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采用威廉斯创造性倾向量表,考察电脑游戏对中小学生创造性倾向的影响。结果表明,玩电脑游戏会对中小学生的创造性倾向产生影响,影响的主要因素有玩电脑游戏的时间长短、游戏场所以及游戏的类型。  相似文献   

说起电脑游戏,人们往往想到“电子海洛因”、“电子毒品”这样的词语,想到一些学生因为玩电脑游戏而荒废了学业、甚至走上违法犯罪的道路,想到游戏中的暴力、色情内容蚕食了学生的稚嫩心灵,因而得出电脑游戏对中学生的健康成长产生了极大危害的结论。电脑游戏真的是如此可怕的猛兽吗?面对严峻的现实状况,我们开展了关于电脑游戏对中学生的影响的调查研究。  相似文献   

教育游戏的研究者发现,教育游戏中添加教学策略或学习支架能够帮助学生建立游戏和学科知识之间的联系,可以有效发挥游戏的教育价值,提高学生的学习效果和学习体验。本研究在梳理学习支架理论的基础上,针对"The Tiny Bang Story"游戏设计了两种不同强度的任务支架,以研究强度不同的任务支架对不同认知风格学生的学习动机和沉浸感的影响。研究发现:任务强度不同的学习支架对不同认知风格学生的学习动机和沉浸感的影响存在显著差异;场依存型学生的学习动机和沉浸感会随任务支架强度的增加而提升;场独立型学生的学习动机随任务支架强度的增加没有显著性变化,反而沉浸感会随任务支架强度的增加呈现先升后降的正三角趋势。  相似文献   

朋友,你爱玩电脑游戏吗?我就爱玩电脑游戏!因为玩电脑游戏能熟悉键盘,能培养我们聚精会神的注意力、敏锐的反应力,智能游戏还能启发思维……  相似文献   

高秀林 《师道》2007,(6):32-32
高一下半学期,班里几名男生迷上玩电脑游戏,这股风气一下子蔓延开来,到后来,全班的男生都对游戏产生了兴趣。尽管我校实行的是封闭式管理,但学生还是有机可乘的。如谎称出去看病、理发、买东西;放学时跟走读生混在一起出校,一夜不回;利用规定的星期六下午允许到校外买东西的时间等。一些男生周末回家甚至通宵达旦地上网玩游戏。  相似文献   

与其抱怨学生宁愿玩电脑、打游戏,也不愿上课、做作业; 不如取游戏其吸引学生之处, 将之运用到课堂上,起到“spark learning”的作用。  相似文献   

以内省智能的12项指标为依据设置量表,对16-20周岁的青年学生进行测试,结果显示电子游戏对内省智能有显著影响;玩不同类型的电子游戏对内省智能有显著差异,其中玩角色扮演类游戏者得分最高。对经常玩同一类型但不同特色系统要素构成的电子游戏青年学生进行独立样本T检验,初步析出了电子游戏影响内省智能的六个因素,包括自由度、社会互动、反馈、经验值、时间倒退和关卡。  相似文献   

saly 《母婴世界》2010,(7):71-71
我家宝宝现在才2岁4个月,天天要玩电脑,就连晚上睡觉时也说电脑游戏的梦话,早上一醒来就自己会打开电脑玩,他知道在哪里打开游戏网页,根本不用我们大人帮忙,会玩很多的小游戏,我们担心他会早早地近视了。父母对小宝宝玩电脑应该持什么样的态度呢?  相似文献   

正数学游戏以其强大的魅力越来越多地被引入数学教学中,但在具体的应用过程中却并不如预设的那么完美,总是有各种问题的出现影响了预定的教学目标。就从游戏时间的安排来看,根据教学内容的不同,游戏的时间安排也要讲究方法。时间过长,活动量就会过大,就会增加学生的疲劳感,学习的兴趣消失殆尽;游戏时间过短,活动量就会很小,这样不但没有产生游戏的体验,也达不到教学的目的,影响教学的效果。如果因为游戏能增加学生学习的积极性,让学生在"玩"中掌握知识,消化知识,就盲目地安排过多的游  相似文献   

青少年玩网络游戏时间的长短、频率以及年资是否会助长其沉迷网络游戏,一直以来都是社会普遍关注的热点问题。研究以网络游戏参与者的游戏时间、游戏频度以及游戏年资作为控制变量,探讨其游戏行为意向与沉浸体验在三个控制变量的不同水平上的差异。研究选取江苏省6座城市14所中小学2476份学生样本,采用问卷调查的方法对青少年参与网络游戏的基本特征进行调研,运用单因素分析方法进行数据分析。结论表明:游戏时间和游戏频度在不同水平上对游戏行为意向均具有显著影响,对沉浸体验不具有显著影响;游戏年资在不同水平上对游戏行为意向与沉浸体验均不具有显著影响。  相似文献   

当今,大学校园学生购置计算机的逐渐多了起来,民族院校也不例外。大学生的计算机除学习外,用来玩游戏是不可避免的,如果掌控不好,成迷入魔者已不在少数。因此,对高校大学生计算机的合理使用,有研究、分析与引导的必要。要认清其利弊,研究引导的措施,让计算机更好地为大学生的学习服务。  相似文献   

网络技术、电脑游戏的普及,使广大教育工作者和学生家长都认识到正确处理学习和游戏之间的关系将对学生的学习产生重要的影响。因此,教育游戏成为教育界研究的热点。对我国教育游戏的研究现状进行了评述,对所存在的问题进行了归纳与分析  相似文献   

Gender differences and styles in the use of digital games   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports work in progress investigating gender differences and styles in the use of digital games amongst advanced level biology students. It is an elaboration on previous work exploring the relationship between cognitive style and academic performance in Maltese students taking biology at advanced level. In this previous work the cognitive style of 581 (212 male and 369 female) advanced biology students was correlated with their academic performance in five different subjects. Pearson's correlation showed that the wholist–analytic dimension, the verbal–imagery dimension, and gender were not correlated. Regression analysis showed that none of the style dimension combinations had a significant effect on performance in any of the subjects. However, gender proved to be a stronger determinant of performance. These results were interpreted from a cognitive neuroscience perspective. Numerous studies have consistently found gender differences in language and visuospatial skills. Female superiority is seen on tests of both receptive and productive language, and on more complex tasks such as making analogies and creative writing. Males have an advantage in visuospatial reasoning, being more adept at performing disembedding and internal spatial transformations. In view of these results and the constantly reported gender difference in the use of digital games, this paper describes the initial stage of an investigation about gender‐determined propensities to digital media. Different studies claim that males dedicate more time than female students to playing digital games. A marked emphasis on the use of particular game genres by the different sexes is also reported. This reported phenomenon is investigated within the context of Maltese students taking advanced biology. Through a questionnaire, data were collected about the time students spend playing digital games, their preferred platform, and their preferred games. Data were analysed to establish gender differences in the time spent on playing digital games, the preferred platform, the most popular digital games amongst males and female students, and the preferred game genre. The results are interpreted from neurocognitve and psychosocial perspectives. Suggestions are made for possible integration of digital games in learning.  相似文献   

自计算机游戏诞生始,人工智能即伴随着它的发展。本文阐释了智能与人工智能的概念,对游戏人工智能的发展与分类做了梳理,并列举了计算机游戏中常见的人工智能应用技术,指出游戏人工智能作为提高计算机游戏品质、延续游戏生命力的一种强大技术,已引起了学界与产业界广泛的关注与重视。  相似文献   

《管理学原理》是管理类、经济类专业的基础课程。为提高学生的参与性,增强教学效果,可采用管理游戏教学法。通过教师与学生演示型游戏,启发学生;生生互动型游戏,使学生理解并掌握知识;师生互动型游戏,促进教学相长。运用管理游戏,要注意:充分准备游戏,充分调动学生的积极性,充分结合专业特征。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine factors that promote success in an introductory college computer science course and to determine what, if any, differences appear between genders on those factors. The model included math background, attribution for success/failure, self-efficacy, encouragement, comfort level in the course, work style preference, previous programming experience, previous non-programming computer experience, and gender as possible predictive factors for success in the computer science course. Subjects included 105 students enrolled in an introductory computer science course. The study revealed three predictive factors in the following order of importance: comfort level (with a positive influence), math background (with a positive influence), and attribution to luck (with a negative influence). No significant gender differences were found in these three factors. The study also revealed that both a formal class in programming (which had a positive correlation) and game playing (which had a negative correlation) were predictive of success. The study revealed a significant gender difference in game playing with males reporting more experience with playing games on the computer than females reported.  相似文献   

In this content analysis study, researchers explored middle school students’ preference for playing video games and the possible implications for learning environments. During two-week, summer sessions, learners played videos games and answered questions related to their preferences in different settings. Students’ preferences and justifications for playing alone or in company are described. Results shows that middle school students prefer to work in groups motivated by companionship, collaboration, competition, and challenge. The article concludes showing the relevance of using video games to emphasize 21st century skills in learners.  相似文献   

针对学生在上课时上网玩游戏,工作人员在上班期间炒股、网购,我们需要一款能够监视学生上课过程和工作人员上班使用计算机过程的软件。在设计的过程中运用C/S模式,开发环境运用Visual C++,Winsocket网络编程技术,实现对被控端屏幕的捕捉,键盘和鼠标的监视,特殊的情况下可以远程关闭、重启被控端。  相似文献   

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