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推进手机移动学习:中小学教师态度与需求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能否在中小学校普及手机移动学习,这是当前国际教育组织、教育行政部门和产业界共同关注的焦点问题。来自北京市4城区11所学校450名教师和管理者的调查数据表明,绝大多数教师都具有积极的技术产品教育应用意向,但反对中小学生持有手机和利用手机进行移动学习。不同学段的教师对推进手机移动学习的需求差异非常显著,小学教师最为积极,初中教师最不积极。在中小学校推进手机移动学习,应引导学校管理者、教师转变理念,客观认识学生手机,逐步认同手机移动学习;应加强宣传,推进本土实践,吸引学校管理者、教师乐于尝试手机移动学习;应增强手机移动学习产品、资源、服务与教育者、学习者、教学过程、学习过程的融合;在政策推广方面,可以先从小学进行试点推广,中学生手机移动学习可以走社会化推进、产业推动的道路。  相似文献   

This study explored the access, use and perceptions of teachers and students towards mobile phones as a tool for facilitating teaching and learning beyond the classroom walls. A total of 29 pre-service teachers and four college instructors from Dar es salaam University College of Education (DUCE) as well as 12 in-service teachers and 40 students from Kibasila secondary school in Tanzania, participated in the study. Data were collected by using pre-service teachers’ questionnaire, students’ questionnaire, and the instructors’, and in-service teachers’ interviews. Findings showed that all in-service teachers, college instructors and pre-service teachers had mobile phones. Also 60 % of school students owned mobile phones, or had access to mobile phones. Students, pre-service teachers and college instructors were in favour of the use of mobile phones for learning, but the majority of in-service teachers were against it. Since mobile phones are the most available technological tools in schools, this study, recommend a professional development programme for in-service teachers to help them develop a positive attitude towards mobile phones use in teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Mobile phone technology in Tanzania has grown rapidly but there is insufficient data on its application in schools. This paper aims to show how students in the first and third year (F1 and F3) teachers in two rural secondary schools perceived its use. F1 and F3 students completed a questionnaire. Teachers and students in F1 and F3 discussed the uses and misuses of mobile phones in separate focus groups. Although they served similar areas the two schools differed in students’ use – and awareness of misuse – of mobile phones. Most students had access to a mobile phone, but were not permitted to bring them to school. Few teachers could see a positive use for the technology in the curriculum. There is an urgent need for pedagogical resources to support the introduction of mobile technology into classrooms but equally it is crucial that any such introduction is through a process of engagement with the concerns of students, teachers and the wider community with frank discussion about both the dangers and the potential benefits of using mobile phones in learning.  相似文献   

The democratization of education has brought forth an unprecedented demand for education by the masses, especially at the tertiary level. However, the availability of education is hampered by limited resources to provide pervasive and effective teacher–student interaction, changing lifestyle patterns, changing expectations of the students, and the problems associated with the great urban–rural divide and nonuniform access. The problem of availability of education is compounded by the tide of globalization and the Internet that demands not only high efficiency but also competitive delivery of services and goods in all sectors of our economy, including education. Education is not immune to these current trends. It is imperative that education institutions rise up to the challenge in meeting the demand of a more discerning, discriminating, mobile, and selective student population. It is imperative that education institutions reconsider the necessary ingredients to make learning effective, relevant, and fun for the students. Our company, Kolej Damansara Utama (KDU), has embarked on an education experiment begun almost 3 years ago to implement a student-centered, teacher-facilitated, Information and Communications Technology (ICT)-enabled and knowledge-based initiative. The goal of this experiment has been to create an active learning environment, and to promote learning for our students. The knowledge ecosystem, comprising students, teachers, administrators, parents, partner institutions, employers, and the community at large, forms the KDU e-Community Network (KCN). The KCN enables passive, interactive, collaborative, and constructive learning to take place as long as the stakeholder has a connection to the Internet.  相似文献   

Implementing mobile learning in curriculum-based educational settings faces challenges related to perceived ethical and learning issues. This study investigated the affordances of mobile technologies to support mathematics instruction by teachers. An exploratory study employing questionnaires and semi-structured interviews revealed that, while mathematics instruction can be augmented with mobile learning, the majority of schools in Indonesia have banned student use of mobile phones in classrooms. Teachers are concerned about the improper use of mobile phones that could impact their students' mental well-being and distract them from learning. Most teachers perceive mobile technologies to be disruptive and seem reluctant to use them for teaching delivery. However, teachers are eager to experiment with digital technologies within mathematics instruction. Our findings suggest infusing alternate technologies that fit better with the school's teaching and learning environment. This includes web-based applications that can run on different digital devices ranging from desktop computers, laptops, and tablets, to mobile phones. We propose setting up communities of practice for mathematics teachers to share their instructional repertoire on integrating digital technologies within the classroom.  相似文献   

推动移动学习能够提升学生的学习参与程度,促进和谐师生关系的建立,完善学习支持服务体系,提高教学质量。积极推动移动学习促进远程教育发展,需要我们转变教育观念,正确认识移动学习;建立移动学习系统,并与互联网无缝对接;开发适用的教学资源,开展恰当的教学活动;开展移动考试,优化现有的评价体系;促进正式学习与非正式学习的协调发展。  相似文献   

随着“互联网+”时代的到来,交互式移动学习已在高职院校逐渐兴起,通过对江苏五所具有代表性的高职院校进行问卷调查发现,大部门学生对交互式移动学习均有初步了解,而且几乎人手必备移动多媒体设备,但将近一半的学生在使用该设备时依旧以娱乐为主。究其原因主要在于大部分学生缺乏自制力;在线学习资源资费较高以及移动学习平台建设有待完善等。为此,教育部门应该加强对高职教育的重视,提高对于交互式移动学习的宣传力度;高职院校要努力端正学生的学习态度,积极引导他们掌握有效的学习方法,投入更多的经费和精力来加强移动学习资源和平台的建设。  相似文献   

In recent years Icelandic schools have seen an increase in students with immigrant background. These changes require schools and teachers to respond to the educational needs these students may have. The aim of this article is to examine these changes by looking at the experience of teachers and parents of immigrant students regarding their education. As part of this qualitative research, 38 teachers were interviewed in focus groups with a view to the challenges and experiences of teaching immigrant students. Ten parents were also interviewed individually about their experiences of Icelandic schools and their children’s education. The findings revealed that teachers are unsupported in their quest for understanding and managing multicultural education and that the Icelandic school system challenges foreign parents’ understanding of school as a traditional place for learning. It is suggested that addressing the lack of collaboration and discussion between both parties on students’ needs and parents’ expectations could improve the education of immigrant students.  相似文献   

移动学习是教师将教育内容与教育服务通过无线网络技术或移动通信技术进行信息传输,学生利用便携式的智能移动设备获取学习信息、学习资源和学习服务而进行的学习方式,教师与学生可以通过移动计算技术实现交互式的学习。利用移动学习便捷、及时的特点,在分析移动学习的学习模式、课程设计的基础上,研究移动学习在高职教育教学过程中的应用。  相似文献   

王薇  刘兰 《教育教学论坛》2019,(10):196-198
"互联网+"给我国现有的教育资源、教学模式、学习策略等带来了巨大的变化。移动学习应成为新型语言教学的辅助手段。本研究探索在"互联网+"背景下学生利用手机学习软件进行大学英语词汇移动自主学习的可行性和有效性,用定量和定性的方法考察学生移动自主学习效果。结果表明:学生对英语词汇移动学习的便捷性与有效性持肯定态度;利用互联网+进行大学英语词汇移动自主学习具有可行性,可以提高学生英语词汇学习效果;但在增强学习动机上作用有限。  相似文献   

This study examined the perceptions of 15 teachers and 103 middle school students at a progressive private school located in Mumbai, India to determine their support for the use of mobile phones in the classroom, their perceptions of the mobile phone features that are beneficial for school-related work, and the instructional benefits and barriers to mobile phone use prior to beginning a mobile phone pilot program. The results indicated that most teachers (86%) and students (92%) supported the use of mobile phones in the classroom while those remaining voiced uncertainties. The participants perceived many mobile phone features as being useful in the classroom, but the teachers and students significantly differed in their views. Participant responses revealed little concern about most of the barriers reported in the literature; both teachers and students were least concerned about the use of mobile phones causing a disruption to learning.  相似文献   

远程开放教育作为一种新型的教育形式,能够在信息技术的基础上结合现代的教育技术来构建的教学模式。在这种教育模式中,教师与学生需要在协作的前提下共同对系统性的学习资源以及模式进行探究。大多数学校的远程开放教育资源都依靠教师方来提供,而学生没有意识主动参与学习资源的建设当中,一直以来都是被动接受资源,或获取资源。那么,实施远程开放教育学习资源师生共建,首先要做的就是引导学生加入学习资源建设进程。  相似文献   

This study examined achievement when an interactive textbook (iBook) was used in place of lecture to teach students to create instructional flipcharts for a Promethean interactive whiteboard. The study was conducted with students enrolled in a required technology course for teachers at a large research-intensive university in the southeastern United States. Further, the study examined the iBook group's perceptions of the benefits and challenges of using an interactive text as an educational tool. The results showed a significant difference in the achievement of students who received instruction delivered through the use of the interactive textbook versus those who received lecture instruction. In addition, the participants indicated that the iBook provided a new way of learning, and also motivated them to learn, made learning more exciting, increased their attention toward instruction, was more efficient, and increased their interest in the class. A few students disliked viewing in landscape view versus portrait view, felt more cues were needed to alert less intuitive multimedia components, and desired access extended to Android platforms. (Keywords: 21st-century skills, interactive textbooks, iBooks, ebooks, teacher education)  相似文献   

借助移动互联时代以智能手机为代表的便携式移动学习终端和二维码技术,教师利用二维码能够在课前将微课等资源推送给学生,方便学生高效自主地学习,还能随时掌握课前检测数据的汇总结果,增强后续教学的针对性。本文以《爱莲说》一课为例,介绍了二维码在初中文言文教学各环节的应用,在此基础上讨论二维码的教学功能,并对基础教育中学生使用手机的现象进行反思。  相似文献   

远程教育中采用移动学习方式是顺势而为,基于智能手机的移动学习有助于学习者将一点一滴的碎片化时间利用起来,极大地提高学习者的学习效率,促进学习者对知识的主动建构,成为传统课堂教学的有效补充和优化,同时将手机作为直播机,亦可解决远程学习者无法亲临现场学习难题。本文以大学生为研究主体,运用编制的测量工具获取在校大学生利用智能手机进行移动学习数据,然后综合采用曼一惠特尼U检验、克鲁斯卡尔一沃利斯检验、单一样本t检验等方法,认知大学生对使用智能手机支持学习过程的观点、态度及其影响因素并提出有效解决策略,以期研究成果不仅能够有助于大学生有效开展移动学习而且还可为远程教育采用移动学习方式提供可行参考依据。  相似文献   

Conclusion Undoubtedly, our schools must prepare students to live and work in a computer literate society. And as we build our curriculum to equip our students for the world that awaits them, Internet access becomes an increasingly important part of the student’s learning experience. It is incumbent upon administrators, teachers, and parents to introduce students to the Internet in a productive and educationally sound fashion. And to monitor their learning and behavior, because the task at hand is to prepare the future citizens of the networked world. They will not be perfect right way; they will make mistakes. We truly need to know when they need more guidance, and more teaching. Filtering technology, used alone or in conjunction with firewall security, provides a simplified, reliable, and cost-effective mechanism for schools to protect the quality of their students’ Internet use  相似文献   

The recent developments within open educational resources (OERs) and open licensing have generated considerable interest among distance educators since open and distance learning is supposed to be the largest consumer/user of and contributor to OER. In China, given the policy of development and use of elaborate courses, conversion of radio and television universities into open universities, establishment of the China Open Resources for Education, and adoption of Creative Commons by the Chinese government, there seems to be further expansion of OER movement in the country. Against this backdrop, it was imperative to know how distance education/open university teachers use OERs and what constraints they face in doing so. This study reports a structured questionnaire and open-ended interview findings on all the 74 teachers of the Beijing Open University for four variables: awareness, needs, utilization, and constraints. The findings show that while the teachers were generally aware of OERs, they misunderstood all web resources as OER; the Chinese elaborate courses dominated the perception and use of OER; and those who used OER mainly required it for teaching content, relevant research, and for adopting teaching methods. Searching for OER, choosing appropriate OER and copyright issues were the common constraints to effective use of OER. These results have been discussed further in relation to international research studies on OER, the context of Chinese distance/open university education, and the Chinese OER policy.  相似文献   

The learning analytics (LA) field seeks to analyze data about students’ interactions, and it has been applied in the development of tools for supporting both learning and teaching processes. Recent research has paid attention on how LA may benefit teachers in the creation of educational resources. However, most of the research on LA solutions is carried out to support teachers in analyzing students’ behavior data collected as they interact with virtual learning environments. While solutions to support teachers in different virtual learning and teaching contexts have become important, to date little research has been done on how LA solutions can help teachers to create and evaluate Open Educational Resources (OERs). This study aims at presenting the evaluation of a LA tool for supporting teachers in the creation and evaluation of accessible and quality OERs considering that both processes fall within the competences that teachers can acquire and strengthen by participating as authors (creation) and evaluators (evaluation) of OERs. The study was conducted with Colombian teachers and the results obtained highlight the positive effect the tool had on the teachers’ acquisition of the competences and the positive attitude they had toward using the tool.  相似文献   

Teachers in many countries are being expected to use the Internet in their work. Research on the Canadian experience of Internet implementation provides insights that may be valuable for researchers and educators in other countries. A three‐year study, using both quantitative and qualitative approaches, examined both the visions for Internet use and the realities of everyday practice related to Internet use in Canadian schools. Participants in the study included ministry of education officials, teacher association officials, classroom teachers, and school administrators. Findings of the study suggest that all four participant groups were positive about the visions of the Internet as a tool with the potential to contribute to the enhancement of teaching and the development of information literate students. The realities of Internet use, however, were quite different from the visions. All four participant groups reported that the Internet was being used mostly to increase access to information. Its potential as an innovative learning tool for students and for teachers was largely unrealised. Few respondents reported using the collaboration, creation, and dissemination capabilities of the Internet. This outcome appeared to be the result of limited infrastructure support, difficulties in infusing Internet use into curriculum, and lack of appropriate teacher professional development.  相似文献   

互联网通信工具被逐渐使用于英语学习。它能促进学生听说读写能力的提高,是英语课堂教学的必要补充。由于其在语言教学中的使用,使得学生英语学习的质量和效率大幅提升。文章通过回顾相关在英语教学活动中使用网络交流工具辅助教学的文献,介绍相关网络工具,旨在帮助广大师生更高效地利用网络资源,创建更加适合英语学习的环境。  相似文献   

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