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目的:旨在掌握篮球代表队的运动心理技能现状后,为代表队制定心理技能训练方案提供参考。方法:采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法对川师大篮球代表队的31名运动员进行调查。结果:川师女篮焦虑控制维度非常显著大于男篮(P<0.01);女篮集中注意维度显著小于男篮(P<0.05);女篮自信心维度非常显著小于男篮(P<0.01);女篮心理准备维度显著小于男篮(P<0.05);女篮动机维度显著小于男篮(P<0.05);川师女篮团队重要性维度非常显著小于男篮(P<0.01)。结论:川师大不同性别篮球代表队运动员在运动心理技能六个维度上均存在显著性差异,即男篮心理技能六个维度掌握情况均优于女篮,尤其是焦虑控制技能的掌握存在非常显著性差异;男篮心理技能主要表现出高自信心、低心理准备的特征;女篮心理技能主要表现出高焦虑、低心理准备特征;川师篮球代表队对心理准备技能的掌握程度有待提高。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the development of skill competence and tactical sophistication during a games unit conducted following the features of sport education provided by Siedentop (1994). One team of six players was followed through a 30-lesson season of “Ultimate.” Using Gréhaigne, Godbout, and Bouthier's (1997) formula for an efficiency index, together with a number of other measures of skill and tactical competence, it was determined that these students made significant improvements in selection and execution dimensions of the game. Furthermore, lower skilled students did not feel marginalized within their teams and believed they had equal opportunities for improvement. The key reasons for developing competence in this setting were the sufficient length of the season to allow for significant practice opportunities and the consistent team membership throughout season, which allowed all players to develop a sense of usefulness. This curriculum model provides one way students can develop skills through a system of game playing, provided sport education units are structured to prevent the more skillful players from dominating the games.  相似文献   

Relative age effects (RAEs; when relatively older children possess participation and performance advantages over relatively younger children) are frequent in male team sports. One possible explanation is that coaches select players based on physical attributes, which are more likely witnessed in relatively older athletes. Purpose: To determine if coach selections are responsible for RAEs by comparing RAEs in male players who played competitive versus noncompetitive ice hockey. Method: Using chi-square, we analyzed the birth dates of 147,991 male ice hockey players who were 5 to 17 years old. Players' birth dates were divided into four quartiles, beginning with January to March, which coincides with Hockey Canada's selection year. Results: There were strong RAEs (p < .001) when players were selected to competitive teams by coaches through a tryout system. On noncompetitive teams that did not have coach selections, there were strong RAEs (p < .001) from 5 to 8 years old, but not 9 to 17 years old. Conclusions: Although coaches might perpetuate RAEs, other influential social agents might include parents, which ought to be investigated in future research.  相似文献   

通过对广州亚运会,结合以往亚锦赛、亚运会中国男篮比赛的情况进行分析,对中国男篮近期暴露出来的问题及其他亚洲诸强的实力概况进行了阐述,得出亚运会后,中国男篮必须对自身情况及亚洲其他强队有清醒认识,扬长补短,才有望获得伦敦奥运会入场券。  相似文献   

采用数理统计结合比赛录像分析的方法,对第15届世界男子篮球锦标赛所呈现出的目前世界男子篮球格局变化与中国队攻守能力方面的差距进行了分析,结果表明,目前世界男子篮球竞争格局已形成欧美抗衡、群雄纷争的局面,美国队优势不再明显,欧洲成功崛起;强调速度与对抗,注重整体攻防成为世界篮坛的发展趋势;中国队在个人攻守对抗能力和整体战术的执行能力上仍与世界强队存在着较大差距;提高国内CBA联赛水平,扩大运动员国际交流以及加强与欧美篮球强国间的比赛交流是提高中国队竞技水平的主要途径。  相似文献   

在第23届亚洲篮球锦标赛中,中国男子篮球队持球突破总次数少,场均少于对方;突破得分占总得分不足1/5,明显少于对手占总得分1/4的比例;突破分球到位率比韩国和黎巴嫩低,说明突分的战术效果还存在一定差距;持球突破技术有技巧性、技能性、凶悍性3大特征,而中国队在同侧步突破技术运用权重排序偏后;持球突破技术在比赛中40%~50%直接投篮,30%~40%转化突分战术形式,10%~20%造成对手犯规。研究发现,中国男子篮球队持球突破技术占有全面优势,但由于突破总次数太少,限制了技、战术实力的充分发挥。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to identify within-season differences in basketball players' game-related statistics according to team quality and playing time. The sample comprised 5309 records from 198 players in the Spanish professional basketball league (2007–2008). Factor analysis with principal components was applied to the game-related statistics gathered from the official box-scores, which limited the analysis to five factors (free-throws, 2-point field-goals, 3-point field-goals, passes, and errors) and two variables (defensive and offensive rebounds). A two-step cluster analysis classified the teams as stronger (69±8 winning percentage), intermediate (43±5 winning percentage), and weaker teams (32±5 winning percentage); individual players were classified based on playing time as important players (28±4 min) or less important players (16±4 min). Seasonal variation was analysed monthly in eight periods. A mixed linear model was applied to identify the effects of team quality and playing time within the months of the season on the previously identified factors and game-related statistics. No significant effect of season period was observed. A team quality effect was identified, with stronger teams being superior in terms of 2-point field-goals and passes. The weaker teams were the worst at defensive rebounding (stronger teams: 0.17±0.05; intermediate teams: 0.17±0.06; weaker teams: 0.15±0.03; P=0.001). While playing time was significant in almost all variables, errors were the most important factor when contrasting important and less important players, with fewer errors being made by important players. The trends identified can help coaches and players to create performance profiles according to team quality and playing time. However, these performance profiles appear to be independent of season period.  相似文献   

2010年男篮世锦赛前后,世界男子篮球竞争格局发生了微妙的变化。文章采用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,对第16届世界男子篮球锦标赛前后呈现出的目前世界男子篮球格局变化以及中国男子篮球队与世界各国男子篮球队的比赛情况进行了分析,结果表明,目前世界男子篮球竞争格局已形成欧美抗衡、群雄纷争的局面,美国队虽以年轻队员为主但优势显赫,霸主地位难以动摇,西欧和阿根廷男篮成绩不佳,东欧球队成功崛起。强调速度与对抗、注重整体攻防成为世界篮坛的发展趋势。中国男篮在世锦赛过后能够认真总结,应在体能训练、抢篮板球的意识、高水平对抗中技战术的应用能力以及年轻运动员的培养等方面多下功夫。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、录像观察、数理统计及对比分析等研究方法,对参加2015年男篮亚锦赛的16支参赛球队的攻防实力进行比较研究,同时对当前亚洲男篮的竞争格局进行深入地分析。结果表明:在2015年亚锦赛中,最终取得较好名次和成绩的男篮球队其进攻和防守实力均较强,攻防综合实力强的球队其整体实力也优于其它队伍。中国男篮的进攻和防守Ci均位列16支参赛球队的第1位,进攻和防守实力十分突出,且攻防综合实力也排在第1,球队的整体优势较为明显。此届亚锦赛16支参赛队伍的竞争格局可分为5个档次,中国男子篮球队的攻守综合实力最强,也是唯一一支属于第1档次行列的球队,同时菲律宾、伊朗、中华台北以及韩国等七支球队的整体实力也较强,且都处于第2档次行列。  相似文献   

通过对2006世界男篮锦标赛和多哈亚运会男篮比赛的数据分析,总结出世界强队的主要特点,指出中国男篮需加强体能训练,提高防守的破坏性和攻击性、个人突破能力和破紧逼能力及全队整体攻防能力。  相似文献   

中、欧男子篮球队交锋过程进攻阶段性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料调研、录像观察、灰色差异信息处理、数理统计等方法,以近2届世界大赛中国男子篮球队和6支欧洲球队为研究对象,把比赛按得分变化划分为得分高潮期和得分低潮期,对中、欧球队在两时相下的各项进攻指标进行对比分析。研究结果显示,中、欧球队在比赛过程中均表现出明显的时段特征,中国队低潮期频次,高潮期持续时间,低潮期单次得分强度与对手相比存在显著性差异;技术方面,高潮期中国队总体投篮次数、2分球投篮次数、高潮期前场篮板球数和低潮期助攻次数均显著低于对手,而高潮期罚球次数与低潮期罚球命中率优于对手。战术方面,中国队在低潮期的快攻次数和高潮期的衔接段进攻次数均与对手间呈显著性差异;在阵地进攻的前场攻击阶段,中国队高潮期用时较少,低潮期较多,欧洲球队则恰好相反;高潮期,中国队阵地进攻时运用突分配合、掩护配合及配合运用总数与对手存在较大差距。中国队需要通过重树战术风格、强化体能训练、提高攻守转换意识、针对不同风格运动员进行战术设计来扭转与欧洲队比赛时进攻端的诸多劣势。  相似文献   

目的了解当今世界篮坛的竞争格局及各队的整体实力,为我国竞技篮球发展提供参考。方法运用文献资料法、录像观察法、TOPSIS法、RSR法等对第18届篮球世界杯16强球队的攻防技战术指标进行分析。结果与结论1)在进攻方面,塞尔维亚、美国2队的进攻进攻能力较强(>0.67);在防守方面,澳大利亚、阿根廷、美国、西班牙4队的防守能力较强(>0.719)。2)在攻防综合能力方面,根据RSR值的大小可以将16支球队划分为5档。3)在进攻指标上,得分、助攻、投篮命中率、三分命中数、被侵犯5项指标在不同档次球队间存在极显著性差异(p<0.01),进攻篮板、投篮命中数、三分命中率3项指标在不同档次球队间存在显著性差异(p<0.05)。4)在防守指标上,防守篮板、个人犯规、防守犯规3项指标在不同档次球队间存在显著性差异(p<0.05)。  相似文献   

王建欣  金一平 《体育学刊》2004,11(3):105-107
:通过对2003年度CBA联赛常规赛14个队26轮次战绩的数据收集与整理,运用统计学离差法(rank sum ration,称RSR)综合评价方法,从量化评价指标中,找出广东宏远男篮的长处与不足,为解决薄弱环节、加强科学训练提出一些建议。  相似文献   

第15届世界男子篮球锦标赛中国队技术统计结果分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
运用文献资料调研、录像观察、数理统计和对比分析等方法,对参加第15届世界男子篮球锦标赛的中国队6场比赛技术统计结果进行比较分析。研究发现,中国男子篮球队大型化和年轻化的同时,也暴露出在人才培养上出现了一定的断层现象,缺乏大赛经验,在激烈对抗条件下完成技、战术的能力较弱,传统优势“快、准、灵”特点没有得到很好继承和发扬;与世界强队相比呈整体性差异,攻防转换节奏缓慢;外线实力欠佳,内线缺乏支持,内外脱节,限制了内线实力的发挥,得分方式略显单一;个人防守的攻击性、破坏性,战术阵形的综合多变,整体防守的协同性与世界强队仍有较大差距。  相似文献   


This exploratory study determined if the responses of male varsity basketball players to six factors influencing cohesion were a function of level of competitive intensity and/or the importance of the players to their team. Players on intact teams from five levels of competition – elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, small college and large college–responded to a cohesion questionnaire at the end of the season. Coaches designated five players with the most game playing time as “starters” and five players with the least game playing time as “reserves.” A team factor score for Team Performance Satisfaction, Self Performance Satisfaction, Task Cohesion, Affiliation Cohesion, Desire for Recognition and Value of Membership was calculated. Each team factor score served as the dependent variable in a 2 (player status) × 5 (level of competition) analysis ofcovariance design, with teams nested in the second factor. The won-loss record served as the covariate. Results indicated that “starters” were more satisfied with their own performance, were more task conscious, had a greater affiliation desire, and valued their membership on the team to a greater degree than the “reserves.” The elementary and junior high school team members were significantly more satisfied with the team's performance, were more satisfied with their own self performance, were more affiliation conscious, and valued their team membership to a greater degree than did college team members. The interaction between player status and level of competition was not significant for any of the factor scores.  相似文献   

本文对第十五届男篮世锦赛中国队与赛队六场比赛三分球的进攻进行分析,发现:1)命中率低于对手,尤其是通过战术配合的三分球;2)中国队和赛队在30-60度区域的投篮命中率最高;3)中国队在快攻中的三分球出手次数大大低于对手;4)中国队选择三分进攻的时机不是很合理,个人进攻能力不如对手。本文建议今后中国队增加战术配合的三分出手次数,尤其是策应配合和掩护配合;提高个人的三分进攻能力,增加快攻中的三分出手次数。  相似文献   

肖泽民 《安徽体育科技》2009,30(4):19-21,27
运用录像法和数理统计法,对第29届奥运会中国男子篮球队比赛的技术数据与对手进行了统计,并与其他6支参赛队伍进行了比较,得出中国男篮在投篮,尤其在中近距离投篮、抢断、助攻、失误有明显差距,建议中国男篮在今后训练中加强投篮技术练习,提高队员配合意识和防守质量。  相似文献   

The present study aims (i) to compare the maturational, morphological and fitness attributes of young basketball players of primary and secondary teams of an elite basketball academy, and (ii) to identify the set of morphological and fitness attributes which better discriminate the players from the two teams. A total of 116 male basketball players of an elite basketball academy were divided into primary (team A) and secondary (team B) teams in two age groups (U-14 and U-16). All the players were evaluated during two consecutive seasons and data related to players’ practice experience, maturational, morphological and fitness attributes were collected at the beginning of the competition period. The results of the study suggest that: (i) in both age categories, team A players were older, more mature, bigger in size and had greater fitness profiles than team B players; (ii) stature and abdominal resistance were identified as discriminant attributes for youth basketball player performance; (iii) aerobic capacity for U-14 and agility for U-16 were identified as specific discriminant attributes for performance in youth basketball. Coaches are recommended to avoid premature talent identification and provide players with opportunities to progress through the talent pathway, at least until U-16 age category.  相似文献   


Spain is one of the largest and most successful powers in international youth football, but this success has not extended to the national team. This lack of continued success seems to indicate a loss of potential. The relative age effect has been detected in football in many countries. Understanding the extent of this bias in the youth teams of Spanish elite clubs may help to improve selection processes and reduce the waste of potential. Comparisons between players from: the Spanish Professional Football League, all age categories of these clubs' youth teams, the Under-17 to Under-21 national teams, the national team, and the Spanish population, show a constant tendency to under-represent players from the later months of the selection year at all age groups of youth and Under-17 to Under-21 national teams. Professional and national team players show a similar but diminished behaviour that weakens with ageing, which suggests that talent identification and selection processes can be improved to help better identify potential talent early on and minimize wasted potential.  相似文献   

对当代竞技篮球比赛身体对抗特征以及我国男子篮球身体对抗差距与成因进行分析,研究表明,当代竞技篮球比赛身体对抗的特征是:高壮身材与超强运动素质完美结合;身体碰撞频繁而猛烈,利用身体争夺时空优势意识强;身体对抗讲究技巧性和节奏感;强调身体发力与技术运用的融合;身体对抗以内线为主,且有向外扩散之势.中国男子篮球队运动员的身体对抗与世界强队存在很大的差距,其原因是:身体对抗意识较弱,缺乏主动的攻击性;体能较差,尤其是力量素质欠缺;身体碰撞中技术运用的量少质低.中国队只有尽快攻克身体对抗性弱的难题,才能实行竞技能力大的提升和突破.  相似文献   

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