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近年来,我国学者倡导的"健康中国,健康人文",以及"生物—心理—社会"医学模式都对医务工作者的人文素养提出了更高的要求。临床医学生是未来临床实践的主力军,而临床本科实习阶段是医学生转换身份成为医生的关键时期。因此,在临床教学中融入人文关怀教育、提高临床医学生的人文关怀能力、培养科学与人文精神兼备的高层次医学人才是当代医学发展的主旋律。然而,我国"重医学、轻人文"的现象比比皆是,因此,应该重视人文关怀在医学行为中的重要作用。就如何在临床教学中培养临床医学生的人文关怀意识,提高临床医学生的人文关怀能力展开探讨,旨在提升临床医学生的人文素质。  相似文献   

“对分课堂”是复旦大学张学新教授提出的新型教学模式,近几年受到学界的广泛关注,并被应用到教学实践中。在大学英语读写课程中,要发挥此模式的最佳效果,需结合“文学圈”阅读模式,以实现真正具备核心素养的人才培养目标。  相似文献   

目前,一些技工院校的专业课教师在探索如何在工学一体化的专业课教学中培养学生的职业素养。他们的课程教学设计方案虽然很用心,也有不少创意,但是往往忽视企业的工作组织形式和客户需求与标准,“以学生中心”的理念也没有完全落到实处。在进行工学一体课程教学设计时,教师应该根据企业的工作组织形式确定学生学习分组原则,关注学生成长尤其是职业素养的发展,了解、落实客户的需求,解决工作过程中“成人”与“成事”的统一性;准确理解职业素养与专业活动的关系,通过科学设计的每一节课的目标与内容、策划与设计、实施和评价、反思和构建等环节,使学生在完成具体工作任务的过程中,既提高知识和技能,又提升职业素养。  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study of the literacy perceptions and practices of general primary teachers (Key Stage 2) and post‐primary science teachers (Key Stage 3) within two clusters of schools. The study also explores the possible impact on pupils of any difference in the language climate which may accompany them on their journey across this curricular interface. Interviews with science managers and teachers suggest a quite restricted view of literacy is taken in both phases of schooling with no evidence of any practices which may support the notion of curricular continuity. The different approaches to the introduction of scientific terminology, writing, reading and classroom discussion were reflected in pupils' accounts of their experience and clearly posed a problem for some. We suggest there would be merit in teachers adopting a much wider perspective on literacy which recognises the opportunities for developing the interrelated strands of “general literacy” and “the discourses of science” alongside “learning through language”. By addressing each of these domains, and sharing practice across the key stages, a more comprehensive and coherent approach to “language, literacy and science learning” may result, in turn helping minimise the adverse effects of “language climate change”.  相似文献   

本文在总结学科素养共识基础上,首先运用建构主义课程观分析学科素养对课程体系的要求;接着阐述经济管理学科素养及其构成,指出学科知识能力、信息素养、数据素养是基础素养,而思维品质和学术品质是较高级素养,两类素养服务于学生的自我发展;最后建立面向经管学科素养的课程体系功能模型,并参照该模型探讨课程体系的改革导向。提出了协调两种学科结构、强化“问题情境”、注重“权力分享”等改革举措。  相似文献   

David Vincent 《Interchange》2003,34(2-3):341-357
The paper argues that the term ‘literacy’ has become attached to too many disparate practices, and that renewed attention needs to be paid to how the acquisition and use of skills of written communication are conditioned by the core structures of the home, the classroom, and the state. It reviews the current usages of literacy and examines the agenda for further research in the central areas of reading and particularly writing. Attention is drawn to the contemporary engagement with literacy as a basic skill, and to the recent implementation in England of the “National Literacy Strategy.” The close parallels between the 19th and early 21st century literacy strategies are noted. If historians wish to apply their research to an interrogation of contemporary ideology and practice, greater attention should be paid to domestic instruction and to the role of government over time.  相似文献   

Data from Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in Ethiopia and Nicaragua shed light on two practical questions that arise when turning “Education for All” goals of high literacy and universal primary school completion into more specific targets. First, how should we measure literacy? Second, how many years of schooling should be universalized? Evidence presented here suggests two conclusions. First, objective literacy measures (based on simple tests) should be preferred to more frequently employed subjective measures (based on opinions of household respondents regarding their own literacy and the literacy of other members of their households), especially where school attainment levels are low, if we are to avoid overestimating literacy rates. Second, if a main goal of primary education is to render most students literate by objective measures, then at least 5 years of schooling should be universalized, even though subjective literacy rates reach high levels after only 3 or 4 years of schooling.  相似文献   

随着基础教育阶段国际化的不断深入,在坚持立足本土、兼容并包的课程融合实践中,研究提出了高中国际课程融合教学实践的三个支点和四个突出特点以及课程融合教学实践中采用的“差异化教学”“混合式学习”“多元化评价”三个策略。“以学生为中心”并不是要弱化教师的作用;要真正落实“眼中有人,心中有人”;“以学生为中心”是为了学生,而不是站在学生的立场上。  相似文献   

Drawing upon archival materials, I describe the history, design, and assessment of literacy tests from early 20th century New York state. Practitioners working with these early standardized writing tests grappled with tensions created by public Nativist sentiment, the legislation of “literacy,” and calls to score the tests in standardized yet locally appropriate ways. These practitioners developed their own constructs for “reading,” “writing,” and “literacy” as they administered and scored the tests. These practitioners were enacting writing assessment theories and methods that are currently valorized in calls to local writing assessment, disrupting some assumptions about writing assessment history as a move from strict standardization to more contextualized, local approaches. Practitioner efforts also provide a way forward as we continue to negotiate between calls to localism and standardization.  相似文献   

Kavale and Lindsey concluded in 1977 that adult literacy programs from 1965 to 1977 failed to address successfully the problem of adult illiteracy. Ten years later, the average literacy program participant still fails to achieve a functional level of literacy. Even so, some students are extremely successful in these programs. What can we learn from these people about the factors that contribute to success and failure in adult literacy programs? This was the question addressed in the present study. Data from 194 students were selected from the 1982–86 records of a typical community-based, volunteer-oriented adult literacy program. Nine personal and program variables found to discriminate significantly between extremely “successful” and extremely “unsuccessful” students were factor analyzed to identify those factors fundamental to success and failure. Two factors accounted for 46.1% of the variance. First, in comparison to unsuccessful students, successful students had greater reason to expect their efforts to achieve literacy would be successful. Second, successful students saw greater relevance in literacy and literacy training than did unsuccessful students. These findings are consistent with expectancy-value theories of motivation and suggest some ways in which the effectiveness of literacy programs may be enhanced.  相似文献   

人工智能和5G技术在带来便捷的同时,也往往容易导致信息获取同质化,从而使大学生陷入个人与技术构建的“信息茧房”中,加剧认知体系的固化。基于此,文章首先梳理了国内外“信息茧房”的研究现状;随后,文章从信息过载、选择性的接触心理和技术负效应的角度剖析了“信息茧房”形成的原因,并分析了“信息茧房”给大学生带来的影响;最后,文章提出了高校信息素养教育破解“信息茧房”的路径,即加强大学生的信息意识内化能力、计算思维能力、数字化学习与创新能力,并加强大学生的信息社会责任意识。从大学生信息素养培养的视角来探讨智能时代的“信息茧房”问题,有助于引导并帮助大学生“破茧而出”,并对大学生信息素养培养有所裨益。  相似文献   

Teacher education is in the grip of change. Due to the new Australian Curriculum, no longer is it possible to plan and implement lessons without considering the inclusion of Information and Communication Technologies. Simply knowing about the latest technology gadgets is not enough. Information literacy is essential in today’s information-rich learning and working environment. Students and teachers must be able to engage with diverse learning technologies efficiently and effectively in the search for the “right information” at the “right time” for the “right purpose”. Key information literacy and inquiry skills have been recognised as vital learning goals by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority and the International Society for Technology in Education and are thus critical in science teacher education. This paper examines the overlap of technology, pedagogy and science content in the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework and its affordances for science educators, at the intersection between technology knowledge, science pedagogy (information literacy and inquiry) and science content knowledge. Following an introduction of the TPACK framework for science education, the paper reports the research findings, which illustrate that 90% of pre-service teachers thought the experimental unit improved their understanding of the inquiry process, 88% reported more confidence in their understanding of science concepts and 94% of students reported an increase in their knowledge and confidence of Web 2.0 tools in supporting scientific inquiry in science. The implications of this study are that the online inquiry improved students’ knowledge and confidence in the skills and processes associated with inquiry and in science concepts.  相似文献   

The standard of literacy achieved by school students, in particular in reading, is an issue that attracts perennial media and professional attention. Although the focus of literacy teaching has tended to be on initial literacy skills, it is the contention of this article that greater attention needs to be given to the uses to which these skills are put in terms of wider learning. The aims of the article are, first, to explore the nature of what we might term “extended literacy skills” and, second, to draw out some principles for the teaching of such skills. The article does this through a presentation and analysis of two encounters with extended literacy each involving a different 10-year-old student with difficulties in basic literacy. The article will try to show that these literacy difficulties were not an impediment to the exercise of extended literacy—students simply required thoughtful and effective teaching.  相似文献   

邹景阳 《天津教育》2021,(11):96-97
苏霍姆林斯基说:“让学生聪明起来的办法不是补课,不是增加作业量,而是阅读,阅读,再阅读。”《语文课程标准(2011版)》明确要求全面提高学生的语文素养,实际上蕴含了学生在老师的引导下,通过广泛的课外阅读来提高素养,提升心灵境界的要求。名著作为阅读教学不可或缺的“主角”之一,其作用更是不容小觑。  相似文献   

海洋教育经过50多年的发展,在2010年公布《海洋素养范畴与K-12年级内涵》报告后,海洋教育正式进入海洋素养时代,加上2017年联合国教科文组织确定以海洋素养为主的海洋教育方针,引领全球海洋教育者对于海洋素养研究的趋势,也带动海洋教育的快速发展。亚洲海洋教育者协会自2015年在日本东京成立以来,陆续举办了三届海洋教育研讨会,同时也建立一个海洋教育交流的平台,该协会除了搭起亚洲海洋教育者的交流外,在交流过程中体现出多元的海洋教育内涵,第三届亚洲海洋教育者研讨会,成为带动未来亚洲海洋教育发展的契机。文章通过汇整国际海洋教育者社群的发展、海洋素养架构发展、海洋素养评量以及海洋教育内涵四个部分,以文献回顾的方式探讨亚洲海洋教育合作与发展契机,以期让人们更进一步了解海洋教育过去与现况,共同推动和发展未来的海洋教育。  相似文献   

Attention is construed as multicomponential, but the roles of its distinct subfunctions in shaping the broader developing cognitive landscape are poorly understood. The current study assessed 3‐ to 6‐year‐olds (N = 83) to: (a) trace developmental trajectories of attentional processes and their structure in early childhood and (b) measure the impact of distinct attention subfunctions on concurrent and longitudinal abilities related to literacy and numeracy. Distinct trajectories across attention measures revealed the emergence of 2 attentional factors, encompassing “executive” and “sustained–selective” processes. Executive attention predicted concurrent abilities across domains at Time 1, whereas sustained–selective attention predicted basic numeracy 1 year later. These concurrent and longitudinal constraints cast a broader light on the unfolding relations between domain‐general and domain‐specific processes over early childhood.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the nature of the identities constructed by EFL learners through picture-book read-alouds and the possible relationship between these identities and their literacy learning. Eight Korean students were encouraged to connect with stories through picture-book workshops. Before and after the picture-book read-alouds, tests were administered to examine whether there had been any change in the participants’ comprehension. The main findings were the following: (a) McCarthey’s frames of “appropriation,” “transformation,” and “resistance,” which characterize the identities of students as literacy learners, were able to explain the nature of the identities the students in this study constructed through the read-alouds and (b) the nature of these identities seemed to influence the students' comprehension. The results of this study suggest that teachers need to create literacy curricula that students can connect with in meaningful ways and that students should be encouraged to continually reconstruct their identities.  相似文献   

Scientific literacy implies an adequate understanding of the nature of scientific knowledge. However, little is known about classroom factors that can influence students' conceptions of the nature of science. In the present study, classroom variables that were related to changes in students' conceptions of science were identified. Particular attention was directed toward students' overall conceptions of scientific knowledge and their views of its tentative nature. Twenty-five classroom variables were found to be significantly related to both overall and tentative conceptions, while 12 variables were found to be scale-specific. A comparison between teacher and student conceptions of science did not support the prevalent assumption that a teacher's conception of science is significantly related to changes in students' conceptions of science. “Successful” classes were defined as those exhibiting the greatest student conceptual changes toward the viewpoint held by the teacher, irrespective of the “adequacy” of the teacher's viewpoint. In general, these classes were typified by frequent inquiry-oriented questioning with little emphasis on rote memory. Implicit references to the nature of science were commonly observed. Furthermore, where greatest changes in student conceptions of science were observed, the teachers were pleasant, supportive, and frequently used anecdotes to promote instruction and establish rapport. Emphasis on the depth, breadth, and accuracy of content statistically differentiated between “successful” and “unsuccessful” classes with respect to students' overall conceptions. However, this emphasis on content presentation did not differentiate classes with respect to students' conceptions of the tentative nature of science.  相似文献   

The term “illiterate” that is commonly used to describe someone who cannot read or write is an absolute term, which fails to recognize that those who are deemed “illiterate” are probably in fact “literate” to some degree. The approach taken to define and measure literacy in the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) acknowledges the limitation of viewing literacy in a dichotomous way. The IALS assesses literacy proficiency along a continuum. This chapter considers some of the conceptual issues surrounding the definition and measurement of literacy proficiency. In particular, it addresses what the IALS literacy proficiency measure is and what it is not.  相似文献   

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