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语文教师必须通过审美教育对学生进行思想教育,其主要途径是寓教于言,寓教于形,寓教于情,寓教于乐,寓教于理。  相似文献   

新课程标准对英语教学中学生听说读写能力提出了更高的要求,教学中教师应寓教于乐,使英语单词教学轻松有趣;寓教于趣,提高学生的英语听说能力;寓教于理,把枯燥无味的语法教学条理化;寓教于导,提高学生的英语快速阅读能力;寓教于感,培养学生的综合写作素养,提高学生学习兴趣和自主创新能力,变被动接受为主动参与,从而达到事半功倍,提高学生语用能力的目的。  相似文献   

新课程标准对英语教学中学生听说读写能力提出了更高的要求,教学中教师应寓教于乐,使英语单词教学轻松有趣;寓教于趣,提高学生的英语听说能力;寓教于理,把枯燥无味的语法教学条理化;寓教于导,提高学生的英语快速阅读能力;寓教于感,培养学生的综合写作素养,提高学生学习兴趣和自主创新能力,变被动接受为主动参与,从而达到事半功倍,提高学生语用能力的目的。  相似文献   

如何将英语的学习变得生动又有效,学生和老师都“乐”享其中是当代英语学习者共同追求的目标。“寓教于乐”的主张也成为英语教育重要指导思想,可以理解为教育在教予知识的同时给人收益和乐趣。当然,英语学习的过程更要寓乐于教,这样从寓乐于教到寓教于乐既享受了过程又收获了硕果。要做到寓乐于教就要做到寓教于良好的师生关系,寓教于灵活的教学方式,寓教于真实的语言环境。寓教于良好的师生关系是保证英语学习有兴趣的前提和重要保障。寓教于灵活的教训方式可以全面提高学是各方面素质,在保证学习到课本知识之余体验各式各样的教学方式也将会成为开启学生思维的,开发其潜能,锻炼各种能力的有效途径。寓教于真实的语言环境是英语学习的出发点和目的所在。  相似文献   

《语文课程标准》始终强调课堂是属于学生的这一教育教学理念,倡导教师的课堂教育教学应寓教于乐、寓教于情、寓教于趣、寓教于意。因此,我校也积极响应,着力打造情趣课堂,让所有学生都会学、乐学、爱学。进一步利用多种学生喜闻乐见的教学手段激发学生的学习兴趣,教师在课堂上更关注学生是否  相似文献   

王焕蕊 《成才之路》2009,(14):96-96
思想政治课肩负着对青少年学生进行马克思主义基本理论教育的历史重任,对于培养“四有”新人具有重要意义。使思想政治课充满魅力,一方面寓教于需,在学生的内化上下工夫,使学生从“为用而学”到“越学越有用”再到“越学越想学”,形成“学—用—学”的良性循环;另一方面。积极进行课堂教学改革,贯彻理论联系实际的原则,做到寓教于情、寓教于趣。  相似文献   

门立山 《职业技术》2006,(10):96-96
将复杂的基尔霍夫定律拿到操场上去学,让学生们人人过关,寓教寓乐。  相似文献   

从教师的教、学生的学、课堂的气氛环境三个维度提出并阐述了课堂教学的境界说,指出通过这三种境界的提升,最终所要达到课堂教学的整体境界是:寓教于悦,寓学于乐,寓考于进,实现教、学、考的和谐统一。  相似文献   

将复杂的基尔霍夫定律拿到操场上去学,让学生们人人过关,寓教寓乐.  相似文献   

英语课堂教学是一门创造性很强的艺术,它要求教师运用智慧的火花,创设情景,去激发学生的学习热情与兴趣,达到寓教于景,寓教于趣之目的。  相似文献   

项目教学法在生物化学教学中的试运用及效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
项目教学法,是师生通过共同实施一个完整的“项目”工作而进行的教学活动。将项目教学法试运用于生物化学的教学过程中,结果发现,项目教学法能够有效提高学生对生物化学的学习兴趣和积极性,同时加强师生联系,开拓学生专业视野,最终体现为学生学习成绩的大幅提高。  相似文献   

Engineers often work together with professionals from entirely different areas. Therefore, it is important for the engineers to understand enough of these other areas, where technology is used, to obtain good results. To this aim a term has been developed within the civil engineering curriculum in information technology at Linköpings universitet, where the students work and study together with students from the psychology and economics education programs. The information technology and economics students build companies together and perform a project. The psychology students act as consultants for the different companies. Subjects from six departments are integrated into the project. The students work and study together for different parts of the project, although the learning goals differ between the different programs. The cooperation in the project leads to a transfer of information and knowledge between the students. Experience also suggests that the students obta in a better motivation and an integrated view of technology and the other areas as a result of the integrated project. The learning method also promotes cooperation and understanding between different professional cultures.  相似文献   

项目教学法是一种以学生自主探索为基础,将实际项目工作作为主要教学内容,采用科学研究及实践方法,促进学生主动接受知识的教学方式。采用项目教学法进行"版式设计"课程教学,将项目的基本理念和操作方法应用于教学,有利于实现理论与实践的有机结合,充分调动学生学习的积极性和创造性。  相似文献   


This paper aims at presenting the experience of the Power Conversion project in teaching students to design a proof-of-principle contactless energy transfer system for the charging of electrical vehicles. The Power Conversion is a second-year electrical engineering (EE) project in which students are to gather and apply EE knowledge to design and test a system. This system is to work with power level and operates independent from an electricity grid. The instructional method used in this project is design-based learning (DBL). As an educational approach, DBL is to support students to gather and apply knowledge in open-ended assignments. The set-up of the project has gone through different modifications and iterations in three consecutive years regarding the organisation and supervision of the students. We have analysed the students’ design products in the past three academic years in order to evaluate whether the project set-up and supervision have influenced students’ designs. Results indicate that the open-ended character of the project has a positive influence on the designs especially regarding the criteria on efficiency, Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm and power tracking.  相似文献   

嵌入式系统设计课程实践性很强,是培养学生工程能力的良好载体,但是当前该课程教学知识点零散、关联性弱,不利于学生整体理解及在工程中应用。以工程教育思想为指导,使用项目教学,调整知识点顺序,理论知识结合项目应用讲解,每次实验完成项目的部分功能,最后整合成整个项目,可使学生快速在整体上理清知识脉络。通过对比,改革后学生成绩90分以上人数比例提高5.9%~8.2%,80-90分人数比例提高23.0%~24.3%;学生课程设计的复杂度方面提高16.3~17.6分,完整度方面提高12.3~13.4分,期末成绩平均分提高8.7~9.6分,学生工程能力有了明显提高。  相似文献   

Final year projects are a showcase for engineering students’ creativity. All final year engineering students at Swinburne University of Technology are required to spend part of their final semester of studies developing and completing various aspects of a major project. The theme of the project work is defined either by industrial sponsors or academic supervisors or by both. In addition, project guidelines are provided by the university for the final submission and completion of the work. The project may be any combination of research, design or developmental work. Within the constraints required by these factors, students’ creativity in their approach and execution of the project work may be both limited and expanded to simulate conditions experienced in a work environment. The culmination of the project work is in a written, oral and visual presentation to a professional audience. It is the students’ own creativity which determines not only the format of all three forms of presentations, but also their assessment which is again limited or enhanced by constraints of time and resources. Examples of project work creativity are presented which highlight and emphasize the broad spectrum which such creativity can encompass.  相似文献   

提高土木工程专业毕业设计质量的几点探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毕业设计是高等院校学生重要的实践性教学环节,毕业设计的质量直接体现了学生的综合能力,提高毕业设计的质量具有重要意义。本文针对毕业设计中存在的问题,对提高土木工程专业毕业设计质量进行了一些探索,并取得一定的效果。  相似文献   

计算机专业毕业设计环节规范化管理初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
毕业设计是将课堂理论运用于工程实际的重要环节,是实现电大工科教育培养目标,对学生在校期间所学知识进行全面总结和验收的有效途径。对这一重点实践性教学环节进行规范化管理,从组织领导、资源配置、各教学环节的完善配套,到课题选择、设计、考核等诸方面合理地制定毕业设计的组织规程和基本制度以及各类管理事务的作业流程,以形成统一、规范和相对稳定的管理体系,有利于促进学生综合素质和实际应用能力的提高,充分体现素质教育的内在要求。  相似文献   

课堂教学改革是职业教育不衰的课题,项目教学正在成为培养综合型技能人才的新型教学模式。solidworks课程教学立足激发学生的学习兴趣提高学生的自学和动手能力,教学项目设计的合理性是项目教学的关键,项目教学的特性决定了教师即是项目的设计者也是和学生一起的共同完成者。  相似文献   

大学生创新训练项目的实施是为了培养学生创新思维,提高创新能力,以适应社会发展。本文通过化学专业大学生创新项目的指导实践,认为在项目中突出学生的主体地位,注重学生知识及操作技能储备,培养科研素质及精神素质,用发展性评价理念对项目进行评价可以有效地提高化学专业大学生创新能力的培养。  相似文献   

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