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结合前人在英汉"愤怒"情感隐喻方面的研究成果,在系统探讨英汉"愤怒"情感隐喻的三种原型表达形式,即"愤怒是火"、"愤怒是容器中的热液体"、"愤怒是气"的基础上,发现"愤怒"情感隐喻存在着情感经验的物质化映射系统。同时,也为更好地进行英汉"愤怒"情感隐喻翻译提供参考和启示。  相似文献   

小说以阮小七愤杀张干办为嚆矢,展现梁山幸存英雄所面临的两种矛盾、两类冲突。一是内部矛盾,即忠奸冲突;一是外部矛盾,即民族冲突。在内涵上承续着《水浒传》“乱自上作”、“官逼民反”的创造主旨。作家借小说杂糅故事抒愤写心,既是历史的,亦是现实的,实现作家对儒家传统经典形象阐述的目的。在中国英雄传奇小说发展史上,体现出审美趣味文人化的一般发展规律。  相似文献   

西方人给古老东方社会带来的影响是《吉姆爷》后半部分的一个重要主题,可以从文明冲突的角度解读这部印象主义作品。帕图森可以看作近代西方人眼中的东方社会的一个缩影,作为西方文明的使者,吉姆在帕图森的所作所为不仅是他个人道德形象的重塑,更是西方文明对东方社会的冲击、复制和重建。通过深入分析吉姆在帕图森成功的原因,可发现西方文化在世界的传播并不是白人种族优越性的证明。康拉德以艺术的形式,浓缩地再现了近代东方社会中东西方文化交流、文明冲突的历史。  相似文献   

金斯利·艾米斯的《幸运儿吉姆》,颠覆了文本的二元对立元素—单纯无辜/老成世故、道德高尚/虚伪做作,解构了吉姆的主体形象.作者指出吉姆不是传统意义上的反英雄人物,而是保守的守旧者;不是时代的叛逆者,而是时代的顺从者和维护者,从而使文本的整体结构在二元对立因素的颠覆中得以消解.  相似文献   

"愤怒的青年"的代表作家金斯利.艾米斯的代表作《幸运的吉姆》向高雅文化、精英文化发起了挑战。主人公吉姆对高雅文化的反叛,尤其是他在"可爱的英格兰"演讲会上对文化精英的嘲讽令读者忍俊不禁,拍案叫绝。而当我们深入研究吉姆对高雅文化的反叛时,可以发现,吉姆的反叛是温和的,而非直接的、彻底的。  相似文献   

情感是人类经验中最中心、最普遍的方面之一。因为人的认知能够影响情感并受情感影响,所以对情感的研究是探索认知的核心之一。通过对英汉语中存在的"愤怒"情感隐喻进行分析,来指出英汉语中的隐喻认知机制在愤怒这一情感方面所存在的共性和差异。  相似文献   

We examined how preschoolers coped with anger in interactions with well liked and not well liked peers. The free-play interactions of preschool-aged children ( M age = 66.27 months) were observed for 6 months. The frequency, causes, and intensity of children's anger, as well as their anger-related reactions, were compared for incidents provoked by peers who were "really liked" to those provoked by peers who were liked only "a little bit." Although there were no differences in the intensity of anger provocations by well liked and not well liked provocateurs, children's responses to provocations by well liked peers were more controlled than was the case for anger provoked by peers who were not well liked. In general, boys were more responsive to how they felt about the provocateur than were girls. These findings suggest that anger episodes with well liked children were less stressful than those with peers who were not well liked.  相似文献   

道德运气是内在于真实生活世界并在实际上影响着我们的道德判断与评价。通过画家高更案例阐释一般意义上的道德运气的复杂含义,并说明它与经济的关联。通过默克案例,分析与运气相关联的风险及其在特殊的企业伦理领域中的意义。最后,从三个方面说明道德运气对于企业伦理的影响。  相似文献   



To examine whether depressed mood and anger mediate the effects of sexual abuse and family conflict/violence on self-injurious behavior and substance use.


A cross-sectional national survey was conducted including 9,085 16-19 year old students attending all high schools in Iceland in 2004. Participants reported frequency of sexual abuse, family conflict/violence, self-injurious behavior, substance use, depressed mood, and anger.


Sexual abuse and family conflict/violence had direct effects on self-injurious behavior and substance use among both genders, when controlling for age, family structure, parental education, anger, and depressed mood. More importantly, the indirect effects of sexual abuse and family conflict/violence on self-injurious behavior among both males and females were twice as strong through depressed mood as through anger, while the indirect effects of sexual abuse and family conflict/violence on substance use were only significant through anger.


These results indicate that in cases of sexual abuse and family conflict/violence, substance use is similar to externalizing behavior, where anger seems to be a key mediating variable, opposed to internalizing behavior such as self-injurious behavior, where depressed mood is a more critical mediator.

Practice implications

Practical implications highlight the importance of focusing on a range of emotions, including depressed mood and anger, when working with stressed adolescents in prevention and treatment programs for self-injurious behavior and substance use.  相似文献   

In contrast to the Kantian principle that we are morally accountable only for those actions over which we have control, Bernard Williams, Thomas Nagel, and others have argued that luck plays a significant role in the moral life. Put briefly, moral luck is at play when we are appropriately praised or blamed for our moral actions despite the fact that at least some aspects of what we are being judged for lie beyond our control. In this essay, Ann Chinnery discusses the concept and various types of moral luck, and draws on two news stories from the summer of 2013 (one involving an incident in the United States and the other in the United Kingdom) in order to suggest that a nonideal approach to moral education could go some way toward mitigating the morally limiting effects of “constitutive bad luck.”  相似文献   

A superstition is a belief people hold which is not based on reason. There is no logic to superstition.Their beliefs often 1 the laws of nature as we know them . People who have superstitions, or who are superstitious,believe that they can either 2 them selves good luck or avoid bad luck of disasters by acting in 3 ways. An exam ple of this involves salt. 4 som e people spill salt, they im m ediately take som e of it and 5 it over their left shoulder. In this way, they feel they will 6 bad lu…  相似文献   

"Don't read this, you will hate me." Some girls have all the luck…   If you've spent years fancying the same guy and have never plucked up the courage to talk to him-don't read this. You will hate me.……  相似文献   

韦伟 《伊犁教育学院学报》2004,17(3):113-114,120
《古汉语常用字字典》是现今读者常用的工具书,使用相当频繁但难免有义项失收或释义失妥之处。就“怒”、“愤”二例之解提出疑问,质疑“怒”为释义用例不当,“愤”则为释义不当,并举例说明。  相似文献   

信息技术行业正以令人难以置信的速度往海外扩展。其他行业很快也会接踵而来。为什么会这样呢?  相似文献   

吉凶悔厉之类的占断之辞本身并无人生智慧,但《易经》编订者通过对各种占断之辞出现比率的合理分布,以及它们出现语境的恰当限定,表达了其对人生世事的深切感悟和价值评判,从而启人心智,引导人们避凶就吉,去恶从善。因此,《易经》占断之辞蕴藏着深长的人生智慧。  相似文献   

I Failed Again     
杨友连 《海外英语》2009,(12):62-63
Yesterday afternoon I participated in an interview for an English debate contest, and failed,completely. To make the contest fair, everyone is supposed to draw a lot to decide his/her topic. The one I got was "Women should be allowed to sell their eggs." The rest got "Whether military training should be compulsary." "Whether compulsary education should be extended to 12 years.", and the like. And I was the third to give my speech. Bad luck!  相似文献   

“太极”是易学上的一个重要概念,朱熹把“太极”看作象数变化的根源和最高原则。他为了说明“太极”为易的根源,创造性地以“太极”之理自身的展开说明八卦和六十四卦形成的过程。又在朱熹的理学体系中,“理”是最高范畴;虽然其理学体系庞大,但是始终离不开核心概念“理”,也始终凸现以“理”为本体,故而可以说朱熹的理学是以“理”为本体的理学。朱熹的“太极,理也”恰好沟通了其易学与理学,证明了其易学和理学有密切的关系。  相似文献   

通过分析英围文学史上具有现代启示意义的作家约瑟夫·康拉德的代表性作品《吉姆老爷》,阐述了这部小说中康拉德式叙事手法的方式、作用、多样性及其产生的主题效果。指出对康拉德式叙事法的研究不是狭义上的单纯地对小说的结构加以分析叙述,而是通过对《吉姆老爷》的多层次分析,研究复杂多样的康拉德式叙事法与主题之间的必然联系和有机统一,从而提高对康拉德小说真正价值的认识。  相似文献   

湘南木雕历史悠久,作为湘南民俗文化的主要载体,承载着人们的美好愿望与祝福,蕴含着无比丰富多彩的吉祥观。木雕艺人采用象征、谐音、寓意、比拟等手法,直接或含蓄地表达了人们趋利避害、祈求吉祥,追求荣华富贵的吉祥意念。  相似文献   

任民 《英语辅导》2000,(10):9-9
At school I have two good friends. They are English boys. They are twins. Their names are Jim and Sam. They are twelve. Sam and I are in Class Two, Grade One. But Jim is in Class Three, Grade One. They like Chinese very much, but I like English.  相似文献   

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