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通过问卷调查来测评学生的学习动机和学生满意度,并运用SPSS15.0软件对数据进行统计分析,研究显示现代远程开放教育学生的学习动机包含社交关系、认知兴趣和职业发展这三个维度;现代远程开放教育学生具备认知兴趣;可以用教师教学、班级管理、学校服务和教学管理这四个维度来测评基层现代远程开放教育学生的学生满意度。  相似文献   

确认发展的基本方向及其路径是有效推进中小学校教育改革和发展的核心。基于现实的考察,可以将现阶段我国中小学校教育发展定位为一个包含学校-社会、学校-区域、学校-学校与学校-自身的四重结构:在学校-社会维度,实现公民教育的教育转型;在学校-区域维度,促进区域发展与学校发展的联动;在学校-学校维度,谋求学校的特色发展;在学校-自身维度,回归教育的本真。探讨现阶段中小学校教育发展方向的基本认识框架,有利于明确现阶段我国中小学校教育发展在不同层面的内涵、任务、重心和途径。  相似文献   

过去十多年,非认知技能研究迅速兴起,但测量方法的滞后性制约了实证研究的推进。本文建构了一个测量框架,包括成就目标、人际合作和情绪管理三个维度,每个维度包含若干项技能;并选取和修订了相应的量表用以测量,然后应用这个测量框架及工具对中国六省市72所小学、初中和高中的学生进行了测量。研究发现:第一,中小学生在成就和情绪管理方面的非认知表现(包括坚韧性、学校参与、自尊)随学段上升趋于下降,但合作水平随学段提高上升;第二,女生的非认知发展水平高于男生,但随学段上升,两者出现趋同;第三,“双留守儿童”的非认知发展处于困境;第四,不同家庭背景学生的非认知技能表现有显著差异,但学校之间的差异不明显。  相似文献   

教师在智能时代的意义更加凸显。本文从认知、关系、情感三个维度构建教师角色框架,符合时代发展和教育目的要求,以已有研究为依据,阐明三个维度互为途径,共为目的的辩证统一关系。针对现实中认知失衡和情感缺失导致的教育异化问题,从关系维度入手推进实施教师的三维角色框架,阐明关系的本质是权力,通过核心反思和共同体建设构建积极关系,进一步明确教师是认知提升者、关系构建者和情感激发者,并提出教师三维角色框架推动教师教育改革的路径。  相似文献   

首先通过梳理国内外有关创业概念的内涵,发现创业概念的界定主要关注点集中在创业主体、创业过程及创业结果三个方面展开。创业概念衍变的一个较大的进步是从关注创业主体转向关注创业过程。据此对创业进行了新的界定。接着阐述了有关创业心智的研究成果与结论,涉及创业胜任力、创业效能感、创业特质和创业动机等心智。同时发现,研究者们基本上局限于从某个层面出发研究创业的心智。事实上,这些心智是有机联系、相互作用、紧密不可分割的一个动态系统。为此,提出创业心智模型这一理论构念来描述创业的动态心理系统,认为创业心智模型是一个多层次多维度的心理结构,主要包括两个层次:第一层次由创业认知系统、创业动力系统和创业行为意向三部分构成。第二层次涉及七个维度,其中,创业认知系统由创业意识和创业环境认知两维度构成;创业动力系统由创业动机、创业兴趣和创业效能三个维度构成;创业行为意向由创新性和敢为性两个维度构成。  相似文献   

本文从社会-文化观的角度描述和分析了信息技术与课程整合框架.文章认为,信息技术与课程整合的研究与实践必须考虑四个维度:学校结构、课堂动力、教师信念和学生行为.学校教育中的信息技术与课程整合要取得理想的预期效果,就必须在上述四个维度实现从传统的/讲授式的教学属性向新型的/建构主义教学属性转变,这种转变是协同并进,缺一不可的.  相似文献   

在系统功能语言学的经典和扩展模式的基础上介绍语言的四个维度及其认知加工模型。语言的四个维度是:以时间维度为基础而延伸的三个隐喻性空间维度:(一)横向层次维度——语义→词汇语法→语音书写;(二)纵深相位维度——概念、人际、语篇的语义、词汇语法和语音书写范畴;(三)竖向级阶维度——词-篇连续体;语言过程是在经典系统功能语言学的前提下,以语言‘实例化’为着眼点,采用工作记忆原理加以阐述的一个认知模型,意在为系统功能语言学关于语言的社会属性及基本范畴补足应有的认知加工环境;并以现在主义认识论为出发点,将关注重点从系统转到语言使用的过程上来,恢复语言的本来面目。  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查,从家庭、学校、学业、友谊、自由和环境六个维度来研究中职学生主观幸福感的状况,从个体、家庭、学校和社会四个方面寻求影响主观幸福感的因素.利用主成分改进的多项Logistic回归模型研究各因素的影响程度。  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查,从家庭、学校、学业、友谊、自由和环境六个维度来研究中职学生主观幸福感的状况,从个体、家庭、学校和社会四个方面寻求影响主观幸福感的因素,利用主成分改进的多项Logistic回归模型研究各因素的影响程度.  相似文献   

职业教育问题的分类阐释   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
职业教育问题有两种叙述方式。科学主义的叙述方式与人文主义的叙述方式。职业教育问题的分类可以从四个维度进行二元解读,即“生活世界-科学世界”维度、“事实—价值”维度、“中心-边缘”维度、“终极性-生成性”维度。每一个维度中所蕴藏的关系模式可以从整合关系、张力关系与动态关系三个方面进行概括。在这样的话语框架下,可以对职业教育的基本问题作一个尝试性的界定。  相似文献   

This article describes a case study that is part of a broader research project in which schools set up processes of school improvement inspired by the proposals put forward by students. The project furthers the initiatives of the student voice movement and seeks to implement more participative pedagogical models. This as a whole represents a novel opportunity in the context of Spanish schools. Specifically, in the text we describe an experience in which students work as researchers (SAR) and in which we describe and discuss this process carried out in a primary school through ethnographic tools. The findings allow us to discover in this experience a learning opportunity for the members of the school community and for the school itself. Likewise, the research permits us to verify the existence of certain changes in the preexisting practice architectures that affect the cultural–discursive dimension, the material–economic dimension and the social–political dimension of schools.  相似文献   

Schools are currently suffering from considerable ‘innovation overload’ with multiple changes being demanded by the Education Reform Act and other sources. Tom Peters (1988) has argued that a similar turbulent situation exists in US business and industry and suggests that the most successful companies are those which are able to ‘Thrive on Chaos’. LEAs and schools need knowledge and skills about school improvement and this article attempts to provide research‐based information to help them cope with innovation and improve teaching and learning.

School improvement is seen as a combination of previous research on the management of change and school effectiveness. Eight factors which seem to be related to effective schools are listed and knowledge about the change process is used to consider how a school could be improved. In order to offer practical help to LEAs and schools a set of guidelines is provided and recent research findings are discussed under each heading. The article concludes with an outline of a possible LEA school improvement project, involving a set of stages.  相似文献   

教育改革是以一系列行动改变教育制度的"结构"、过程和行为习惯的过程.香港中文大学的成员利用教改的机会,在香港的学校内进行改进工作,让一系列学校改进计划成功地开展.本文试图总结大学与学校协作的经验,并分析大学成员如何面对学校教育庞大而牢固的"结构"而试图改变之.文章以"结构化"理论为探讨脉络,展现大学成员如何与政府和学校教师结为伙伴,让学校改进的协作模式得以更新.  相似文献   

This research paper is about the role of the principal in enabling teacher leadership for pedagogical innovations and school improvement studied in two Innovative Designs for Enhancing Achievements in Schools (IDEAS) schools in Singapore and Australia over a 3-year period from 2005 to 2007. The research reported is based on the developing relationship between principals and teacher leaders as they collaboratively engage in a process of whole school improvement. Both case study schools used the IDEAS school improvement program which originates from the Leadership Research Institute, University of Southern Queensland. The cases trace the facilitation of the IDEAS process in each school and highlights the centrality of teacher leadership in bringing about change in school-wide pedagogy and a process of school re-culturing. It underlines the fact that principals need to support the enabling of leadership among teachers by giving them the space, time and responsibility to make decisions about curriculum work and ensuring that these are aligned with new organizational structures and processes. The paper discusses how the schools were different and yet similar in many ways between the two countries, Singapore and Australia, with regard to the nature of the enabling processes for organizational revitalization and school capacity building. It draws out some implications for school leadership and school improvement.  相似文献   

This paper reports a school‐based investigation into revision as a means of improving writing in the English classroom. It suggests that although pupils tend to perceive revision as a teacher‐directed, discrete stage in the writing process, during revision they engage in independent questioning, evaluation and employ a working model of audience as a guide to their operations. An approach to revision which involved pupils actively investigating each other's work, combined with an emphasis on multiple‐drafting, was trialled in the English Departments of two different schools. The findings suggest that this alternative approach creates a classroom context for improvement which is not teacher‐centred but embraces all students and highlights the potential for revision as an active learning process.  相似文献   

沈伟 《全球教育展望》2012,(2):61-66,60
21世纪初美国颁布《不让一个孩子掉队》法案,此后,教学辅导员大量兴起。作为教学领导的一员,教学辅导员在促进学校能量建设、教师专业发展方面被寄予厚望。现实中,教学辅导员对各类角色有所选择和理解,不仅表现出促进者、中介者的角色,并在学习的过程中不断建构新的角色。在形成角色的过程中,教学辅导员受学区、学校等多重因素的影响。教学辅导员若要促进教学改进,必须首先推动学校的内部问责,并在教育系统中获得清晰的定位。  相似文献   

该文认为,"三全育人"作为宏观意义上的系统教育教学理念,在推进高校学生思想政治教育工作机制创新、优化内部课程体系以及完善学校育人模式等系列层面上具有不可忽略的重要意义,如何在"三全育人"基本理念指导下持续推进组织育人模式创新是目前高校教育教学与学校管理创新过程中的核心命题之一,需要各相关主体的高度重视和持续探索。  相似文献   

An organizational, domain-referenced approach to evaluation of public school special service delivery systems is offered. Derived from organizational and systems theory, related research in these areas, and the author's experience in special service delivery system evaluation, the framework focuses on the process of service delivery and is seen as useful to the improvement of service delivery within the context of Public Law 94–142. The paper delineates an organizational conception of a “School-Based Special Service Delivery System,” identifies several “Systemic Domains” in which evaluation can occur, outlines evaluation questions, methods, and procedures relative to each domain, and specifies evaluation information derived from evaluation in each domain. The paper is presented for consideration by school professionals with the hope that it can be adapted by them to their local circumstances.  相似文献   

德育的生命之维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会转型步伐的加快,人们的生命意识日益凸显。现行德育范式应以生命为思维原点,探寻生命维度,形成关爱生命的德育范畴、思维方式和逻辑体系。在生命内涵多维解读的基础上,着重将生命教育作为学校道德教育的本真要求。同时,反思当前“去生命化”德育范式的种种困境,努力从生命维度对德育目标、德育过程、德育方法等方面进行重新的审视和更新。  相似文献   

用历史的眼光审视20世纪90年代以来英国督导制度的演变过程,剖析英国督导框架历次修订中所进行的制度改进,可以发现英国督导体系变革呈现出如下主要新特点:强化督导的发展性功能,注重学校改进;把儿童青少年放在第一位,强调全体学生的全面发展;注重学校自我评估,将其作为反映学校管理水平的重要指标;提高督导效率,减轻学校负担。这些新的特点对于我国正在进行的学校督导评估改革具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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