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作为运动训练学理论与实践的核心概念之一,国内外对竞技状态的认识存在"特指"与"泛指"之分。本文认为,竞技状态是指运动员参加训练和比赛的准备与现实状态,而最佳竞技状态是指竞技状态的最高阶段。运动员的竞技状态表现呈现发展与提高、优化及保持、减退3个阶段的周期性变化。最佳竞技状态的培养与保持可以通过运用"延缓传导"现象、超量恢复规律、依据生物节律、心理和精神状态调控、合理膳食调配与营养补充等途径来实现。  相似文献   

间歇性低氧训练研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
间歇性低氧训练作为传统高原训练方法的补充,已被广泛应用。国内外研究显示,间歇性低氧训练可以使机体生理机能及分子水平产生适应,如血液的EPO、RBC、Hb和骨骼肌HIF、VEGF、肌红蛋白以及毛细血管密度等产生一些适应性变化。由此.间歇性低氧训练可以改善运动员的生理机能和运动能力。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出将生物节奏的规律运用到竞技体育中是近年来引起人们关注的一项重要课题,其核心在于如何解决训练和比赛节奏与人的生物节律协调起来,并通过合理的安排和调控,使运动员在各种不同的机体生物节奏时相中均能表现出优异的运动成绩。传统的训练所采用的监测手段和训练方法的制定基本上都以生理,生化的指标为参照依据,对运动员进行控制,但很少见运用生物节奏的规律进行调控。尤其与赛艇训练直接联系并把生物节律运用到训练中,对训练起指导意义的研究尚不多见。  相似文献   

G804.51 9903357运动员应该重视定期生理生化健检[刊,中,A]/姚承义∥中华体育季刊.-1999.-12(4).-56-63表1参24(YYW)健康∥检查∥生理∥生物化学∥时间∥项目∥评定∥血液∥尿长期以来运动员的健康检查一直被忽略或径自以相同于非运动者的体检实施。至于检查项目内容更是莫衷一是,鉴于运动项目的特殊性及运动员本身的差异,教练、队医与选手三方得就实际状况,谨慎决定运动训练前、运动训练期间及比赛后得健康检查内容:根据大量的研究显示,血液及尿液的生化分析可以具体有效地监控及筛检运动员的生理变化及疾病症候。本文揭示运动员应该重视定期生理生化健康检查。特别是利用藉由记录人体生化定量的分析,追踪训练成效及危险因子出现的可能,除维护运动员的健康外,亦可延长其运动生命。  相似文献   

篮球运动员的生物节律性是生物遗传因素和长期专项训练相互作用的结果。篮球运动员生物节律模型的建立对于运动训练过程实施科学监控、合理安排运动负荷、预防运动损伤、提高训练效率、克服时差反应等通过调整个人的竞技状态以期达到全队状态“最佳化”都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

人体生物节律与运动训练存在着一定的内在联系,合理利用人体生物节律规律对运动训练的质量和运动成绩的提高都很有益处的。文章阐述了生物节律的研究进展以及生物节律与运动的重要关系,提出了重视运动与生物节律关系的重要性。  相似文献   

生物节律(PSI)周期理论在运动训练、比赛中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
广泛收集了关于生物节律基本理论研究的材料以及生物节律理论在各学科中应用性研究的有关材料。通过对PSI周期理论资料的查阅分析,认为该理论将对运动训练及比赛产生重大影响,该理论将成为运动训练的基础理论并占重要地位。在训练实践中,教练员通过对运动员的生物节律的掌握,可以更好地安排、控制和调整训练计划,使训练更科学、有效,在比赛中取得更好的成绩。  相似文献   

通过对国家短道速滑优秀运动员的训练监控以及国内外专家经验访谈,从生理障碍、心理障碍、生物力学"瓶颈"3个视角分析影响短道速滑项目后程降速的核心要素,结合我国运动员在国际大赛当中的比赛成绩与表现,提出教练员可以通过个体乳酸阈训练、最大乳酸训练、核心力量训练等方法来解决运动员后程降速的问题,从而提高运动成绩。  相似文献   

通过对普通高校男子篮球运动员在其生物节律不同时期中专项身体素质指标、专项基本技术指标及生理、生化指标进行测试,并进行统计学分析,揭示普通高校男子篮球运动员的运动能力与其生物节律的关系,及运动能力在生物节律周期峰值、谷值上的变化规律。  相似文献   

力量训练是运动员体能训练的核心组成部分,它对于提升运动表现和预防运动伤害具有重要作用。文章旨在深入分析力量训练如何影响运动员的肌肉力量、耐力、心血管功能以及神经系统适应,并探讨这些变化背后的生理和生化机制。研究发现,力量训练通过对肌肉肥大、神经肌肉效率、心血管系统的改善和代谢途径的优化,显著提升了运动员的整体身体机能。此外,结合研究证实,不同项目的运动员都能从系统的力量训练中获益,这凸显了力量训练在运动训练中的重要性和应用价值。  相似文献   

The training and competitive programmes of elite athletes incorporate travel schedules, often long journeys, across multiple time zones. In such cases, travel causes both transient fatigue and a malaise known as "jet-lag" that persists for some days. Jet-lag is due to the disturbance of the body's circadian rhythms: diurnal and performance rhythms are displaced, depending on the direction of travel and the number of time zones crossed in flight. Attention to diet and hydration is relevant during the flight and following disembarkation until adjustment to the new meridian is complete. The consequences of jet-lag on rhythms in digestion may be compounded if food preparation and hygiene are inadequate in training camps or competitive venues overseas. The irony of travel is that it often places athletes at a greater risk of failing to meet their specific nutrition goals or succumbing to illness, at a time when the demands or outcomes of performance are of greatest importance. In addition, gastrointestinal infections related to travelling are frequent among athletes. Fastidious planning and organization among the support staff is recommended before the journey to prevent any such problems arising. Equally, athletes often need special education initiatives to assist them to cope with the challenges of a new and unusual food supply, or altered access to food.  相似文献   

The behavioural modifications that accompany Ramadan intermittent fasting (RIF) are usually associated with some alterations in the metabolic, physiological, and psychological responses of athletes that may affect sport performance. Muslim athletes who are required to train and/or compete during the month-long, diurnal fast must adopt coping strategies that allow them to maintain physical fitness and motivation if they are to perform at the highest level. This updated review aims to present the current state of knowledge of the effects of RIF on training and performance, focusing on key-factors that contribute to the effects of Ramadan on exercise performance: energy restriction, sleep deprivation, circadian rhythm perturbation, dehydration, and alterations in the training load. The available literature contain few studies that have examined the effects of RIF on physical performance in athletes and, to date, the results are inconclusive, so the effects of RIF on competition outcomes are not at present wholly understood. The diverse findings probably indicate individual differences in the adaptability and self-generated coping strategies of athletes during fasting and training. However, the results of the small number of well-controlled studies that have examined the effects of Ramadan on athletic performance suggest that few aspects of physical fitness are negatively affected, and where decrements are observed these are usually modest. Subjective feelings of fatigue and other mood indicators are often cited as implying additional stress on the athlete throughout Ramadan, but most studies show that these factors may not result in decreases in performance and that perceived exercise intensity is unlikely to increase to any significant degree. Current evidence from good, well-controlled research supports the conclusion that athletes who maintain their total energy and macronutrient intake, training load, body composition, and sleep length and quality are unlikely to suffer any substantial decrements in performance during Ramadan. Further research is required to determine the effect of RIF on the most challenging events or exercise protocols and on elite athletes competing in extreme environments.  相似文献   

Ramadan results in a number of behavioural alterations in individuals when compared to their normal habits outside of this holy month. These changes in behaviour could impact upon the effectiveness of the activity of an elite athlete who has high daily activity levels and energy expenditures. Understanding the true impact of Ramadan on human physiology will also require an awareness of the key aspects of circadian rhythms. This article will present theoretical background content on circadian rhythms along with data on the potential influence of circadian variation on soccer performance. It will also attempt to provide an insight into the problems of partial sleep deprivation and travel for the elite player. The contents will suggest that there is a basis for the within-day variation in physiological and psychological function to impact soccer performance if games are played early in the day or very late at night. As competitive fixtures are uncommon at these times these influences may be more relevant to the timing and organisation of training sessions. It is also likely that a lack of sleep and excessive travel will provide conditions that are not conducive to optimal performance. This would indicate that teams should think carefully about their preparation strategies for important tournaments and games.  相似文献   

体内的生物节律是由机体的内源性生物钟驱动的,该生物钟可以自激振荡,同时又接受环境周期变化的信号,调控自激振荡,使机体的生命活动与外周环境的变化有节奏地、协调地进行。运动中准确把握和利用生物节律,可前瞻性地安排和调整训练计划,使人体的生理功能和运动能力能在特定的时间内得到最好的表现。  相似文献   

康杰  刘畅 《体育科研》2022,(1):9-20
昼夜节律计时系统或昼夜节律生物钟在许多生物过程中起着至关重要的作用,如睡眠-觉醒周期、激素分泌、心血管健康、糖稳态和体温调节。由于代谢紊乱发病率的快速提升,了解昼夜节律系统如何影响代谢稳态已成为过去几十年来众多研究的焦点。长期的昼夜节律紊乱会导致能量失衡,从而导致相关疾病的发生。本文综述了昼夜节律对代谢过程和能量平衡的双向影响,提供了相关研究证据和用于进行相关实验的方法,同时提供了基于证据的建议。研究发现,生物钟不仅可以影响代谢途径,也可以被饮食和运动等非光刺激调节。在适当的时机进行饮食和运动干预可能会提高疾病预防和治疗的成功率。鉴于生物钟-代谢相互作用的复杂性,需要更多的研究来阐明这些过程是如何相互作用的,以便制定更有效的治疗策略,进而抑制与生物钟紊乱相关的代谢性疾病的上升速度。  相似文献   

优秀中长跑、马拉松运动员高原训练探悉   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对高原训练高原高度的选择、训练的最佳次数、训练的持续时间、下高原的时机、训练过程阶段划分及训练课的安排、高原训练期间运动员身体机能生理和生化指标的评定进行研究。研究认为,高原训练有一个降低训练负荷的环境适应期;与海平面地区的训练相比,高原训练中的训练强度略有下降;在野外的训练多于在田径场的训练;为了确定与某一地区的地理环境相适应,应力争前往某一固定地点进行经常性的高原训练;应根据运动员在高原训练期间生理机能的变化特点和生理指标的变化规律,制定相应的评定方法监控身体机能状况,保障高原训练的效果。  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) has been widely investigated for its potential role in determining exercise performance. It was originally thought that DA's ergogenic effect was by mediating psychological responses. Recently, some studies have also suggested that DA may regulate physiological responses, such as thermoregulation. Hyperthermia has been demonstrated as an important limiting factor during endurance exercise. DA is prominent in the thermoregulatory centre, and changes in DA concentration have been shown to affect core temperature regulation during exercise. Some studies have proposed that DA or DA/noradrenaline (NA) reuptake inhibitors can improve exercise performance, despite hyperthermia during exercise in the heat. DA/NA reuptake inhibitors also increase catecholamine release in the thermoregulatory centre. Intracerebroventricularly injected DA has been shown to improve exercise performance through inhibiting hyperthermia-induced fatigue, even at normal ambient temperatures. Further, caffeine has been reported to increase DA release in the thermoregulatory centre and improves endurance exercise performance despite increased core body temperature. Taken together, DA has been shown to have ergogenic effects and increase heat storage and hyperthermia tolerance. The mechanisms underlying these effects seem to involve limiting/overriding the inhibitory signals from the central nervous system that result in cessation of exercise due to hyperthermia.  相似文献   

褪黑素(melatonin,MT)在同步昼夜节律方面具有关键作用,且抑郁症的主要特征就是昼夜节律紊乱导致的睡眠障碍和褪黑素分泌紊乱。针对昼夜节律系统开发出的褪黑素类似物(如阿戈美拉汀、雷美替胺、他司美琼等)在治疗抑郁症方面有积极作用,特别是阿戈美拉汀,这是一种具有抗抑郁和抗焦虑作用的褪黑素受体激动剂及5-HT2C受体拮抗剂。研究综述了昼夜节律紊乱与抑郁症之间的关联,以及褪黑素在运动调控生物节律与改善抑郁行为方面的作用及机制,并提出了运动联合MT的抗抑郁策略。提出运动的抗抑郁作用,一方面通过MT的分泌调节使生物节律同步和MT促进海马神经发生和生物钟基因表达同步,另一方面通过MT调节脑源性神经营养因子节律和水平及改善炎症和氧化应激。  相似文献   

目的:研究时差对运动员竞赛状态和机能状况的影响。方法:观察运动员样本(共16人)在进入时差环境模型前后竞赛状态和机能状况的变化并进行比较。结果:时差反应能够使运动员机能状况发生改变,竞赛状态明显下降。结论:提示运动员在跨时区参加比赛前可调整竞赛状态及机能状况,以尽快适应新的时间环境,减轻时差对运动成绩的影响。  相似文献   

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