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与西方社会转型不同,我国的社会转型是一种"双转"交织的过程,是压缩式、跨越式转型的过程。大学生历来是对社会变化反映最为敏感的群体。新旧体制快速全面的变幻和交替,使大学生在思想和心理上呈现出与以往任何时代的大学生鲜明不同的特征。  相似文献   

社会转型的深入、思想观念多元化的影响以及大学生自身个性化的追求,使得大学生群体分化已成为不争的事实。立足大学生群体分化的不同特征和不同发展需求,建立与大学生群体分化相契合的、具有针对性和实效性的思想政治教育体系,既是现实的要求,也是思想政治教育创新发展的必然指向。秉承"以人为本、为生尽责、因材施教、尊重个性、全面发展"的教育理念,构建大学生思想政治教育一体分层体系,旨在保证社会价值和个体价值的统一,达成大学生全面发展之目的。  相似文献   

文化冲突是指不同文化的性质、功能在力量释放过程中由于彼此间存在的差异而导致的互相矛盾和对抗的状态。文化冲突的核心是不同价值取向与价值观的冲突。当代大学生正处在全球化和社会转型所引起的文化冲突的境遇中,其核心价值体系的形成必然会受到影响。因此,培育大学生的社会主义核心价  相似文献   

基于社会转型的视域,指出当前高校犯罪预防功能相对弱化的主要原因在于滞后的德育方式难以应对转型期社会多元价值观的冲击,法制教育目标与内容上的偏差,以及大学生"社会化"培养的缺位与大学生犯罪暗数同时并存,进而提出以强化犯罪的内在控制为核心,探索适应新时期时代要求和大学生思想行为特点的德育途径,培育大学生的法律信仰和正当程序观念,以及在引导大学生实现"社会化"的过程中,不断推动高校学生管理工作法制化构建的对策建议。  相似文献   

文化冲突是指不同文化的性质、功能在力量释放过程中由于彼此间存在的差异而导致的互相矛盾和对抗的状态。文化冲突的核心是不同价值取向与价值观的冲突。当代大学生正处在全球化和社会转型所引起的文化冲突的境遇中,其核心价值体系的形成必然会受到影响。因此,培育大学生的社会主义核心价值体系必须正确把握这一影响,并选取科学的教育路径。  相似文献   

"社会转型"是当代国内外学术界关注的重要议题。社会转型的本质是社会结构的一种整体性、根本性的变动,一般具有整体性、渐进性、异质性、重叠性、形式性等特征。如果从社会转型的结构性特征来看,中国30多年来的改革开放历程,其大体上经历了起步与探索、确立与调整、深入与优化三个不同阶段。在这一过程中,当代中国的社会转型在启动机制、动力来源、主要内容、基本过程、社会影响、整体形态等诸多方面都表现出了从传统型社会结构向现代型社会结构的逐步转变过程,从而在很大程度上促进了中国社会现代化和各项事业的发展。  相似文献   

用科学发展观加强大学生的思想道德教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、大学生思想道德失范的表现大学生是一个比较特殊的群体,思想活跃,易于接受新事物,但辨别是非的能力相对较差。历史和现实的经验证明,积极向上的思想观念不去占领学校的思想阵地,消极落后的思想观念就必然会去占领。在我国社会转型过程中,一些深层次矛盾和社会问题(如贫富差距)给大学生思想道德观念带来了不少负面的影响,以致一些大学生不同程度地存在着政治信仰迷茫、理想信念模糊、价值取向扭曲、诚信意识淡薄、团队观念较差、心理素质欠佳等问题。1.政治信仰迷茫,理想信念模糊。当代大学生由于身处一个社会转型的时代,大学教育与社会…  相似文献   

在我国社会主义步入新时代的历史征程中,新中国成立100年的奋斗目标已定位为"富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国"。当代大学生作为社会主义现代化建设的中坚力量,"美丽"的内涵与外延无疑已涵盖这一群体。然而在当前社会转型进入新阶段的背景下,大学生心理健康教育面临新的挑战。探究新时代大学生的心理变化、影响因素及工作方法,加强和改进大学生心理健康教育工作,是培养"美丽"大学生的基础和关键。  相似文献   

随着我国大学生人数不断增加,就业压力越来越大。因此,很多高校提倡大学生进行创业。但是在是创业过程中,会受到多方面因素的影响,导致大学生创业成功率偏低,影响到大学生创业的积极性。因此,本文首先分析了黑龙江社会转型能够带给大学生哪些创新创业条件,结合不同条件展开论述存在什么样的创新创业机会。  相似文献   

在当前全球化和社会转型时期,对大学生历史观的培育已迫在眉睫。大学生历史教育的根本是唯物史观的教育,是大学生思想政治教育的重要组成部分。"纲要"的课程教学,对培育当代大学生的唯物史观起着非常重要的作用。"纲要"教学中对中国近现代历史上重大事件和重要历史人物、历史热点和难点问题的评价,是对大学生进行唯物史观培育的重要途径。  相似文献   

Efforts to break the link between the school type attended and the qualification awarded are seen an important step in the modernization of Germany??s tracked secondary school system. However, it remains disputed whether these efforts have reduced social disparities or in fact increased them. This study examined the transition from lower secondary education in academic- and intermediate-track schools to upper secondary education in general and vocational gymnasium schools in the state of Baden-Württemberg. When indicators of parental social background and school-leaving qualifications were controlled, the opening of upper secondary education was found to be associated with a decrease in the social selectivity of upper secondary education for intermediate-track students. At the same time, for those intermediate-track students who were entitled to enter upper secondary education, social background had predictive effects on the transition decision; however, the overall size of these effects was low.  相似文献   

社会转型是一种复杂的社会结构运动,任何一个国家在社会转型期,都会在其经济、政治、文化及人们的思想等领域产生深刻的影响。持续进行的社会转型,冲击着人们内心深处的价值认同与信仰。大学生的世界观、人生观与价值观尚未成熟,因此,转型期对大学生的冲击与影响更大、意义更深远。在社会转型期注重对大学生科学信仰的培育研究,是培育优秀社会主义建设者和接班人的必然要求。  相似文献   

“告状行为”现象普遍存在于小学低段。研究发现小学低段学生“告状行为”类型有维护教师权威型、自我维护型、维护纪律型、道德维护型、试探型以及其他类型。其特点表现为:有明确类型导向,集中发生在课外时间,学生大多既是“被告者”同时也是“报告者”,随着年级增长逐渐减少。其原因有:学生自身原因,如社会性发展不足,儿童道德发展影响,儿童心理发展阶段影响,儿童自我保护意识等,也有教师、学生家庭、社会环境等外部因素。其对策建议可以从教师、家长、学校三方面着手。  相似文献   

增强思政教育实效,须使抽象的理论具体化,并引导学生在社会生活中实践。通过从概念阐释、实践路径和现实意义等方面对“FMA思政课教学法”进行哲学分析,以实现教学目标从“泛化设定”到“精准定位”、教学方法从“单维理论释读”到“多维理论认知”、教学效果从“解释世界”到“改造世界”的过渡。  相似文献   

The transition to university appears to be a complex and delicate time in students’ lives, involving a sequence of changes regarding both the personal/affective and social/professional spheres, facilitating students’ ability to adapt to a new life context. It represents a challenging time that requires students to use adaptive resources to face many changes, including a new academic environment (Park and Adler Health Psychology, 22(6), 627, 2003; Anderson et al. International Journal of Educational Research, 33(4), 325–339, 2000). This paper presents an investigation that focuses on Italian students in transition to university to assess existing gender and age differences in coping strategies and optimism. Furthermore, the study also was designed to explore the impact that coping strategies and optimism have on students’ life satisfaction. The sample consists of 298 first-year undergraduate Italian students enrolled in social science courses at the University of Cagliari (Sardinia): 152 (51%) were female and 146 (49%) were male. The ages of the participants ranged from 18 to 37 years, with a mean age of 23.2 years (SD = 3.9) The statistical analysis revealed a strong influence from optimism and coping strategies on life satisfaction, as well as an important role played by both gender and age in shaping students’ coping strategies, optimism, and life satisfaction. This research could contribute to helping students better face this life transition, thereby increasing life satisfaction and class-attendance levels, improving academic performance, and reducing the number of university dropouts.  相似文献   

随着社会转型的加速,我国的高等院校也日益出现众多的社会性问题.一定程度上使高校传统思政工作陷入了困境。本文认为,高校中“福利弱化、风险强化”是重要的结构性因素,迫使我们反思传统的制度设置.并探索在新的形势下如何增进高校学生的社会福利。本文运用专业社会工作的概念体系来呼应和充实“以人为本”新理念.讨论了建构专业社会工作的可能性和必要性,并提出了初步的设想。  相似文献   

改革开放三十多年来.随着经济体制的转轨和社会结构的转型,青年大学生的价值取向发生了一系列的变化。特别是经济生活的改变深刻地影响着改革开放后大学生的职业价值取向。这里主要探讨在社会转型时期大学生职业价值取向的变化。  相似文献   

There are three dimensions through which to measure university support for students’ transition to university life: academic adjustment, social adjustment and psychological adjustment. Previous research studies show that there are relationships among those adjustments. However, less is known about gender differences in these relationships. The purpose of this study is to examine the perceived gender differences in perception of the relationships among these adjustments during the first year undergraduate transition period. The study is based on a survey of 114 first year undergraduate students from a Hong Kong local university. The findings show that (1) female students perceive social adjustment to have more influence on academic adjustment than male students, (2) female students perceive psychological adjustment to have more influence on academic adjustment than male students, and (3) there is no significant difference in the relationship between social and academic adjustments for female and male students.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to discuss transfer of learning in a tertiary technical course in the French educational context. The focus is on a pedagogical sequence (i.e. a complex problem-solving activity) requiring different types of knowledge that students are expected to have learnt previously in the different parts of their training course (both at university and in the workplace). The theoretical approach considers transfer of learning as a complex transition, including not only cognitive but also social and identity changes. This type of transition can be more or less difficult according to the types of knowledge and the pedagogical organisation of the training course, including more or less connective activities between its different components. We recorded two groups of students during the pedagogical sequence and analysed their collective activity during the problem solving. Our findings show that students can easily transfer concrete knowledge from the workplace whereas they have great difficulty in using theoretical concepts and methods coming from the academic teachings at the university. We propose an interpretation of the students?? difficulties by analysing the characteristics of these different social learning contexts. We also discuss the way in which such types of connective activities can be designed and managed by teachers to improve their efficiency.  相似文献   

Transition to university involves adapting to a new academic and social environment. Recent research on this process indicates that a significant number of students experience at least some difficulties during this transition, but that this may be alleviated by various institutional measures designed to assist students with the transition, e.g. the fostering of peer study groups. From 1996, the Faculty of Science of the University of Sydney has offered a "Transition Workshop" to all incoming first year science students. Follow-up surveys from the 1997 cohort indicated that students who attended the workshop exhibited significantly better adjustment on a range of measures. Compared to equivalent peers not attending the workshop, attendees also recorded higher levels of academic performance (on average) during their first year of study. A qualitative evaluation found that the workshop facilitated the establishment of strong peer relationships, and that these enhanced study, self-motivation and general enjoyment of university life. These findings suggest that such workshops assist in the development of peer networks and are helpful in easing the transition of undergraduate students.  相似文献   

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