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文化是人类的创造物,但它绝不只承载着人类的社会性。人类对于其生物性,也会载录下来,传于后世,而后世基于其需要也必将代代相传,形成文化的另一种。但文化决非简单地承载着人类对其生物性和社会性的反映,它常常会是人类生物性和社会性的混合体。  相似文献   

教师的情绪状态是其生物性需要和社会性需要是否得到满足的心理体验形态。它是影响教学活动的一个重要因素。教师在教学活动中要保持积极的情绪状态,一是要有高尚的政治思想修养,二是要具有良好的意志品质。  相似文献   

情绪源自于生物的进化过程,在种系中动物的情绪与人类情绪具有较大相似性,通过对动物情绪的研究我们有可能揭开情绪的产生之谜。在物种进化过程中,动物的大脑不断精细化,情绪也不断地分化,哺乳类动物的情绪是动物情绪发展的最高峰。人类个体的情绪发展则是基因和社会环境共同作用的产物,个体一方面通过遗传作用获得基本情绪,另一方面通过与社会环境的作用产生更为复杂的情绪。无论动物还是人类个体的情绪发展都是为了一个共同的目标,那就是更好地适应环境。  相似文献   

科学技术在促进、推动人类进化、发展的同时,也导致了人类精神,特别是生物性特征异化与退化的现象。人类进化、社会发展需要科学技术,但同时人类也必须自觉、积极抵御这种异化与退化,以维护人类物种的进化与均衡发展。与人类息息相关的体育活动在素质教育中处于基础地位,是人类进化、发展物质建设的过程,是人类有效抵御生物性异化与退化的手段,是"人的自然化"的文化机制。  相似文献   

儿童情绪调节的发展及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情绪调节既是人类适应社会生活的关键机制,也是个体社会性发展的重要方面.儿童情绪调节能力的发展主要表现为独立性日益增强、随意性不断发展以及调节策略的复杂性逐渐增加.亲子互动水平和儿童人格特质是影响儿童情绪调节能力发展的重要因素.本文回顾了儿童情绪调节发展研究进展,并提出未来研究应进一步探讨的问题.  相似文献   

<正>情绪是人类生活中最有色彩的部分,在儿童的身上,情绪发展不仅是其社会性的基础,而且还与其心理的其他功能存在千丝万缕的关联。在儿童的社会性发展中,情绪是既迷人又令人困惑的部分。儿童在成长、学习、与同伴的互动中经常会出现各种各样的情绪问题,为什么会出现这些情绪状态?怎样的情绪状态才是最好的发展状态?如何帮助儿童平衡自己的情绪,获得最佳的社会性发展?  相似文献   

在儿童期社会情绪发展的过程中,情绪调节的发展是其关键.近些年来,随着对儿童心理健康和社会性发展研究的进一步深化,儿童情绪调节日益成为影响其智力、行为、人际关系、良好个性等的新领域.本文在前人的角度上从家庭环境、儿童自身特征、社会文化三个方面出发,对儿童情绪调节的影响因素做了总结,从而为父母和其他教育工作者提供切实性的理...  相似文献   

自我意识情绪具有社会性,而文化对于自我意识情绪的重要性便是由其社会性决定的。作为典型的自我意识情绪如内疚、羞耻,其跨文化研究已逐渐引起国内外学者关注。我们从跨文化的一致性和差异性两个维度分别进行阐述,从内疚、羞耻的产生、功能以及其与心理健康的关系等领域说明其具有跨文化一致性,同时内疚、羞耻情绪也会受到文化因素的影响导致其存在文化差异。以上述分析为基础,为自我意识情绪在跨文化研究中存在的不足提出自己的见解。  相似文献   

情绪理解是指儿童对自己和他人情绪以及情绪如何起作用的认知.情绪理解可能在儿童认知发展和社会性发展中发挥中介作用或者调节作用.在对儿童情绪理解进行研究时,研究者从各自的研究口的出发采用了不同的研究方法,主要包括声像测量法、情境故事法、情绪访谈法和情绪理解问卷法四种方法.  相似文献   

孤独症儿童特指那些在行为、言语交流和社会性交往等方面存在障碍的儿童.作为儿童早期发展的重要方面,情绪理解对孤独症儿童的认知、社会交往和社会性发展都具有重要作用.因此,孤独症儿童的情绪理解能力一直受到学界的广泛关注.文章综合前人研究,系统介绍了孤独症儿童情绪理解的新近研究成果,总结了现有研究的局限,并就未来的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

Recent developmental cognitive neuroscience research has supported the notion that puberty and adolescence are periods of profound socio-emotional development. The current study was designed to investigate whether the onset of puberty marks an increase in the awareness of complex, or “mixed,” emotions. Eighty-three female participants (aged 9–16 years) were divided into three groups according to a self-report measure of puberty stage (early-, mid- and post-puberty). Participants were presented with emotional scenarios, and used four linear scales to rate their emotional response to each scenario. Scenarios were designed to evoke social emotions (embarrassment or guilt) or basic emotions (anger or fear), where social emotions are defined as those which require the representation of others' mental states. We measured the relative complexity or “mixedness” of emotional responses, that is, the degree to which participants reported feeling more than one emotion for a given scenario. We found that mixed emotion reporting increased between early- and post-puberty for social emotion scenarios, and showed no relationship with age, whereas there was no change in mixed emotion reporting for basic emotion scenarios across age or puberty groups. This suggests that the awareness of mixed emotions develops during the course of puberty, and that this development is specific to social emotions. Results are discussed in the context of brain development across puberty and adolescence, with speculation regarding the potential implications for education.  相似文献   

Teachers in toddler classrooms are important agents of emotion socialization. The current study examined teachers’ use of emotion minimizing language in toddler classrooms and toddlers’ social emotional competence. Teachers’ emotion minimizing language is described as language that purposefully distances them from a child’s emotions and discourages children’s expression of their emotions. Research Findings: Results indicate a negative relationship between teachers’ emotion minimizing language and toddlers’ social emotional competence when program quality, child age, and child gender are controlled. Practice or Policy: Implications relevant to teacher preparation programs and professional development are discussed, with a primary focus on the methods by which teachers are trained to use language to respond to young children’s emotions.  相似文献   

随着当代社会经济的高速发展,生活高压下的现代人越来越多的出现了诸如恐慌、焦虑、压抑、抑郁等一系列复杂的情绪反映,而电影由于它的“情绪效应”,成为现代人的“精神乌托邦”。现实中观影者的情绪直接被电影情绪所感化,同时电影中“情绪”元素直接影响着观影者的心理状态,即电影艺术能让观影者在“感同身受”的同时,将本我欲求释放出来,在有意识或无意识中得到精神的宣泄和心灵的净化,实现人们在精神的时空中所追求的生命体验。  相似文献   

In this article, the role of young children's emotional practices in science learning is described and analyzed. From the standpoint of performativity theory and social‐constructionist theory of emotion, it is argued that emotion is performative and the expression of emotion in the classroom has its basis in social relationships. Arising from these relationships is the emotional culture of the classroom that plays a key role in the development of classroom emotional rules as well as the legitimation of science knowledge. These relationships are reflected in two levels of classroom dialogue: talking about and doing science, and expressing emotions about science and its learning. The dynamics of the negotiations of classroom emotional rules and science knowledge legitimation may dispose students to act positively or negatively toward science learning. This analysis is illustrated in the experiences of a teacher and her students during a 3‐year ethnographic study of emotions in science teaching and learning. This research suggests the importance of the interrelationship between emotions and science learning and the notion that emotional practices can be powerful in nurturing effective and exciting science learning environments. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 41: 693–719, 2004  相似文献   

情绪是一种心理现象,人有各种各样的情绪,抑郁、紧张、恐惧、悲伤、愉快、轻松等都属于情绪活动。情绪有正性情绪和负性情绪之分。正性情绪有助于人的健康,负性情绪有害于人的健康。在人类的基本情绪中,人的负性情绪占大多数,因此,在生命里的人总会让积极情绪战胜消极情绪。对情绪进行有效的管理,是一个需要我们认真研究的课题。  相似文献   

声乐艺术是一门情感的艺术,从其文本构成本体来说,是音乐与文学的联姻,这一本体特征结合声乐艺术的情感美学本质就是曲情与诗情的情感融合,也就是我们常说的一度创作情感;从其艺术美的本质来说,声乐艺术审美的生成是人声所负载的曲情、诗情和以此为情感依据的声情演绎,也可以说是二度创作情感。笔者从声乐艺术情感论的理论视角,探析声乐艺术的本体构成,即从诗情、曲情、声情三方面及三者的关系上论证了声乐艺术的情感美学特征与意义。  相似文献   

STEM教学已经成为跨学科教育的主流,然而目前我国针对学生STEM课堂情绪的研究主要以问卷调查等定量研究为主,质性研究较少。问卷调查作为一种课后的检测手段,降低了对学生直观情绪变化探究的真实性。而且情绪虽然通过个人表达,但它作用于日常社会交互并被社会交互所影响。描述微观社会环境中社会互动结果的情感能量(Emotional Energy),可以反映个体或集体在进行成功的社会交互后的情感体验,有助于人们从社会学视角分析情绪与认知间的相互作用。基于情感能量模型,采用民族志观察法,对某乐高课堂中的学生情绪状态进行分析后发现:(1)在STEM课程中情感能量有戏剧性和非戏剧性的波动,这种情绪能量体验会随着课程的深入而发生变化;(2)学生的情感能量与其课堂表现紧密相关;(3)高强度的小组情感能量更有助于科学知识的理解;(4)将情感注入STEM学习会增强学生的学习兴趣。因此,教师在STEM教学中要注意学生课堂情绪的调节,采取一定的教学支持或干预措施激励学生探究和小组合作,提升STEM教学质量。  相似文献   

Science teaching environments are social environments, and teachers emotions interact with their science teaching in powerful ways. To value the teacher is to value the whole person, not just the intellect. In this paper, a theorization of teacher emotion in science teaching is developed which illustrates the role of emotion in establishing and maintaining self-esteem in science teaching situations. From the standpoint of social-constructionist theory of emotion, it is argued that emotion is a social construction within social relationships. Arising from this view, are the emotions of intellectual excitement, frustration and shame that play a key role in the development of self-esteem. The dynamics of these emotions, in the context of experiences of success and failure, may dispose teachers to act positively or negatively towards science teaching. The theorisation developed is illustrated in the emotional experiences of an elementary school teacher in an early childhood science classroom. These experiences indicate that emotion is constitutive of teaching, and merits greater consideration in science teaching.  相似文献   

1.5岁左右婴儿,伴随自我意识和交往、认知的进一步发展,逐渐产生了更高级、复杂的社会性情绪。随着情绪交流中情绪感染、情绪交流主观性的发生和早期发展,能够辨别各种不同的社会情绪,产生了移情和同情,婴儿情绪交往技能得到提高,逐步学会合适的情绪应对方式。情绪社会化也随之有了较成熟的发展,形成初步的社会性交往,从而促使婴儿更好成长为一个社会人。  相似文献   

孔德:社会秩序视野中的情感研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔德关于情感与社会秩序的研究抓住了情感社会学的核心问题.他认为,社会秩序立足于由情感、行为和理智构成的人性统一性,其中情感起决定作用;利他主义这种"仁慈之爱"是维持社会秩序的积极力量.孔德遵循整体性和社会性的基本原则来解决个人情感与社会情感的矛盾,从而找到了构建和谐社会秩序的情感实证主义路径.孔德的实证主义被赋予了人性色彩.孔德对情感的研究同样具有社会学的开创意义.  相似文献   

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