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Artificial Intelligence is increasingly being used by public sector organisations. Previous research highlighted that the use of AI technologies in government could improve policy making processes, public service delivery and the internal management of public administrations. In this article, we explore to which extent the use of AI in the public sector impacts these core governance functions. Findings from the review of a sample of 250 cases across the European Union, show that AI is used mainly to support improving public service delivery, followed by enhancing internal management and only in a limited number assist directly or indirectly policy decision-making. The analysis suggests that different types of AI technologies and applications are used in different governance functions, highlighting the need to further in-depth investigation to better understand the role and impact of use in what is being defined the governance “of, with and by AI”.  相似文献   

Public administrations have been very much concerned since the 1980s about the need of avoiding vendor lock-in when procuring themselves with information technology (IT) infrastructure. The boost of e-government that has taken place in recent years has put this concern again in the agenda of public administrations. Interoperability has shown up as a principle in the conception and deployment of the e-government initiatives, and the interoperability frameworks have been the tool for implementing the principle. In this paper, the use of the interoperability frameworks and of the enterprise architectures within the e-government initiatives is surveyed. The scope of the survey is Europe and the United States. As far as the author is aware, all trends in interoperability policy fall within the scope of the survey. The survey is focused on the methodological tools that e-government agencies have devised for achieving the interoperability at the public administrations. The tools are interoperability frameworks and enterprise architectures.  相似文献   

In the context of Political Science, fragmentation refers to the process of decentralization, department differentiation and division of management in governmental institutions. Increasingly fragmented features emerge in China's administrative values, public resource operation, public organizational structures and public service provision in the post-industrial age, which affect the planning and implementation of e-government and inevitably map onto virtual government, leading to a fragmented Chinese e-government. Although most of the literature include impediments or measures to China's e-government, hardly any research can be found that focuses on theoretically identifying and innovating the way to handle problems. An aim of this research is to determine that holistic governance could be considered a rational choice for the transformation from fragmentation to holistic development and an effective measure for the sound advancement of e-government.  相似文献   

Many developing countries across the world are allocating a significant share of their budgets for e-government initiatives. Common service centers (CSCs) are e-government initiatives that aim to increase access to public services and promote easy and direct interaction with the government. These e-government initiatives are largely underutilised, especially in rural areas in developing countries. This study attempts to identify the key challenges facing CSCs and determine their hierarchical relationships in the context of rural India. A set of 15 challenges was identified through a rigorous literature review and by surveying experts and CSC owners. Data were collected on the identified challenges and were analysed using interpretive structural modeling (ISM)-MICMAC-fuzzy MICMAC analysis. Subsequently, we developed a hierarchical model of challenges. The findings revealed that “longer travel time and transaction cost”, “low digital literacy”, and “low awareness” of e-government services are among the key challenges CSCs face in rural India. This study suggests several recommendations to all the stakeholders involved in the management of CSCs to improve the delivery of e-government services in rural India.  相似文献   

电子政务信息资源的共享.是通过协调电子政务信息资源在政府各部门、企业、公众之间的分布,使信息资源布局更加合理、用户的信息需求得到最大的满足、电子政务信息资源发挥最大的效用。保障电子政务信息资源的共享,一方面可改善行政服务质量、加强行政监督、降低行政成本,满足电子政务建设的内在要求;另一方面,可增强全民的信息化意识、促进电子信息产业的发展、带动各产业的良性互动,加快社会信息化的进程和加速国民经济的健康发展。  相似文献   

我国地方政府门户网站G2B服务能力评价指标体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析国内外电子政务评价指标体系的基础上,针对我国城市政府门户网站的建设情况,尤其针对以为企业服务(G2B)为主的开发区网站,开发了“地方政府门户网站G2B服务能力的评价指标体系”。该指标体系由6个一级指标、18个二级指标与90个三级指标构成,并运用德尔菲法与AHP法确定了各指标权重。在后续的研究中,该评价工具被用于对天津滨海新区与上海浦东新区各网站进行评价,证明具有良好的实用性。  相似文献   

Effective e-government creates an environment for citizens to have greater access to their government and, in theory, makes citizen-to-government contact more inclusive. Our research examines two distinct but related measures of e-government effectiveness, namely the online service index and the e-participation index, both reported in the 2010 e-government survey conducted by the United Nations. We analyze the impact of political structure, public sector performance and policy initiatives on both indices in more than 150 countries. Our multiple regression analysis shows that there is greater e-government capability in countries that have more effective public sector governance and administration, and policies that advance the development and diffusion of information and communication technologies. More democratic institutions and processes, however, appear to have a negative impact on e-government. In addition, countries that practice effective governance and promote competition in the telecommunications sector demonstrate more extensive provision of e-participation. These results suggest that the path to e-government leverages different strategies depending on a nation's political structure, and that authoritarian countries may be utilizing e-government to maintain the status quo.  相似文献   

电子政务信息资源语义互操作模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息资源语义互操作正成为语义网环境下电子政务新的研究课题.在对语义互操作模型研究与应用现状进行分析的基础上,基于元数据注册系统和元模型互操作框架,以政务异构信息资源的语义解析和整合为核心,提出电子政务信息资源语义互操作模型,设计语义解析和语义整合模型,并应用于国土管理信息资源的语义互操作.  相似文献   

以传统文化为核心、以“自然”“自治”“自适”为基本特征的乡村传统文化治理体系曾经在传承与发展乡村文化、维护乡村社会秩序方面发挥积极作用。在现代化进程中,乡村传统文化治理体系的社会基础、客观条件、价值取向发生了根本性改变,亟待完成现代性构建。文章结合“安康新民风建设引领乡村公共文化服务创新发展”制度设计,从现代乡村文化场域构建、乡村文化“内生性重构”和乡村文化价值体系重塑3个维度探讨乡村传统文化治理体系的现代性构建问题,认为要在充分尊重乡村文化底色和“自然”“自治”“自适”传统的基础上,融入面向未来、持续发展的时代意识,推动乡村文化治理体系和治理能力现代化。  相似文献   

Driven by the growing importance of the digital provision of government services (e-government), recent research has sought to develop and test conceptual models of citizen satisfaction and trust with these services. Yet, there remains little agreement on how to optimally model these relationships with regards to the somewhat divergent goals of explanation and prediction of citizen trust. In this paper, we test two prominent modeling paradigms of the e-government satisfaction-trust relationship: the “service quality” model and the “expectancy-disconfirmation” model. We compare several variations of these models for their in-sample explanatory abilities, out-of-sample predictive abilities, and parsimony. To test the models, we examine a pooled, cross-agency sample of survey data measuring citizens' experiences with and perceptions of three important and widely accessed U.S. federal e-government services—the webpages of the Social Security Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, and the U.S. Census Bureau. Our findings suggest that while the expectancy-disconfirmation paradigm performs well in explanation, a parsimonious model with an “overall quality-satisfaction-trust” link is best suited for predicting trust. In addition, the service quality paradigm offers the best compromise between predictive accuracy and explanatory power. These findings offer new insights for academic researchers, government agencies, and practitioners, especially those deciding upon an empirical model to adopt to measure e-government satisfaction and its impact upon citizen trust.  相似文献   

Delivering public services through the SMS channel is popular in developed and developing countries, and it has demonstrated its benefits. However, citizens' acceptance of the services is still an issue. This paper presents a study on user acceptance of SMS-based e-government services. Constructs of the proposed model were derived from a survey on citizens' motivations for using SMS-based e-government services (142 respondents from 25 countries), prominent theories on individual acceptance of technologies, and current studies on user acceptance of SMS and e-government services. The model was validated using data from 589 citizens in three cities in Indonesia, who are non-adopters. The relationships between the factors then were compared with data from 80 adopters of SMS-based e-government services in Australia. The proposed model explains what factors influence non-adopters to accept SMS-based e-government services, and the comparison explains the relative importance of the factors for the adopters. The findings are promising for governments who wish to evaluate a new SMS-based e-government system very early in its development in order to assess potential acceptability and for governments who would like to diagnose the reasons why an existing SMS-based e-government service is not fully acceptable to citizens and to take corrective action to increase the acceptability of the service.  相似文献   

面对“四区叠加”的独特市情和公共文化建设“五大结构性”矛盾,安康市创建国家公共文化服务体系示范区。其制度设计根据扶贫攻坚新形势、文化建设新任务、社会治理新问题,按照坚持法治思维、问题导向,坚持因地制宜、突出特色,坚持新民风建设引领、制度创新驱动的原则,充分聚焦乡村文化建设,形成以乡村文化建设“三改革”“三培育”“六结合”为主要内容,以全面推动乡村公共文化服务创新发展为目标的制度设计思想。其中,乡村文化建设“三改革”,旨在通过乡村文化建设观念变革、治理结构改革和供给侧结构性改革,使乡村文化回归其发展的历史逻辑。  相似文献   

档案治理是在党政机构的领导支持下,由档案行政机关主导,各级各类档案机构、社会组织或个人参与,通过一定的制度安排进行合作互动,共同促进档案事业发展和提升档案工作服务社会发展大局能力的过程,对促进档案事业管理适应国家治理现代化的发展趋势有着积极意义。从档案治理的概念、特征和价值目标三个方面解析了档案治理的内涵,从档案治理的逻辑起点、主要面向、研究视角、体系支撑和能力建设五个方面构建了档案治理的理论框架,对《全国档案事业发展“十三五”规划纲要》提出的“加快完善档案治理体系、提升档案治理能力”作了理论阐释。  相似文献   

This article aims to understand what determines the degree of e-government use for multiple purposes by analyzing the Government Online Survey data that the Pew Internet and American Life Project provide. Three main purposes of e-government use are identified as: service use, information use, and policy research. The degree of e-government use for a specific purpose is predicted by five sets of determinants: psychological factors of technology adoption, civic mindedness, information channels, trust in government, and socio-demographic and personal characteristics. Sociodemographic conditions influence usage level of various transactional services provided by e-government. Perceived ease of use facilitates the acquisition of general information through e-government. Civicness is a critical determinant of e-government use for policy research. Policy researchers who are more engaged with and concerned about society, neighbors, and government are emerging as a new class of e-government users.  相似文献   

针对传统企业信息集成的缺点,采用面向服务体系结构和Web服务技术相结合,对信息集成简化为对服务的开发和利用,解决企业信息集成的异构平台互联、安全性、系统间的松耦合以及流程的重组和优化等,将企业的异构系统、应用、商务流程以及数据源构成的应用环境集成为一个整体,并对SOAP、WSDL、BPEL、WDDI等技术标准进行研究,整合实施SOA架构的各种关键技术。通过对面向服务的软件分析与开发特点的研究,实现一个具有很强的互操作性、重用性和灵活性的虚拟企业信息集成系统框架。  相似文献   

The prevalence of disability across the globe is substantial and is predicted to increase as the population ages. As of 2022, almost one in six citizens in Australia has a disability, with most relying on e-government services to support aspects of their daily living. To cope with the growing service demands, the government is using e-government services as a “default” means to deliver government policy outcomes that create public value for citizens living with disability. It is therefore critical that e-government succeed, as failure to provide adequate services to citizens living with disability can lead to measurable economic and social consequences. This study aims to identify the factors that influence e-government success from the perspective of citizens living with disability, using a public value approach. The study examines twenty cases representing citizens living with disability in Australia, analysed through the ‘lived’ experience of these citizens using e-government.  相似文献   

电子政务社会化服务的隐性信息资源诉求   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
社会化服务引发了电子政务信息资源的全新定位。本文以社会化服务为导向,从电子政务的实践发展,用户需求和信息资源共享等几方面论述了社会化服务对电子政务隐性信息资源的迫切需求。认为以政府优秀决策为标的物的隐性信息资源开发、共享与利用是电子政务社会化服务职能实现的突破口。电子政务隐性信息资源是体现政府在社会化服务中“做了什么”,“怎样做的”和“为什么这样做”的极具社会应用价值的信息资源。  相似文献   

黄菁 《图书情报工作》2009,53(1):126-126
本文分析了电子政务背景下实施CRM的可行性,并基于CRM的核心理念审视了当前电子政务建设中存在的主要问题,包括用户需求未得到满足、信息与服务的供需不匹配、用户细分不足、信息与服务传递渠道有限、用户培育不足等。根据电子政务发展的阶段性特征,研究认为CRM的实施应与当前电子政务发展阶段相匹配,其重点在于提高信息与服务的可获取性。基于此,文章提出了若干具有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

新媒体时代,图书馆“短视频+”服务可以满足读者碎片化学习需求,对其现状及发展策略的研究有利于提升图书馆服务推广效果。论文以抖音、B站、微博视频号、微信视频号为研究对象,调查我国省级公共图书馆和高校图书馆“短视频+”服务的现状,通过对比粉丝数、获赞量、作品数量及内容特点,揭示“短视频+”服务的不足之处,提出了从管理规范、功能定位、平台特色、营销理论、服务模式五个方面提升图书馆“短视频+”服务的发展策略。  相似文献   

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