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我们需要什么样的图书馆馆长   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随首图书馆事业的快速发展与图书馆环境的变化,图书馆馆长群体发生了一些改变。新世纪图书馆需要什么样的馆长,对图书馆馆长有哪些新的要求与期望,从责任与精神、管理与决策、领导艺术、战略思维、全球视野五个方面进行了阐述。参考文献19。  相似文献   

馆员感知的高校图书馆馆长领导风格实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆馆长对图书馆的建设、馆员的发展有着举足轻重的作用。采用Bass的多元因素领导量表(MLQ),对不同地区、不同类型近200所高校的500名馆员进行问卷调查,以探讨影响高校图书馆馆长领导风格的因素。运用SPSS17.0对问卷数据进行独立样本T检验、方差分析等,得出结论:馆员感知的高校图书馆馆长领导风格其变革型领导行为高于交易型领导行为。馆员感知的在领导性别、年龄、学校类型、学校地域等方面图书馆馆长领导风格不存在显著差异;而在学历、任职年限上领导风格存在显著差异。  相似文献   

山西省地县图书馆馆长队伍现状分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山西省地县图书馆馆长队伍整体学历、专业职称偏低,本专业毕业的馆长偏少,年龄偏高,管理水平不尽人意。建议有关部门对馆长重视培养,选拔人才充实队伍。  相似文献   

王艳 《兰台世界》2005,(10):59-60
在现代图书馆的高效运转中,发挥主导作用的是馆长、馆员,而读者作为一个特殊群体和构成部分,在一定的机制下与前两者形成合力,从而使图书馆发挥出最大的资源效益.  相似文献   

从性别、任职年龄、籍贯分布、受教育背景等方面,对清末和民国时期大学图书馆馆长的人口学特征进行分析。发现该群体的性别比例与当时所有图书馆的总体状况相合,而女性馆长的比例高于其他各类图书馆;馆长任职的初始年龄集中于40岁以下,籍贯集中于中东部省份,且较少在本地或相邻地区就职;所获学位多来自国外院校,有科举功名者主要任职于图书馆早期阶段。  相似文献   

山东省高校图书馆馆长队伍现状分析与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山东省高校图书馆馆长队伍 ,学历、专业职称结构偏低 ,本专业的毕业生偏少 ,年龄结构偏高 ,科研成果不尽如人意。建议有关部门对馆长培养深造 ,选拔人才充实队伍。表 5。参考文献 3。  相似文献   

教育部高等学校图书情报工作指导委员会和北京大学图书馆合作研制《高校图书馆馆员队伍建设指南针报告》,报告主要采用问卷调查法对全国高校图书馆馆员队伍建设的情况进行广泛调研,重点考察了馆领导班子和馆员队伍两个群体,并从人员数量、年龄、教育背景、学历职称等多个维度对高校图书馆馆员队伍建设现状进行深入分析,总结出高校图书馆馆员队伍建设在精神、价值、经验、理论与技能传承等方面的发展趋势,为高校图书馆馆员队伍创新发展提供方向指引。  相似文献   

2019年7月22日,南京大学谢欢博士对哈佛燕京图书馆馆长郑炯文先生就北美东亚图书馆发展相关问题进行访谈。东亚图书馆肇始于欧洲,起源于传教士对文史哲印刷文献的专题收集,与汉学发展紧密相关;美国东亚图书馆在第二次世界大战后取得了快速的发展,如今美国已成为西方世界东亚研究的中心。华人图书馆员是北美东亚图书馆从业人员中非常重要的群体,三代华人图书馆员各具专长,为北美东亚图书馆发展做出了贡献。郑炯文先生自担任哈佛燕京图书馆馆长以来,主要致力于以下三方面工作:①整理裘开明、吴文津担任馆长期间收集的文献;②开放馆藏,将哈佛燕京图书馆的资源面向全世界学者开放;③推动中美图书馆员交流合作项目。  相似文献   

2013年6月17日至6月19日,2013中国高校图书馆发展论坛暨中国图书馆学会高等学校图书馆分会第三届换届大会在长春召开。来自全国的394位代表参加了会议。17号下午,中国图书馆学会高校分会换届会议选举产生了新一届(第三届)中国图书馆学会高等学校图书馆分会委员会。新一届分会委员会由北京大学图书馆朱强馆长任主任;上海交通大学图书馆陈进馆长、中山大学图书馆程焕文馆长、清华大学图书馆邓景康馆长、复旦大学图书馆葛建雄馆长、东南大学图书馆顾建新馆长、重庆大学图书馆彭晓东馆长、兰州大学图书馆沙勇忠馆长、湖南大学图书馆郑章飞馆长等8人任副主任、  相似文献   

图书馆馆长是图书馆最重要、最直接的管理者,其管理水平和素质决定着图书馆的服务理念和发展前景。我国目前对图书馆馆长的绩效评价非常模糊,突出表现在评价指标的缺乏或者过于笼统,开发一套科学合理的高校图书馆馆长绩效评价指标是重要和迫切的。馆长绩效评价指标体系应由组织建设、文献资源建设、读者服务、馆员发展、图书馆形象与特色、馆长个人发展六方面组成。  相似文献   


Previous employment and educational background are two important criteria used to evaluate candidates for vacant library director positions. Search committee members seek individuals who demonstrate the potential and ability to provide inspirational and visionary leadership. This study examines previous employment and educational background of library directors from the Association of American Universities (AAU). Results indicate that most directors have previously worked as a library director or associate director in large, complex library systems. Their responsibilities in previous positions show an upward trajectory of advanced administrative activities. In addition, 88% of the directors have earned the MLIS, while 38% had attained a doctorate.  相似文献   

针对大学图书馆馆长签署的《图书馆合作与信息资源共享武汉宣言》,分析了此宣言产生的背景,进一步阐述了宣言的主旨及其社会作用。  相似文献   

外部理事是公共图书馆法人治理的关键因素,具有咨询决策、民主监督、公共关系等重要职能。外部理事是理事会下设专业委员会的领导者,是公共图书馆实现外部治理的重要主体。受信息不对称、履职动力不足、独立性欠缺等方面因素的制约,外部理事参与公共图书馆治理具有一定的局限性,需要加强配套机制建设,充分发挥外部理事作用,更好实现公共图书馆治理的目标。  相似文献   

While females are still underrepresented as directors overall, the results of our survey indicate that in the past ten years female library directors have been hired in numbers nearly matching their overall percentage of the medical library profession. When the personal characteristics of medical library directors are compared by gender, male directors are more likely to be married, have children, and be somewhat younger upon attaining their first directorship. When the professional characteristics are compared, the only notable difference is that a greater portion of males hold a second master's degree. Despite the changing numbers of female library directors in the past ten years, these differences all held constant before and after 1977. Only the number of internal successions to directorship changed over time. The succession patterns of medical library directors now match more closely those of other academic library directors.  相似文献   

In this article the author addresses the abandonment of the mid-list trade book market by commercial publishing houses and the development of that market niche by entrepreneurially oriented but beleagured university press directors in the 1970s. How many presses are issuing trade books? Hard statistical data is difficult to obtain. Yet a review of university press catalogues reveals a surge of interest in this book area. However, this niche does not belong exclusively to university presses. Intense competition is now surfacing from new, small but aggressive publishing houses interested in this market. This means that university press directors will be compelled to develop and utilize sophisticated marketing strategies if they plan to remain active and successful in this potentially lucrative but hotly contested market.  相似文献   

宋刚  王续琨 《编辑学报》2014,26(3):233-235
期刊论文题名雷同化是指一本期刊多篇论文的题名在句式结构方面存在明显的相同之处,包括前导词汇相同型和后缀词汇相同型这2种基本类型。论文题名雷同化,既有作者方面的原因,也有编辑方面的原因。解决题名雷同化问题,要求文稿责任编辑、当期责任编辑、编辑部负责人和论文作者强化科技学术期刊论文的题名优化意识、题名体系意识和题名创新意识。  相似文献   

杨允仙 《图书馆》2007,(3):114-116
部室主任在图书馆管理中承担着“承上启下”、“上传下达”并参与读者服务的职责,是图书馆团队和谐的中坚力量,其职责履行、角色的定位和实现,能使团队内的差异相容程度增高,对促进图书馆和谐发展起着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

Library directors are part of the infrastructure of information management, but how well do they manage their institutional knowledge for succession planning? Our study looked at strategies to ease managerial transitions between libraries, focusing on knowledge management, communities of practice, and mentorship. Our survey found that succession planning was dictated by local practice and size of library. The results of this paper inform knowledge of succession planning and reveal existing gaps between informal transfer of knowledge and structured knowledge management (KM), as well as librarians' resourcefulness. Library directors use KM strategies, mentoring, and involvement with communities of practice to foster innovation.  相似文献   

Vermont library directors estimated they received at least 1228 requests for patron information in the last year. In spite of these requests and heightened awareness about threats to confidentiality posed by the USA PATRIOT Act, fewer than half of the state’s public and academic libraries have written patron confidentiality policies. The policies that do exist were recently updated and most prohibit release of information without a binding legal document. However, only half require an attorney’s review of such documents. Libraries with larger numbers of personnel and with directors holding MLS degrees are more likely to have policies. The absence of policies does not appear to indicate a lack of belief in the importance of confidentiality; a vast majority of library directors support strengthening the state law.  相似文献   

图书馆馆长群体现状的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以当今图书馆馆长为研究重点,对调查所得的数据进行分析比较,在主观幸福感、工作满意度两项指标中,馆长们的满意度高于总体水平。在对组织承诺水平的测评中,馆长们的情感承诺高于总体水平,而继续承诺明显低于总体水平。当今馆长群体存在三个方面的问题:高学历馆长缺乏;工作量大;高工作满意度与低继续承诺水平的矛盾。  相似文献   

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