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文化与软实力有着密切的关系。文化软实力不仅表现文化在软实力构成要素中的重要地位,而且强调文化在形成软实力中的特殊作用。党的十七大报告上也指出,文化发展的必由之路,不仅应该在内容形式上得到繁荣,还应该体现在转播手段上,更应该在发展文化生产力中得到体现。创新是文化发展的源泉,正如任何事物的发展都离不开创新,创新是文化发展的不竭动力,所以我们要协调好文化创新能力与文化软实力的关系。  相似文献   


Media studies research in the 1990s illustrated an incongruity between cultural diversity in the Australian community and the representation of that diversity on commercial television screens. Australian drama in particular received much criticism for its seemingly 'Anglo' portrayal of Australian society. Most of this former research was based on program content analysis and critical approaches to studying the media. From the mid-1990s, anecdotal evidence suggested an improvement in the casting of actors from culturally diverse backgrounds. This paper contextualises policy and industry developments in the 1990s related to cultural diversity and presents new research undertaken within the commercial television drama industry. In order to determine the status of cultural diversity and commercial television drama at the end of the 1990s, a casting survey of all Australian commercial drama programs broadcast in 1999 was carried out. This was complemented by interviews with industry personnel and a two-week content analysis of programming. The research establishes the degree of casting for actors from culturally diverse backgrounds and offers explanations for both improvements made over the previous years and the continuing obstacles faced by some groups in gaining a place in our popular drama programs.  相似文献   


Information and communication technology (ICT) development initiatives have begun to acknowledge the power and importance of cultural and community-focused belief systems. Yet the vast majority of such initiatives tend to preidentify developmental goals that communities hold. Paulo Freire's writings have influenced development initiatives by introducing the possibility of working with communities to orient projects. While these “participatory” initiatives have involved soliciting community feedback relative to a research project whose goals were formulated in the university or development institution, they do not go far enough to harness actual visions held by communities. It is important to conceptualize a model and methodology of engaging communities to develop and articulate their own goals of information access and ultimately, an indigenous approach toward cultural, political, and economic aspects of development. This approach holds promise to sustain communities within a return on the investment and efforts of the researcher or institution. This article closes by describing a current initiative in Southern India that reflects the described methodology.  相似文献   


In studies of firms' internationalisation, language has tended to be bundled into 'cultural and psychic distance boxes'. In this article, an attempt is made to unbundle the impact of language through (a) an examination of the way in which language influences the pattern of foreign market expansion; and (b) an analysis of how a firm may try to cope with language diversity by adopting a common corporate language. We conclude that attempts to impose a common corporate language may hinder or alter information flows, knowledge transfer, and communication.  相似文献   

2021年10月日本首相岸田文雄在施政演说中表明科技立国是日本增长战略的第一支柱,但近年来日本诸多学者、媒体等指出日本科研发展正在迅速衰落,其国内各界对此似乎已形成共识,但中国学界对这一问题却鲜有研究;而当前,正如20世纪八九十年代的日本,中国的科研实力快速提升,但在此过程中也容易积累诸多问题。在此背景下,通过对Web of Science、InCites等判断各国科学研究发展状况的重要数据库中相关数据进行分析,跟踪研究日本的科研发展历程,解析其产生困难的原因,追踪其破解难题的思路,汲取科学研究发展的有益经验。结果显示:21世纪以来,日本科研竞争力发展陷入困境主要表现在科研产出数量和质量表现不佳、在热门研究领域及小岛型研究领域的参与度下滑和在国际科研合作的存在感减弱三方面,主要受确保科研产出的基本要素(人员、时间、经费)不足、以“选择与集中”为代表的科技政策显现副作用以及部分传统社会习惯和研究的内向化、保守化倾向等抑制作用等多种因素综合影响,对此日本政府不断探索破解困境的举措,重点围绕人才、资金与环境等方面推进政策改革。从科研发展的总体趋势来看,尽管日本科研发展速度有所放缓,但其科研实...  相似文献   

日本在系列科技战略与政策引导下,从引进消化吸收到走独立研发、自主创新的道路,结束其对国外先进科技“追赶型”时代,迈入成为科技实力“领先型”时代。系统分析日本历次科技创新战略规划及其典型科技创新政策法规,在对日本科技创新主要成效分析基础上,提出日本科技创新战略及政策对我国的启示。  相似文献   


The last few years have seen unprecedented growth in information and communication technologies (I&C) and products, which has led to a robust growth in the whole world, and especially in the United States. Euphoria was such that the term 'New Economy' was coined about 4 years ago, and was taken to mean almost the same as 'New Technologies', mostly information and communication technologies. These technologies are truly global. They are important instruments for further globalisation, and for reducing the international digital divide; they offer important opportunities for further world economic growth. There is increasing competition in their operation, which brings great benefits to customers in the form of reduced prices and new applications. International co-ordination of standards, trade and regulatory frameworks is increasingly necessary. PTOs and other operators need to keep constantly abreast of developments in various international fora, especially the ITU, the WTO and the OECD.  相似文献   


This article examines the history and future prospects of the formation of Internet studies. It is argued that although a traditional field or disciplinary structure is not yet in place, the current interdisciplinary aggregations may have the makings of institutionalized academic units. Through comparison with the institutionalization of other interdisiciplinary areas of study (primarily that of communication and cultural studies), an argument is made for the need to create a firm intellectual foundation on which an Internet/studies can be built. Such a foundation should not only include sufficient and clear understanding of cognate fields but also include a foregrounding of power (as theoretical construct and practice) as a means of engaging the field in the world.  相似文献   

基于S曲线对中国、美国、日本、韩国等国新能源汽车产业技术发展阶段进行了分析,全球新能源汽车产业处于高速发展阶段,日本新能源汽车产业发展目前处于成熟阶段,尤其是以日本为代表的新能源汽车产业早在2000年前便已进入成长阶段。依据S曲线发展的萌芽期、成长期、成熟期将新能源汽车产业技术发展阶段分为“要素-结构-功能-成本”四个阶段并进行了分析,并针对各个阶段提出了政府、企业、高校(科研机构)、金融、中介、国外等的多主体协同创新战略,以期为新能源汽车产业及其它战略性新兴产业发展阶段提供发展对策与建议。  相似文献   

自1901年诺贝尔奖开始颁奖以来,日本共产生了22位自然科学领域的诺贝尔奖,这种现象引起了广泛关注。文章以日本获诺贝尔奖为基点,着重分析了为日本科技强国建设打下扎实基础的20世纪70年代以后日本的科技政策与路径,并总结了相关经验。日本的诺贝尔奖"井喷现象",从一个侧面体现了其科技战略与政策在推动科技强国建设中的显著效果。  相似文献   

进入全球信息时代,文化软实力建设已经成为国家提升综合国力及核心竞争力的重要举措、继中共十七大之后.“提高国家文化软实力”在中共十八大报告中再次被列入议事日程.可见文化软实力早已上升至国家战略高度并成为社会主义文化建设的核心任务。美国作为世界唯一的超级大国。其文化软实力建设亦是首屈一指。本文试从文化外交、文化产业、文化价值观三方面论述美国文化软实力在政治、经济及文化建设中的一些有益探索.并结合中国实际分别提出几点启示。  相似文献   


In spite of the advances in information and communication technologies, the implementation of teleworking is still behind early expectations. The slow adoption of teleworking may be explained by different organizational drivers that influence its implementation. This article reports the empirical findings of a survey conducted among a sample of Spanish companies to identify potential drivers and constraints based on top manager and institutional perspectives. The results indicate that the potential of teleworking is influenced by the manager's perception of teleworking benefits and barriers, the manager's tenure, the company's use of information and communication technologies, the company's degree of innovation, the proportion of salespeople, women and middle-age employees in the workforce, and the company size. Top manager factors seem to have more influence in the decision to adopt teleworking, while institutional factors are more significant in the potential diffusion in the company.  相似文献   


This study makes a systematic effort to connect digital communication research with comparative political analysis. It explores the concurrence of global influence and national resilience in digital spheres, integrating the homogenizing tendencies of networked connectedness and globalization with heterogeneous configurations of national political communication spaces, which are strongly influenced by enduring social contexts. Drawing on the process-oriented actor-connector-interlocutor model, this study uses three sets of indicators to classify national political communication spaces. It conceptualizes three distinctive types of political communication spaces – “symmetrical and fully-fledged,” “vigorous but censored,” and “infertile and unresponsive” – and identifies their characteristics, internal logics, and their linkages to other communication spaces. It offers a systematic and applicable framework that may be used in future studies on cross-national comparisons of political communication processes in digital spheres.  相似文献   


Each Australian state and the Australian Capital Territory has signed a 'whole of education department' contract with the Microsoft® Corporation for the provision of operating systems and other software. This contracted use of Microsoft® products is one story where the purchase of specific commodities is directly connected to the provision of public schooling. It is argued that through these contracts Microsoft® exercises a hegemonic relationship with the schooling systems in Australia. The legal relationships that exist between Microsoft® Corporation and the respective Australian states and territories schooling systems seem to mutually maintain and reinforce the monopolistic, or at best, oligopolistic position of Microsoft® Corporation and its hegemony over Australian public schooling. Further, it is argued that Microsoft's® hegemonic position in part is maintained by both establishing a 'commonsense' about its products and by receiving legitimation and authority through the State for its products used in Australian schools.  相似文献   

我国作为数字经济活跃度全球第一、规模第二的经济体,从部署"互联网+"到提出数字中国,体现了政府推进数字化产业纵深化、助力数字经济横向扩展的政策决心。新时期我国数字经济在蓬勃发展的同时存在软肋,亟需通过对全球数字战略部署趋势与主要发达国家数字战略分析,寻求优化数字经济发展的战略对策。通过文献分析与政策对比研究,对数字化进程的逻辑与数字经济的概念进行解析,在此框架下比较OECD各成员国数字战略部署趋势,分析我国与德国、美国和日本具体的"3+1"数字战略结构,最后根据我国当今数字经济发展特点,对我国数字经济发展战略进行探索。  相似文献   

与美国、日本、德国等国相比,我国汽车产业过渡依赖国内市场,因此,产业未来增长点将有赖于出口和海外生产。在中国成为产销第一大国、汽车产业日益发展壮大的背景下,国内汽车企业再次将"走出去"列入重要议事日程。本文首先分析了促进汽车产品出口的重要意义、我国汽车产品出口(包括整车出口、零部件出口)现状,之后运用SWOT分析法,对我国汽车产品出口综合竞争能力做了较为深入、细致的分析;最后,在此基础之上,提出了促进我国汽车产品出口可持续发展的相关对策及建议。  相似文献   

United States-based companies continue to dominate the global market in packaged software. Although many have predicted this U.S. dominance will wane, particularly as a result of competitive threats from Japan, and more recently from low-wage, developing nations, erosion has yet to be significant. The United States benefits from nine factors that sustain its advantage in this industry: skilled labor, favorable capital conditions, sophisticated customers, close association with hardware vendors, a competitive marketplace, geographic concentrations, first-mover advantage, a strong intellectual property regime, and English as the software lingua franca. Industry-specific strengths and weaknesses vis-a-vis Europe, Japan, and other nations are also discussed. In addition to these nine better known U.S. competitive advantages, two culturally linked assertions are presented that have received scant attention vis-a-vis competitive analysis. First, the industrial evolution of software development is at an immature stage-still a cottage industry practiced by craftsmen in a cultural milieu of artisans-and thus does not track other global high-technology trends. Second, packaged software is part of the copyright industry (e.g., film and music) in which United States-based firms have a sustained advantage. While manufacturing capabilities are significant for technology industries, culturally related factors, such as creativity, are more important for copyright industries. The U.S. ''culture of software,'' which helps explain U.S. hegemony, is introduced and discussed. The three elements of this culture are the culture of individuals as manifested by the individualistic computer hacker; the entrepreneurial culture and its risk-taking ethos; and the software development culture with its embrace of ad hoc, innovation-driven development as opposed to routinized, production-driven development.  相似文献   

Innovation in digital technologies is central to contemporary debates about the need for policy and regulatory adjustment in response to the consequences of the centrality of these technologies in contemporary societies. Christopher Freeman's research in relation to changes in techno-economic paradigm and, specifically, in relation to the information and communication technology (ICT) paradigm, cautioned that assessments of these changes needed to go beyond market dynamics to examine social, cultural and political issues. In this paper several predominant themes in his work are foregrounded – the ambiguity of changes within the ICT paradigm; the role of guiding principles in influencing expectations about societal outcomes; and the importance of political factors in shaping the consequences of technological innovation. These three themes are then deployed in a discussion of recent innovations – two technical (5G mobile networks and artificial intelligence-as-a-service) and one institutional (proposals for changes in the international taxation regime in response to claims that the existing regime is inappropriate in the face of global online service provision). In each instance, the aim is to illustrate how following Freeman by giving attention to the themes operates as an important guide to analysis of adjustments to novel deployments of digital technology. The conclusion emphasizes the value of Freeman's contributions to shaping research agendas that acknowledge the need to humanize technology, to consider alternatives to taken-for-granted principles and practices, and to take into account the role of political power in tandem with concentrated economic power.  相似文献   

在经济全球化时代,文化产品既是文化的组成部分,也是经济的重要组成部分.从策划创造之日起,文化产品就是要面向市场、满足文化市场需求的消费品.在对外开放的今天,文化产品竞争就是国际竞争.进行文化产品国际竞争,首先要了解国际文化市场构成状态.目前,文化产品国际竞争的市场构成呈现出三种态势:一是全球性国际文化市场;二是区域性国际文化市场;三是本土化国际文化市场.对这三种国际文化市场,文化产品制造商必须有一定的选择,才会有一个较为理想的竞争效果.  相似文献   

朱虹 《科教文汇》2014,(25):119-120
肩负着文化积累、文化传播、文化选择、文化创新等功能的出版活动与其他文化活动所不同的特征之一是“经济性和产业性”。作为商品的出版物图书如果不能在市场上收回成本,并获得一定的利润,出版社便难以生存,更谈不上健康发展。所以只有遵循文化发展和市场经济双重规律,提高图书质量,打造精品力作,满足读者多层次文化需求,出版产业才能做大做强,才能为建设文化强国作出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

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