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作者在文章中介绍了演讲的三个要素,包括演讲之前的准备工作,演讲中必要的视觉教具以及在现实生活中如何进行演讲。  相似文献   

马萌 《现代教育技术》2011,21(3):124-128
Prezi采用一张无限大的"画布"作为展示界面,可以嵌入文本、图像、视频等演示对象,利用缩放、平移和旋转的功效来创造非线性的演示效果。通过与Powerpoint的对比,凸显了Prezi在呈现海量信息、非连续性内容等方面的优势。并通过案例来具体说明Prezi可以很好的展示按照时空逻辑顺序、非线性关系、并列关系的教学内容;对于开放性问题的设置,和某些教学技巧的实现都具有强大的功能。最后强调了Prezi使用的注意事项。  相似文献   

While the need to present food science information effectively is viewed as a critical competency for food scientists by the Institute of Food Technologists, most food scientists may not receive adequate training in this area. Effective presentations combine both scientific content and delivery mechanisms that demonstrate presenter enthusiasm for the topic and generate audience interest. This paper provides food science presentation “best practices” based upon the results of the author's 10 y of experience teaching communication skills to 1st‐year graduate students. Topics include development of a “Presentation Inventory” that encourages presenters to consider why they are presenting, who they are presenting to, what information they plan to present, and how they plan to present the information. More specific sections of the paper address presentation introductions and conclusions, developing visual aids, responding to audience questions, flow, pacing, and time management, technological competency, and tips on how to practice a presentation. Such information should be applicable to all types of food science practitioners including undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, teaching and research academics, and government, industrial, and consulting food scientists. An awareness of such “best practices” among presenters of food science information can help raise the bar to improve the quality of contemporary food science presentations.  相似文献   


The current study chronicles what one professor learned from teaching a distance education course with and without the aid of PowerPoint multimedia presentation software. It compares student ratings of three lectures from the same classes by the same professor; the first, a traditional lecture without any audiovisual aids; the second, a lecture supplemented by PowerPoint notes outlining the lecture; and finally, a multimedia lecture utilizing PowerPoint notes with pictures, music and animations. Students reacted no differently to any of the presentations when delivered by an experienced teacher. The students did, however, prefer PowerPoint multimedia to PowerPoint outline presentations. Suggestions for the optimal uses of presentation software are provided.  相似文献   

It goes without saying that the expression “garbage in, garbage out” still applies. Poorly designed instruction cannot be saved by a flashy, high-tech presentation. Flashy garbage is still garbage. But a high-tech presentation can be a very useful tool for instructors and trainers to employ if the instructional material is well designed, and learning objectives require it. If a quality presentation has been developed, it is apparent that students find the use of the graphics tablet to enhance presentations a useful instructional technique. I found myself, as the instructor, to be more in touch with the presentation when I used electronic mark-up of presentation materials. The lectures felt more integrated. I could interact with the presentation more easily and effectively. I’m reminded of what I teach in my public speaking class about visual aids — use them as an aid to, but not a replacement for, well-prepared material — but use them. They can help clarify content, maintain interest and increase retention. Enhanced presentations can do that even more effectively.  相似文献   

Many of the projects and assignments we have our students complete for our classes include a multimedia presentation. Why are we not teaching our students how to cite their sources for these presentations? Writing style (APA, MLA, or Chicago) does not matter. Regardless of whether it is a paper or multimedia presentation students should always cite their sources, otherwise plagiarism is occurring. This is a skill we must teach and demand that our students take responsibility for when completing multimedia presentations. This article covers a brief overview of copyright law, provides helpful resources for students and teachers, and outlines a model that can be used in citing sources in multimedia presentations. This model goes beyond the producer required credit slide to argue for the inclusion of “in product/text” citations for multimedia presentations.  相似文献   

Presentation feedback can be limited in its feed-forward value, as students do not have their actual presentation available for review whilst reflecting upon the feedback. This study reports on students’ perceptions of the learning and feed-forward value of an oral presentation assessment. Students self-marked their performance immediately after their presentation, after reviewing a video recording of their presentation and wrote a reflection relating to their experience. Survey data revealed that most students viewed all aspects of the assessment task positively and they rated the process as providing substantial learning value. They also indicated that the video review and overall assessment exercise provided valuable feed-forward information that would assist them to improve future presentations. These data were further supported by content analysis of the qualitative data. Students noted that they perceived the video review task as self-enabling. They also noted that the self-reflection and self-marking exercise provided time for thought although it was personally challenging. Therefore, via carefully designed assessment, it is possible to provide a deep learning opportunity from oral presentations that can feed-forward to enhance students’ future presentations.  相似文献   

由于不同的交际目的和功能,不同体裁的语篇存在着不同的图式结构.在此基础上,笔者通过对10份典型的、真实的国际会议学术报告的研究,尝试建立了国际学术报告这种特定语篇体裁的“图式结构“并对其进行了具体的分析,还对比了口头的学术报告与辅助性文字幻灯片(PPT)的异同之处.  相似文献   

Two models of attribution were compared in assessing counselors' reactions to clients' initial attributional presentations. Predictions derived from the content model of attribution suggested that certain attributional content in client presentations (e.g., internal and unstable explanations) would create more favorable counselor impressions. The belief similarity model predicted that counselor–client agreement on explanations for the client's problem was more critical. Results partially supported both models: Counselors reacted most positively when they disagreed with the client's internal attribution and the most negatively when they disagreed with the client's external attribution.  相似文献   

This study investigated (1) the extent to which presentations of measurement error in score reports influence teachers’ decisions and (2) teachers’ preferences in relation to these presentations. Three presentation formats of measurement error (blur, colour value and error bar) were compared to a presentation format that omitted measurement error. The results from a factorial survey analysis showed that the position of a score in relation to a cut-off score impacted most significantly on decisions. Moreover, the teachers (N = 337) indicated the need for additional information significantly more often when the score reports included an error bar compared to when they omitted measurement error. The error bar was also the most preferred presentation format. The results were supported in think-aloud protocols and focus groups, although several interpretation problems and misconceptions of measurement error were identified.  相似文献   

This paper represents a condensation of a 2-hour oral presentation that made extensive use of visual aids in color, many of which could not be reproduced. Several of the areas that received more elaboration in the oral presentation have been shortened in the interest of space.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that anatomy students who complete oral laboratory presentations believe they understand the material better and retain it longer than they otherwise would if they only took examinations on the material; however, we have found no studies that empirically test such outcomes. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of oral presentations through comparisons with other methods of assessment, most notably, examination performance. Specifically, we tested whether students (n = 256) performed better on examination questions on topics covered by their oral presentations than on other topics. Each student completed two graded, 12‐minute laboratory presentations on two different assigned topics during the course and took three examinations, each of which covered a third of the course material. Examination questions were characterized by type (memorization, pathway, analytical, spatial). A two‐way repeated measures analysis of variance revealed that students performed better on topics covered by their presentations than on topics not covered by their presentations (P < 0.005), regardless of presentation grade (P > 0.05) and question type (P > 0.05). These results demonstrate empirically that oral presentations are an effective learning tool. Anat Sci Educ 2: 260–264, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   


In higher education, supporting students with special educational needs (SEN) necessitates an understanding of these needs, additional teaching aids and innovative ideas. The teacher must be an integral part of this support process, and this is difficult for the majority of teachers, due to their lack of core understanding of SEN. However, teachers can focus on their core skills and content knowledge, and have immense alacrity to explore potential options to support their students with SEN. I decided to support my students with SEN by adapting my PowerPoint presentations according to their requirements. PowerPoint presentations usually provide concisely summarised information to students that often lead to confusion in their pre-lecture or post-lecture review. This lack of comprehensive subject information within PowerPoint presentations can have serious implications for students with SEN and their note-takers if no other teaching resources or aids are available to help them. Students with SEN and note-takers reported this concern to me at Aberystwyth University, UK. Consequently, I began to explore ways to make my PowerPoint presentations extra helpful for my students with SEN. After a review of best practices for students with SEN based on universal design for learning and a few trials, I developed a dual PowerPoint presentation (DPP), lecture handouts and comprehensive lecture notes. Subsequently, I successfully employed this approach in the delivery of some of the undergraduate modules of a BSc computer science programme. Feedback from students with SEN, note-takers and the student support department, and examination results showed the success and potential of this DPP approach.  相似文献   

目前,PPT课件在教学活动中应用越来越普遍。从课件制作前的准备、幻灯片的设计制作和幻灯片的演示放映三个方面介绍研究实践心得,有利于使用者合理安排好课件的内容,充分运用好PPT软件的各种功能,提高教学效率,增强教学效果。  相似文献   

Powerpoint软件在幻灯片的制作与演示方面功能丰富、界面直观;Excel作为电子表格软件对于数据输入与处理非常方便。制作教学课件时,充分利用两个软件的不同优势,以演示文稿为展示界面,Excel做数据库,用VBA将两者结合,将起到优势互补的作用,能够有效地增强教学课件的内容丰富性与教学交互性。  相似文献   

Reaction times and picture evaluations by 18 adults with hearing loss were compared with those of 18 matched controls during two visual priming tasks. In Task 1, participants reacted to sexual and plant target pictures (while influenced by similar preceding pictures) by pressing "sex" or "plant" buttons. In Task 2, they evaluated target Japanese ideographs (while influenced by preceding positive or negative facial expressions as prime pictures) by pressing "positive" or "negative" buttons. In Task 1, the controls had the faster responses. In Task 2, they showed the usual congruent priming effect during very short prime presentations. Participants with hearing loss showed this effect only during short and long prime presentation times; thus, they were not superior to the controls in picture recognition, instead showing (a) impaired processing of visual information or (b) impaired perceptual-motor skills regarding quick responses to visual information (or both).  相似文献   

INSTRUCTION, LECTURE-DRIVEN–a form of instruction in which the major activity is that of a seated or standing or walking around or even rolling around instructor talking to a group of students; may include occasionally any of the following–answering/asking questions, commenting on student's answers to questions, writing on chalkboard/easel pad, displaying a visual (e. g., slide, transparency), demonstrating a procedure while pointing out its main features, or doing the same for equipment or job aids or refereence material, and so on.  相似文献   

Visual representations play a critical role in the communication of science concepts for scientists and students alike. However, recent research suggests that novice students experience difficulty extracting relevant information from representations. This study examined students’ interpretations of visual representations of DNA replication. Each of the four steps of DNA replication included in the instructional presentation was represented as a text slide, a simple 2D graphic, and a rich 3D graphic. Participants were middle grade girls (n = 21) attending a summer math and science program. Students’ eye movements were measured as they viewed the representations. Participants were interviewed following instruction to assess their perceived salient features. Eye tracking fixation counts indicated that the same features (look zones) in the corresponding 2D and 3D graphics had different salience. The interviews revealed that students used different characteristics such as color, shape, and complexity to make sense of the graphics. The results of this study have implications for the design of instructional representations. Since many students have difficulty distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant information, cueing and directing student attention through the instructional representation could allow cognitive resources to be directed to the most relevant material.  相似文献   

为了帮助学生在课堂学习中保持良好的学习心理状态,教师在运用电教手段时,充分发挥电教媒体的优势。主要有以下几点:一、帮助学生树立信心,克服自卑畏难心理;二、创造条件,满足学生表明自己能够胜任的欲望;三、从平静状态向活跃状态转化;四、从抑制状态向兴奋状态转化;五、有意注意与无意注意的相互转化。只要教师注意并较好地解决了课堂电化教学的运用时机问题,就能充分发挥电教媒体的优势,起到较好的教育教学效果。  相似文献   

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