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中国地域文化的核心部分,是作为地域人群"集体潜意识"的地域"隐型文化".因此,注目"潜意识"问题研究且成果颇丰的弗洛伊德精神分析学派的相关方法,在中国地域文化研究中便大有用武之地.其中,弗洛伊德的高足荣格的"集体潜意识"理论,对中国地域文化研究提供了心理学依据;克鲁克洪的"隐型文化"理论在被接纳入唯物史观框架后,也是研究中的有力工具.  相似文献   

中国地域文化的核心部分,是作为地域人群“集体潜意识”的地域“隐型文化”。因此。注目“潜意识”问题研究且成果颇丰的弗洛伊德精神分析学派的相关方法,在中国地域文化研究中便大有用武之地。其中,弗洛伊德的高足荣格的“集体潜意识”理论,对中国地域文化研究提供了心理学依据;克鲁克洪的“隐型文化”理论在被接纳入唯物史观框架后,也是研究中的有力工具。  相似文献   

潜意识的理论是精神分析理论演变的重要载体.弗洛伊德提出的"潜意识",荣格提出的"集体潜意识"和弗洛姆提出的"社会潜意识"分别是潜意识理论发展史上的三个里程碑.这三种潜意识有其各自的内容和产生的机制,并且这三种潜意识都与意识有着一定的关系.  相似文献   

荣格是瑞士著名心理学家,精神分析学派代表人物,分析心理学创始人。曾追随精神分析学派大师弗洛伊德,并极受其器重,但后因理论存在重大分歧而自立门户,创立了分析心理学,毕生致力于人类灵魂及其深处奥秘的探索。他提出的集体潜意识理论突破了弗洛伊德的潜意识研究思路与领域,对研究人类的潜意识心理做出了巨大的贡献。  相似文献   

潜意识的理论是精神分析理论演变的重要载体。弗洛伊德提出的“潜意识”,荣格提出的“集体潜意识”和弗洛姆提出的“社会潜意识”分别是潜意识理论发展史上的三个里程碑。这三种潜意识有其各自的内容和产生的机制,并且这三种潜意识都与意识有着一定的关系。  相似文献   

结构主义方法也是一种矛盾分析方法。它关于人类精神世界(包括人类潜意识的精神世界)具有矛盾结构的分析,值得我国地域文化研究者批判借鉴,因为,地域文化首先是作为一种集体潜意识形态而存在的,因此,在地域文化研究中,使用“解构”的方法,也具有合理性。  相似文献   

潜意识理论是精神分析学说的精髓之一,是精神分析理论发展的一条主线。弗洛伊德(Freud,S)、荣格(Jung,C.C)以及弗洛姆(Fromm,E)从不同的角度论述自己对潜意识的观点,提出个体潜意识、集体潜意识和社会潜意识三个概念及其相关理论。各有独到之处,创建、充实、扩展了潜意识理论,被誉为是潜意识理论发展的三大里程碑。  相似文献   

结构主义方法也是一种矛盾分析方法。它关于人类精神世界(包括人类潜意识的精神世界)具有矛盾结构的分析,值得我国地域文化研究者批判借鉴。因为,地域文化首先是作为一种集体潜意识形态而存在的。也因此,在地域文化研究中,使用“解构”的方法,也具有合理性。  相似文献   

王旭 《华章》2012,(16)
奥林匹克文化是人类社会文明进程中又一颗璀璨的明珠,她以其独有的魅力得到了全世界不同民族文化、不同地域的人们的认同.借助集体潜意识概念对这一现象进行了解读,指出奥林匹克文化的传播是人类爱好和平、崇尚健康的集体潜意识被唤醒的过程,并为中西体育文化的交流提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

名声并不很好、影响却是很大的弗洛伊德主义已经通过各种渠道渗透到我国思想文化领域中来了.用马克思主义的观点对弗洛伊德主义进行实事求是的分析和评价,是理论工作的一项义不容辞的任务.本文就是想对弗洛伊德主义的基础——精神分析学说中的潜意识理论作一点剖析.  相似文献   

School choice in China is a parent-initiated bottom-up movement characterised by the payment of a substantial ??choice fee?? to the desired school, and parents?? positional competition through the use of cultural, social and economic capital, before and during the school choice process. This study demonstrates that Chinese middle class parents?? cultural capital and their efforts to help their children to accumulate cultural capital through after-school activities greatly increase their positional advantage in the competitive school admission process in China. The Chinese practice of acquiring cultural capital outside the family has to some extent extended the development of Bourdieu??s cultural reproduction theory. The widespread practice of such actions by middle class families clearly illustrates how cultural capital can be used to maintain social stratification by perpetuating educational inequalities that lead to unequal life opportunities for differently schooled people.  相似文献   

为使文创产品更能凸显地域文化特色,改善产品种类同质现象,满足目标用户情感需求和降低产品开发风险,提出了地域文化意象驱动下的文创产品开发模式。以地域文化、文创产品和目标用户三个维度为研究主体,对地域文化意象层次、目标用户情感需求和文创产品设计属性之间的匹配关系、层次对应关系进行研究,构建了凸显地域文化意象的文创产品开发模式。以厦门作为地域文化研究对象,对该文创产品开发模式进行案例验证,为地域性文创产品开发模型提供了新的研究思路和设计方法。  相似文献   

世纪初以来《联合早报》大量文章凸现对华语“失语”的文化焦虑,通过对这些焦虑的报刊文本进行细 读,来探寻和思考在全球化的现代性进程中,海外华文传媒在传承中华文化过程中对华人华侨族群的深层文化身 份定位及相关文化人类学的问题。  相似文献   

温州侨乡形成的独特性,成为温州特殊的区域文化现象。从民俗学时空理论的视角,以温州侨乡为中心,将跨国移民、侨乡的形成与其独特的地理位置、历史背景、民俗文化相联系,并对这一区域文化现象进行阐释,是一种有意义的学术探索。  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze and validate the dimensions and specific features of a school culture in a Chinese context. A sample of 181 teachers from a Chinese primary and secondary school in Beijing participated in a survey that measures school organizational cultural characteristics and teacher organizational commitment and well-being as outcomes of school culture. Specific cultural characteristics of this school and their impact on teacher organizational commitment and well-being were identified. The findings provide important information for understanding a school culture in the Chinese context. It enriches the theory related to school culture and the research findings that have been identified in the Western settings.  相似文献   

提高区域文化竞争力是促进区域经济社会全面发展的科学战略决策。文化生态学对于提高区域文化竞争力的实践具有重要的指导意义。我们需要运用文化生态理论及其视角,全面审视区域文化竞争力的文化生态要素,深刻理解文化生态学的实践理念,科学构建提高区域文化竞争力的建设思路,为提高区域文化竞争力提供有益的思想资源和科学的改革方法。  相似文献   

高师校园文化:作为一种隐性教师教育课程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师范生的职前专业发展不仅是在教师教育者指导下实现的知识习得、技能演练的人为培育过程,更是在文化浸润、环境熏陶中发生的自然化育过程。当前高师院校采取的三种经典职前教师专业发展路径的共同特点是显性化、理性化,其缺,点是无法深入师范生的潜意识层面。高师校园文化是一种隐性的教师教育资源,是师范生学会教书的一本活教材。高师校园文化凭借其特有的文化生态育师机制与文化濡染育师机制化育着师范生。范导、习染、催化、渗透、感召是其教师教育功能实现的独特方式和渠道。  相似文献   


Albeit the moral identity construct has gained a pivotal status in moral psychology, previous research largely neglected cultural differences. The present study investigated moral identity from a cross-cultural perspective by comparing Western (Canadian) and Eastern (Chinese) cultures in three different contexts: family, school and community/society. The sample included 185 young adults from Canada and 148 from China. A modified version of the moral identity interview was administrated in each culture. All participants were asked to select 12–15 attributes describing a high moral person from a culturally inclusive list. They were then asked to rate the self-importance of the chosen attributes in the contexts of family, school and community/society. Overall, participants from both cultures viewed attributes reflecting benevolence and universality central to their moral identity. However, Chinese participants included a broader range of value domains in the definition of their moral identity. Moreover, Chinese participants scored higher on moral identity in the context of community/society than Canadians. The results indicate cultural similarity of moral identity with regard to some attributes. At the same time, there is meaningful cultural variability in individuals’ moral identities across contexts.  相似文献   

This study investigated age, sex and cultural differences in achievement motivation. Subjects were a total of 764 male and female British high school and Chinese students aged 13‐55. The thematic Apperception Test (TAT) was administered to measure need for achievement (nAch). Results revealed that Chinese high school students had significantly higher nAch scores than their British counterparts. They also had significantly higher scores than the two older groups of Chinese students. Female subjects of both cultures had higher scores than males, although this difference was significant for British female subjects only. The results were discussed in terms of sociocultural and situational factors.  相似文献   

中国现当代文学史是国家的历史,同时也包含乡土历史。本文以河北为基础,在教学过程中强化地域特色,把乡土概念引入教学实践,扩充了乡土性文学史料,巩固了中国现当代文学史的教学与学术研究。  相似文献   

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