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考察案例中学学生对图书馆的利用对其学业表现是否有影响、图书馆各项服务设计与其影响的关联、学校图书馆的帮助方式。结果显示,在该校目前的教育状况下,图书馆利用与学生学业表现间不存在统计学上的相关关系;在学生和教师的感知中,学校图书馆有不同程度的帮助,但效果并不明显;图书馆服务设计中仅三项能够对学生的考试成绩产生影响;学校图书馆的帮助主要体现在对学生阅读能力的影响。本研究进一步发现,是目前的教育状况(注重素质教育的形式、忽视真正的能力培养)掩盖了学校图书馆价值的展现,并限制了其作用的发挥。  相似文献   

美国儿童图书馆学教育发端于19世纪末20世纪初,儿童图书馆学课程建设已有超过百年的历史。本文首先梳理了53个ALA认证的硕士学位教育项目和34个AASL-CAEP认证的学校图书馆硕士教育项目,系统展示了美国高校儿童图书馆学教育的概貌;然后筛选出84所高校的603门ELSY课程,并对这些课程进行了统计与内容分析。当前,美国ELSY课程按主题可区分为六大类型:文献类、服务类、管理类、职业类、研究类和实习类。ELSY课程有超过1/3(约占39%)为文献类课程,其核心内容为文献知识;有约1/4(约占26%)为服务类课程;实习类课程约占16%,每个学校都至少有一门实习类课程;管理类、职业类课程较少,分别占比8%和6%,并非每个学校都开设了此类课程;研究类课程占比最少,约占5%,是美国ELSY课程的短板。美国在ELSY课程内容建设上的经验与问题,可为我国设立和发展儿童图书馆学课程提供借鉴。表7。参考文献47。  相似文献   

图书馆专业人才能力和知识需求实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用实证的方法研究图书馆对专业人才的能力和知识需求.使用由112个问题组成的问卷,调查图书馆工作人员对图书馆专业人才在图书馆工作中的优势和劣势、图书馆工作人员的能力和知识需求的认知.统计分析发现,图书馆学专业人才的优势体现在专业知识、专业能力和专业意识三个方面;图书馆工作人员所需要的能力包括专业服务能力、个人能力、技术能力、社会能力和其它能力,这些能力都需要广泛的知识做基础.图书馆学教育必须保持和增强自己的核心竞争力,针对人才需求的状况,与时俱进地设计课程体系,重视人文精神的培养,探索图书馆员继续教育的新模式.  相似文献   


This article documents the development of library services to distance education students in conjunction with the growth of online distance education courses at the University of Scranton. Personal computers and the development of the Internet have had a significant impact on the delivery of library services to patrons and have given academic libraries the ability to provide distance education students with library services and resources equivalent to those provided for campus students.  相似文献   


This study focuses on college and university library services provided to distance education students and a content analysis of library Web sites. The Web sites chosen were categorized by the amount of distance education the institution offered to students. Results indicated that the size of the institution had the strongest correlation to library services offered to distance education students (Spearman's rho of .618), not the degree to which distance education is provided (rho of .076). This study suggests that just because an institution offers distance learning courses does not necessarily mean that its library offers a full range of Web services to meet distance learner needs, and it brings into question whether some institutions have been too quick to provide distance education services without properly addressing student library needs.  相似文献   

美国自20世纪20年代开始制定学校图书馆服务相关标准,到2007年共出台了九个全国性学校图书馆服务标准文件,这些标准的制定和实施反映出美国学校图书馆服务发展的脉络。在此过程中,ALA、AASL等行业协会发挥重要作用,图书馆服务和馆员价值得到彰显。具体呈现出以下特征:1学校图书馆服务根据教育改革需要进行调整,保持对学校教育的贡献度;2建设标准和服务标准统一,定量评价和定性评价相结合;3与行业协会的成熟和馆员专业化发展相辅相成。本文呼吁我国的研究者和教育管理部门关注中小学图书馆服务标准的确立,重视学校图书馆服务对素质教育的影响和作用。  相似文献   

论网络信息化教学环境与用户信息素质的培养   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以校园网为技术特征的教育信息化为学校带来了教学、办公、管理的高效率和自动化。文章探讨教育信息化对师生用户的影响,论述图书馆对师生用户信息素质培养的内容与途径。  相似文献   


Beginning in the 1990s, various academic units within our health sciences institution moved aggressively toward providing courses and programs via distance education. Without a centralized campus distance education office, distance library services from our campus evolved sporadically in response to individual needs. In 2001, the library hired its first distance services librarian, whose primary responsibility was to develop a written distance library services plan. In accordance with the ACRL Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services, the library determined that the formulation of an effective plan required a formal needs assessment of the faculty providing distance education. In this paper, we will discuss the process for developing this needs assessment, based on focus groups and a written survey instrument. We will also address some of the challenges we faced with this approach. Preliminary data identified copyright clearance and lack of awareness regarding library services as the major barriers to distance faculty seeking course support from the library.  相似文献   

经济社会和技术的全面进步正在推动全域教育迅速发展,教育表现强烈的开放性、自组织性和互动性特征。教育走向融合、共享、泛在的趋势和互联网、人工智能、大数据等新技术的广泛应用,为图书馆社会教育的创新发展提供了良好的社会基础与技术条件。教育发展的新特点推动图书馆社会教育的定位、目标、要素、管理等进行深刻调整。新时代,对图书馆的资源、空间、服务赋能,是图书馆社会教育发展的基本方式;实现图书馆内部资源、图书馆与外部机构、图书馆与学习者之间的泛在连接,是图书馆社会教育发展的中心任务;推动图书馆、学习者和社会教育实现多重超越,是图书馆社会教育发展的远景使命。  相似文献   

Despite national concern with general educational articulation for high school students making the transition to college, little research has been reported in the literature specifically on library use/research skills. This paper summarizes recent literature on this topic from an academic librarian's point of view. In addition, the results of a survey of academic library user education services provided to high school students in Washington State are reported and contrasted to current cooperative efforts in other states. The relevance of library use skills for lifelong learning as well as for college-bound students is empasized.  相似文献   


“Sometimes the perfect solution is not an option” was the opening attention-grabber for this workshop. From different perspectives, a library director, a serials librarian, and a serials vendor each recognized a trend towards library directors becoming more directly involved in collection development and technical services decision-making. The presenters believe a number of factors are creating this trend, including tighter budgets but higher service expectations, increasing availability and importance of library materials in electronic formats, and their accompanying complexity, costs, and related issues. This interactive workshop explored several scenarios related to the changing roles of library directors, serials librarians and vendors.  相似文献   

文章对112所"211工程"高校图书馆的用户培训服务进行调查分析,提出做好用户培训服务工作是高校图书馆发展的需要:(1)重视培训信息发布方式;(2)培训专题应结合学校学科的需要;(3)重视用户对培训服务的反馈意见;(4)加强馆员素质教育,提高培训服务质量。  相似文献   


The National Curriculum for England and Wales, implemented following the 1988 Education Reform Act, has had a profound impact on learning resource needs in schools. Whereas in many other countries the centralization of decision making over the content and delivery, of the curriculum is well established, the education system in the U.K. has, until recently, been characterized by fragmentation and a lack of central political direction. Teachers and librarians in the U.K. had previously worked within a culture which allowed considerable autonomy, with school library services provided by the local education authority as an additional resource for schools. School librarians are now being faced with the need to provide for a centrally directed curriculum, and to support specific information skills teaching in schools, increasingly without the support of a school library service, the service provided by public libraries as agents of the local education authority, to supplement libraries within schools. The use of information technology, has also become more significant.

A British Library funded project, undertaken at Loughborough University's Department of Information and Library, Studies, has investigated the ways in which English secondary, school libraries are meeting these new challenges as the U.K. education system undergoes profound cultural and organizational change. The management of change within school libraries was a major task, and it was here that strategies for planning mirrored those being undertaken in the schools as a whole. Applying the principles of school development planning to the library emerged as a major feature of effective school libraries.  相似文献   

民国时期,以沈祖荣、杜定友、刘国钧、李小缘、洪有丰等人为代表的图书馆学家努力建设具有本土特色的图书馆学教育。其在借鉴西方图书馆学教育模式的基础上,结合中国图书馆实际情况,对办学模式、课程设置、教材使用及师资配备等方面进行了有效的本土化探索,培养了一批符合中国图馆实际需要的专业人才。这对我国当今处于低符中的图书馆学教育具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

素质教育与服务育人   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从大学生素质教育与高校图书馆服务育人的关系论起,重点阐述了高校馆如何配合学校进行素质教育及提高大学生的思想政治素质、化素质、业务素质、心理素质等方面应做的读教育服务工作。  相似文献   

This study analyzes 27 student essays provided in response to examination questions on whether or not courses in acquisitions and serials should be included in the library school curriculum. The preponderance of student opinion supports a course in serials. Such a course should take a broad and integrated view of serials, encompassing serials publication and distribution, new technologies associated with serials, serials management and processing in libraries, serialsbased information services, and administrative, budget, and policy issues associated with serials. The majority of students did not support a course in acquisitions. Although recognized as an important library function, acquisitions was seen as lacking in “appropriate academic content” for the format of a three credit-hour course.  相似文献   

E-learning环境下高校图书馆教育资源服务研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要分析了我国高校的e-learning环境,继而运用调查研究和比较研究等方法,对国内外高校图书馆教育资源服务现状进行了较为全面的分析和总结,最后探讨了e-learning环境下高校图书馆教育资源服务设计的主要内容,并以四川大学为例进行了图书馆教育资源服务个案研究。  相似文献   

The National Curriculum for England and Wales, implemented following the 1988 Education Reform Act, has had a profound impact on learning resource needs in schools. Whereas in many other countries the centralization of decision making over the content and delivery, of the curriculum is well established, the education system in the U.K. has, until recently, been characterized by fragmentation and a lack of central political direction. Teachers and librarians in the U.K. had previously worked within a culture which allowed considerable autonomy, with school library services provided by the local education authority as an additional resource for schools. School librarians are now being faced with the need to provide for a centrally directed curriculum, and to support specific information skills teaching in schools, increasingly without the support of a school library service, the service provided by public libraries as agents of the local education authority, to supplement libraries within schools. The use of information technology, has also become more significant.A British Library funded project, undertaken at Loughborough University's Department of Information and Library, Studies, has investigated the ways in which English secondary, school libraries are meeting these new challenges as the U.K. education system undergoes profound cultural and organizational change. The management of change within school libraries was a major task, and it was here that strategies for planning mirrored those being undertaken in the schools as a whole. Applying the principles of school development planning to the library emerged as a major feature of effective school libraries.  相似文献   

This study explores the library instructional programming and resources of high school library media centers in western Montana with the intent of documenting and understanding both the services provided to and the experiences of first-year college students at the University of Montana. Results from the survey (n = 22) and site visits (n = 10) reveal wide variation in the levels and types of library instructional programming provided at the library media centers, including media specialists’ perceptions of high school students’ information literacy skills. However, consistency was seen in the media specialists’ collection management strategies and in collection content. The results suggest implications for first-year library programming and highlight opportunities for further 9–16 collaboration and study.  相似文献   

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