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试题命制的理论和技术(一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大规模教育考试试题命制是以心理学的某些理论假设为基础。与这些理论假设一致的试题定义要求试题应该具备三个要素:测量目标、刺激情境和设问,这三个要素缺失了任何一个,都不能构成完整的试题。根据这些理论假设以及试题定义和要素,本文讨论了命制客观题和主观题的基本要求,客观题包括题干的要求、选项设置的要求以及选项数的问题;主观题包括情境材料的选择、设问、赋分和评分标准制定。  相似文献   

试题命制的理论和技术(二)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷新勇  周群 《考试研究》2008,(2):90-106
大规模教育考试试题命制以心理学的某些理论假设为基础。与这些理论假设一致的试题定义要求试题应该具备三个要素,即测量目标、刺激情境和设问,这三个要素缺失了任何一个,都不能构成完整的试题。根据这些理论假设以及试题定义和要素,本文讨论了命制客观题和主观题的基本要求,客观题包括题干的要求、选项设置的要求以及选项数的问题;主观题包括情境材料的选择、设问、赋分和评分标准制定。  相似文献   

从试题的立意、情境、设问与应答设计等三个方面探讨高考理科试题的命制。能力立意就是要以解决实际问题为目标,强调过程与方法,注意不同能力层次试题命制的要求;情境创设应注意考试目标的适切性、情境的真实性、多样性和教育性;设问与应答设计要明确考试目标、表述无歧义、设问具有层次、答案规范等。  相似文献   

将具备科学性、前沿性的科技论文作为命制原创试题的载体,符合新课标的命题要求。现以加拿大一枝黄花为素材,将科技论文中的实验与高中生物学知识结合起来,命制原创试题,旨在真实情境中考查学生的学科核心素养水平。  相似文献   

本文结合实例说明了高考模拟题的命制方法。原创高考模拟题的命制过程包括三个环节:确定试题的内容、能力要求、形式及分值;查找试题素材;依据素材编写试题。  相似文献   

高中数学期末考试属于学业水平考试,要按照学业质量标准和内容要求命制试卷.在命制试卷时,要设计合理的试卷结构,制定命题双向多维细目表,根据考查目标命制试题,制定合适的评分标准.在命制试题时,要坚持导向性、科学性、整体性、适度性和创新性的命题原则,具体可以采用知识点整合、教材例题和习题变式、试题类比、构造逆命题、经典试题特殊化和一般化等命题方法.  相似文献   

浙江省实行历史与社会综合课程教学,这实际上就是对新课标提倡的跨学科主题学习的探索,而浙江省初中学业水平考试实行历史与社会、道德与法治合科考试,这又从客观上推动了跨学科试题命制。跨学科试题具备导向性、综合性、情境性、开放性等特征,对促进“教—学—评”有机衔接有一定意义,可有效考查学生对学科知识的综合运用能力。命题者可按照确定主题、框定内容范围、搜集素材、筛选素材、确定题型与难度系数、拟制试题、研磨与审阅试题、拟定参考答案”这一路径命制跨学科试题,并应注意学科的主体性、素材的适切性、情境的合理性、设问的进阶性,使试题更具科学性。  相似文献   

基于现实情境,指向生物学学科核心素养评价,命制一道基因工程试题。从考查目标出发,经过素材的筛选与整合、情境的创设、问题的设置和试题的打磨等环节,阐述利用文献素材命制原创试题的过程。  相似文献   

以2023年北京市等地区的31份中考试卷中的情境化试题为研究对象,基于情境化试题的内涵从情境素材、情境育人功能、情境质量以及情境化问题设置四个方面展开调查研究和分析,并依据调查的结果提出情境化试题命制须挖掘真实和有价值的情景素材、聚焦问题的测试功能等启示和建议。  相似文献   

以大学教材中"群落"一节内容为素材,依据高中"群落"考点内容命制一道原创试题,结合试题测试后学生的反馈信息进行分析、修改和反思,为原创试题命制提供参考。  相似文献   

全国大多数省市高考政治科目中的题型一般都有表格类、柱状图类、坐标曲线类、饼状图类、复合类等图表类主观题,综合考查学生"获取和解读信息"、"描述和阐释事物"、"论证和探究问题"的能力。此类试题文字量少但信息量大、材料新颖且设问灵活,难度较大,取得高分殊为不易。笔者在长期的教学和考试实践中总结和概括出解答高考政治"图表类"主观题的有效方法——"四三"法,即"三看""三比""三关注""三要求",可帮助学生有效审题和答题。"三看"是指看标题、看内容、看注解,"三比"是指纵比、横比、图表之间比,"三关注"是指关注整题、关注时间、关注时政,"三要求"是指要求全面、要求规范、要求合理。  相似文献   

The following study investigated the effectiveness of comprehension preadjunct questions as a learning strategy for older adults in a classroom setting. Preadjunct questions are questions presented at the beginning of the to‐be‐learned material to guide what is learned and to increase the likelihood that learners will correctly answer criterion test questions. Fifty‐five adults from 55 to 70 years of age were randomly assigned to two groups: the preadjunct question group and a no‐question control group. The groups viewed a video on high blood pressure and completed a recall posttest immediately after viewing the video and 7 days later. Results demonstrated that there was no significant difference between groups. However, the no‐question control group obtained a higher mean score on both the immediate and delayed recall tests than did the preadjunct question group. Results were explained in terms of resource theory of cognitive aging. If educators plan to use preadjunct questions when teaching older adults, they are advised to build opportunities for training and practice into their teaching plans.  相似文献   

Although multiple choice examinations are often used to test anatomical knowledge, these often forgo the use of images in favor of text‐based questions and answers. Because anatomy is reliant on visual resources, examinations using images should be used when appropriate. This study was a retrospective analysis of examination items that were text based compared to the same questions when a reference image was included with the question stem. Item difficulty and discrimination were analyzed for 15 multiple choice items given across two different examinations in two sections of an undergraduate anatomy course. Results showed that there were some differences item difficulty but these were not consistent to either text items or items with reference images. Differences in difficulty were mainly attributable to one group of students performing better overall on the examinations. There were no significant differences for item discrimination for any of the analyzed items. This implies that reference images do not significantly alter the item statistics, however this does not indicate if these images were helpful to the students when answering the questions. Care should be taken by question writers to analyze item statistics when making changes to multiple choice questions, including ones that are included for the perceived benefit of the students. Anat Sci Educ 10: 68–78. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of item formats in the performance of 206 nonnative speakers of English on expressive skills (i.e., speaking and writing). Test scores were drawn from the field test of the Pearson Test of English Academic for Chinese, French, Hebrew, and Korean native speakers. Four item formats, including multiple-choice questions asking for a single answer (SAMC), multiple-choice questions allowing for multiple answers (MAMC), gap-filling, and summarizing items, were examined in relation to expressive skills. The results showed that, although the four groups showed different score distributions, their first language itself did not account for a significant variance in the expressive skills. The summarizing item format assessing listening skills accounted for the greatest variance in the test takers' expressive skills. The SAMC format explained consistently a smaller variance than that of MAMC in the expressive skills measured. Unlike the findings of previous research, no gender difference was found.  相似文献   

Anatomists often use images in assessments and examinations. This study aims to investigate the influence of different types of images on item difficulty and item discrimination in written assessments. A total of 210 of 460 students volunteered for an extra assessment in a gross anatomy course. This assessment contained 39 test items grouped in seven themes. The answer format alternated per theme and was either a labeled image or an answer list, resulting in two versions containing both images and answer lists. Subjects were randomly assigned to one version. Answer formats were compared through item scores. Both examinations had similar overall difficulty and reliability. Two cross‐sectional images resulted in greater item difficulty and item discrimination, compared to an answer list. A schematic image of fetal circulation led to decreased item difficulty and item discrimination. Three images showed variable effects. These results show that effects on assessment scores are dependent on the type of image used. Results from the two cross‐sectional images suggest an extra ability is being tested. Data from a scheme of fetal circulation suggest a cueing effect. Variable effects from other images indicate that a context‐dependent interaction takes place with the content of questions. The conclusion is that item difficulty and item discrimination can be affected when images are used instead of answer lists; thus, the use of images as a response format has potential implications for the validity of test items. Anat Sci Educ © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

科学读物教材资源缺乏、教材内容对科学的表述存在错误的问题见诸报刊,科学读物教材的问题应当引起重视。日本板仓圣宣的科学读物论提出了科学读物的性质及其分类的问题,对于我们重新思考科学读物,加强科学读物的研究与开发是有价值的。  相似文献   

This article presents the original model of the computer adaptive testing and grade formation, based on scientifically recognized theories. The base of the model is a personalized algorithm for selection of questions depending on the accuracy of the answer to the previous question. The test is divided into three basic levels of difficulty, and the student automatically goes from one level to another according to the current level of the knowledge that he shows. Such examination creates an image to the student that the test was set up just for his level of knowledge. On the basis of responses, by applying Bayes’ theorem and the Maximum a posteriori approach, the evaluation grade is formed. In fact, based on empirical probability values, which correlate with obtaining of a certain final grade and the accuracy of answers to each question individually, model creates a score that corresponds to the current level of student’s knowledge. After each test answer, the empirical probability value is updated. That further contributes to the statistical stability of the evaluation model. Testing stops when the student answers the minimum number of questions, determined by a teacher, or, when evaluations show a clear convergence towards a single value. The research method and some results of the testing of the hypotheses as well as authors’ conclusions about CAT as a tool for evaluation of students are presented at the end of the article.  相似文献   

This paper reports an analysis of response strategies employed by 300 first year undergraduate students on a chemistry test to answer questions posed in multiple choice and constructed response formats. Test answers were categorized and analyzed for format-related differences in solution strategies and error patterns. A subgroup of 21 students who had written the test were interviewed following the test with the intent of further exploring the response strategies which they had used. The verbal reports from the interviews were scored for the presence of typical problem-solving behaviours. Analysis of the test data indicated no significant differences in the types of solution strategies employed, nor in the types of errors committed, across test format. Most students used algorithmic production strategies and worked out the answers without regard to question format. However, the verbal data revealed evidence of subtler differences in the types and frequencies of problem-solving behaviours, particularly with respect to problem representation and answer evaluation.  相似文献   

付英 《海外英语》2012,(10):95-96
多项选择题型是目前英语测试中使用最广泛的一种客观性题型。然而,多项选择题的弊端日益凸显。为了尽量减少多项选择对教学产生负面反拨作用,该文提出了几点建议:1)科学设计干扰项,使其真正起到干扰作用,确保试题的效度,保证命题的质量。2)尽量减少多项选择题在英语测试中的主导地位,提高主观试题的比例。3)提高多项选择的内容效度,避免考点单一。4)注重预测、修改过程,尽量通过科学化的出题减少多项选择题带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

2014年出台的高考改革方案在诸多方面发生重大变化,备受各方关注,其具体措施在解决既有问题的同时,也带来了新的问题。美国的SAT(学术能力评估测试(Scholastic Assessment Test)的简称,下同。)与我国高考性质相似,它的一些理念、经验、技术可供我们参考。理念上,SAT强调以人为本、关注未来;方法上,SAT保持考试内容与课程的适当联系、加强对现场材料的分析以应对"背模板"、题目设置情境化、通过高校指定必考科目解决某些科目过冷过热;技术上,SAT命题过程专业、计分方式科学、分数报告详尽。  相似文献   

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