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In an era when library budgets are being reduced, Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC's) can offer practical and viable alternatives to the delivery of costly face‐to‐face training courses. In this study, guest writers Gil Young from Health Care Libraries Unit ‐ North, Lisa McLaren from Brighton and Sussex Medical School and Liverpool University PhD student Michelle Maden describe the outcomes of a funded project they led to develop a MOOC to deliver literature search training for health librarians. Funded by Health Education England, the MOOC was developed by the Library and Information Health Network North West as a pilot project that ran for six weeks. In particular, the MOOC target audience is discussed, how content was developed for the MOOC, promotion and participation, cost‐effectiveness, evaluation, the impact of the MOOC and recommendations for future development. H. S.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]慕课对图书馆提出了全新的服务要求。对我国高校图书馆慕课服务进行研究,以为进一步开展慕课服务提供参考。[方法/过程]通过调查794所公立本科高校图书馆慕课服务情况,深入了解我国高校图书馆开展慕课服务的现状及其存在的问题。[结果/结论]提出6点慕课服务策略:提高馆员的慕课素养;加强与校内其他部门的联系;开展读者慕课认知与学习调查;根据读者的特点开展服务;建立慕课服务专栏;着力开设慕课。  相似文献   

MOOCs的兴起及图书馆的角色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大规模开放在线课程(MOOCs)的出现是近年来高等教育领域的热点话题。本文回顾国内外MOOCs的发展现状,分析MOOCs与第一代网络公开课的区别,重点探讨图书馆在MOOCs浪潮中扮演的五种主要角色:版权顾问、信息素养培训师、多媒体制作指导师、学习场所提供者、课程内容提供者。MOOCs发展面临完成率低、交互指导缺失、评分手段不足等问题,以及诚信保证、课程标准与评估机制、可持续发展的商业模式等挑战。图书馆员应采取积极的态度参与到MOOCs的发展中。表1。参考文献33。  相似文献   

This virtual issue (VI) has been assembled to coincide with the 8th Annual Patient Information Conference 2013 organised by the UK Patient Information Forum (PiF). The conference theme ‘Information and support – a service in its own right’ is a response to policy documents and initiatives in both Scotland and England which signal the coming of age of patient/consumer information. The VI consists of a collection of open access articles and addresses the question ‘What can health science librarians do to ensure that the public are able to find, appraise and use health information?’ This material provides research evidence, and examples of the types of initiatives librarians have undertaken to make information a health and care service in its own right. Two recurrent messages are that health science librarians need to form partnerships with healthcare providers and they have a role to play in improving health literacy skills.  相似文献   

This feature looks at the issue of plagiarism in health care students and the role of the health librarian in combating the problem. In particular, consideration is given to how plagiarism can occur and provides some examples from two UK universities of approaches health librarians can take in supporting students to avoid these common pitfalls. H.S.  相似文献   

虚拟学习环境与嵌入式信息素质教育的结合,对图书馆员、教师和学生都有重大意义。美国马里兰大学、纽约城市大学史泰登岛学院和史丹森大学基于虚拟学习环境Blackboard开展嵌入式信息素质教育的实践,对我国的信息素质教育理论研究和实践探索有所启发,即面授为主,虚拟学习环境辅助教学;图书馆员与教师密切合作;选择合适的软件平台;灵活处理抄袭问题。  相似文献   


Loyal to long-held convictions of what undergraduates need intellectually, academic librarians ignore the critical signs that they may be failing students and faculty. Unless librarians are willing to question assumptions about how students think, what they value, and how external incentives shape their behavior in the information environment, they will find themselves increasingly at the margins of students' academic life. If there are important questions that beg for answers before librarians can redefine the teaching role of libraries, librarians have probably never been in a stronger position as a profession to engage in the research necessary for meaningful solutions.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a small-scale study in a UK university. The research investigated how academic librarians experienced the processes of becoming a teacher. As more librarians are drawn into a teaching role, understanding these developments becomes crucial. A narrative approach revealed the challenges faced as they participated in a program of teacher education. Institutional agendas and a diverse student population complicated these processes. This produced a complex interplay between identity and pedagogy, resulting in a lack of legitimacy in the teacher role. This has implications for the way in which academic librarians are supported in such transitions.  相似文献   

In terms of international education, the concept of online education seems to be a growing trend. Edxonline.org, Minervaproject.com, and Udacity.com are all new massive online open courses (MOOCs)—education websites similar to Coursera offering students the ability to receive the best education from elite universities entirely online. The most tantalizing promise of a company like Coursera is the role it might play in improving education for the world's have-nots: high school dropouts, the global poor, and those less able to self-teach.  相似文献   


Health information skills in an electronic environment are essential to health science librarians, who serve as educators both within and outside of their health training institutions. This reflective study was conducted to examine the application of online health information skills obtained from the training provided for librarians who are working in health settings. Health sciences librarians, as future information skills educators, therefore need to possess their own health information skill sets. Capacity building is vital in order to promote the development of health information skills for health sciences librarians who can then teach and advocate the concept of health information skills on the Internet within and outside of their places of work.  相似文献   

Background: The traditional role of health librarians as expert searchers is under challenge. Objectives: The purpose of this review is to establish health librarians’ views, practices and educational processes on expert searching. Methods: The search strategy was developed in LISTA and then customised for ten other databases: ALISA, PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL, ERIC, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar. The search terms were (expert search* OR expert retriev* OR mediated search* OR information retriev*) AND librar*. The searches, completed in December 2010 and repeated in May 2011, were limited to English language publications from 2000 to 2011 (unless seminal works). Results: Expert searching remains a key role for health librarians, especially for those supporting systematic reviews or employed as clinical librarians answering clinical questions. Conclusions: Although clients tend to be satisfied with searches carried out for them, improvements are required to effectively position the profession. Evidence‐based guidelines, adherence to transparent standards, review of entry‐level education requirements and a commitment to accredited, rigorous, ongoing professional development will ensure best practice.  相似文献   

The popularity of Health 2.0 technologies has grown exponentially in recent years. They are increasingly being used to inform and support professional practice. This article discusses the use of the health facet of Web 2.0 applications by health professionals. In particular, it considers their value in the delivery of information literacy agendas by health librarians for health professionals.  相似文献   

In 2004 a collaborative, statewide outreach project in Delaware was undertaken where consumer health librarians were embedded in public libraries. In order to explore the effect of the embedded librarians on the quality of health information provision, unobtrusive reference visits were made to half of the public libraries in the state. The query “Do vaccines cause autism?” was posed to library staff; resources provided were recorded. In 67 percent of visits, public library staff provided authoritative health information resources. It appears the embedded librarians had a positive residual effect on the provision of authoritative health resources for addressing an ambiguous query.  相似文献   

Despite wide recognition of MOOCs, little is known about the lecturers’ perception and what are their needs before encouraging them to integrate MOOCs in their pedagogical practices. To gain such an understanding, this study conducted in-depth interviews probing Thai lecturers’ perception and paying special attention to their needs in designing their MOOCs. Strengths and challenges in integrating MOOCs were highlighted. The study proposed that for MOOCs to exert power in Thai institutions, it might be necessary for Thai institutions to introduce systematic and effective workshops for lecturers to acquire the skills and confidence to design their MOOCs.  相似文献   

The role of librarians in addressing health insurance information needs emerged following a request from President Barack Obama for librarians to assist the public with navigating the Affordable Care Act and the Health Insurance Marketplace. The goal of this article is to highlight a number of concrete ways reference work could be expanded, especially in public library settings, to support health insurance literacy concerns by offering illustrative examples and recommendations for authoritative health insurance information resources. Overall, this article contributes to the existing literature by offering practical recommendations that may be relevant to reference librarians supporting the health insurance information needs of their communities.  相似文献   

Disseminating information should be the business of public librarians. In a democracy, public librarians are expected to play a leading role in acquiring, processing, interpreting, repackaging, and disseminating relevant, up-to-date, and timely information and knowledge resources both from within and beyond their localities. Public librarians should serve as catalysts for the effective dissemination of information to promote true democracy. They are expected to explore channels of communication for the practice of true democracy. An emphasis on democratic ideals raises awareness of democratic tenets among the populace and also facilitates the holding of free, fair, and peaceful elections. This article examines the concept of democratic governance, the link between democratic governance and information, public libraries, and what public librarians should do to ensure the promotion of democracy.  相似文献   

Until relatively recently, the concept of information literacy, and teaching the skills to enable it, was mainly a concern of academic libraries. Now, it is also seen to be of high importance within the context of health care libraries. Health care libraries and librarians can provide crucial support towards the implementation of evidence‐based practice in patient care through both information literacy skills training and by conducting mediated searches on behalf of health care practitioners. This article reports the findings from an investigation conducted by Charlotte Kelham as part of her MA in Librarianship from the University of Sheffield. Her dissertation investigated how health care librarians understand the concept of information literacy, the implications of this for their role and their perceptions around how their role is valued. Charlotte graduated from Sheffield in 2013 and is currently job hunting. AM  相似文献   

国内外高校信息素养MOOC关键成功因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的/意义]研究高校信息素养MOOC的关键成功因素,旨在为国内高校信息素养MOOC建设和发展提供参考与借鉴。[方法/过程] 调研国内外主要MOOC平台上高校开设的27门信息素养MOOC,采用典型案例分析法和基于专家访谈的关键成功因素分析法,根据教学设计包括的教学设计、教学内容、教学方法、教学考核和教学效果5个主要环节,分析并总结高校信息素养MOOC的关键成功因素。[结果/结论]总结阐述6个关键成功因素,对国内高校信息素养MOOC建设与实践具有指导意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this organizational case study is to describe the complexities librarians face when serving a multi-campus institution that supports both a joint-use library and expanding health sciences academic partnerships. In a system without a centralized health science library administration, liaison librarians are identifying dispersed programs and user groups and collaborating to define their unique service and outreach needs within a larger land-grant university. Using a team-based approach, health sciences librarians are communicating to integrate research and teaching support, systems differences across dispersed campuses, and future needs of a new community-based medical program.  相似文献   

This article describes the development and delivery of an online module at the University of Nottingham on the literature review process. In particular, it discusses how academic librarians collaborated with researcher developers at the Graduate School at the University to deliver a highly successful online learning experience for students. The article provides an overview of the course, a discussion on the experiences of both the tutors and participants involved, concentrating specifically on those in Medicine and Health Sciences. Details about future international collaborations and development of the course are also provided.  相似文献   

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