,结合我国实践需求,提出了借鉴五个方面经验,促进政府电子文件协同管理路径高效的启示。  相似文献   

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