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Archival theory in Italy has a long tradition, going back as far as the second half of the nineteenth century, and with roots in the 17th and 18th centuries. Central theme in the theory is themetodo storico, the principle of provenance, for the first time expressed in the late 19th century by Bonaini and Bongi. In the following decades archivists like Casanova and Cencetti were among the leading authors. Elio Lodolini assigned himself the task to synthesize ideas and notions, within a clear distinctions between records (registratura) and archives. One of the overall characteristics of the rich Italian literature is the stressing of the cultural value of archives. I have twice treated before the theme of archival theory in Italy from the fifties up to the nineties. The first time on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of theScuola speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari dell'Università degli Studi “La Sapienza” di Roma in 1989, when there was an international round table on archival science in the State Archives of Rome. My essay,Italian archival science today, has been published in the proceedings of the meeting (cfr. Donato Tamblé,L'archivistica in Italia oggi, inStudi sull'archivistica, by Roma: Elio Lodolini, 1992). Some years later, in 1993, I published a book on contemporary Italian archival theory (Donato Tamblé,La teoria archivistica italiana contemporanea (1950–1990). Profilo storico-critico (Roma, 1993) which was the sequel to the volume of Elio Lodolini on Italian archival history — (Lineamenti di storia dell'archivistica italiana (Roma, 1991). The purpose of my book was that of locating and identifying the scientific object of archival science as it developed and was clarified in the thinking and in the lucubration of the contemporary Italian Archivists.  相似文献   

本文在档案学学科主题快速发展变化的背景下,分析一定时间国内档案学的主题结构及演化状况,梳理国内档案学科近20年来的发展脉络。获取1998-2017年间档案学核心期刊的关键词,根据关键词共现关系分时段构建主题网络,展现不同时期档案学的主题结构;根据相似度判断主题之间的演化情况,勾勒出档案学科研究内容的动态变化。根据主题的演化情况得出7条演化路径并归纳出演化的规律;引发学科主题变化的原因有经济、文化、社会科技形态与现代信息技术的影响等;预测未来数字档案、档案文化、档案公共服务、档案信息资源开发利用及整合等仍是学科的研究重点,更加重视面向公众提供档案信息服务和知识服务,与其他学科进一步交叉融合,跨学科范围越来越广泛。研究结果有利于档案学领域学者把握学科的发展脉络,更好地发现新的学科增长点。  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the convergence of Finnish research and education in archival science with information science in general and in records management with information management in particular. Two issues influencing this development are: the convergence of professionals previously worked in the archival and library sectors and in information management and services; and the wide-spread, extensive growth in the use of digital technology to manage internal and external organizational information. At the level of society the opportunities provided by digital technology to manage heritage information in memory organizations like archives, libraries and museums, are tremendous and the role of documentary heritage at the global, European and national levels is well recognized. These developments are changing the information and operating environments of memory organizations and public and private enterprises. These changes, in turn, are generating new requirements in archival science and records management education and research. This paper focuses on the implications of these changes for the planning, implementation and further development of an information studies curriculum. This curriculum development is considered crucial in order to respond to the new demands, and is also implicitly linked to the emerging Finnish information society. This article is based on Huotari, M.-L. and Valtonen, M.R., “Integrating Records and Archives Management with Information Studies in Finland”, in L. Ashcroft (ed.),Continuity, Culture, Competition—the Future of Library and Information Studies Education, Proceedings of the 4th British-Nordic Conference on Library and Information Studies 21–23 March 2001, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 249–254 (Dublin: MCB UP Limited, 2002).  相似文献   

《档案管理与整理》这本书是何鲁成在实际档案管理工作过程中的经验总结,代表了20世纪30年代中国档案学的最高水平,奠定了档案学发展的基础。书中的档案管理思想,如主张推行文书档案连锁法,提倡采用集中制的档案管理方式,提出机关档案管理人员选拔、训练以及档案工作分配的开创性建议,强调档案点收、归卷、调卷及分类的重要性,以及对档案管理研究方法的总结,对我们今天的档案管理工作仍有重要的启迪作用。  相似文献   

档案记忆研究不只是一种理论观点、一种理论解说,它对阐释理解档案现象、探讨解决档案理论与实践问题都具有重要的现实价值。本文从档案记忆工程、媒体对档案记忆展演、国家记忆传承、档案部门构筑社会记忆、档案学理论创新等5个方面对档案记忆研究的现实意义进行了阐释,以表明“走进记忆之门”的档案学,还要进入记忆的堂奥。  相似文献   

Colonial archives and the arts of governance   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Anthropologists engaged in post-colonial studies are increasingly adopting an historical perspective and using archives. Yet their archival activity tends to remain more an extractive than an ethnographic one. Documents are thus still invoked piecemeal to confirm the colonial invention of certain practices or to underscore cultural claims, silent. Yet such mining of thecontent of government commissions, reports, and other archival sources rarely pays attention to their peculiar placement andform. Scholars need to move from archive-assource to archive-as-subject. This article, using document production in the Dutch East Indies as an illustration, argues that scholars should view archives not as sites of knowledge retrieval, but of knowledge production, as monuments of states as well as sites of state ethnography. This requires a sustained engagement with archives as cultural agents of “fact” production, of taxonomies in the making, and of state authority. What constitutes the archive, what form it takes, and what systems of classification and epistemology signal at specific times are (and reflect) critical features of colonial politics and state power. The archive was the supreme technology of the late nineteenth-century imperial state, a repository of codified beliefs that clustered (and bore witness to) connections between secrecy, the law, and power.  相似文献   

本研究从基础理论与具体操作两个层面对国内科技档案分类研究状况进行总结分析,发现目前国内科技档案分类研究中实践操作层面问题研究多,理论总结性研究少;基础理论认识性研究多,档案分类原理方面研究少;实体分类研究多,信息分类研究少;传统环境下分类问题研究多,新环境下分类问题研究少。加强科技档案分类研究需要各方面探索齐头并进,有效协调,共同发展。  相似文献   

数字时代下的古文书学档案思想和档案后保管思想分别代表了两种不同的档案学发展路径,使得当前以“三位一体”为主要内容的档案学基础理论在司法行政和文化社会两种语境下产生一定的错位。本文主要采用比较理论研究方法,引入组织理论,建立了正式、非正式组织—沟通的四维分析框架,将古文书学档案思想和档案后保管思想的实质放置在上述框架下进行阐释、对比并作一致化理解。论文在此基础上探讨档案学基础理论适应性发展问题,从认知理论和方法理论相统一的角度提出一种可能性,认知理论研究从档案管理经验归纳延伸到档案现象认知构建,方法理论研究从归纳档案管理原则标准延伸到关于档案制度正式化的深入思考。  相似文献   

运用“遥读”和“细读”相结合的方法,对2021年《档案学研究》和《档案学通讯》所刊发的220篇学术论文进行研究力量布局与研究主题分布分析,发现高等院校仍是档案学研究的主体力量,但国家档案局的研究力量突显。2021年中国档案学研究主要关注“档案治理”“档案学基础理论”“电子文件管理”“中国古文书学”“档案与数字人文”“档案资源服务”“档案教育”等主题,并呈现出较强的本土性和跨学科性。未来中国档案学研究仍应加强本土化研究,构建具有中国特色的档案学理论体系;要关注“人”的需求,体现档案学研究的人文主义;需关注跨学科问题,实现档案学与其他学科之间理论与方法的双向互动。  相似文献   

赵跃  乔健 《档案学研究》2019,33(3):44-54
本文基于研究主题的挖掘与演化分析,对改革开放以来我国档案学研究的主题结构、演化规律、热点变迁与研究前沿进行了透视。发现:①“档案资源建设与服务”是改革开放以来我国档案学领域形成的规模最大且最具发展潜力的核心主题社区;②“档案资源&档案信息资源”主题形成前后,我国档案学领域出现改革开放以来最为明显的主题分化与融合现象;③改革开放以来我国档案学研究热点有很明显的“世纪分割”现象,“互联网+”“大数据”等成为学科研究的前沿。同时指出,档案学研究中存在如下问题:①思维保守以致超前研究较匮乏;②盲目追求热度而研究深度不足;③国外经验与国内实践间的冲突。面对问题,档案界应:①做好规划,树立自信;②稳中求进,逆向思维;③正视差别,回归理性。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]高校实施"双一流"推进学科开放竞争背景下,刻画档案学高被引论文主题结构对于认识档案学科竞争力和图情档学科整体竞争力十分重要。[方法/过程]在述评档案学科竞争力相关研究的基础上,从主题、演化和引用结构方面对档案学CSSCI来源期刊近年的高被引论文统计分析,刻画档案学科结构进而评价总体竞争力。[结果/结论]研究发现:档案学高被引主题集中在档案工作和学科建设领域;档案学理论、档案信息安全、信息技术应用三大主题篇均被引位居前三甲,但总体规模相对不足。上述结果表明,档案学科队伍总体发展相对不均衡,档案学竞争力主要来自于档案工作研究,而对更具竞争力的档案学理论探索和影响学科发展的新兴技术主题研究规模不足。未来提升档案学科竞争力需从增强图情档学科整体竞争力出发,实施统筹划分学科方向并优化学科结构,重构核心领域竞争优势,基于学科融合与开放战略提升档案学理论层次。  相似文献   

档案价值鉴定论作为档案鉴定理论是诞生以来认可最普遍的档案学思想,从档案的保存价值、价值判别主体、判别标准、价值内容等多个方面,逐步揭示了档案鉴定的一般规律,在中外档案鉴定的历史实践和现实工作中得到普遍遵循。但是,价值鉴定论把档案的“保存价值”建立在档案“未来用户需求”的基础上,不仅超出了档案工作者的能力极限和实践操作的可行性,而且使档案鉴定陷入“主观臆测”的悖论。对此,档案鉴定应立足于鉴定环节的基本职能,从档案作为“社会记忆”的本质出发,以档案的社会记忆作用为鉴定依据和标准,判别文件的“保存价值”,从主客体和主客观方面建构档案记忆鉴定理论。  相似文献   

后现代档案学理论泛指自20世纪80年代以来,档案学界在后现代主义思潮影响下探索新的研究领域、主题,产生的新的档案观念、思想。其主要内容是:反思档案与文件的定义;反思档案价值和鉴定理论;反思档案的主观性和客观性;反思档案工作者的角色与职能。  相似文献   

Process rather than product, becoming rather than being, dynamic rather than static, context rather than text, reflecting time and place rather than universal absolutes—these have become the postmodern watchwords for analyzing and understanding science, society, organizations, and business activity, among others. They should likewise become the watchwords for archival science in the new century, and thus the foundation for a new conceptual paradigm for the profession. Postmodernism is not the only reason for reformulating the main precepts of archival science. Significant changes in the purpose of archives as institutions and the nature of records are other factors which, combined with postmodern insights, form the basis of the new perception of archives as documents, institutions, and profession in society. This essay explores the nature of postmodernism and archival science, and suggest links between the two. It outlines two broad changes in archival thinking that underpin the archival paradigm shift, before suggesting new formulations for most traditional archival concepts.  相似文献   

张蕾  刘旭光 《档案学研究》2021,35(5):110-116
单士元的学术成就与故宫密不可分,在此他逐渐成长为明清史学家、档案学家和建筑学家,尤专注于档案工作实践与基础理论研究。在档案工作实践方面,他参与了故宫博物院自创立以后70余年的许多重要活动,如接收并整理军机处档案、整理内阁大库档案、编辑出版明清档案、抢救孔府档案、研究样式雷图档等。在档案基础理论方面,他重视档案的史料价值,创造性地提出建立档案目录学的构想,在档案释名工作中丰富档案目录学理论,成为中国档案目录学的创始人,为中国档案学的创立与发展作出了突出贡献。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,档案资产理论经历了提出—争执—默认三个发展阶段。在理论转变的背后,是档案资产这一核心概念的转变。这种转变是在档案管理实践、学科研究视角以及学者群体三个维度下实现的。档案学理论与实践的矛盾性是这些维度背后的本质,其核心是对档案内涵与外延认识的不断深入。档案资产理论核心概念的发展演变对档案管理实践和理论研究具有重要启示意义并提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

行政效率运动为中国近代档案学的产生提供了理论土壤与实践根基,文书档案改革作为行政效率的“突破口”,不仅推动了行政效率运动的深化,而且促进了档案学理论和实践的发展。作为行政效率运动的倡议者和组织者以及文书档案改革的推行者,甘乃光对于档案学成为一门独立学科居功至伟。研究甘乃光的档案思想不仅可以厘清档案学科的源流,而且对于档案学科的创新和持久发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国现代档案学的创建是现代学术发展与社会转型的结果。20世纪初期,整理旧王朝出土和遗留的历史档案,以及改革现行公文程式、文书处理与档案管理等不同性质的档案问题集中到来,史学、图书馆学和行政学等先行现代学科自觉展开相应问题的档案研究。20世纪30年代后期,在现代学术交流机制的推动下,档案学学术共同体初步形成。1940年文华图书馆学专科学校为申请增设档案管理专科致教育部的呈文是中国现代档案学的独立宣言。中国档案学独立化过程表明,中国现代档案学在创建之初具有中国化内驱力和综合性学科属性。  相似文献   

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