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This article aims to analyze how science is discursively attached to certain parts of the world and certain “kinds of people,” i.e., how scientific knowledge is culturally connected to the West and to whiteness. In focus is how the power technology of coloniality organizes scientific content in textbooks as well as how science students are met in the classroom. The empirical data consist of Swedish science textbooks. The analysis is guided by three questions: (1) if and how the colonial history of science is described in Swedish textbooks; (2) how history of science is described; (3) how the global South is represented. The analysis focuses on both what is said and what is unsaid, recurrent narratives, and cultural silences. To discuss how coloniality is organizing the idea of science eduation in terms of the science learner, previous studies are considered. The concepts of power/knowledge, epistemic violence, and coloniality are used to analyze how notions of scientific rationality and modernity are deeply entangled with a colonial way of seeing the world. The analysis shows that the colonial legacy of science and technology is not present in the textbooks. More evident is the talk about science as development. I claim that discourses on scientific development block out stories problematizing the violence done in the name of science. Furthermore, drawing on earlier classroom studies, I examine how the power of coloniality organize how students of color are met and taught, e.g., they are seen as in need of moral fostering rather than as scientific literate persons.  相似文献   

This article offers a comparative analysis of the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, within a critically discursive framework. The author creates the notion of possibilities of practice, and analyses each policy document as to how these are created, by means of interdiscursive, intertextual and recontextual analyses. In turn, the author demonstrates how each policy differs in the textual dimensions that represent themes of social representation/construction, such as: how pupils are constructed; how schooling is constructed; how inclusion/exclusion is constructed; how teacher preparation is constructed; and how resource allocation is constructed (or constricted). Finally, the author discusses the policy that best allows for possibilities of practice that promote the inclusion of ALL children.  相似文献   

This paper examines how a team of teachers in a Norwegian upper secondary school responds to, negotiates, and evaluates students' writing in and across different disciplines. The purpose is to identify discourse strategies and professional development as the teachers discuss students' texts, and to explore how the teachers develop a shared understanding of how writing relates to students' learning. The findings show how the teachers' discourse reflects an emerging understanding of how writing is both a subject-specific and interdisciplinary skill conducive to learning, but also how institutional traditions and discipline-specific concerns together allow for and constrain teachers' learning.  相似文献   

高等职业教育是我国高等教育中重要的组成部分,高等职业教育如何树立以就业为导向的办学理念,更好地面向市场开拓办学思路,积极探索新的办学模式,努力提高教育教学质量,更好地为当地的经济建设服务是一个值得探讨的课题。  相似文献   

波普尔的科学哲学一直是我国理论界关注的焦点,证伪主义的方法为大家所熟知。本文介绍波普尔“真理观”的形成过程,他的逼真性陈述定义、对于真理的度量方法,以及部分学者对波普尔的真理观评价,最后分析对波普尔逼真性真理观的四种解决方案。  相似文献   

This article considers how professional knowledge should be assessed. It is maintained that the assessment of professional know‐how raises distinctive issues from the assessment of know‐how more generally. Intellectualist arguments which suggest that someone's giving an account of how to F should suffice for attributing to them knowledge of how to F are set out. The arguments fail to show that there is no necessary distinction between two kinds of know‐how, namely the ability to F and knowing that w is a way to F, such that the latter is more fundamental. The consequences of this failure for our understanding of professional assessment are then considered. The issue of the assessment of tacit knowledge is then addressed. It is concluded that there is no context‐dependent codifiable or articulable propositional knowledge of how to F which could be substituted for being able to F and that therefore tacit knowledge can only be assessed in performance. The parallel with Gettier cases is reviewed and it is concluded that the provenance of accounts of and justifications for the attribution of know‐how are not matters of indifference to its assessment. Finally, the question of evaluability or what Ryle would have called the applicability of intelligence epithets is discussed in relation to its relevance to our procedures for assessing practical knowledge. Once again, it is concluded that excellent performance is necessary to attribute excellence in know‐how. However, the ability to give an account of how and why an agent would do something in hypothetical circumstances is also very important for the assessment of professional knowledge.  相似文献   

《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》两个中译本对比赏析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马克·吐温的代表作<哈克贝利·费恩历险记>是思想性和艺术性结合的完美典范,已成为世界文学中的经典作品.文章对比分析了此书的两个中译本,分析译者是如何准确传达原文的内容、保持译文的表达力、再现原文的风格与神韵的.  相似文献   

Joan DeJaeghere  Xinyi Wu  Lisa Vu 《Compare》2015,45(1):118-140
This article aims to understand how ethnicity is discursively framed in national policies in China and Vietnam and argues that policy discourses affect how the ‘problem’ of ethnicity and educational inequalities is framed and how these inequalities can be addressed. The analysis shows how both Marxist and market-economy governing rationalities frame ethnic minority groups as lower status than the majority group and in need of either socially evolving to the communist ideal or assimilating into the global economic market, respectively. Using Fraser’s multi-dimensional approach to analyse discursive formations of inequality, we show how these policy discourses produce a non-ethnic economic citizen with socialist tendencies that negates cultural or social recognition and political representation. We conclude that researchers and policymakers need to consider how ethnicity is discursively framed to understand and address inequalities.  相似文献   

实验教学作为培养复合型创新人才的必要环节,是高校教学体系中的重要组成部分,是对课堂所学理论知识的直观认识和巩固加深,是培养学生实践动手能力和创新能力的重要途径。教学实验室作为实验教学的重要平台,是高校“双一流”建设中必不可少的重要支撑条件,其建设与管理水平对实验教学质量有重要影响。从如何做好顶层规划设计、创建先进的实验条件、构建合理的管理机制、建设高水平的实验教学队伍和开展科学的实验室工作考核等方面入手,探讨如何建设一流教学实验室。  相似文献   

文化交往中的传统资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化交往是一个全球化浪潮中多元共存的历史使然,在这个过程中,如何挖掘、使用好本文化的传统资源,所遇到的第一个问题是文化的多元共处何以可能,第二个问题如何保证多元共处中的诚信,第三个问题是如何对待文化交流中的硬影响和软影响。这三个问题的认识得当,才能从文化传统资源中发掘出最本质的,也必然是与其他民族共同的价值观念,加深和加速本民族文化与其他各民族文化的交流与融合。  相似文献   

就学生野外实习成绩的综合考评方法进行了探讨。主要从如何选取评定因素,建立合理的指标体系;制定各考评指标内容;确定指标权重和等级标准;成绩评定的组织实施4个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

加强和完善宏观调控既是市场经济体制的内在要求,又是经济转型时期正确处理发展、改革、稳定之间关系的客观需要。如何加快政府改革,提高政府宏观调控的能力和水平;如何加强法制建设,培育和完善中介组织;如何建立和健全社会保障制度;如何标本兼治,大力整顿和规范市场经济秩序,从而保证经济转型的顺利完成等等,都是宏观调控所要解决的重要问题。  相似文献   

高度重视工程教育 ,是各经济发达国家的成功经验 ,随着教育经济一体化进程的加快 ,对高等工程教育提出了更高更新的要求。本文从分析高等工程教育的现状出发 ,在转变教育思想观念、加强工程教育国际化、加强教育创新、加强产学研教育等方面作了分析 ,同时 ,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

老子在对天道的领悟中建立了他的自然哲学,并以之论证人事,从而转化为实用的政治哲学。其核心是“君王南面之术”。包括处尊保位之法和治国之术两大内容。以贱得贵、以卑处尊、以退为进是人主独尊之法;以安民为上,无为而治、愚智强身、损赋减税、去刑止杀、反对战争是他的治国安民之术。老子的哲学是一种辨证的哲学,其治国之术既有历史的进步意义,又有时代的局限性。  相似文献   

本文论述了开发一个简单 BBS网站系统所用到的技术和方法。其中运用了 ASP技术、ADO技术、SQLServer数据库、Java Script脚本语言等等 ,并从几个不同的方面来对上述技术的实现方法进行了讨论 ,这些方面包括 :优化 connection对象、网页安全性的实现方法、利用 ASP显示当前在线人数  相似文献   

大学生在个案研究时,应着重解决六个方面的问题:一是如何建立研究关系;二是如何增强角色意识;三是如何控制过程;四是如何更好理解被访者;五是要注意发挥社会学的想像力;六是要注意把握研究的真实性。  相似文献   

数学观研究综述   总被引:58,自引:15,他引:58  
学生对“数学是什么”的认知直接影响他们学习数学和解数学题的方式,教师对“数学是什么”和“数学是如何习得”的认知也影响着数学的教学和数学课堂经验空间的塑造,要在学生接触的数学题中引入变化,利用改变学生的经验空间去改变他们的数学观和问题解决。通过学生数学经验空间的拓宽,使学生有更宽广的数学观,有更具弹性的解决数学问题的技巧。  相似文献   

质量是期刊的生命线。作为一种综合性学术期刊,普通高校学报的学术质量关系到其能否生存与发展。要办好学报就必须抓好质量这个核心要件。文章从争取优质稿件、培育特色栏目、完善审稿制度、编辑队伍建设等方面探讨了提高学报质量的途径。  相似文献   

什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义是建设中国特色社会主义首要的基本问题。邓小平关于社会主义本质的论断科学的回答了“什么是社会主义”,为解决“怎样建设社会主义”确立了正确的出发点。江泽民“三个代表”重要思想继承了邓小平对社会主义本质的认识,它在回答“建设一个什么样的党、怎样建设党”问题的同时,也创造性地回答了“什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义”的首要的基本问题,更进一步深化和拓展了社会主义本质理论内涵,开辟了怎样建设社会主义学说的新境界。  相似文献   

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