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建立新一代人工智能关键共性技术体系是"十四五"时期我国解决人工智能原创性理论基础薄弱、重大产品和系统缺失等问题的重要抓手.首先从人工智能关键共性技术内涵、特征和要素属性视角出发归纳八大人工智能关键共性技术,对科技部公布的15家国家级新一代人工智能开放创新平台企业的技术布局进行对比;其次借助生态学理论、系统科学理论与技术创新理论厘清系统要素,构建包含生命子系统和环境子系统的人工智能关键共性技术创新生态系统框架,运用系统耗散理论、熵值变化系数和适用分析等方法诠释我国人工智能关键共性技术创新生态系统的自组织演化机制.研究发现,我国人工智能关键共性技术具备正外部性、技术创新可循环、开放需求高、技术转化附加值高、多学科多产业交叉融合的特征,不同企业涉猎的技术范畴不同、技术创新模式也存在差异,现阶段已形成主要包括企业、政府、高校、科研机构4类创新主体的创新生态系统,通过数据、人才、资金、知识流动等引起系统熵值变化并不断突破临界值向更高级系统演化,但仍存在创新主体丰富度较低、互动方式多样性差等问题.最后,从创新主体丰富度、系统治理、系统开放性、动态能力等维度出发,提出我国人工智能关键共性技术创新生态系统发展建议.  相似文献   

产业关键共性技术对我国优化新常态产业体系,促进产业转型以及加强自生能力都起到至关重要的战略作用.为弥补在探究创新产业关键共性技术上主体分散单一且契合度不高等学术方面的不足,创新性地将Nash博弈理论与Elinor Ostrom的IAD延伸决策模型相结合,在建立产业关键共性技术创新决策模型的基础上,以官产学研为主体提出假设,并运用二元Logistic回归模型进行数据分析.实证结果显示:官产学研中任何主体进行产业关键共性技术创新的行动决策与企业的最终计划显著相关;产业集群与企业是否创新产业关键共性技术的意愿之间呈负相关;企业技术R&D感知程度和其是否创新产业关键共性技术创新的决策呈正相关;企业的财力、物力和人力状况及对最终结果的预测度与企业是否创新产业关键共性技术具有显著影响.  相似文献   

产业关键共性技术对我国优化新常态产业体系,促进产业转型以及加强自生能力都起到至关重要的战略作用。为弥补在探究创新产业关键共性技术上主体分散单一且契合度不高等学术方面的不足,创新性地将Nash博弈理论与Elinor Ostrom的IAD延伸决策模型相结合,在建立产业关键共性技术创新决策模型的基础上,以官产学研为主体提出假设,并运用二元Logistic回归模型进行数据分析。实证结果显示:官产学研中任何主体进行产业关键共性技术创新的行动决策与企业的最终计划显著相关;产业集群与企业是否创新产业关键共性技术的意愿之间呈负相关;企业技术RD感知程度和其是否创新产业关键共性技术创新的决策呈正相关;企业的财力、物力和人力状况及对最终结果的预测度与企业是否创新产业关键共性技术具有显著影响。  相似文献   

当前,人工智能赋能不断推进技术创新和应用创新进入“双拐点”时期,正在从要素构成、功能边界、生态互动等多个维度对产业创新生态系统理论提出新挑战。本文集成自然生态系统和产业创新系统等相关理论,基于“核心驱动层-样态变革层”构建人工智能赋能下产业创新生态系统双重转型的理论框架,并以无人驾驶为例,深入剖析产业创新生态系统双重转型的运行逻辑和实践变革。研究发现结论如下:一是创新主体生态功能延展催生多宿主体和次生群落的出现,使得产业创新生态系统新型生态互动关系逐渐形成,成为产业创新生态系统由“旧四螺旋创新”向“新四螺旋创新”演进的核心动源;二是产业创新生态系统核心驱动与样态变革的相互作用日益增强,多宿主体和次生群落不断推动产业样态快速变革,使得产业样态呈现出价值分配重构、智能制造升级、商业模式转变、组织决策变革的发展特征。  相似文献   

前沿基础知识与共性关键技术持续涌现与突破,未来产业对创新生态系统的结构、功能与实现路径等多个维度提出新的理论与实践挑战。综合自然生态系统和创新系统等相关理论,基于未来产业特征与演化规律,构建由前沿知识创造群落、应用场景转化群落和产业价值实现群落组成的未来产业创新生态系结构框架,有为政府与企业家精神是未来产业创新生态系统中重要主体与关键要素。培育和发展未来产业的政策方向可考虑创新要素识别、创新主体协同和创新环境优化等方面。  相似文献   

为探索资源型城市可持续发展新思路,从生态学视角考察资源型城市的创新生态系统。从创新主体、创新内容、创新资源、创新环境4个层面明确资源型城市创新生态系统的驱动因子,构建基于决策试验和评价实验室(DEMATEL)方法的关键驱动因子识别模型;分析各驱动因子的影响度、被影响度、中心度和原因度,并类比资源型城市的演化过程,将资源型城市创新生态系统划分为幼稚期、成长期、成熟期、分化期4个阶段,分析每个阶段内关键驱动因子和集聚机制、扩散机制的作用机理,揭示资源型城市创新生态系统的实现机制。研究结果表明,资金对资源型城市创新生态系统的影响最大,企业容易受到其他驱动因子的影响,创新体制及政策对其他驱动因子的影响度最大,企业和技术创新的中心度最大;资源型城市创新生态系统的功能随着演化状态的提升而逐步形成和发展起来,创新资源的集聚和扩散是创新生态系统的功能基础。  相似文献   

绿色创新是推进“双碳”目标实现、提升经济发展质量的重要着力点。基于创新生态系统理论,以中国30个省份为案例样本,采用组态思维和模糊集定性比较分析方法,探究区域创新生态系统中多主体互动影响地区绿色创新的复杂因果机制及组态路径。结果发现:(1)创新生态系统中企业技术创新、学研机构知识创新、政府政策驱动、公众参与及平台设施服务创新等任何单一因素均不是导致地区高绿色创新的必要条件,系统内多主体互动组合才能有效促进地区绿色创新;(2)创新生态系统中产生高绿色创新的多主体互动组态路径有3类:政府引导企业绿色创新模式、政府与公众双元驱动企业绿色创新模式、平台导向型多主体协同绿色创新模式;产生非高绿色创新的组态路径有两类:技术—知识创新主体双缺失型、技术创新主体缺失型;(3)东部与中西部地区促进绿色创新绩效提升的组态路径差异明显,平台导向型多主体协同模式是京沪、江浙等东部省份持续推进绿色创新的重要路径;中西部省份绿色创新路径多呈现政府引导、政府与公众双元驱动企业创新等特征。  相似文献   

产业技术创新联合主体是由企业、高校、科研机构以及政府等以共建法人实体形式整合创新资源,开展共性技术供给与产业化以及提供技术创新服务的一种新型技术创新主体。联合主体的产生与发展对克服创新过程中的“市场失灵”、“组织失灵”乃至“系统失灵”具有重要意义。基于国内外产业技术创新联合主体的案例,总结了产业技术创新联合主体的类型,并通过与其他类型技术创新主体的比较,得出联合主体在组织模式、目标定位和功能等方面的相对优势。  相似文献   

创新生态系统从生态学视角考察创新主体、创新内容、创新资源和创新环境的耦合作用关系,本质上是创新体系的生物学隐喻。资源型城市创新生态系统研究则是探索资源型城市可持续发展的新思路。第一,从创新主体、创新内容、创新资源、创新环境4个层面明确了资源型城市创新生态系统的驱动因子;第二,构建基于DEMATEL方法的关键驱动因子识别模型,分析各驱动因子的影响度、被影响度、中心度和原因度;第三,类比资源型城市的演化过程,将资源型城市创新生态系统划分为幼稚期、成长期、成熟期、分化期4个阶段,并分析每个阶段内关键驱动因子和集聚机制、扩散机制的作用机理,揭示资源型城市创新生态系统的实现机制。  相似文献   

技术创新的复杂化使得创新生态网络逐步成为汽车产业技术创新的新兴主体形态,我国汽车产业技术创新的历史复杂性使得研究其发展演化过程更加具有现实意义。以复杂系统为视角构建汽车产业技术创新网络,系统地研究我国汽车产业技术创新网络的外部形态和内部构成,揭示我国汽车产业创新4种主要形态的运行机制,展示车企主导型、产业链主导型、产学研联盟主导型和创新生态系统主导型4种类型技术创新网络的演化过程,以期为我国汽车产业技术创新网络发展提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

Aresearch group led by Prof. ZHAI Qiwei from the Institute for Nutritional Sciences under the CAS Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences has discovered that even relatively low doses of resveratrol--a chemical found in the skins of red grapes and in red wine--can improve the sensitivity of mice to the hormone insulin, according to a report in the October,2007 issue of Cell Metabolism. As insulin resistance is often characterized as the most critical factor contributing to the development of Type 2 diabetes, the findings“provide a potential new therapeutic approach for preventing or treating” both conditions, the researchers said.  相似文献   

CAS should stick to the principle of rendering service to, and giving impetus for, the development of China's science enterprise by making S&T innovations, said CAS President LU Yongxiang. The CAS president made the remarks in a recent talk to communicate the gist of the winter session of the Party's Leading-member Group at CAS, which was held from 7 to 11 January in Beijing.  相似文献   

This study examined how students who had no prior experience with videoconferencing would react to the use of videoconferencing as an instructional medium. Students enrolled in seven different courses completed a questionnaire at the beginning of the semester and again at the end of the semester. Students at the origination and remote sites did not differ in their reactions toward videoconferencing but there was a significant difference for gender. Women reacted less favorably to videoconferencing. Compared to the beginning of the semester, students reported significantly less positive attitudes toward taking a course through videoconferencing at the end of the semester. There were no significant differences in students' attitudes toward videoconferencing across courses at the beginning of the semester but there were significant differences across the courses at the end of the semester. The results suggest the need for better preparation for both students and instructors.  相似文献   

With great care, Dr. ZHOU Zhonghe takes out a package wrapped by cotton tissue from a drawer and says: "This is the gem of our collections: the fossil of a bird that lived 125 million years ago!" Then, pointing at a tiny mound, he explains: "Look, this is the claw and that is the head. It was in the egg shell and ready to hatch ... The species fell into a family of waterside inhabitants."  相似文献   

Ajoint study by Prof. ZHANG Zhibin from the CAS Institute of Zoology and his co-workers from Norway, US and Swiss have indicated that historical outbreaks of migratory locusts in China were associated with cold spells, suggesting that China's projected climate warming could decrease the pest's numbers. The study was published in Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences on 17 September, 2007.  相似文献   

Active biological molecules and functional structures can be fabricated into a bio-mimetic system by using molecular assembly method. Such materials can be used for the drug delivery, disease diagnosis and therapy, and new nanodevice construction.  相似文献   

A computer-mediated group is a complex entity whose members exchange many types of information via multiple means of communication in pursuit of goals specific to their environment. Over time, they coordinate technical features of media with locally enacted use to achieve a viable working arrangement. To explore this complex interaction, a case study is presented of the social networks of interactions and media use among members of a class of computer-supported distance learners. Results show how group structures associated with project teams dominated who communicated with whom, about what, and via which media over the term, and how media came to occupy their own communication niches: Webboard for diffuse class-wide communication; Internet Relay Chat more to named others but still for general communication across the class; and e-mail primarily for intrateam communication. Face-to-face interaction, occurring only during a short on-campus session, appears to have had a catalytic effect on social and emotional exchanges. Results suggest the need to structure exchanges to balance class-wide sharing of ideas with subgroup interactions that facilitate project completion, and to provide media that support these two modes of interaction.  相似文献   

Electronic data interchange (EDI) provides means for interorganizational communication, creates network externalities, requires an advanced information technology (IT) infrastructure, and relies on standards. In the diffusion of such innovations, institutional involvement is imperative. Such institutions contain governmental agencies, national and global standardization organizations, local government, and nonprofit private organizations like industry associations. The last type of organizations we call intermediating institutions. They intermediate or coordinate ("inscribe") the activities of a group of would-be adopters. Unfortunately, little is known of how these organizations shape the EDI diffusion trajectory. In this article we examine one specific type of intermediating organizations?industry associations?and how they advanced the EDI diffusion process in the grocery sectors of Hong Kong, Denmark and Finland. We identify six institutional measures, placed into a matrix formed by the mode of involvement (influence vs. regulation) and the type of diffusion force (supply push vs. demand pull), that can be mobilized to further the EDI diffusion. Industry associations were found to be active users of all these measures to varying degrees. Their role was critical especially in knowledge building, knowledge deployment, and standard setting. Furthermore, institutional involvement varied due to policy and cultural contingencies and power dependencies.  相似文献   

This essay focuses on universal service and the Internet as means to support social and political participation. The emphasis on access to telecommunications systems in conventional approaches to universal service is contrasted with access to content. A model of the information environment is described that accounts for the roles of content and conduit, both of which are necessary conditions to achieve true access. A method is outlined for employing information indicators to observe or measure the information environment.  相似文献   

The increasing prospects of digital piracy has prompted the perceived need by electronic publishers to adopt technical systems of protection, and governments to reform their copyright laws. This article is a preliminary study of the management of intellectual property by electronic publishers, defined as those involved in the production of online databases, and CD-ROMs. It focuses on three main issues: (1) how electronic publishers view the increasing threat of piracy; (2) the methods of protection employed to protect intellectual property in digital format; and (3) the importance of technological protection of intellectual property in electronic publications. The analysis is based on a sample of 23 UK electronic publishers. The interviews revealed an interesting assortment of protection methods and did not show that technological protection was a preferred way. Instead, the means of protection, in addition to copyright law, comprised niche markets, pricing, trust, bad publicity, and nontechnical and technical means.  相似文献   

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