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众兄弟,大家来听:你我下欧洲,三年有零,光阴快,真似放雕翎.人人有,父母弟兄,夫妻与子女,天性恩情,亲与故,乡党与宾朋,却如何,外国做工,内中情与境,曲折纵横,且听我.从头说分明.德国王,国富兵强,人人多雄壮,器械精良,吞欧洲,早在他心上,起祸端奥国储皇,塞国少年党,暗把他伤,滔天祸,从此开了场.德国王,籍口联邦,忽然调兵将,昼夜奔忙,英法俄,三国着了慌,德国兵,四面齐集,安心灭法国,假道于比,最可怜,比人死得屈,英法人,拼命拒敌,水陆共进兵,马不停蹄.因战争,无人种田地,请我国,助一膀臂,我国大总统,有心无力,多内乱,兄弟如仇敌,众同胞,大家尽知,欧美文明国,是我友谊,最应当,发兵来救济,无奈何,文武官吏,爱国心不足,眼多近视贪私利,无人顾公义,我工人,冒险而至,一为众友邦,二为自己,中华人,最爱好名誉.--<华工出洋歌>  相似文献   

林穗芳先生于2008年9月间因稿件之事,背包上路,独自行程,专程自京抵并,与编辑部同仁一道下厂校对,虽曰八十高龄老人,事亲躬,不厌烦,遇不解,条分缕析,字斟句酌,逢难题,博闻强识,胸罗星宿,其态,老成持重,堂堂正正,间以妙语如珠,饶有风趣,其貌,温文尔雅,仙风道骨,间暇热忱谦和,不矜不伐,我等为之肃然起敬,心悦诚服。如今先生已驾鹤西游,迁化不反,闻之黯然沉晦,颓然沮丧。兹刊登纪念文章,回溯既往,重温故旧,亦本刊缅怀之音也。  相似文献   

神州山川,钟灵毓秀,太原蒙山,佛教胜境.蒙山神奇,故有大佛九尊.源于公元511年,北齐刻凿,历经五帝,二十余载,依山镌刻.盛唐礼佛,李渊驻晋,复名开化寺.高宗李治,则天武后,巡行并州,参拜大佛,礼敬瞻睹,嗟叹唏嘘,大舍珍宝.返京两年,派专吏驰马,赐大佛以袈裟,金银珠宝,同放异彩.呈五色光,流照崖岩,洞烛山川,道俗仰瞻,数千万众.蒙山晓月,日月重光,大唐盛世,国泰民安.元末战火,寺毁阁倾,佛头毁落,泥石堆掩,风剥雨蚀,寺庙犹存,佛阁不复,大佛身虽在,湮没不闻.迄至一千九百八十年,王剑霓、李晋祥,于南郊志中,觅出佛迹,遂往实地.勘测二年,方认定大佛.沉睡草木、砂石之中.已逾千载.  相似文献   

写新闻,要记清,立场稳,观点正。好表扬, 坏批评,优缺点,分析清,要真实,要公正。写经验,写教训,要加强,指导性。采访时, 细打听,要深入,找群众,去体验,实践中。要写人,抓典型,具体事,才生动。将材料, 收集定,打腹稿,写纲领,定中心,要简明。五要素,要记清,写事实,说过程,关键处,  相似文献   

1、外交部,孔泉,外交部发言人,新闻司司长. 外交部,刘建超,外交部发言人,新闻司副司长65963342 2、国家发晨和改革委员会,曹玉书,副秘书长,68501425 3、教,部,王旭明,办公厅副主任,66097225 4、科学技术部.尚勇,党组成员,58881888 5、国家民族事务委员会.李文亮,办公厅主任,66508818 6、公安部,郝赤勇,部长助理、办公厅主任,65202549 孙永波,政治部副主任,宜传局局长 7、监察部、李玉斌,副部长,83953弘9 8、民政部.窦玉沛,办公厅主任,85203032 9、司法部.王立宪,办公厅主任,65206706 10、财政部.张通,办公厅主任,6855一5 12 11、人事部.张延…  相似文献   

当今广播正面临着各种传媒的激烈挑战。君不见,各类报纸纷纷扩版,充实内容,争取读者。电视也是一台多能,系列丛生,间有经济、教育、有线诸种专业台的出现,并以延长时段,多频道播出来吸引观众。当然,广播自然不甘落后,也花样翻新,开辟频道,增加内容,贴近群众,投入竞争。可以说,这三种媒体都在充分利用所长,发挥优势。 竞争局面的出现,有利于新闻事业的发展,受惠者是广大群众,使人们有了比较宽广的选择余地。比如,订报纸,首先看质量,哪家有特色,有看头,内容好,品位高,就舍得为哪家掏腰包:打开广播、电视,哪家办得好,办得活,办得精、吸引人,哪家就能赢得听众和观众。当然,报纸、广播、电视三足鼎立,各领  相似文献   

诗赋小道,文人末技,壮夫不为,虽如此,自古为者不竭.武无第二,文无第一,纵使同题争锋,也难分高下. 西汉扬雄有《蜀都赋》,西晋左思也有一篇.扬雄即蜀人,生于斯,长于斯.左思非蜀人,只是过客,走马虽不光为了观花,雾里看花,终隔一层,所幸文章重头不再景致风物,在其主张天下一统的观点,“日不双丽,世不两帝.天经地纬,理有大归”.扬雄作赋多仿司马相如,拟物写形,精于描绘,此作一文定终身,开城市赋之先河.左思此作为《三都赋》首篇,跌宕昭彰,独超众类,亦成名之作.扬赋蝉蜕尘埃,喜用生字僻典,不及左赋平易通俗者流传,简洁而富寓意,顾随说“俗非由于不雅,乃由于不深”.一个麒麟独步,婉丽凄清,翛然尘外;一个鸾凤翱翔,如珠走盘,圆而不滑.二人所同,才识兼茂,明于体用,皆口吃.  相似文献   

有些报道员写稿不少,采用率很低,原因何在? 一是“脏”:字迹潦草,歪歪扭扭,错别字连篇,标点符号乱用,东涂西改,难以辨认,使人望而生厌。二是“乱”:逻辑混乱,层次不清,结构松散,庞杂空洞,文不对题,自相矛盾,该写的不写,不该写的硬“堆”,主题不明确,中心被淹没,看不出稿子  相似文献   

杨永健 《大观周刊》2013,(11):372-372
教师要重视培养学生的体育素质,让学生获得体育知识,培养体育技能,收获体育情感,内化体育文化,形成体育素养,锻造体育品质。体育课程设置应该服务于培养健全的人,促进社会进步,增强体质,塑造心态,帮助高素质人的身心特点,加强体质教育,增进竞争教育,服务内容教育,定位优化教育,选定核心教育,重视教育水平,减少重复教育,加强综合教育,重视实践教育,发展学生个性,培养独特人才。  相似文献   

说起扬州,就不能不提瘦西湖。扬州最出名的景点非瘦西湖莫属。扬州的风景和名胜,扬州的文化与气质都荟萃于瘦西湖的环抱。漫步瘦西湖,湖中有园,园中有园,一馆,一榭,一亭,一水,花木竹石,恰到好处,别有情调。园中数株碧桃,点染胭脂,如彩如霞,颇有"东风吹开花千树,占断春光惟此花"的气势。放眼,桃花一片,红雨塞途,凝霞敷锦,似红云飘动,佳人笑舞,撩人心扉。瘦西湖的美,在于色彩的鲜活,草如茵,柳如烟,花似锦;微风拂煦,点点柳絮飘浮,  相似文献   

College administrators and faculty are struggling to make smart decisions in the midst of a barrage of information. Some of what they??re hearing and reading is confusing, some of it is exaggerated and some of it is just wrong. Changes in digital course materials are moving forward swiftly, but not at warp speed. The challenge is to navigate digital opportunities without losing sight of learning outcomes, costs and wear and tear on students, teachers and institutions. A nimble but careful move forward requires dependable partnerships, fresh thinking and a genuine understanding of the risks and rewards. To help make sense of the digital transition, this is an assessment of how course materials will evolve and Follett Higher Education Group??s predictions for the near- and long-term future of digital learning.  相似文献   

杜伟 《图书情报工作》1999,43(12):54-57
介绍因特网上有关数字图书馆的文献资源。  相似文献   

从信息技术视角出发,通过对信息处理的数字化、网络化等方面的观察,阐述虚拟图书馆的形成过程,并探讨电子、数字、虚拟及全球图书馆概念和相互关系  相似文献   

介绍美国克林顿政府在制定信息政策过程中所坚持的几个原则 :数字经济原则、税收减免原则、有限管理原则、催化剂原则、保护知识产权原则和普遍服务原则  相似文献   

结合深圳大学图书馆建馆十几年来在数字化图书馆的建设与发展中的探索与实践,图书馆的职能和任务、数字化的规模和建设、信息化服务、图书馆信息化的基础设施和设备、人员及其教育和训练等作了论述.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of trust in the information continuum. It argues that in the context of Canadian federal government records, an analogous ??trust continuum?? is a useful model for analysing the relationships that exist between creator, archives and user in the information-abundant environment. The paper borrows from sociological theory to posit that creator, archives and user are bound together in a complex expert system that facilitates trust and mitigates risk in a broad societal context and contends that these interactions are shaped at the macro level by a dominant public discourse of accountability. These points are illustrated through three recent examples at Library and Archives Canada. First, the relationship between Canadian society and the archives is explored by interrogating the concept of relevance and assessing the feasibility of managing a pan-Canadian collection via a national network of knowledge institutions. Then, the role of trust between the archives and the creator in the management of government digital information resources is examined in light of the recently issued Directive on Recordkeeping, and in the context of LAC??s Trusted Digital Repository. Finally, Commissions of Inquiry??and the Indian Specific Claims Commission in particular??demonstrate both the power of archival records in repairing trust between a society and its government and the iterative nature of the relationship between the user and the archives.  相似文献   

Rapid technological advances are fuelling trust requirements and concerns about public and private sector records alike. To guarantee the reliability and authenticity of records requires a framework of policies, procedures, technologies, and intentional action or intervention by ??trusted custodians?? who have the knowledge required for attesting to and ensuring the continuing authenticity of the records. Records professionals have claimed the role of trusted keepers of the authentic record of our times, but how do they earn that trust? To begin, by acquiring competence. In order to define what kind of education would contribute to qualifying records professionals as competent, it is necessary to identify the components of knowledge they require and the role that society at large expects of them. The responsibilities and challenges presented by managing digital records through time are ones that records professionals should not meet in isolation. In order for records to be able to serve as evidence of actions and events, they must be protected as such. Records-related knowledge requirements are being articulated in the related disciplines of archival science and records management, law, digital forensics, and information assurance and cyber-security. The need for interdisciplinary knowledge to understand and manage the complexities of digital records is being realized in new research alliances that foster the development of knowledge that can support the role of trusted keepers of the authentic record of our times. One such alliance is the Digital Records Forensics Project at the University of British Columbia.  相似文献   

This extract from a thesis for Pace University??s M.S. Publishing Program examines the challenges key international markets and emerging international markets face as they try to grow their respective e-book markets. Particular challenges discussed are the availability of digital content and affordability of e-reading devices and yet despite these challenges, international publishers are optimistic that an e-book boom will occur in the next few years that will mirror the success of the US e-book market.  相似文献   

将《汉语主题词表》的编排结构和索引的编制与辞书进行了比较,并对《汉语主题词表》的编排和索引方法进行了初步分析和数据统计。  相似文献   

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