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近期.中国国家图书馆对外开放了针对馆藏的检索.读者通过Google Scholar(学术资源搜索)就可以检索到国家图书馆的书目数据,国家图书馆由此成为中国第一个加入Google Scholar的LibraryLink(图书馆链接)的图书馆,实现了国家图书馆数字资源门户与Google Scholar的链接。  相似文献   

Google Scholar Beta检索性能的初步分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
朱佳鸣 《图书情报工作》2005,49(12):115-119
利用多个医学提问,通过对Google Scholar Beta、PubMed、ISI Science Citation Index Expanded、CrossRef Search、Scirus等工具检索结果的对比,分析 Google Scholar Beta 测试版搜索引擎在学术信息检索中的性能表现,特别是检索的查全率、结果的相关性、文献被引用检索等方面的性能,指出其存在的不足,并对该搜索引擎对图书馆跨库查询方案的影响进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

Google Scholar即Google学术搜索,是建立在Google搜索引擎基础上,直接面向科研需要的学术资源的网络检索工具。其搜索内容涉及诸多学科,并经业内专家评审,具有相当的权威性。该搜索引擎具有检索操作便捷化,选题标准学术化、引用搜索智能化、瞬间运行高速化等特点。Google Scholar及其中文版的出现,对于推动我国的科技进步和学术研究,具有积极意义。参考文献31。  相似文献   

从检索案例出发,对利用Google Scholar检索英文经济学文献的技巧进行探析,说明如何运用检索技巧,实现检索目的。  相似文献   

文章以中国科学院机构知识库CAS OpenIR为例,采用基于学术搜索引擎Google Scholar优化的策略和方法,如针对Google Scholar收录原则、Google Scholar元数据体系、sitemaps、Robots协议等策略和方法进行分析和实践,通过提升机构知识库在Google Scholar中的收录比率,进而增强机构知识库中内容被发现引用的机率,以扩大IR利用影响力。  相似文献   

通过调研国外2007至2008年有关Google Scholar(GS)的研究进展,选取与图书馆相关的若干研究角度,比较GS与图书馆检索工具的检索效率、用户选择GS或图书馆检索工具的因为以及GS和图书馆资源的覆盖面等问题,并对GS与ARL图书馆、OhioLINK学术图书馆以及美国大学图书馆的合作情况进行介绍,较为全面地展现国外学者围绕Google Scholar给图书馆带来的挑战与机遇这一主题而开展研究的最新成果.  相似文献   

结合大量实例介绍了Google Scholar(谷歌学术)、SCIRUS这两个学术搜索引擎的特色及实用的检索技巧。  相似文献   

Scirus还是Google Scholar?——两种专业搜索引擎对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合性搜索引擎很难满足用户的专业搜索要求,而像Scirus和Google Scholar这样的专业科学搜索引擎弥补了其检索专业信息的很多缺陷.本文主要对两种搜索引擎的收录范围、检索功能、查询结果及其不足等方面进行对比分析.  相似文献   

目前我国"211"高校图书馆比较注重对Google Scholar搜索引擎的应用,有58所高校图书馆以各种形式提供了Google Scholar的相关链接,但在实际应用中还存在不足,应加大宣传力度,结合Google Scholar搜索引擎的特点,为用户提供针对性的服务。  相似文献   

Google Scholar与PubMed搜索比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Google Scholar是综合性的搜索引擎,PubMed是专业性的搜索数据库,两个系统的共同点是都能搜索学术文章,但由于两者拥有不相同的搜索数据及搜索方式的极不相同,返回的结果往往不同。通过对Google Scholar和PubMed做各种不同的搜索试验,对搜索结果进行比较和对比,得出两个系统之间的不同之处,发现造成这些不同的原因,以更清晰地了解Google Scholar和PubMed各自的搜索能力。  相似文献   

用Delphi和Google Web API开发自己的搜索引擎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述Delphi是Google Web API提供的一种Web服务,允许开发人员选择自己喜爱的编程语言开发应用程序,通过基于XML的SOAP信息交换协议与远程的Google服务器连接来调用Google的Web服务;通过实例详细介绍用Delphi和GoogleWeb API开发搜索引擎的方法和步骤。  相似文献   

This study measured the degree of Google Scholar adoption within academia by analyzing the frequency of Google Scholar appearances on 948 campus and library Web sites, and by ascertaining the establishment of link resolution between Google Scholar and library resources. Results indicate a positive correlation between the implementation of Google Scholar link resolution and the degree of Google Scholar adoption.  相似文献   


Buoyed by its brand name, Google News has grown from its beta stage into a popular news site with a significant share of the Internet market for “Current Events and Global News.” The success of Google News raises questions about the nature of news and even the desirability of Google's presenting news. Where does Google News fit into the myriad news resources available on the Internet and in libraries? How does Google News work? Is Google News an effective source for news research? How will Google News stand up to its competition, in particular a new wave of community news sites?  相似文献   

谷歌数字图书馆计划发展历程与版权问题分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章首先对谷歌数字图书馆计划进行简单介绍,并对图书馆计划实施至今所发生的事件进行简单历史回顾,然后分析谷歌数字图书馆计划的经济目的与文化目的,最后重点对该计划实施过程中的合理使用、"opt-out"与和解协议存在的版权法律问题进行分析,认为谷歌不能以合理使用来抗辩其行为.  相似文献   

GOOGLE数字图书馆计划及其启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在介绍Google数字图书馆计划的主要内容及其选择与图书馆合作的原因的基础上,分析了Google数字图书馆计划反对者的动机,探讨了Google数字图书馆计划对图书馆界的影响,指出在促进公众能够普遍获取信息这个目标上,图书馆界和Google应该携手前进。  相似文献   

This article summarizes published documents on metadata provided by Google for books scanned as part of the Google Book Search (GBS) project and provides suggestions for improvement. The faulty, misleading, and confusing metadata in current Google records can pose potentially serious problems for users of GBS. Google admits that it took data, which proved to be inaccurate, from many sources and is attempting to correct errors. Some argue that metadata is not needed with keyword searching; but optical character recognition (OCR) errors, synonym control, and materials in foreign languages make reliable metadata a requirement for academic researchers. The authors recommend that users should be able to submit error reports to Google to correct faulty metadata.  相似文献   

论文通过SWOT分析法对图书馆和Google的优势、劣势、杌会和威胁进行比较分析,论证两者合作的可行性以及影响,指出图书馆和Google的合作将对各方有利。论文还对双方合作中可能出现的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 建构云计算技术环境下的海量数据分析是一种需要预载大量数据集的数据计算处理。针对传统海量数据分析处理数据细节方式所导致的分析质量与效率问题,运用Google三大云计算技术对其进行改进。[方法/过程] 通过对Google三大云计算技术——GFS、MapReduce和Bigtable进行文献调查、内容分析和技术分析,梳理出Google云计算技术在数据处理、技术架构和算法模型等方面的部署创新和设计改进。[结果/结论] 将Google云计算技术与传统本地数据分析处理方式与细节进行比较分析,得出Google云计算技术在操作海量数据分析时所具备的处理优势。借助Google云计算三大技术,提出海量数据分析流程在存储和访问、组织与管理以及并行处理3个方面的技术优化与改进策略。  相似文献   

This article critically examines four Google search products (Google Advanced Search, Google News Advanced Search, Google Books Advanced Search, and Google Advanced Scholar Search) and shows how each uses metadata to enhance or improve search results. In addition, the article shows how metadata can increase search precision and recall in information discovery systems. From a library perspective, this article analyzes some of the metadata-enabled features of Google's advanced search pages and compares these features to those found in a typical online library catalog. From a serials perspective, Google News Advanced Search demonstrates how Google indexes news websites, sites that are essentially continuing resources. As Google incorporates more and more metadata functionality into its advanced search pages, they increasingly begin to function more like online library catalogs and less like search pages found in a traditional Internet search engine. The simple search box has many limitations, and like libraries, Google is increasingly creating and offering metadata-enabled search features that improve search precision and recall in its products.  相似文献   

Dissertations can be the single most important scholarly outputs of junior researchers. Whilst sets of journal articles are often evaluated with the help of citation counts from the Web of Science or Scopus, these do not index dissertations and so their impact is hard to assess. In response, this article introduces a new multistage method to extract Google Scholar citation counts for large collections of dissertations from repositories indexed by Google. The method was used to extract Google Scholar citation counts for 77,884 American doctoral dissertations from 2013 to 2017 via ProQuest, with a precision of over 95%. Some ProQuest dissertations that were dual indexed with other repositories could not be retrieved with ProQuest-specific searches but could be found with Google Scholar searches of the other repositories. The Google Scholar citation counts were then compared with Mendeley reader counts, a known source of scholarly-like impact data. A fifth of the dissertations had at least one citation recorded in Google Scholar and slightly fewer had at least one Mendeley reader. Based on numerical comparisons, the Mendeley reader counts seem to be more useful for impact assessment purposes for dissertations that are less than two years old, whilst Google Scholar citations are more useful for older dissertations, especially in social sciences, arts and humanities. Google Scholar citation counts may reflect a more scholarly type of impact than that of Mendeley reader counts because dissertations attract a substantial minority of their citations from other dissertations. In summary, the new method now makes it possible for research funders, institutions and others to systematically evaluate the impact of dissertations, although additional Google Scholar queries for other online repositories are needed to ensure comprehensive coverage.  相似文献   

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