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世居高原男子排球运动员营养状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对21名云南省世居的男排运动员进行了5天的营养调查,结果显示:膳食结构不合理,动物性食品和油脂类摄入量偏高;热源质分配比不适宜,蛋白质和脂肪含量偏高(分别为16.11% 和42.5% ),碳水化合物偏低(43.39% );部分维生素和无机盐摄入不足。体格检查显示,有50% 的运动员的BMI< 20。生化检查显示,有75% 的运动员体内维生素B1营养不平不足或缺乏,有25% 的运动员体内维生素C营养不足。提示:长期膳食营养不合理将影响运动员身体素质和训练水平的提高。  相似文献   

1. 儿童青少年运动员应该食用多样化的食物,其中,蛋白质应占膳食总能量的12%-15%,碳水化合物至少占55%,而脂肪至多占30%。日常生活中如何吃才能满足这些要求呢?膳食指南宝塔提供了一条可行之道。2.有些营养素对热爱运动的儿童青少年运动员非常重要,要保证摄入充足,这些营养素是碳水化合物(包括纤维素)、维生素B6、维生素D、铁、钙、镁、锌、铬。科学合理、包罗各类食物的平衡膳食,对青少年运动员最大程度地全面摄取各种营养素,满足生长发育和运动训练的需要,是非常必要的。3.鼓励儿童青少年运动员在运动训练前、中、后进行补液,以避免脱水的发生。4.如果膳食合理平衡,就没必要额外补充营养品。  相似文献   

高原训练过程中的运动员营养与补充   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
冯连世  田文秀 《体育科学》2002,22(4):112-114,F003
高原训练时运动员的营养与补充有其特殊性。在高原训练期间,三大营养素在运动员膳食结构中的供能比例应为碳水化合物占60~65%;蛋白质占13~15%;脂肪占20~30%,同时,也应适当的补充糖、水、铁、维生素等营养素,增加促进蛋白质合成的营养保健品,抗氧化剂,以及红景天等中药的应用,有利于运动员高原训练期间快速消除疲劳、恢复体能。  相似文献   

对40名游泳运动员进行能量消耗记录、膳食调查、血液生化检验和维生素负荷尿检测。结果表明。游泳运动员每日膳食供给的营养素、能量基本满足,但能量构成来自脂肪和碳水化合物偏低,维生素B_1、V_c和V_E的不足,钙和磷的不足以及铁的吸收利用率差等营养不平衡状况应予重视和改善。  相似文献   

皮划艇项目供能的特征及其营养的补充   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对皮划艇项目供能及营养补充进行了探讨,分析皮划艇项目的供能特点,有针对性地安排运动员的营养补充,合理的摄取糖、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素和矿物质。  相似文献   

本文对福州市少体校25名运动员进行为期56天的营养配膳研究,结果表明:营养配膳后,儿少运动员各种营养素摄入量均满足RDA要求,膳食结构合理,三大营养素供能比例合理热能供给充足,优质蛋白与蛋白质摄入量60%;血红蛋白值平均升高9.17g/L,(P<0.05)。贫血率从配膳前48%降到10%(P<0.05),血生化指标Fe,TP,GLD,BUN,Tch在配膳后均有显著性增加(P<0,05);运动成绩测定表明,实验组与对照组400m自由泳成绩的实验前后差值比较有显著性差别(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

我国短道速滑优秀运动员营养干预研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对备战第19届冬奥会的8名优秀短道速滑运动员进行了三次膳食营养调查和体脂成分到定,结果表明膳食改进前,运动员膳食中存在不合理现象,通过采取积极的营养干预措施,运动员学会了科学地选择食物,膳食改进后(第3次营养调查),运动员碳水化合物摄入量增加,蛋白质、脂肪摄入量减少,三大热能营养素的比例达到推荐值要求,运动员膳食结构趋于合理化。同时,运动员的体脂百分比测定数值也下降,合理改善营养不会造成体脂增加。膳食改进后,运动员仍有部分维生素和无机盐摄入量达不到推荐值要求,须通过口服营养品补足。  相似文献   

无氧耐力性田径项目运动员营养与补充的综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
无氧耐力性田径项目的运动员营养与补充有其特殊性.三大营养素在无氧耐力性田径项目的运动员膳食结构中的供能比例应为碳水化合物占60%~65%;蛋白质占13%~15%;脂肪占20%~30%,同时,也应适当补充糖、水、铁、维生素等营养素.增加促进蛋白质合成的营养保健品、抗氧化剂,以及红景天等中药的应用,有利于运动员训练期间快速消除疲劳、恢复体能.  相似文献   

运动员竞技能力的提升和优异成绩的取得受训练、恢复、遗传、营养、心理素质等多方面因素的影响,其中膳食营养是最基本的因素,对运动训练有着举足轻重的作用,正越来越受到教练员、运动员和科研人员的重视。一、什么是合理营养简单地讲,合理营养就是指运动员一日三餐所吃食物提供的热量和多种营养素要与其完成每日训练量所需能量和各种营养素之间保持平衡。从营养素来讲,要有充足的热能,所需蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物的含量和比例要适当;要有充足的无机盐、维生素、微量元素和水分。也就是说每日各种食物的种类和数量的选择要得当、充足。  相似文献   

运动员在竞技、训练及恢复阶 段所需要的大量能量与各种营养素,几乎全部来源于食物。如何做到合理调配食物以符合运动员营养的需求,则是最为关键的问题。本文仅从营养需求的角度出发,根据我国建议的运动员每日膳食中营养素的供给量,研究女运动员每日营养膳食的供给量,以便为运动员的训练、比赛与恢复提供能量保障。 一、蛋白质、脂肪和碳水 化合物的日供给量 我国目前建议运动员每日的膳食组成为蛋白质10%~15%,脂肪20%~25%,碳水化合物60%~70%。根据运动员膳食组成及三大生热营养素的能量系数,计算蛋白  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dietary practices of soccer players of different ages. The diets of the members of four soccer teams (mean ages of 14.0, 15.0, 16.6 and 20.9 years, respectively) were examined. Our results show that the caloric intake per kilogram of body mass was significantly higher among the youngest players when compared with the adult players (P < 0.05). The contribution of carbohydrates to total energy intake was lower than that recommended for athletes. This contribution decreased with age from 47.4% of total energy intake for the 14-year-olds to 44.6% for the adult players. No significant differences in protein or total fat intake were detected among the teams examined. Overall, our results show that the nutritional intake of the soccer players was not optimal, and that this intake was poorer among the adult players than among the adolescents. On the basis of our results, we recommended that nutritional education should be given to soccer players at an early age and should continue throughout adolescence, not only with a view to improving performance but also to promoting more healthy dietary practices in the long term.  相似文献   

目的通过了解湖北省赛艇队运动员膳食结构和膳食营养状况,为指导运动员合理平衡膳食提供依据。方法以湖北省男子轻量级赛艇队运动员为研究对象,应用称重法对6个训练日连续进行膳食调查并分析。结果总能量、碳水化合物摄入基本满足要求;但是蛋白质和脂肪摄入过多;维生素和矿物质摄入不均衡;三餐热能分配不合理。结论应对运动员进行科学合理的膳食指导,调整运动员饮食结构,使各种营养素的摄入达到推荐摄入标准,合理分配三餐能量。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dietary practices of soccer players of different ages. The diets of the members of four soccer teams (mean ages of 14.0, 15.0, 16.6 and 20.9 years, respectively) were examined. Our results show that the caloric intake per kilogram of body mass was significantly higher among the youngest players when compared with the adult players (P 相似文献   


The aim of this study was to quantify the food intake of an International Cyclist Union (UCI) World Tour professional cyclist team and to analyse changes in body composition during the Tour of Spain. Nine male professional road cyclists (31.3?±?3.0 years) volunteered to participate in the study. Nutritional data were collected each day throughout the 3-week Tour by two trained investigators who weighed the food ingested by the cyclists. Mean nutritional intake of the cyclists was as follows: carbohydrate, 12.5?±?1.8?g/kg/day of body weight (BW) (65.0?±?5.9%); fat, 1.5?±?0.5 g/kg/day BW (17.9?±?5.6%); and protein, 3.3?±?0.3?g/kg/day BW (17.1?±?1.6%). Intake of all micronutrients, except for folate, vitamin D and potassium (which were 78.7%, 46% and 84% of Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA), respectively), exceeded the RDA. Height, weight, skinfolds, circumferences and diameters were taken following the guidelines outlined by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry. Body density, body fat percentage, muscle mass, total muscle mass and fat mass of the arms and thighs were calculated. Percentage body fat, fat mass and upper arm fat mass significantly decreased (p < .05) after the Tour independent of the equation method used in the calculations. Total muscle mass remained unchanged. Generally, this sample of cyclists consumed more protein and less fat than the recommended amount and had low weight, BMI and fat mass. It is suggested that sports nutritionists design personalised diets in order to maintain a correct proportion of nutrients as well as controlling possible anthropometrical changes that could affect performance.  相似文献   

以国家皮划艇激流回旋集训队运动员为研究对象,应用称重法进行连续5个训练日膳食调查。结果显示,该队整体水平上总能量、碳水化合物摄入不足,脂肪摄入过多且动物性脂肪摄入比例过高;晚餐能量分配比例略高于推荐值;食物实际消耗量与推荐消耗量存在明显的差别,如水果类、畜肉类、蛋类、奶类摄入过多,而谷类、淀粉类和水产类摄入明显不足;维生素的摄入量与推荐供给量相比较有参差不齐的现象。  相似文献   


There is a paucity of dietary data in football referees. In this study, 23 elite main and assistant referees (34.4 ± 5.6 years) completed a 7-day dietary record during the competitive season. No nutritional intake differences were observed between main and assistant referees. Referees’ mean daily energy intake (DEI) was 2819 ± 279 kcal. The intake of proteins (1.7 ± 0.2 g · kg?1), carbohydrates (4.1 ± 0.8 g · kg?1) and fats (1.4 ± 0.2 g · kg?1) represented, respectively, 18.4 ± 1.5%, 44.4 ± 4.4% and 34.6 ± 4.1% of the DEI. Carbohydrate intakes before, during and after exercise were 66 ± 42, 7 ± 15 and 120 ± 62 g. Daily carbohydrate, fibre, polyunsaturated fat and water intakes were below recommendations, while fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium intakes were above recommended values. The prevalence of inadequate intake was high for vitamin E (96%), folate (74%), vitamin A (61%), vitamin C (39%), magnesium (26%) and calcium (22%). Carbohydrate intake before, during and after exercise were far from achieving the minimum recommended values. Most referees demonstrated a negligent behaviour of hydration during exercise. Referees would benefit from dietary education in order to optimise performance and health.  相似文献   

张群  王晨 《体育科研》2015,(2):64-67
通过对备战第12届全运会期间上海U18青年女足运动员进行全面的膳食营养调查,分析上海青年女足运动员膳食营养状况及存在的问题,并提出合理化建议。调查发现:(1)上海青年女足运动员三大营养素供能比不合理,主要表现在碳水化合物摄入不足、蛋白质及脂肪摄入过多;(2)上海青年女足运动员维生素A及B族维生素摄入不足,体内B族维生素不足现象较普遍;(3)上海青年女足运动员矿物质及微量元素摄入尚可;(4)上海青年女足运动员膳食纤维摄入不足、胆固醇摄入过高;(5)上海青年女足运动员膳食结构存在不合理问题;(6)食堂在烹饪时间、烹饪步骤及食品品种选择方面还有进一步提高的空间。  相似文献   

To determine the daily energy requirements of professional soccer players during a competitive season, we measured total energy expenditure in seven players (age 22.1 - 1.9 years, height 1.75 - 0.05 m, mass 69.8 - 4.7 kg; mean - s ) using the doubly labelled water method. Energy intake was simultaneously estimated from 7 day self-report dietary records. Mean total energy expenditure and energy intake were 14.8 - 1.7 MJ · day -1 (3532 - 408 kcal· day -1 ) and 13.0 - 2.4 MJ · day -1 (3113 - 581 kcal· day -1 ), respectively. Although there was a significant difference between total energy expenditure and energy intake ( P ? 0.01), there was a strong relationship between the two ( r = 0.893, P ? 0.01). Basal metabolic rate and recommended energy allowance calculated from the Recommended Dietary Allowances for the Japanese were 7.0 - 0.3 MJ ·day -1 (1683 - 81 kcal· day -1 ) and 15.6 - 0.8 MJ · day -1 (3739 - 180 kcal· day -1 ), respectively. A physical activity level (total energy expenditure/ basal metabolic rate) of 2.11 - 0.30 indicated that, during the competitive season, professional soccer players undertake much routine physical activity, similar to that of competitive athletes during moderate training. Energy intake estimated using dietary records was under-reported, suggesting that its calculation from these data does not predict energy expenditure in soccer players.  相似文献   

To determine the daily energy requirements of professional soccer players during a competitive season, we measured total energy expenditure in seven players (age 22.1+/-1.9 years, height 1.75+/-0.05 m, mass 69.8+/-4.7 kg; mean +/- s) using the doubly labelled water method. Energy intake was simultaneously estimated from 7 day self-report dietary records. Mean total energy expenditure and energy intake were 14.8+/-1.7 MJ x day(-1) (3532+/-408 kcal x day(-1)) and 13.0+/-2.4 MJ x day(-1) (3113+/-581 kcal x day(-1)), respectively. Although there was a significant difference between total energy expenditure and energy intake (P < 0.01), there was a strong relationship between the two (r= 0.893, P< 0.01). Basal metabolic rate and recommended energy allowance calculated from the Recommended Dietary Allowances for the Japanese were 7.0+/-0.3 MJ x day(-1) (1683+/-81 kcal x day(-1)) and 15.6+/-0.8 MJ x day(-1) (3739+/-180 kcal x day(-1)), respectively. A physical activity level (total energy expenditure/ basal metabolic rate) of 2.11+/-0.30 indicated that, during the competitive season, professional soccer players undertake much routine physical activity, similar to that of competitive athletes during moderate training. Energy intake estimated using dietary records was under-reported, suggesting that its calculation from these data does not predict energy expenditure in soccer players.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to evaluate dietary intake and body composition of elite rhythmic gymnastics (RG) athletes prior to a competition event. Sixty-seven rhythmic gymnasts (18.7 ± 2.9 years old) of high performance level, with 36.6 ± 7.6 h of training/week were evaluated in order to collect training and competition data, medical and gynaecological history, detailed dietary intake and body composition before an international competition. The majority of the participants (n = 40; 59.7%) had already menstruated, but age of menarche was delayed (15.3 ± 1.3 years) and all revealed menstrual irregularities. Gymnasts' body mass (48.4 ± 4.9 kg) and body mass index (BMI; 17.4 ± 1.1 kg/m2) were below the normal for age, and height (1.66 ± 0.05 m) was normal or even slightly above normal for age. Body fat was 9.0 ± 2.0% with no significant differences between age strata. Gymnasts exhibited low energy availability (EA; 31.5 ± 11.9 kcal/kg fat-free mass (FFM)/day). The average carbohydrate and protein intakes were 5.1 ± 2.3 g/kg/day and 1.6 ± 04 g/kg/day, which correspond to 51.4 ± 7.2% and 16.9 ± 3.4% of total energy intakes, respectively; average fat contribution was 33.0 ± 5.3%. Low intakes of pantothenic acid, folate and vitamins D, E and K and of minerals, including calcium, iron and magnesium were reported. Intakes of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamins A, B-6, B-12, C and manganese and zinc were above-adequate (P < 0.05). Low EA, low body fat and micronutrient deficiencies are common among RG.  相似文献   

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