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信息传媒产业是美国的支柱性产业之一,在美国经济中具有重要的地位。在互联网和数字技术快速发展的环境下,美国信息传媒产业正经历着转型与变革。本文分析了美国信息传媒产业的发展规模及在经济中的地位,重点分析了美国信息传媒产业的结构、增加值的要素构成、信息传媒产业及各部门劳动生产率的变化。  相似文献   

贺正举 《出版广角》2014,(18):16-19
正出版传媒企业要介入移动互联网业务,应该从市场前景和业务相关度出发,寻找到最适合发展的业务类型……游戏娱乐、网上购物、学习教育、新闻资讯应该是最值得出版传媒企业重视的业务板块。近年来,移动互联网产业飞速发展,产业规模迅速扩张,引得企业与资本纷纷抛出橄榄枝。那么,站在资讯传播最前沿的出版传媒企业,又该如何近水楼台先得月,大力发展移动互联网产业呢?  相似文献   

崔保国  何丹嵋 《传媒》2015,(12):11-16
互联网时代颠覆了传统的信息传播渠道与方式,重塑信息内容框架,重新分配话语权,进而改变传媒产业规模与结构,以及诸多关联产业的生存逻辑和运行规律,甚至对政治与社会结构产生潜移默化的影响.仿若南美洲一只蝴蝶的振翅,终引起全球传媒生态的风起云涌.2014年,既是中国传媒产业走向融合之路的关键时点,也是传媒霸主地位交接的重要节点.互联网企业已成为中国经济发展的重要驱动力,媒体全面迎接数字化.在新老媒体交融之际,数字、移动互联成为中国传媒图景中重要的特征.  相似文献   

美国传媒集中化的产业逻辑动因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国传媒产业的集中化发展有着深层的产业逻辑动因 ,在“政策性规定”和“对策性博弈”的表象之下 ,集团化的信息共享与衍生产品的开发无疑可以降低产品的开发、生产与传播成本 ,从而在更大范围内实现规模经济 ,这是引发大规模并购、实现传媒集中化发展的原动力 ;而媒介技术、受众、政府、传媒市场等多要素之间的互动博弈 ,加上传媒产业“经济基础”与“上层建筑”特点于一身的特质 ,以及美国政府对于承载着“国家利益”和“公众利益”的传媒产业的特殊考虑 ,都在改写美国传媒市场的结构 ,迫使反垄断法和政府的规制依据技术变动趋势和传媒产业内在逻辑不断作出调整  相似文献   

元宇宙实现了虚拟世界和现实世界的连接,正在重塑信息传播的格局。面对元宇宙的讨论热潮,文章从媒介可供性概念切入,深度解构元宇宙的核心概念对传媒产业的影响,以及元宇宙发展对传媒产业在传播生态、生产方式、传播渠道等方面的推动与变革。  相似文献   

传媒这一概念有信息载体和传播组织两种含义.从经济学的意义上说,作为工具或手段,传媒就是一种能够承载与传递信息的产品;如果将传媒作为一种从事信息采集、加工、制作和传播的社会组织,传媒就是指一种生产特殊产品的经济组织,也就是传媒企业.前者定义了传媒产品,后者定义了传媒产品的生产者.与一般产品不同的是,传媒产品是信息产品,具有意识形态和商品的双重属性,也因此是一种特殊商品.这就从本质上规定了它的生产者和产业的特性.  相似文献   

由思维惯性和缺乏理论指导所形成的认识上的模糊性与笼统性对传媒产业发展是极为不利的。在所有影响制造业的因素中,技术创新能力和信息开发能力是判断一个国家传媒产业实力的重要指标。传媒流通业发展水平决定传媒相关商品流通效率,也决定着一个国家或一个地区传媒产业的竞争力。传媒产业规模越大,社会化服务潜在需求越大;市场竞争越激烈,传媒服务业发展越迅速,更有利于破除小而全、大而全、自成体系的传统格局。  相似文献   

闪硕 《东南传播》2016,(5):80-82
随着经济高速发展,人们的文化消费水平快速提高,对信息和文化的需求逐渐增长,媒体作为信息传播的重要渠道,成为了人民生活中不可或缺的桥梁。而传媒产业也在时代大背景下发生着日新月异的变化。中小城市的传媒产业成了地区经济发展中的一支新生力量,有很大的发展空间,也存在着许多问题,针对中小城市的传媒产业发展之路,本文提出了一些思考和建议。  相似文献   

崔强 《新闻大学》2003,(1):12-14
上一个世纪的最后十年,是全球信息产业大发展的时期。传统的传媒形式与新的数字信息技术相结合,使得全球电视传播产业突飞猛进。进入本世纪以来,世界多极化、经济一体化和信息全球化的大趋势,必将持续推动传媒产业加速发展,使21世纪的第一个十年注定将成为世界传媒产业发展的大时代。  相似文献   

受众选择、技术驱动、市场竞争以及舆论监管是促进报网融合的主要动因。报网融合背景下,媒介产品的生产与传播流程将朝适应媒介技术进步与受众消费升级的方向演进,市场主体从单纯追求规模经济效应到规模效应与范围效应并重,在此基础上,传媒产业价值链重新配置。内容生产、媒介传播和企业网络是媒介融合的范围经济效应的主要来源。  相似文献   

This study probes relationships among corporate financial resources, web-based corporate media relations, and media attention to corporations to determine whether online media relations functions as an effective information subsidy in the agenda-building process. It compares the quality of online press rooms of Fortune 500 companies with the number of news articles about those same companies published by five major news outlets in the United States. A causal model was supported predicting that resource-rich companies have better-operating online newsrooms with more diverse informational and interactive components, which in turn generate more news stories about the companies. This result suggests that the effectiveness of corporate Web activities depends on financial and professional resources and contradicts earlier expectations that the dominance of resource-rich organizations in communication would be undermined by the Internet.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对移动社交媒体的典型工具微信的信息共享行为进行研究,以帮助企业或相关组织更好地利用社交媒体工具开展相关的业务及公共服务。[方法/过程] 基于信息生态视角,构建微信用户信息共享行为的影响因素模型,并通过实证研究方法对模型的适用性进行检验。[结果/结论] 数据分析结果表明,感知信息有用性、自我效能、信息技术创新性、信息环境交互性四个变量对微信用户信息共享态度产生正向影响,微信用户的信息共享态度对共享行为也产生正向影响。  相似文献   


This conceptual paper is based on two propositions: 1.) An efficient flexibility management is a critical success factor for media companies. 2.) The concept of real options theory (ROT) aims at improving a company's flexibility management. As a consequence, it is analysed how ROT can contribute to the flexibility management in media companies. In this context, two research issues are investigated. First, it is shown that real options as substantiations of flexibility are of great importance for media companies: In doing so, it is outlined that options which focus on a company's fixed costs management and options which aim at improving a company's sales situation are of high relevance for all segments in the media industry. Contrarily, options which focus on a company's variable costs are only relevant for media companies engaged in the print segment. Second, it is illustrated how ROT can contribute to the reactive and proactive management of flexibility in media companies.  相似文献   

张金海  张燕 《新闻界》2008,(4):13-15
由于目前我国传媒上市公司都是剥离、分拆、再整合上市的,其控股母公司往往通过关联交易对传媒上市公司的财务和生产经营决策实施控制或施加重大影响,因此交易往往是不公开、不公平、不合理的,是有损公司价值的。  相似文献   

中国传媒产业习惯上采用行政官僚制度,在内部冲突管理上沿袭传统冲突管理理论,以消除内部纷争。不过,传媒企业的信息产业特点要求保持较激进的创新性与竞争性,使得传媒企业内部冲突行为必然不同于传统产业。本文应用组织行为理论,采用数理统计方法对境内上市传媒公司内部冲突行为动因给予实证研究,结果表明制度在抑制负向冲突、引导冲突走向等方面具有重要性。  相似文献   

The amazing speed of innovations in the new media industry is now forcing major studios and publishers to search for promising startup companies to sustain their competitive edge. However, selection and valuation of startup companies, especially in the new media industry, is difficult to conduct because of the high amount of uncertainty. To understand and find the fair value of startup companies in the new media industry, we needed to investigate the key value drivers. In this study, we focused on the characteristics of uncertainty and the resource-based view of the firm and empirically analyzed the market value of startup companies based on the case of the online games industry in Korea. Results showed that the product development stage, market size, the ease of lock-in, technological competency, and a key talent are the five major key value drivers of startup companies in the Korean online games industry.  相似文献   

Media companies are different from manufactures and other commercial organizations. They have both measurable economic goals and nonmeasurable social responsibilities. Leading these companies is a difficult task. The main issue is that an appropriate leadership style for media people must balance business and political goals. In this study, semi-structured interviews were used to collect data about Greek media leaders. The research explores and identifies the leadership style of CEOs heading the top media companies in Greece. These findings indicate that media leaders use a mixed leadership style involving both transformational and transactional styles in order to anticipate the peculiar external and internal media environment.  相似文献   

通过对全国37家主流媒体网站高管进行问卷调查和半结构性访谈,本文对当前我国主流媒体网络管理状况和存在的问题进行了调研,并提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

In the early twentieth century, American newspapers enjoyed high circulations while presenting readers with diverse and plentiful content. After 1920, radio broadcasting made even more information available for public consumption, giving audience members an abundant range of media choices. During a time of plenty for readers and listeners, companies in the business of media struggled with the opposite problem: scarcity. As the amount of media content proliferated, the practical ability to disseminate it was determined by the access to scarce resources, and this was true for both radio broadcasting and newspaper publishing. In many respects, the history of the American mass media in the early twentieth century might best be told as a tale of two scarcities, one—the electromagnetic spectrum—defined by absolute limits and the other—the newsprint—defined by access to markets for a particular material, the supply of which often fluctuated in availability and price.  相似文献   

The annual report captures the rapid growth over the past 5 years with a focus on the past 2 year of the digital publishing industry in China. The growth is evaluated in relation to new revenues generated, the size of the market segments represented by e-journals, eBooks, digital newspapers, blogs, online music and games. The leading companies in each of these sectors are identified as there is still a reluctance of traditional publishes to move more aggressively into the new media publishing. Finally, a review of the challenges that the lack of copyright present to the industry as legal systems have not caught up with the rapid developments of the media or online information industries.  相似文献   

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