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教育学学科问题的可能性解释   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教育学是研究和实践如何培养人的学科,教育学想要履行教育学科本身的理论和实践使命,就必然跨越学科之间的疆界,同时需要建立教育学的立场。教育学自身理论领域的界限来自于其所要研究和培养的对象,集中体现了个人与公共之间的关系。教育学要把不同的学习个体的发展作为首要研究任务。教育学研究建立在每个个体发展的基础之上,存在于对社会与文化情境的理解之中;理论概念与经验研究相结合是教育学研究范式的内在机制;教育作为实践精神是理想和现实的统一体。由此,教育学成为一种把握世界的特殊方式。  相似文献   

试论我国教育人类学的学科定位与学科精神   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合学科发展的现状和实际,应该强调我国教育人类学的双重学科属性,即人类学的部门学科和教育科学的基础性学科.我国教育人类学的学科精神为:实事求是、求真务实的田野精神,善待别人、尊重他者的包容精神及兴教为民、旨在智民的人本精神.如此框定教育人类学的学科精神,有利于加速中国教育理论发展的时代性转型和教育品质的提升.  相似文献   

从教育人类学概念的引进,到对少数民族以及社会转型时期教育问题的关注,教育人类学在我国历经了概念引进、研究兴起和学科初步形成的发展历程,正朝着本土化、系统化的方向发展。但客观而言,我国教育人类学学科存在价值模糊、专业共同体缺失、研究主题模糊、研究范畴狭窄、研究方法缺乏专业性等问题。应从明确学科价值、完善专业共同体、拓展研究范畴、创新研究方法论这四个维度,探索我国教育人类学学科建设和实现该学科本土发展。  相似文献   

以德国为代表的"教育学—教学论"范式和以美国为代表的"教育科学—课程论"范式是教育研究领域两种重要的、不同的研究范式。德国的"教育学—教学论"范式以唯理主义哲学为理论基础,强调从整体上培养人的问题,并从整体和人的全面发展的角度去理解和解决教育和教学问题;相对而言美国的"教育科学-课程论"范式则缺乏这种整体主义的视角。究其原因,除了跟两国不同的历史文化和哲学范式有关外,还与德国"教育学—教学论"范式中一个核心概念"教化"有着密不可分的关系。由于历史的原因,这两大研究范式并存于我国目前的教育研究和实践中。澄清二者之间的具体差异以及造成差异的根源是解决困扰我国教育研究和实践的途径之一。  相似文献   


It is almost two decades since a concept of inclusion as selective segregation was proposed as an alternative to the concept of full inclusion and inclusive education was reconfigured as providing children with varied educational settings in order to meet their needs. A version of this model of inclusive education subsequently gained political traction in England where the issue of segregated or mainstream provision is now constructed as a matter of parental choice and child voice. Meanwhile, the implications of this latest model of inclusive education for teachers and schools in a rapidly changing wider educational landscape have largely been ignored or reduced to a question of training. This paper explores how the inclusive education landscape has changed in England in recent years, charting recent key developments in areas such as policy, statutory guidance and teacher training, with particular reference to teacher workload and the positioning of teachers within political and polemical educational discourse.  相似文献   

Inclusive education currently appears to be undergoing a crisis and re-examination. This paper presents a new approach to thinking about inclusiveness in the school context. Many positions within inclusive education seem to take political, social and ethical perspectives as a starting point, which has allowed inclusive movements and initiatives around the world to succumb to neo-liberal policy-making and has neglected the development of an educational vocabulary that is theoretically and conceptually appropriate for confronting teachers’ central concerns regarding inclusive practices. The concepts of suspension, bearing with strangers and enlarged thought inspired by Hannah Arendt provide a basis for a re-imagining of inclusive education and for outlining a future school in which inclusiveness is embedded in the very way we think and position ourselves as teachers and pupils.  相似文献   

在教育学的发展过程中,出现了三次大的分解。教育学面临一种新的发展路口。尽管目前“教育科学”的发展风头已盖过“教育学”,但是,是否就意味着教育学已经走向终结?实际上,教育学与教育科学的发展表明,这是两种不同的研究范式:“日尔曼式的教育学”和“盎格鲁式的教育科学”,各自都有其发展的历史背景和文化传统,各自研究的侧重点和方法也不尽相同。与传统的教育学不同,教育科学是试图要形成对教育问题的另一种看法和另一种解释。两大范式异同的比较,揭示不同国家教育学科发展的历史文化差异,有助于我们更好地理解教育学与教育科学之争。  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom sees education as a primary vehicle through which all people can graduate out of poverty. Education as an instrument of societal change is capable of facilitating a wide range of human rights. However, in many developing countries the education gap seems to be growing within schools in urban, rural and remote areas. The key question is how we translate quality education inputs and processes into desirable outputs and outcomes, thus making teaching and learning inclusive to all the learners. All learners need to have equal access and opportunities in the school system, irrespective of social and cultural background, ethnic identity, gender, religion, social identity and disability. It is against this background that this article explores factors that contribute to low educational participation of children in remote and rural areas of Botswana.  相似文献   

This article explores two questions: (1) Is education a unique and distinct discipline? (2) Is education anything other than the achievement of noneducational aims or objectives? In it, Trevor Norris examines how these two questions are interconnected, specifically analyzing how what we think about education as a distinct field of study informs what we ask of it as a practice. When we study education, we should be educational about it, because if we render education as the object of study, it is never endowed with agency or distinctiveness. Norris inquires into the distinctiveness of education as a way of thinking and a way of impacting the world, asking what are the conditions that make it possible for us to identify something as “educational”? To investigate this question, Norris draws from Hannah Arendt's account of politics, and he concludes by describing a case study assignment that requires educational foundations students to draw from philosophy of education in order to show what exactly is educational about education by contrasting education with business and psychology.  相似文献   

发展教育学作为一个重要教育研究领域的出现有其产生的特定原因,发展教育学是从教育的视角研究社会发展引发的社会问题,并对教育发展的基本问题做出审视,进而通过教育自身的变革促进教育和社会的健康和谐发展,发展教育学作为教育学的一个重要研究领域在理论和实践上有着重要的意义。  相似文献   


This article presents a case study into the question of how research-internal and research-external factors influence the leeway of qualitative research, and ultimately determine which questions can and cannot be addressed in research. First an overview is presented of the position of qualiative research in the field of education in The Netherlands. This position is then analysed by situating educational research in the particular research political context. In the second part of the article the authors focus on effective schools research, one of the strongest research programmes in Dutch educational studies, in order to show the consequences of the lack of a qualitative tradition.  相似文献   

The study used focus group interviews at three administrative offices (provinces) that house trainee/educational psychologists in order to explore their experiences on how they learn about their support roles and responsibilities regarding the implementation of inclusive education. 13 trainee/educational psychologists from these provinces volunteered to participate in the study. The study used a qualitative design based on a phenomenological perspective and inductive thematic content was used to analyse data. The results indicate that trainee/educational psychologists had known their support roles through master's degree programmes, a single 2016 workshop, personally guided reading and collaborative work with workmates. Their views indicated inadequate training and supervision, and negative feelings towards internship after master's programme, payment of supervisors, continuing professional development points, lack of degree programmes in Master of Science in educational psychology, and location of conferences. The results provide important information about educational psychology in Zimbabwe with important implications for training and policy making.  相似文献   

范式是指科学家在特定科学研究领域中形成的共识。在社会科学研究中,规范性研究范式和实证性研究范式是两个基本研究范式。人们有必要使用规范性研究范式探讨教育现代化的属性、结构、演化、价值取向和创新机制,使用实证性研究范式评价教育现代化水平,进行区域教育现代化案例分析,从而完善教育现代化研究的方法论。  相似文献   

自赫尔巴特之后,教育学自身的“裂解”及其与其他学科或主动或被动的交叉,在促进教育学从单数到复数膨胀式发展的同时,也使得维系一种“普通教育学”相对稳定的“公共话语空间”变得越来越艰难.迪特里希·本纳试图接续起源自赫尔巴特的普通教育学传统,他从对人类实践的分化与非等级关系入手,探讨了教育实践自身的逻辑;从行动理论的角度出发...  相似文献   

教育学作为一门学科,有着自身的知识内在逻辑和学科规训制度,教育学正是在二者的共同运作之下不断地实现自身的发展和完善。教育学学科规训的产生既有内在的原因,也有外在的原因。为使教育学学科规训得到高效性发挥,应加强对于教育实践场所、教育实践方式和教育学本身的关注。  相似文献   

教育惩戒对于实现教育目标而言不可或缺。澳大利亚的教育惩戒理念经历了从“排他性”向“恢复性”转变的历程:一方面,对传统惩戒方式进行重大改革,包括废除体罚,强调排除措施法定性、程序性和公平性,严格限制排除措施的运用等;另一方面,引入了包括同侪调解和恢复性会议在内的一系列恢复性惩戒方法,提升教育惩戒的回应性和包容性。我国在未来的教育惩戒立法和政策制定过程中,也可积极引入恢复性惩戒理念和借鉴他国经验,在惩戒权的设定和实施方面体现更多的参与性、恢复性、系统性特征,以便更加契合教育法目标。同时,有必要以恢复性惩戒理念为指导,构建事前、事中、事后全覆盖的教育惩戒制度体系。  相似文献   

教育学作为一门学科,在中国一开始就是“进口”而来的,人们形象地称它是“舶来品”。教育学的引进与教育学的中国化几乎是相伴而生的,教育学中国化经历了六个阶段。解决教育学中国化问题,应注意中国的教育实际,使用科学的研究方法,正确处理学术研究与意识形态的关系,提倡教育学原创性研究,正确处理传承民族文化教育传统与借鉴国外教育理论之间的关系。  相似文献   

In many countries, the development and introduction of educational software into general education is one of the key issues of national ICT policies. However, differently from other issues of ICT in education, this question is much more country-specific. Therefore, each state shall look for individual solutions that match its economic, social, cultural and other national requirements the best. This paper analyses the development of country-tailored policy for schools' provision with educational software and content. While having generic objectives, the research investigates the case of Lithuania. Initially, the paper gives a review of the Lithuanian context. Then, it analyses the policies and practices of other countries and abstracts potential solutions of the key strategic issues, relevant to the development and implementation of educational software into general education. In parallel with theoretical investigation, the research ratiocinates and demonstrates how each solution, proposed in the Lithuanian strategy of schools' provision with educational aids, has been adapted to the national peculiarities.  相似文献   

从活动维度看教育是一种培养人的社会实践活动,其实践价值非常显著。从学科维度看,教育现象、教育问题是实践性的,教育规律具有实践性,因此,教育学是一门实践性很强的学科。对教育学实践性的把握,须落实教育学课程性质、课程目标、课程内容等方面,并以此为指导,强化教育学实践教学环节,构建实践教学体系。  相似文献   

教育工学初论   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
教育理论与教育实践关系的不协调,其根本的原因在于教育学科体系结构的结构性缺失,具体而言,就是教育工学的缺席。一般认为,教育学科可以划分为理论研究和应用研究两个领域。教育工学是教育应用研究领域的一个具体层次。其核心的意图是把教育理论的探索和教育技术的探索以至教育实践的操作连接起来。它通过阐释教育理论和教育实践之间的转化原理,为教育理论价值的实现和教育实践水平的提升提供服务。教育工学的基本任务是阐明教育工程的一般原理和教育工程的问题域。  相似文献   

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