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针对目前食品安全问答系统准确率不高且无法满足智能化问答要求等问题,基于词向量相似度设计食品安全问答系统。采用深度学习方法构建食品安全领域知识库及词向量模型,结合近义词库提出问句相似度计算方法,将问句与知识库内所有问句进行匹配,返回相似度最高问句对应的答案。实验结果表明,该系统问答准确率达到80%,能满足食品行业用户的日常问答需求。  相似文献   

自动问答系统在搜索引擎的基础上融入了自然语言的知识与应用,与传统的依靠关键字匹配的搜索引擎相比,能够更好地满足用户的检索需求。介绍了计算机操作系统自动问答系统模型,阐述了具体开发过程,设计并实现了基于计算机操作系统领域的自动问答系统,实践表明该系统能够较为准确地回答用户问题。  相似文献   

问答系统是基于WEB教育平台重要模块之一,它能够帮助学生获取有效知识。本文提出基于WEB的问题系统,它包括三个模块:FAQ模块、提问模块、回答模块。本文详细介绍了每个模块的构造。其中,重点介绍通过互联网搜索引擎获得的摘要句与问题句的相似度计算。通过三个途径对自动摘要进行分析、过滤,以获得问题的最佳答案。  相似文献   

“有效问答”,意味着教师提出的问题能够引发学生深入思考、积极回答,且这种回答得到教师恰当的回应,学生更积极地参与课堂学习,由此获得具体的进步和发展。  相似文献   

传统句子相似度算法没有全面考虑句子结构与语义特征,影响相似度计算准确性,对此提出一种基于句法块向量的句子相似度计算方法。该方法综合考虑句子的语义信息与结构信息,首先构建两句子的语义依存关系树,然后进行一些被动转换等操作,最后根据词向量构建各个句法块向量并通过余弦值计算句子相似度。在常规句子对中进行测试实验,结果表明,综合句子结构与语义信息可提高相似度计算准确性。一般句子相似度计算正确率达到92%,比传统方法提高8%~10%。  相似文献   

理答,就是教师对学生回答问题后的反应和处理,是课堂问答的重要组成部分。一般来说,课堂问答包括发问(教师提问)、候答(学生思考问题与组织答案时教师的等候)、叫答(教师叫某个学生或学生小组回答问题)、理答(教师针对学生的问答作出反应)前后衔接的四个环节。理答既是一种教学行为,更重要的,它还是一种评价行为,它是教师对学生的回答作出即时评价,以引起学生的注意与思考。所以,积极的理答行为对提高课堂教学质量显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

针对现代岩土测试技术课程实验教学中存在的问题,设计和建构了基于云平台的现代岩土测试系统。通过该系统可以实现测试数据上传云端,对信息进行汇总分析和预判,并将结果通过云平台发送手机等终端,解决了人工处理数据难等问题,改革和重构了实验教学体系,提高了工作效率和测试准确性。该系统有利于学生动手能力和科研能力提升,有利于学生创新和独立思考能力培养。  相似文献   

理答,就是教师对学生回答问题后的反应和处理,是课堂问答的重要组成部分.一般来说,课堂问答包括发问(教师提问)、候答(学生思考问题与组织答案时教师的等候)、叫答(教师叫某个学生或学生小组回答问题)、理答(教师针对学生的问答作出反应)前后衔接的四个环节.理答既是一种教学行为,更重要的,它还是一种评价行为,它是教师对学生的回答作出即时评价,以引起学生的注意与思考.所以,积极的理答行为对提高课堂教学质量显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

为提高问答系统准确率,引入知识图谱构建框架,借助元图结构描述知识,利用知识推理技术实现持续更新。问答系统集成传统Q&A问答模块和知识图推理模块,并行处理问题并传递给答案生成模块。进一步提取、优化主题、关键字和摘要以提高问答键值对匹配的准确率,并将情境信息以属性/标签的方式与问答键值对集成以缩小候选集。在教学实践中评估、验证系统功能/性能。  相似文献   

基于《知网》语义知识资源,提出一种基于问句相似度计算的问答社区问题去重方法。通过计算已有问题集合中问题间的语义相似度,将其中重复度较高的问题进行筛选并去除,从而提高用户获取所需信息的效率,改善用户体验。在“爱问知识人”的真实问题集上的实验结果表明:该方法获得了较好的去重效果。  相似文献   

The purposes of this review were to determine: (1) if different writing activities were more effective than others in improving students’ reading comprehension, and (2) if obtained differences among writing activities was related to how reading comprehension was measured? Meta-analysis was used to examine these questions across studies involving students in grades 1–12. Nineteen studies were located that met inclusion criteria, resulting in 4 writing activities comparisons with 4 or more studies per comparison: summary writing versus answering questions (k = 5), summary writing versus note taking (k = 7), answering questions versus note taking (k = 4), and answering questions versus extended writing activities (k = 6). Effect sizes calculated for each writing activities comparison indicated there were no statistically significant differences for any of these comparisons when effects were averaged over all reading comprehension measures, excluding treatment-inherent measures. However, statistically significant differences were found for two of the comparisons on specific measures. Extended writing enhanced reading comprehension better than question answering on measures where comprehension was assessed via an extended writing activity, whereas summary writing enhanced reading comprehension better than question answering on a free recall measure. The results provide limited support for the theoretical viewpoint that writing activities are differentially effective in improving reading comprehension based on how closely the writing activities are aligned with a particular measure.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to examine performance times during text reading and question answering of students with and without a history of reading difficulties. Forty-three university students with a history of reading difficulties (HRD) were compared to 124 university students without a history of reading difficulties on measures of word and nonword reading rate, text reading rate and comprehension, and question answering times. Results showed that students with HRD demonstrated slower word, nonword, and text reading rates than their peers, but had comparable reading comprehension scores. Results also showed that students with HRD took longer to answer specific types of questions even when reading rate was controlled. Specifically, when word reading rate was controlled, students with HRD took longer to answer vocabulary, literal, inferential, and background knowledge questions. When text reading rate was controlled, they still took longer to answer literal, inferential, and background knowledge questions. These results suggest that students with a history of reading difficulties require extra time to complete reading comprehension measures for reasons other than just slower word and text reading rate. Findings of this study have implications for supporting university students with a history of reading difficulties.  相似文献   

现今大学英语教学中传统的面授辅导答疑局限性明显,进行网络辅导答疑是网络时代的要求,是师生共同的选择。笔者在从理论上构想了将QQ群应用到大学英语网络辅导答疑的各个环节中的操作流程之后,进而通过教学实验证明QQ群在大学英语网络辅导答疑中的正能量效应,旨在让师生克服大学教学环境中的种种不便,更有效地开展课外的辅导答疑。  相似文献   

韦韧 《教育技术导刊》2020,19(1):200-202
我国是语言文字资源大国,为了增加各民族人民特别是青少年对党和国家民族语言文字政策的了解,提出构建中国少数民族语文百科知识问答系统。该系统采用基于FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)库的问答系统,主要通过“问题答案”成对的形式将常见问题及其对应答案组合在一起作为问答系统的知识库。通过中国少数民族语文百科知识问答系统,可以宣传党和国家民族政策,增进各民族之间的相互认识和理解,为促进各民族交往交流交融奠定知识基础。  相似文献   

介绍了一个简单的中文问答系统.问答系统是集知识表示、信息检索、自然语言处理技术于一体的难度很高的研究课题.本文从问题处理、检索系统、答案抽取三个方面进行了详细说明.  相似文献   



Previous studies have shown that undergraduates improve their answering and monitoring accuracy when they exclusively practice and expect inferential questions after reading. This study examined whether children with poor comprehension, who struggle particularly with inferential questions, would benefit from similar practice with and without feedback.


To address this question, 44 poor comprehenders and 44 control participants from 6th–9th grades practiced answering literal or inferential questions after reading each of three texts. They were also asked to predict their success in these questions, whereas some received feedback on their prediction (monitoring) accuracy. Then, participants read an additional three texts, but answered both practiced and unpracticed types of questions after reading all texts. They also predicted their success after reading each text.


Both poor and good comprehenders answered literal questions more accurately when they had practiced. However, only good comprehenders improved their answering of inferential questions when they had practiced. No differences were found between the groups in monitoring accuracy. Feedback had a positive effect on answering accuracy, irrespective of practice.


Poor comprehenders differentiate to some extent between literal and inferential questions and are flexible enough to execute a different text processing plan for each type of questions. However, they presumably lack the knowledge and/or resources to execute inferential processing efficiently during reading. Moreover, all children seem to have difficulty with comprehension monitoring. Practicing and/or expecting one type of questions, with or without feedback, is insufficient for improving this ability.

教师提问值得研究的问题很多。通过对三位教师课堂提问历时三个月的观察,就教师提问行为中的三个方面即确定回答模式、指定提问对象、运用处理难题的策略加以统计和分析。不同的回答模式会对提问效果产生积极或消极的影响。问题回答的模式中,教师指定回答占了最高的比例,而如何指定提问对象可以决定问题是否能够产生预期的效果。恰当地运用提问策略也是使问题有效的关键。  相似文献   

培养学生的问题意识和自主提问能力是当前中学思政社会课教学普遍关注的问题。按照初三开卷考复习要求,教师要为学生提供形式各异的问题平台,培养学生知识应用和解题能力。  相似文献   

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