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由于政治、宗教、各社会团体利益的不同,近年来许多美国团体对美国学校图书馆的藏书提出了非议,认为这些藏书妨碍了青少年的正常阅读,对学生的思想健康有害,美国图书馆员对此也态度不一。本文从美国人的政治信念、宗教信仰和家庭理念等方面分析了造成这一问题的深刻社会原因。  相似文献   

由于政治、宗教、各社会团体利益的不同,近年来许多美国团体对美国学校图书馆的藏书提出了非议,认为这些藏书妨碍了青少年的正常阅读,对学生的思想健康有害,美国图书馆员对此也态度不一,本文从美国人的政治信念、宗教信仰和家庭理念等上分析了造成这一问题的深刻社会原因。  相似文献   

我国的私人藏书,有相当悠久的历史,在漫长的历史时期中,它起着相当大的社会作用。藏书家分布于全国各地,星星点点,烁烁光明。宋元以下至于清,藏书家的藏书数量及其社会作用和影响,都远远超过公家藏书、书院藏书和寺观藏书。应该说,私人藏书是我国古代图书馆事业的主流。总结一下私人藏书的社会作用,对了解我国古代图书馆事业,不无意义。藏书的社会作用,一是保存图书文献资料;一是为社会提供图书文献资料。刘意成同志近作《私人藏书与古籍保存》,论述了私人藏书对保存古籍的贡献,这是私人藏书的社会作用之一,但对私人藏书的社会利用尚未见有高文论述,笔者以拙稿充数,并就正于刘先生暨读者诸君。私人藏书的社会利用,主要表现在以下几个方面:  相似文献   

五四时期创办的各种社团组织,出于思想文化传播的需要,纷纷创建图书馆或图书室,或以研究和传播马列主义学说为目的,或为工人阶级服务,或为文化学术团体建立,或为其他团体和宗教组织建立。这些图书馆主旨明确,藏书特色鲜明,建章立制,管理运行较为规范,筹集社会捐赠解决经费难题,诸多知名人士参与其中。社团图书馆广泛搜集图书,促进了新思想新文化的传播。  相似文献   

<正>针对藏书,我国的藏书历史很悠久,无论是从社会藏书、民间藏书,还是政府藏书、个人藏书等,都需要跟社会的发展相互依存。社会的发展不仅依靠人才,还需要人才保留的文献资料,这就是藏书的最初目标之一。从历史角度审视,我国藏书不仅在于分析我国文化,还分析了人类存在的文明、贡献、经验等资料学习与借鉴。藏书,古今中外都存在着这种现象,它不仅带给了个人的发展,还带动了整个社会的进步与发展。在藏  相似文献   

藏书事业的兴衰与各个朝代统治者所采取的行政措施有着极大的关系。明代统治者采取了发展社会经济、大兴教育和科举、保护藏书等一系列有利于藏书发展的政策和措施,为藏书营造了良好的社会环境,推动了明朝藏书事业的繁荣和发展。  相似文献   

从增加藏书数量、提升藏书品位、让藏书有序传承、提高社会利用率几方面阐述捐赠对藏书建设的作用,并从规范接收、表彰奖励、媒体宣传、满足要求、政策支持等方面提出了推动图书捐赠的相应措施。  相似文献   

贵族们的私人藏书作为社会文献资源的一部分,在社会文献的收集、整理、保管、利用等方面都发挥了重要的作用。并且私人藏书能通过一定的方式转化为公共藏书,从而被社会读者所利用。英国贵族体制又有区别于其他西方国家的独特的方面。论文重点阐述了英国贵族私人藏书的背景,贵族体制影响私人藏书的原因以及私人藏书的意义,并介绍了一些著名的贵族藏书家。  相似文献   

民国时期为我国公私藏书的转型阶段,藏书开放思想占据主流地位.藏书家围绕服务社会、服务民众,提高全民素质这一目的孜孜以求,私人藏书与国家、学校藏书相互促进、共同发展,对推动学术研究、弘扬中华文化、保存珍贵典籍做出了杰出贡献.  相似文献   

美国高校图书馆的藏书奖产生较早并一直受到重视,藏书奖的资金来源较多、奖励读者范围较广泛,其奖项设置、申报要求、评奖委员会、评奖标准、获奖者奖励及成果管理等方面均比较规范。我国高校图书馆应从倡导读者建设个人藏书、规范现行的评奖活动程序、发挥优秀读者的带动作用、加强与校内外机构间的合作、充分利用社会资源等方面完善读者服务及奖励工作。  相似文献   

文章以北美研究图书馆协会的8所高校图书馆为调查对象,通过网站访问的方式,从地理馆藏资源概况、馆藏发展方式、馆藏发展政策、建设项目、争取外界支持等方面对这些高校图书馆地理馆藏建设现状进行调查。调查发现:基于丰富的地理馆藏资源,北美高校图书馆开展了嵌入式学科服务,并多渠道发布动态信息对地理馆藏资源进行推广。文章对我国高校图书馆地理馆藏建设与服务的启示为:重视地理馆藏的积累、重视地理馆藏相关政策的制定、重视基于地理馆藏开展创新服务、重视地理馆藏推广工作。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(45-46):153-170
Reference librarians and subject bibliographiers who responsibility for developing library collections hsould include racially diverse materials. The changing demographics of America's population dictate why we need to be inclusive. More black, small indpendent publishers exist today than ever before to provide access to these materials. Afrocentricity, one aspect of multicultural education, raises our consciousness of the role Africans have played in world history, in addition to the role played by Europeans, Latinos, Asians, Native American Indians and all other ethnic groups who are part of the American mosaic. Libraries must make a serious commitment of staff and resources to create collections which reflect the growing multicultural dimensions of the world. Librarians charged with building collections must educate themselves to understand, accept, appreciate and include people of color and their culture. Ultimately, such an appreciation of multiculturalism will enable us to move closer to eliminating racism and equalizing race relations.  相似文献   

In recent years, eBook collections have been increasing at a slow but steady rate in both public and academic libraries. With the increasing eBook collections in libraries and the advancements made in information discovering services, users can now discover materials existing outside of their local library more easily. EBooks also offer the potential for quick interlibrary loan delivery. Ironically, eBook interlibrary loan has not become prevalent in libraries. Many studies have been done to explore eBook licensing and interlibrary loan in academic libraries and to offer practical solutions for eBook interlibrary lending. Few studies have been done in public libraries. This study explores the current practice of eBook interlibrary loan activities in American public libraries. Survey questionnaires were distributed to 118 randomly selected public libraries. Questions focused on current eBook interlibrary loan best practices, issues, and obstacles in American public libraries. Findings from this study indicate eBook ILL is not a priority for the surveyed public libraries, and the adoption rate of eBook ILL in public libraries is much lower than that in academic libraries.  相似文献   

美国黑人图书馆事业在整个美国图书馆事业中占有重要的地位。在黑人馆藏、黑人图书馆员及其教育、独立黑人图书馆、黑人图书馆专业组织及黑人图书馆事业研究等方面要素的推动下,美国黑人图书馆事业大致经历了萌芽、奠基、发展、转折和今天的繁荣时期,黑人图书馆事业的发展历程反映了美国不同历史时期社会对待种族问题的态度,是美国社会民主进程的一个缩影。  相似文献   

系统地介绍了东亚图书馆在美国公、私立大学中的分布和规模,回顾了其一百多年来的发展历史,并对其现状和未来的发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   


This paper offers a look at some facets of the 1905 Revolution in Latvia, at the time part of the Russian Empire, and their interpretation in historiography from 1905 to 2015. Using resources in the Stanford University Libraries and the Hoover Institution Library and Archives, the paper provides an overview of the causes and the character of the 1905 Revolution in Latvia while also discussing various debates among historians of 1905. The main focus is on collective violence and political activism. The article is written from the point of view of a librarian and historian. It has two parallel goals: to tell the history of the Baltic collections at Stanford and to acquaint the reader with current scholarship on the subject of 1905 in Latvia. Even though some papers have been written that examine Baltic collections in American libraries, few, if any, of these have concentrated on individual historical topics.  相似文献   

Although libraries tend to see the integrated library system (ILS) as a very “library” system, it is actually a powerful inventory and patron management system that can be used much more broadly. At American University, the library has many campus partner collections that it has added to the library catalog. Some collections contain books and media, like traditional library holdings, and some are made up of audiovisual and computer equipment. This article describes the process of cataloging these collections, the challenges of conceiving the ILS as a campus-wide system, and the benefits that these partnerships have brought to the library.  相似文献   

Collectors of children's books use Harry K. Hudson's bibliography of American boys' series books as a source list in expanding their personal collections. Scholars of popular culture use the bibliography as a tool in locating books that reflect everyday trends and mores of the general American public. The bibliography, now in its third edition, has undergone considerable change over the years; and this change reflects the evolution of a simple finding aid for personal collectors to a bibliography used for scholarly research.  相似文献   

Congress passed the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) in 1980. Intended to ensure that the federal government carefully managed information and to reduce the burden of information collection on the American public, it has arguably failed to do either. This article uses a simple analysis of the benefits and costs of the Act to evaluate possible directions for reform. The implementation of the PRA has resulted in the misallocation of government resources. Far too much time is spent at the Office of Management and Budget and at agencies reviewing collections and soliciting input on thousands of information collections that are routine and unchanging. If this time was cut back, both OMB and agencies could devote more time to new information collections that have methodological issues and significant policy impacts. Agencies and OMB could also devote more time to tying information collection to information management as the authors of the PRA initially intended.  相似文献   

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