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This research presents findings from a case study of how three municipal access channels were transformed into channelAustin, a digital community access center in Austin, TX. More generally, it addresses the question of how states and municipal governments can employ video franchise resources to promote sustainable adoption and use of broadband services. Drawing on participatory approaches to community development, this paper offers a model of community participation in local information ecosystems to guide planning and evaluation of these interventions. Findings indicate that digital community media projects like channelAustin can help municipalities serve information needs of ethnically diverse local publics, while also promoting advanced digital skills, economic opportunities, civic engagement, and social cohesion. However, the article recommends that more attention be placed on community outreach, partnerships with nonprofits and other local public media, local curation of citizen-produced, digital content, and the consolidation of accessible online distribution channels through which residents can connect and deliberate about local issues. I discuss the implication of these findings for efforts to connect broadband and media localism policies in the U.S.  相似文献   

Community informatics (CI) is a form of activism that involves the application of information and communication technologies in pursuit of community development within localities. This article draws on discourse theory (DT) to re-evaluate activists’ self-interpretations that rely on community, and to make sense of the political struggles at the heart of CI. It is argued that activists’ community discourse constructs, through articulation, locally “resistant” collective identities and an associated collective agency capable of appropriating technology in pursuit of unfulfilled social demands. However DT also suggests that the socially progressive nature of CI is not guaranteed by recourse to the social ideal of community.  相似文献   

Drawing on adaptive structuration theory (AST), this study develops a research model to explore innovative information seeking in the context of digital libraries from the perspectives of cognitive switching and affinity. Innovative information seeking behavior is the combination of innovative IT (information technologies) use behavior and information seeking behavior and subsequently refers to innovative IT use oriented to information seeking. A research model was developed and survey data were collected. The partial least squares (PLS) structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to verify the research model. The findings suggest that affinity with digital libraries is the most powerful determinant of innovative information seeking. Meanwhile, task nonroutineness and disconfirmation have positive effects on innovative information seeking; the effect of social influence on innovative information seeking is overpowered by affinity with digital libraries. The findings and their implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

本文阐释了Community Informatics(CI,“社群信息学”)的内涵和主要思想,认为它与我国的社区信息化和农村信息化分享共同的兴趣与宗旨,即运用现代信息技术推动社区发展;与社区/农村信息化相比,CI之新在于,它以社群主义、网络社会理论、社会资本理论等当代社会科学理论为基础,强调ICT应用中的社区振兴(或社区赋权)和社区参与.本文认为这些新理论以及与之相适应的新方法对解决我国社区/农村信息化效益低下等问题具有重要的参考价值.本文也提出了与CI引进相关的其他问题,例如CI应该成为谁的视角和方法,应该如何规划自己的“东渐”路径与前景.  相似文献   

随着网络化、数字化文献信息量的不断增长,文献信息服务机构的数据中心一般都会拥有一定数量的服务器和至少TB级的存储容量。如何利用更有效的技术手段以支撑数据中心未来业务的快速发展与高效管理,构筑能够更好地适应业务信息系统的平台,使IT系统真正成为提升业务能力的竞争武器,是目前对IT系统进行虚拟化规划改造的主要目标。本文介绍了NSTL利用服务器虚拟化技术开展的具体应用实践。  相似文献   

Based on our community engagement project involving 47 older, low-income African-American adults from a senior community center, this study analyzes how an underserved population acquires knowledge and skills related to digital technologies. We discuss the conceptualization, implementation, and evaluation of a weekly, four-month long computer class for members of the senior community center. Our mixed-method research shows the importance of taking into account both the multidimensional nature of adult learning and the social and cultural contexts in which learning occurs when working with underserved adult populations. Findings from our formative and evaluative research offer insights into changes in the computer class participants’ attitudes toward and perspectives on key digital literacy issues including security and privacy online and online information verification. Scholarly and policy implications are discussed in the context of digital competency and adult learning for marginalized populations.  相似文献   

Modern science highlights the role of information in the origins and life of man. The information revolution of the 20th century has become a crucial factor in the development of society. The aggravation of global problems of civilization compels mankind to pursue the path of sustainable development. The only possible way out of crisis is a noospheric strategy of the world community. This strategy builds upon the achievements of informatics and cutting-edge information technology.  相似文献   

信息技术革命推动信息产业发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前多数信息系统仍为人—机系统。信息技术革命将使新一代分布式信息技术被广泛使用 ,开发出包括数字图书馆、远程教育、电子商务、虚拟企业等各种更先进的系统。分布式信息系统包括以人为中心的计算、分布式协同环境、快速合成和仿真工具 4部分。新一代信息技术对信息产业发展具有重要意义。参考文献 5。  相似文献   

As a part of the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP), the Library of Congress (LC), partnering with the Center for Technology in Government (CTG), launched an effort in 2005 to integrate state governmental entities into the national network to preserve born-digital information that is both significant and at risk of loss. The main theme that emerged from the efforts of LC, CTG, and the state and federal digital preservation community was the importance of partnership efforts and collaborative strategies for the preservation of state government digital information. Based on the findings of the initiative, this paper discusses challenges and opportunities regarding interorganizational collaboration and community building for digital preservation of state government information. Following the community of practice framework, it is recommended that a “state government digital information preservation community” be developed to facilitate collaboration across agencies and knowledge professionals in state governments.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine the capacity of the Canadian federal government to effectively harness information technology (IT) as an enabling force in its efforts to meet the present and emerging challenges of a digital age. The main thesis of this paper is that this necessary transformation in public sector governance and accountability is likely to be blocked by an administrative culture that may be ill suited for a digital world. In terms of how governments respond, our two sets of explanatory factors will be determinant. First, partnerships, and the emergence of new collaborative dialogues within government, between governments, and across sectors are a critical dimension. The second, and quite related variable lies in the necessary leadership of people –new skill sets, and new leaders will be required to both empower knowledge workers and defend experimental action. Yet, it is not only the skills composition of workers altering in a digital era, but rather the broader transformations of both everyday and organizational life that are also at play. In this sense, digital government must reposition itself to become an engaged and constructive partner in shaping the new governance patterns that will otherwise render it rudderless. Government must produce a new “culture” in order to harness the enormous potential of digital government.  相似文献   

The paper describes the role of information and Information Technology (IT) and discusses the infrastructure, human resources, telecommunications, and research and development in IT within the Indian context. It highlights the features of the liberalization of the Indian government software policy of 1986, including developments in networking and the growth of the IT industry in the country, and documents the proliferation and application of IT in India in various fields. It provides a detailed look at the socio-human dimensions of IT in terms of its impact on the socioeconomic conditions of the people, especially in the countryside. The paper describes the limitations of the Indian digital revolution in reaching out to the general masses and the various factors responsible for the lopsided character of the information revolution.  相似文献   


Rural libraries whose librarians have expertise in digital literacy and a deep understanding of unique communities contribute to improving quality of life for residents. However, many library education programs do not include the development of students as future leaders of community growth. In this article we describe efforts to build on prior research in the Appalachian region. Offered by Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Information Studies (TWU SLIS), a designated Hispanic-serving institution in Texas, the program extends library roles by getting librarians out into their communities, working with community leaders and residents to facilitate needed and wanted change.  相似文献   


Increased use of geographic information systems on college and university campuses has prompted libraries to ask the question: Where and how can libraries fulfill these digital needs? This paper describes the actions taken by the Syracuse University Library to implement GIS and geo-spatial data services to the University community. Discussion will focus on the planning, administration, public services, collection development, and management issues pertaining to a networked multi-Station GIS lab.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]论文回答的研究问题是:在新文科建设背景下,图书馆信息学与数据科学、数字人文与健康信息学等新文科交叉领域的关系发展的未来前景是什么?[方法/过程]论文从现有研究文献中图书馆信息学与数字人文、数据科学、健康信息学三个新文科交叉领域的关系类型出发,设计了民族志未来访谈,邀请三十四位国内图书馆信息学和情报学等学科的学者提炼这四个学科(领域)的核心竞争力,判断其相互间价值,并预测2030年最乐观、最悲观和最有可能的发展前景。[结果/结论]图书馆信息学与数字人文、与数据科学、与健康信息学在2030年更有可能出现的前景是并列有交集的关系,健康信息学相对更可能成为图书馆信息学的下位类,数据科学与图书馆信息学的关系相对更独立。  相似文献   


This paper arose from a discussion of the richness of languages used to describe different landscapes of Australia and how the landscape provides the affordances for the language created from this land. More importantly, each language embodies its place and associated world view. This paper looks at how information technology (IT) is supporting knowledge-sharing through approaches used in Indigenous community IT practice and projects to enhance multimedia repositories of knowledge. The origin of any archive is important, in terms of access and control of the use of this material, but also it is important in teaching, to provide the context and connectedness when presenting the material. A collection of knowledge resources can be used to recreate online flexible learning environments around engineering on country and traditional knowledge practices. IT can provide an interactive interface for people wishing to learn the material, through games or worksheet-style activities. Various case studies and their analysis illustrate the way IT can be used to share this knowledge in a legitimate manner across landscapes and cultures. In particular the aim is to understand how authentic this approach can be in view of concerns over appropriation or co-option of Aboriginal knowledge.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to address the effectiveness of Neighborhood Information Systems (NIS) as an Information Technology (IT) tool in assisting community development. NISs are hybrid applications of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and web technologies that provide demographic, social, and economic information to community stakeholders. Government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and community organizations engage in decision-making process for community development, and NISs are designed to help information-sharing and effective and participatory decision-makings for community development stakeholders.  相似文献   

聂冰 《图书情报知识》2011,(6):120-126,92
本文以美国iSchools联盟年会iConference的会议论题作为研究对象,利用词频统计、聚类分析和内容分析法对2008~2010年3届iConference会议文献的关键词做了统计分析,从中总结出五大年会研讨热点为数字图书馆、社群信息学、图书情报学教育、信息技术与系统以及信息组织。最后,基于该热点总结,从学科整合、课程设置、合作模式三方面探讨对我国图书情报学教育的启示。  相似文献   

为落实联合国2030年可持续发展目标,国际图联与一些国际组织共同发起“图书馆致力数字包容”的共同承诺和“行动呼吁”,国内外图书馆界领导及知名专家学者就“图书馆与数字包容”进行了讨论。饶权指出,随着现代技术的发展,数字鸿沟问题日益突显。中国国家图书馆研究提出建设“全国智慧图书馆体系”的工作思路,以期引领带动各级公共图书馆全面实现智慧转型,在促进数字包容方面发挥更加积极的作用;克里斯汀·麦肯齐阐述了国际图联在支持联合国2030年议程和可持续发展目标方面的工作,特别是目标第16条:“构建和平与包容的社会,使人人享有公正,提高政府机构效率和能力,强调政府和图书馆必须成为数字包容的积极推动者”;杰拉德·莱特纳指出,促进数字包容的任何努力都需要考虑三个方面——互联、内容和能力。缺乏任何一个方面,都不可能完全实现数字包容。图书馆作为社区中心的公共空间、内容的储存空间和门户,以及经验丰富的信息素养教育者,在更广泛的政府战略中都可以发挥自己独特的作用;陈超指出,历史和现实、理论和实践早就告诉我们,公共图书馆肩负着促进人类社会包容性发展的义不容辞的使命。为此公共图书馆必须承担起“弥合数字鸿沟,促进数字包容”的社会责任,让每一个人有机会上网、为每一个人赋能、让每一个人能平等获取信息知识;吴建中认为,我国图书馆界应积极配合国际图联的呼吁与倡议,并发出我国图书馆界强有力的声音。第一,大力宣传我国在保障公民获取基本公共文化服务权益方面的政策及举措。第二,积极推广互联网和数字技术在图书馆的应用。第三,继续提升媒介和信息素养服务的质量;于良芝从个人信息世界的概念出发思考数字鸿沟现象及图书馆的作用,揭示了数字鸿沟的复杂性及社会包容与数字包容的互为条件性,认为这为公共图书馆参与数字包容建设开辟了更广阔的空间;肖珑表示,支持国际图联(IFLA)关于数字包容声明的提出,中国高校图书馆应清醒地认识到信息贫富分化问题的存在,并努力缩小地区差距,保护不同群体利益,促进高等教育的内涵式发展;阿曼达·里德与金·汤普森认为,当危机、变革和挑战来临之际,也是我们努力前行之时,并以一所美国图书馆为例,显示了在新冠疫情这样的危机面前,公共图书馆如何满足当地居民需要,支持社区朝着更加数字包容的社会可持续地发展;金武刚认为,图书馆应当加强科普功能,开发新媒体产品,融入公共传播平台,帮助社会民众辨别网络信息真伪,查询获取正确信息,解决数字包容深层次问题;吴丹与刘静基于技术环境变化的背景,以人与技术的交互为焦点,从“技术→人”与“人→技术”两条路径对数字包容内涵进行扩展并提出了图情领域工作的发展策略。  相似文献   

The explosion of information technology (IT) since the beginning of the 20th century rendered manual-based library systems, in academic, research, special and public libraries, irrelevant. Implementing information technology in the digital age depends largely on librarians' attitudes. This study examines the attitudinal correlates of selected Nigerian librarians towards the use and application of IT in their libraries. Forty-one librarians were surveyed from the four selected automated libraries in state of Oyo in Nigeria form the study's population. Two research questions were developed to guide the study. The results indicate that four out of the five variables age, gender, educational qualifications and prior knowledge of IT significantly correlate with the librarians' attitudes towards IT. The other variable, IT anxiety, correlates negatively with the librarians' attitudes towards IT. Findings further show that all the five variables significantly predict librarian's attitude towards IT with prior IT experience showing the greatest predictive effect. Based on these findings, libraries in the developing countries should consider sending their librarians, who do not have knowledge of IT, to IT training in order to remove fear and anxiety hindering them from developing a better attitude towards the use of IT in their libraries.  相似文献   

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