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自主课程是学生个体自主学习与自由发展的课程,它是学生依据个人的状况,自主确定学习目标、自行选择学习内容、自主决定学习进程与方式、自我评价与管理,以实现自我发展的个性化课程。自主课程的特征表现为:目标的个性发展与个人化、内容的个体发展为核心和主体、决策与管理以学生为主体。自主课程的实施是一个系统工程,应采取多级主体联动、社会各界广泛参与的策略。  相似文献   

论自主课程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从国内外社会发展、教育与课程改革趋势看,设置自主课程既有必要性,又有可行性。自主课程即学生个体自主发展课程,是以发展个性为目标、以个人化为趋向、以个体发展为核心内容,完全由学生自主决策、学习和管理的个性化课程,可与国家课程、地方课程、学校课程等共性课程相对应,组成一个四层级的既各具特点与功能,又相互贯通和依存的基础教育课程体系。  相似文献   

学生的良性发展是指学生通过课程的学习获得了生动活泼、充分自由、全面而独特的发展,获得了支持其终身持续发展的最有价值的知识、能力、智慧和素质,实现了个人潜能的最大限度开发、个人价值的最大化,个性品质的最适度的发展。根本特征是学生在学校中追求并享受到了成功、健康、快乐的人生,实现了生命的幸福成长,具体特征或最佳状态是产生“高峰体验”。其课程路径:珍视学生差异,发展学生的个性;构建科学化、人性化的课程体系;课程实施对学生倾注终极关怀,注重精神引领和人生助动;开展有效的课堂教学;切实实施综合实践活动课程;在课程评价与管理上,创造学生自由活动、自主学习的良好氛围。  相似文献   

综合实践活动应当以“过程导向”的后现代课程观为理论基础,其开发、设计和实施必须“坚持学生的自主选择和主动探究、促进学生个性发展;推进学生与自我、社会和自然之间在联系的整体认识与情感体验,谋求自我、社会与自然之间的和谐发展;强调走向社会,走进生活,拓展学生的学习空间;提倡自主参与式实践性学习,改变学生的学习方式”等基本概念。综合实践活动课程具有以下性质:它是一种正式和必修的综合性、实践性课程;既是国家课程,又是地方课程和校本课程。  相似文献   

综合实践活动课程论纲   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综合实践活动课程是当前我国基础教育课程改革的一项新举措,是对课程结构的新突破。它以学生的直接经验和体验为基础,密切联系学生的生活世界和社会生活实践,在以学生自主探究活动为特征的实际操作过程中达到对知识的综合运用,从而实现学生对知识的自主建构。作为一种新课程,综合实践活动课程在基本特征、目标、内容、实施和评价等方面与其他课程有着本质的区别。  相似文献   

改善学生学习方式是目前进行的基础教育课程改革的核心任务。因而教师在教育教学中必须实现教育观念和教学方式的转变。围绕学习方式的转变,教师要做课程的开发者;要尊重每一位学生的个性和需求;要探索全新的真正满足学生自主学习的教学方式;要确立以促进发展为本的评价理念和评价方式;要实现教师自身素质的提升和完善。  相似文献   

课程改革呼唤个体的课程策划。自我课程策划是个体根据自身的特点与生涯发展目标,为自己策划特定课程的教育策划活动,它对于真正实现个性化课程和个性化发展具有重要意义。从行动主体来看,它与官方的课程开发相对应;从实质来看,它挑战传统学校课程的强制性、规范划一性;从功能和目的来看,它指向个体主动发展与终生发展。课程政策和制度的变化使自我课程策划成为可能,学校变迁及其功能变化则使它成为必然和必需。要实现自我课程策划,课程再概念化是前提,加强对学生的指导是关键。  相似文献   

课程评价是课程改革的重要内容,课程评价方法直接影响学校教师的教学行为和学生学习行为倾向。高职教育是面向就业的教育,每个学生毕业后就要走进社会,成为一个社会人,能否顺利地适应社会生活、岗位工作对学生来说至关重要。高职课程评价应该包括情感体验、个性发展、过程经历、价值观发展与人生态度等方面的内容。从现行教育实践中对学生课程评价的现状和高职课程评价制度改革必要性入手,结合进出口实务课程教学实践,力图构建基于学生发展的高职课程评价体系,以期能真实地评价学生的学业。  相似文献   

“扬长”教育主要是通过改革传统课程设置模式和教学模式 ,拓展学生学习和生活的空间 ,张扬学生个性 ,发展学生特长 ,为学生成人成才成功创设条件。自主发展课程作为“扬长”教育思想的延伸和实践形式 ,是一门综合性校本课程 ,它以自主为核心 ,以发展为目标 ,通过探究性的学习活动 ,培养学生的实践能力和创新精神。  相似文献   

围绕学生自身的成长与发展需求、实现学校育人目标的价值追求以及落实国家有关教育政策的要求,确定"自主+选择"的学生生涯辅导核心价值.尊重学生的个性与兴趣,在市区级课题的研究引领和实践推进的基础上,开发建设学生生涯辅导校本课程,研发运作学生生涯发展规划信息平台.经过十余年的探索、实践、积累,形成了"课程+平台"的学生生涯辅导操作模式与品牌特色.通过实施"课程+平台"的学生生涯辅导,不只是为学生选择学科、选择大学、选择专业、规划职业提供指导帮助,其重点是激发学生的内部动机与自主性,有效促进学生的自我认识、自我体验、自我发现、自我评价;提升学生情绪调控、自我管理、人际沟通等能力,开发心理潜能;引导学生找到发展方向,确立目标,科学抉择,为全体学生的成长发展提供个性化的教育服务.  相似文献   

课程观是课程的灵魂,是人们对课程的基本看法。新课程背景下人们对课程本质、课程内容、课程学习方式、课程目标和课程主体都有了全新的看法。新的课程观要求新课程实施过程中的学生、教师、师生关系、课堂教学和教学评价等以新的面孔呈现。  相似文献   

For many students, school is a place that makes no sense; a place where students’ interests are not reflected in the curriculum. Using mixed methods research, we developed an instrument that identifies student interests. This instrument was applied in a pilot study that considered 10th-grade students from three schools in Santiago, Chile. We compared student interest and national curriculum for different factors and established how well aligned these are. The results reveal that private school students prefer subjects that require greater cognitive development, related to Young’s powerful knowledge. Students from voucher schools, on the other hand, prefer to develop their knowledge of the arts and physical education, both of which are subjects they tend to enjoy. These findings are coherent with Bernstein’s theories. This pattern is also repeated when comparing high-performing students with their low-performing counterparts, regardless of school type. The findings of this study not only help identify which subjects the students want to study, but also to understand the reasons behind their preferences. Understanding these reasons is key for developing a more contextualised curriculum that makes more sense to the students.  相似文献   

课程是教和学的纽带,是师生的互动平台,课程建设是质量工程的中心内容之一。绵阳师范学院在长期的探索中,走出了一条"以精品课程为龙头,阶梯式建设,整体性推进"的课程建设思路,并在课程建设中坚持"重建设,严过程,提质量"的原则,有力地提升了课程质量,确保了育人质量的提高。  相似文献   

A responsive curriculum addresses the changing needs of students, bridging the gap between universal knowledge and theories on one hand and contextual, continuously changing realities of everyday life and the world of work, on the other. Though several higher education institutions appreciate the value of making curriculum responsive, how to do this remains a challenge. This paper first identified unique attributes of responsive curriculum development based on literature and assessed their manifestation in the creation of a new Masters curriculum in natural resource and environmental governance in Ghana. The role of actors within and outside academia and its implications, were also investigated. The study was designed as participatory action research. Key process attributes identified include, among others, iteration, built-in learning within the curriculum development process, and the contribution of actors from outside academia to curriculum design and implementation. The study also shows the important role of the so-called champion of the process and the expert facilitators. The paper does not seek to provide a blue-print but rather provides a valuable example for future initiatives at creating curriculum that better responds to current needs of students.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of a creativity-fostering program in industrial engineering and management (IE&M) curriculum reform. Fostering creativity in students has become a crucial issue in industrial engineering education. In a survey of previous studies, we found few on IE&M curriculum reform. In particular, no study has dealt directly with fostering students’ creativity. In this study, we propose an IE&M curriculum reform program. The core of this program is intended to enhance students’ creative problem solving ability. Based on this concept, three required courses were developed: industrial communication, creative problem solving, and scientific research methodology. To investigate the effectiveness of this curriculum reform program, we conducted a two-year follow-up study. One hundred seventy-seven IE&M undergraduates from Yuan-Ze University participated this study, and Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) were used to measure changes in their creativity. The results showed that the students, after completing this reformed curriculum program, had significantly improved their creativity.  相似文献   

Pedagogical love in the transactional curriculum   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The original meaning of pedagogy is grounded in the relational and intentional responsibility of adult to child. The vulnerability of the child calls forth a loving attitude from the adult, as pedagogue, that is directed toward the physical security and the social, emotional, and educational well‐being of the child as student. The lived experiences of five teachers and their students presented in this paper demonstrate that pedagogical love as a favourable influence, or auspice of heart in teaching, is a mediating influence within the transactional curriculum. In the learning process, human beings, whether child or adult, develop an understanding of themselves and Other and in the process share a common heart. Pedagogical love cannot be perceived, nor received, in a curriculum environment in which feeling for the Other is absent or marginalized. Pedagogical love invites teachers and their students to actively participate in the understandings and knowledge that co‐emerge in the transactional curriculum.  相似文献   

Building upon past studies of curriculum textbooks in the US, this paper presents an analytical framework that classifies curriculum texts according to their representation of reconceptualized curriculum scholarship. It uses four indicators of the representation of curriculum scholarship in the analyses of eight curriculum texts published in the USA in the 1990s: the author’s stated intentions; the organization of the table of contents; the treatment of the forms of reconceptualism; and the ratio of curriculum and non‐curriculum journal citations. The analysis finds that reconceptualized curriculum scholarship has been at least mentioned, if not extensively treated, in most texts since the mid‐1980s, and that this approach is most comprehensively treated in books published in the 1990s.  相似文献   

In this paper the idea of social entitlement to conceptual knowledge is considered in relation to students’ views of music at secondary school in New Zealand. The data was collected as a means of triangulating the key focus of a study concerning the beliefs and actions of teachers in relation to curriculum. In interpreting the student data I utilise thematic categories developed in the study but also Bernstein's concepts of pedagogic rights and identities to consider whether students’ experience of the curriculum empowered them to look beyond what they already know to consider alternatives. Most students were able to recognise themselves and their aspirations within their school music departments while also recognising the potential importance of the theoretical knowledge of the discipline. The interplay between enabling pedagogy and curriculum content appears to be pivotal in developing these rights for students.  相似文献   

开发利用课程资源是实现有效教学的重要途径。在政治课教学中,要广泛开发利用各种资源激发学生的学习热情和动机,激发学生的求知欲。要开发利用政治课程资源就要充分利用校本课程资源,自主开发校本课程以及教辅资料;要从政治教师、家长及学生等方面全方位有效利用一切可供利用的课程资源。只有广泛开发利用政治课程资源,才能使政治课堂焕发出永恒的生命活力。  相似文献   

The growth of surveillance in UK schools in recent years has resulted in the development of what can be labelled as the surveillance curriculum. Operating through the overt and hidden curricula, contemporary surveillance practices and technologies not only engage students in a discourse of control, but also increasingly socialise them into a ‘culture of observation’ in which they learn to watch and be watched, accepting unremitting monitoring as a norm. This paper examines how the surveillance curriculum operates through observation, discourse and simulation, before drawing upon elements of Gary Marx’s typology of resistance to consider student responses to new surveillance technologies, such as CCTV and Internet monitoring devices. It is concluded that although the surveillance curriculum seeks to control, it also provides a space within which students can forge their own identities through playful resistance, (re)configuring the ‘algebra of surveillance’.  相似文献   

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