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In October 1974 a committee was appointed by the Finnish Ministry of Education, with the assignment of studying the necessity, prerequisites, and principles relating to a more balanced regional expansion of the higher education system in Finland.

The committee has recently presented its findings, which concentrate on the following issues:

  • the distribution of higher education places between the regions of Finland;

  • the regional effects of a unit of higher education;

  • the regional distribution of the higher education system and the administrative decisions concerning regional development;

  • principles informing the regional expansion of the higher education system;

  • resources for the regional expansion of the higher education system.

The below information gives the main elements of the committee's report.  相似文献   

Innovations in the Regular School System: Official accounts list the following major results of the Italian school reform:

a) decentralization of responsibilities, especially for the encouragement of the disadvantaged and for vocational training;

b) de facto lengthening of compulsory schooling to eight years by the secondary school law of 1962;

c) standardization of the school system (standard secondary school; uniform standards of admission into higher education for all second-level secondary school graduates);

d) uniform staff structure in the educational system;

e) democratization of the school system. (1)  相似文献   


Two national reports published in 1986 marked the beginning of teacher education reform in the United States of America. Both of these reports proposed a twofold approach to teacher education reform: first, to enrich the professional education of teachers by eliminating undergraduate teacher certification programs and requiring graduate level training; and second, to change the structure of the teaching profession by replacing the existing undifferentiated system in which all teachers have the same rank with a two-tiered system in which lead teachers or career professionals would assume higher level responsibilities and receive higher salaries than regular teachers. A ten-year follow-up report identified some progress toward these goals of teacher education reform but criticised schools of education for not making greater efforts to connect their educational programs to elementary and secondary schools. The report argued specifically for professional development schools to link university schools of education to school systems. Most of the recent efforts to reform teacher education have adopted this approach. A particular focus has been the preparation of new and experienced teachers to educate an increasingly diverse student population.  相似文献   

The report referred to at the end of this article is devoted to trends and forecasts in connection with the population, education and the labour market in Sweden.

The information presented below is based on the elements of this report dealing with the future development of higher education in Sweden, especially in the context of the recent reform of the Swedish educational system.  相似文献   

>Higher education in Malta is in the process of substantial reform which, among other things, includes:
  • transfer of a number of degrees and courses from the Old to the New University and as well as the creation of new courses and degrees in the New University;

  • changes in the administrative structures of higher education institutions (Old and New University)

  • introduction of a worker‐student scheme for university entry;

  • changes in the distribution of authority on higher education.

The introduction of the reform is regulated by the Education (Amendment) Act, 1978. Outlined below are the main elements of this reform as they are introduced in the Act, with a special emphasis on the new “worker‐student scheme for university admission”  相似文献   

From 29 August to 1 September 1978 the 4th International Conference in Higher Education “Post‐Compulsory Education in the 1980s” was held at the University of Lancaster. The conference which drew some 250 participants from 25 countries and representatives of several international organizations concentrated on the following problems of higher education in the context of their implications for the future development in this field: structures of post‐compulsory education; higher education and working life; staff development; student learning; role of the media in higher education; and priorities for the 1980s.

The work of the conference was carried out in plenary and working party sessions. In the sessions of the working parties, each group discussed one of the above‐listed conference issues. During the plenary sessions the following addresses were presented:

  • the opening address on the present problems of higher education and their implications for its situation in the 1980s, by Lord Briggs, Worcester College, Oxford;

  • On “The many faces of academic coordination”, by Professor Burton R. Clark, Director of the Higher Education Research Group, Yale University;

  • “Evaluating recurrent education reform or reforming recurrent evaluation in higher education?” by Professor Urban Dahllof from University of Upsala; and

  • a summary of the work of the conference by Lord Vaizey,. Brunel University

The conference identified a number of problems, e.g. demographic changes affecting potential student populations in the 1980s, changes in the structure and content of university level education (mainly in the context of higher education systems in the developed countries. We present below the views expressed at the conference, concentrating on those given during the plenary sessions.  相似文献   

京津冀协同发展是缩小区域发展差距,实现资源配置均衡性与效率性的有效途径。生均教育事业费是衡量教育投入的重要指标,基于2006-2016年《中国教育经费统计年鉴》的数据,分析了京津冀三地中职教育生均经费支出差距及其与地区人均国民生产总值的关系。研究结果表明,京津冀中职教育生均经费支出存在严重失衡现象,且呈逐步扩大趋势,影响了区域职业教育公平的实现。区域人均国民生产总值与生均中职教育经费支出水平存在稳定的协整关系,河北省中职教育生均经费支出弹性高于京津两市。为了推进京津冀中职教育的协同发展,应优化京津冀教育经费投入制度;建立京津冀中职教育财政法规体系;努力拓展中职教育办学经费来源;建立中职教育经费财政转移支付制度;强化中职教育财政支出绩效考评与监管。  相似文献   

The development of the Finnish educational system has now reached an important stage. The establishment of the comprehensive [polyvalent] school has been completed. The new school system has been extended to the whole of Finland for the school year 1977-1978. A law defining the modalities of the reform of secondary education in the second cycle and technical and vocational education was promulgated in 1978. The planning of the implementation of this reform of secondary education has begun and will terminate in the middle of 1980. The reform of post-secondary education will be fully achieved by the school year 1988-1989.  相似文献   

职业教育是深化教育改革的阵地与突破口。中等职业教育作为职业教育体系的重要构成,坚持立德树人,全面改革,释放活力,是中等职业院校提升办学能力的必经之举。在党中央及国务院的倡导下,学生综合素质评价制度的改革成为中等职业院校面临的一项紧迫现实课题。立足实际,积极对标,中职院校学生综合素质评价制度在运行中应在明确未来导向、用好定性评价、强化评价激励功能、提高公众评价参与度这几个方面加以改进,才能更好引导学生成长成才,有效服务区域经济发展,提高中职教育社会认可度,推动新时代职业教育发展实现新跨越。  相似文献   


After more than 20 years of practice and construction, China’s higher vocational education has developed into an important educational category and become an important force in the development of China’s higher education. But in the course of this development, higher vocational education is facing problems such as excessively fast development, weak content building, severely inadequate investment, and uneven regional development. Therefore, the government must create a policy environment suitable for the equitable development of higher education, establish fair education spending policies, strongly promote the balanced development of regional higher vocational education, and strive to strengthen basic capabilities for quality projects.  相似文献   

A statistical report, “The Condition of Education 1976”, prepared by the Planning Office of the US National Centre for Education Statistics and submitted to the Congress of the United States in March 1976, also analysed the developments in US higher education concerning: - present and projected educational attainment of the labour force

- enrolment in higher education and its pattern

- age structure of students in US higher education institutions.

Data on these problems, presented mainly in graphical form, serves as the basis for the information below.  相似文献   

地方高等教育与社会资源共享的实现途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地方高等教育与社会资源共享的实现,是高等学校体制改革和提高办学效益的一个共同出发点。在当前,要打破体制机制,以基础设施共享优化区域资源配置,提高财政投入效益;要依托社会环境,以教学资源共享推进高等教育的改革与发展;要加速人才互动,以成果资源共享促进区域经济发展;要强调全面融入,以文化资源共享齐抓社区建设。  相似文献   

The first Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education convened by Unesco was held in Tbilisi (the Georgian SSRT USSR) from 14 to 26 October 1977. The Conference was organized by. Unesco in . co‐operation with the United Nations Environment “Programme (UNEP).

The Conference had the following main points on its agenda: major environmental problems in contemporary society; role of education in facing the challenges of environmental problems; current efforts at the national and international levels for the development of environmental education; strategies for the development of environmental education at the national level; regional and international co‐operation for the development of environmental education: needs and modalities.

The following information is based on those parts of the Final Report of this Conference which are of special importance in the planning, formulation and organization of environmental education in higher education institutions in the European region.  相似文献   

素质教育的推进经历了以国家行政推进为主向以区域推进为主的转变过程,从新世纪开始,素质教育进入以义务教育均衡发展为主题的区域推进深化阶段。当前的区域推进过程中依然存在对素质教育理解上的偏差;素质教育的推进尚存在巨大的“梯度差距”。以素质教育为核心的改革在广大中小学尚未出现实质性突破和转型性变化等诸多现实问题。未来需要从聚焦学校变革,优化推进方式,形成国家、地方和基层的改革合力等方面促进素质教育的区域推进。  相似文献   

The information below gives the basic elements of the policy memorandum entitled “Higher Education in the Future: possible development in the long‐term and initiatives in the coming years” which was submitted to the Second Chamber for discussion, and which includes proposals for basic changes in the future higher education system of the Netherlands, such as:
  • creation of one system of higher education with no distinction between university and higher vocational training;

  • introduction of as large a range of courses as possible;

  • inclusion of student research only where the study programme requires it;

  • introduction of a more general type of higher education in addition, to courses providing students with specific professional qualifications.



This paper examines selected reform efforts in technical and technological education from a comparative perspective. The similarities and differences between reforms in selected countries – Brazil, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Sweden – are analysed to determine major world‐wide trends. Lessons are drawn which should be useful for nations contemplating reform of their education and training systems. Particular attention is focussed on the time taken to complete reforms effectively and the need for long‐term approaches, relationships between educational reforms and industrial development, the interdependence of reforms affecting general, technical and vocational education, regional co‐operation and the decentralisation of national decision‐making.  相似文献   

我国当前的职业教育还存在不少问题与不足,需要进一步深化改革,不断加大对职业教育的财政投入,逐步实现义务中等职业教育;深化职业教育教学改革,以就业促招生,实现可持续发展;尝试职业技能形成能力评估,建立完善职业学校退出机制;甄别中高职学校的发展状况,适时放开升格上档之路;整合职业教育资源,实现优势互补,合理布局,发挥职业教育的整体优势。  相似文献   

《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》强调"十二五"期间要大力发展职业教育,增强职业教育吸引力。为了高职提高教学质量,使高职教育更好地为区域经济发展提供服务,笔者从十个方面对"十一五"期间高职三个生物类专业工学结合教学改革实施情况和实施效果进行问卷调查,通过对调查结果的分析,总结高职生物类专业工学结合教学改革现状,并从改革发展趋势、人才培养方案、课程改革、师资队伍建设和质量评价体系五个方面为"十二五"期间高职生物类专业工学结合教学改革的发展提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

Experiments for open learning higher education institution are being made in many countries. This form of study is seen as one of the ways of democratizing higher education as well as tailoring the aims of higher education to national and regional needs.

We give below information on an open learning institution of higher education in British Columbia, which will start functioning in the autumn of 1978.  相似文献   

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