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当下中国正经历日新月异的发展,城市化进程加快。城市间的竞争日益激烈,且竞争已由经济硬实力转向了城市软实力的较量。各大中小城市都开始注重对作为城市软实力的城市形象的塑造和提高。而城市形象广告作为城市形象重要的营销手段之一,引起了各方的重视。目前,利用百度搜索引擎可见的连云港形象广告片共有四个,其中包括两个连云港城市形象广告,一个连岛形象广告和一个花果山玉女峰形象广告。连云港市作为新亚欧大陆桥的东桥头堡、最早的十四个沿海开放城市之一,坐拥秀丽山水,又承西游记花果山美名,再加之正在建设中的总投资达338.6亿元的西游记文化主题公园,旅游资源丰富。但长期以来,连云港的知名度、美誉度与其丰富的旅游资源存在一定落差,而这种落差与城市形象广告的缺  相似文献   

韩玉 《视听》2016,(7):97-98
城市形象是塑造城市品牌的一个重要方面,是大众对城市整体印象特征的感知、识别与认同,在市场化经济竞争中,城市形象的塑造与传播已经成为城市参与竞争谋求更多发展的重要组成部分。本文以反映80后婚后育儿、家庭、生活为主题的电视连续剧《虎妈猫爸》为研究对象,通过对电视剧中城市形象进行量化分析和"影像细读",进行电视剧受众调查,对城市形象的影视传播效果进行评估,分析受众对城市形象的偏好。  相似文献   

城市形象广告,由威海市1994年在央视国际频道开创先河,催生了广告业中的一个新类别的诞生。目前在各家电视台播放的城市形象宣传片,一种篇幅较长,内容具体丰富,摄制手法主要以纪录片的形式。另一种是城市形象宣传片剪辑后的短片,一般在10秒钟左右,摄制手法接近商品广告,业内普遍称它为城市形象广告。实际上两者都起到广告的作用。在城市成长过程中,城市形象广告以宣传整个城市为目标,客观上引导了城市的定位、发展战略。广告宣传可以作为城市营销中的触发器,牵动城市营销的神经。  相似文献   

城市形象近年来越来越受到人们的关注。作为一种无形资产,它是国家形象的子系统,同时也是打造城市自身品牌的重要组成部分,而城市形象广告更是承担着对城市的综合实力、人文风情、独特个性的宣传与推广的职责。本文通过对安徽芜湖城市形象广告的美学赏析,从广告美学的  相似文献   

林立  曹华 《新闻爱好者》2011,(24):119-120
城市公共广告设施是城市的宣传窗口,是城市文明的标志。城市公共广告设施在城市形象战略中显示着其自身独特的魅力与活力。本文主要从长春城市公共广告设施的现状及存在的问题入手,提出应采取的解决对策,最终实现城市公共广告设施与城市形象的整体完善。  相似文献   

城市公共广告设施是城市的宣传窗口,是城市文明的标志。城市公共广告设施在城市形象战略中显示着其自身独特的魅力与活力。本文主要从长春城市公共广告设施的现状及存在的问题入手。提出应采取的解决对策,最终实现城市公共广告设施与城市形象的整体完善。  相似文献   

城市建筑不仅仅提供了人们的居住生活条件,同时其形象直观地反映了城市的风貌和地域风格。因此,从广告传播学的角度看,建筑本身除了内部具有使用价值之外,它的外观形象对于城市形象具有广告传播的作用。本文运用广告传播原理分析建筑的广告传播属性及其原理,并以鼓浪屿楼宇建筑为例,提出城市建筑形象对于提升城市形象的相关建议。  相似文献   

城市形象宣传片与城市形象要素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电视城市形象广告宣传片以其独特的媒介表现特点和宣传优势,在推进城市品牌形象建设和发展过程中起到不可或缺的重要作用,而以树立城市品牌形象为目标宗旨的电视广告宣传片,要正确把握和领悟每个城市独有的品牌魅力和由此引伸并寻求具有代表性的城市各形象要素,并充分发挥电视媒介广告宣传片的表现能力,设计出高水平的广告作品,以便更利于城市品牌形象的推广和宣传。本文从直观的层面结合城市品牌与电视城市形象广告宣传片关系的角度进行探讨。  相似文献   

电视城市形象广告宣传片以其独特的媒介表现特点和宣传优势,在推进城市品牌形象建设和发展过程中起到不可或缺的重要作用,而以树立城市品牌形象为目标宗旨的电视广告宣传片,要正确把握和领悟每个城市独有的品牌魅力和由此引伸并寻求具有代表性的城市各形象要素,并充分发挥电视媒介广告宣传片的表现能力,设计出高水平的广告作品,以便更利于城市品牌形象的推广和宣传。本文从直观的层面结合城市品牌与电视城市形象广告宣传片关系的角度进行探讨.  相似文献   

随着全球化、后工业化和信息化的扩展,城市的竞争开始从单纯的城市建设和形态竞争进入城市品牌竞争的时代。然而,以往的城市形象营销策略只注重创造差异性的城市形象,却忽视了城市形象品质与传播品质之间的脱节,导致城市形象的传播落后于城市形象的建设,传播效果大打折扣。本文提出城际传播的新概念,通过对此概念的阐释,提出城市形象传播的新策略。  相似文献   

牛红艳 《图书馆建设》2012,(6):52-54,59
社会参与图书馆公共服务有利于图书馆服务多元化,有利于构建沟通桥梁,有利于激发馆员的服务热情,同时体现了读者权益。目前,社会参与图书馆公共服务的内容主要包括:参与图书馆的数字参考咨询服务、参与图书馆读者服务、参与图书馆的文化推广活动、参与图书馆的宣传推广服务、参与弱势群体服务、参与全民阅读服务。社会参与图书馆公共服务具有普遍性、多样性,为实现图书馆服务效益最大化提供了帮助。  相似文献   

汪晓 《编辑学报》2002,14(4):292-293
认为广告运动是科技期刊抢占国内外科技期刊市场的必由之路.论述广告对于科技期刊的重要性;指出调查研究是期刊质量取向及其广告运动的基础;提出加入WTO后中国科技期刊面临的机遇,以及严峻形势下广告运作应当采取的对策:发展广告策略,制定广告计划,下大力气开展发行促销活动.认为执行广告运动策略是办刊宗旨的体现,是期刊生存的根本.  相似文献   

This study is a qualitative analysis of Public Service Announcement (PSA) storyboards produced by 177 fourth and sixth-grade students as part of a Media Literacy Education program on advertising and commercial culture. The program curriculum addressed the ubiquity and hidden nature of ads, as well as gender portrayals, violence, and nutritional messages in advertising content. Textual analysis revealed differing patterns in student reception of the varied lesson topics. Students called for specific behavioral changes in PSAs for the topics of nutrition and gender, although most were limited to non-media-related behaviors such as improving eating habits and encouraging fluidity across roles more traditionally associated with masculinity or with femininity. The analysis also suggested responsibility for the problems students identified with advertising were largely based on individual, consumerist perspectives rather than on collective or social, citizen-based terms. Fourth graders’ storyboards especially indicated an apparent mimicry of mainstream commercial productions and practices. The analysis further explores these fourth and sixth graders’ underlying orientations toward the U.S. commercial media system as well as the potential strengths and limitations of a production component in MLE programs to promote outcomes associated with critical media literacy.  相似文献   

In this study, we propose a theoretical framework through which we examine the direct and the indirect effects of advertising on college students’ materialistic attitudes in China. The framework is built on the influence-of-presumed-influence model, which allows us to examine how advertising and peer influence interact with each other and exert joint effects. We conducted a survey of 210 undergraduate students aged from 17 to 24 in Beijing, China. Results of the survey suggest that, in addition to its direct effect, advertising produces an indirect effect on college students’ materialism via their presumed advertising influence on peers. The findings of this study have practical implications for both educators and marketers.  相似文献   

This article contains the results of an empirical analysis and review of 199 American Bar Association-accredited law school library Web pages to identify the law library services for faculty that are advertised or promoted on law library Web sites. The analysis ranked the Web sites based on how thoroughly a law library communicates, or promotes on its Web site, the services it offers to faculty. The analysis also identified the percentage of law libraries advertising specific services for faculty, such as those related to library staffing, publishing support, teaching support, and research services. Suggestions are included for the promotion of the law library to faculty, including services some libraries are uniquely offering.  相似文献   

通过对开展劳务工讲座服务研究现状分析、讲座需求调查,并结合宝安区图书馆劳务工讲座实践,论述公共图书馆开展劳务工讲座服务应注重主题需求策划、制定主讲人选择标准、灵活安排时间、多形式宣传推广并开展联动服务。  相似文献   

开展阅读推广服务已成为高校图书馆的共识。文章分析了现阶段高校图书馆阅读推广工作中存在的一些问题,提出通过建立完善的阅读推广活动评价机制,以提高阅读推广活动的开展成效。  相似文献   

In the past decades, the rates of childhood obesity have increased rapidly in Asian countries, where an increase in Westernization of behavioral and dietary lifestyle is evident. Although causes of childhood obesity have raised an issue about the direct influence of food advertising on children, little has been known about what kinds of health relevant content are provided and how they are presented. The present study explores the current practice of television food advertising targeted at children in Korea and extends previous content analyses by examining the content and presentation manner of health-related claims as well as persuasive appeals and food types. The results of the analysis of 403 television commercials show children in Korea are still mainly targeted with advertising messages that urge the consumption of unhealthy foods heavily emphasizing sensory and emotional appeals, while food marketers have not utilized health information enough and put an emphasis on ‘health’ in advertising without making substantial claims explicitly. This study also reveals that some presentation manners of health-related claims are identified as potentially misleading with child audiences.  相似文献   

技术类期刊经营广告业务问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王爽英 《编辑学报》2011,23(1):15-16
分析技术类期刊经营广告业务的现状和存在的问题。认为应明确广告定位,细分目标市场,制订合理的广告定价,综合运用各种促销手段等市场营销策略。提出了技术类期刊经营广告业务应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

广告是一门综合艺术。广告创意是现代广告的灵魂,是引起消费者注意、激发消费者购买欲望的驱动力。它的实质是对商 品或服务进行艺术化的渲染和推销。本文着重分析英语广告语篇的语言艺术特征与技巧在语用原则和消费者心理上的体现。  相似文献   

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