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通过剖析我国中小学图书馆评估主体存在的三个问题,并借鉴国内关于图书馆评估主体的研究结果。对中小学图书馆评估主体体系构成进行了研究,得出必须要构建由基础教育行业、图书馆行业、第三方机构、读者、学校自身等方面组成的多元化评估主体体系,并加以详细分析。  相似文献   

图书馆评估研究进展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]总结国内外图书馆评估研究现状,为我国图书馆评估理论研究与实践工作提供参考。[方法/过程]从评估基本理论、评估主体、评估内容、评估体系与指标、评估方法5个方面对国内外图书馆评估研究进行全面梳理与评述,并提出图书馆评估未来发展方向。[结果/结论]从研究内容看,国外评估主体多元化,国内评估主体单一;国外评估内容由绩效评估转向成效评估,而国内依然注重投入评估;国外评估方法呈现综合化趋势,国内则以定性方法为主;国外广泛采用国际标准进行评估,而国内评估指标缺乏标准化和规范化。从研究类型看,评估理论研究方面有大量关于引进国外评估方法和成功案例的介绍,而实践应用研究略显不足。  相似文献   

图书馆的评估研究可分为微观评估和宏观评估两种,微观评估主要以单个图书馆作为研究对象,而宏观评估则是以图书馆群体发展总过程的活动为研究对象。文章中提出地区公共图书馆事业评估这一概念,并认为它属于图书馆宏观评估的范畴。地区公共图书馆事业的评估涉及到政府、图书馆、馆员、用户四个主体,文章通过分析四个主体之间的相互关系,构建了地区公共图书馆事业评估指标集合。该指标集合包括政府、环境因素、办馆条件、基础业务建设、用户服务、馆员管理、资金管理六个方面,分有三个层次的指标集合。文章还从该指标集合当中选取部分有可比性的指标构建了一个地区公共图书馆事业评估指标体系的示例。  相似文献   

大学图书馆成效评估是对用户在接触图书馆所提供的资源、服务和活动之后所发生的改变进行评估。绩效评估关注图书馆投入与产出的效率,成效评估关注图书馆服务的影响与效果。大学图书馆成效评估的内容主要包括对学习、研究、教学的影响评估。该文结合国外大学图书馆成效评估的实践案例,对大学图书馆成效评估的定义、内容、意义以及评估指标体系等进行探索。成效评估是基于用户为中心的新的评估理论和方法,有利于争取社会各界对图书馆的支持和提高图书馆服务质量。  相似文献   

大学图书馆评估指标体系初探   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
<正> 大学图书馆是大学教学和科学研究活动中不可缺少的重要组成部分。所以在大学评估中,大学图书馆理所当然的是被评估的对象。但1987年12月在同济大学进行高教系统教学评估试点时提出的评估指标体系中,评估图书馆的指标不甚完善,而且缺乏明确统一的标准,不能全面地反映和衡量图书馆基本工作状况。这次评估工作虽然以大学本科生的培养目标为主,但尚未能从作为培养学生的重要知识源的角度对图书馆及其开展的一系列工作进行评估。开展评估对发现问题、改进工作、提高工作和服务质量确实起了积极作用。但还有一些要引起注意的问题是:①只根据外部评估者提出的方法,而不根据自身的具体情况拟定评估  相似文献   

关于图书馆绩效评估的研究与实践   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
图书馆绩效评估是对图书馆各项资源的投入和产出效益的比较。我国图书馆绩效评估经历了初步发展阶段、多元化发展阶段和转型发展阶段。图书馆绩效评估研究与实践的发展呈现出评估指标标准化、评估对象数字化、评估主体多元化、评估客体整体化的态势。参考文献10。  相似文献   

图书馆评估一直是图书馆界研究的热点问题之一,研究成果主要集中在5个方面:图书馆评估定义的理论探讨、图书馆评估的主体探讨、图书馆评估的客体探讨、图书馆评估指标体系编制、图书馆评估过程与方法。图书馆评估应逐渐转向以用户为中心的思想和价值理念,针对图书馆工作的目标和实质内容,提升评估标准,建立适合我国国情的准确有效和可持续发展的评估体系和评估方法。  相似文献   

图书馆评估研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆评估一直是图书馆界研究的热点问题之一,研究成果主要集中在5个方面:图书馆评估定义的理论探讨、图书馆评估的主体探讨、图书馆评估的客体探讨、图书馆评估指标体系编制、图书馆评估过程与方法.图书馆评估应逐渐转向以用户为中心的思想和价值理念,针对图书馆工作的目标和实质内容,提升评估标准,建立适合我国国情的准确有效和可持续发展的评估体系和评估方法.  相似文献   

图书馆评估过程中伴随着诸多的心理因素的作用和心理现象的发生,评估主体的心理因素的作用和影响则显得尤其突出和重要。文章系统地论述了图书馆评估过程中主体心理的四种类型以及作用和影响。  相似文献   

评估工作可以衡量图书馆工作的整体效益,检查图书馆工作各个环节的质量,通过评估指标实施的反馈,以及评估资料的积累和分析,为图书馆工作的战略决策、计划制定提供依据。因而评估活动,是图书馆进行科学管理的重要手段。在现代科学管理中,计划、组织、控制是管理的主要职能,为了保证决策计划的贯彻执行,除了要有包括机构、人员制度等执行系统外,还要建立监督反馈系统,如此才能构成一个充满活力的具有较高效  相似文献   

Although outreach is a common activity in academic libraries, little has been written about strategies for assessing library outreach efforts. Assessing outreach efforts is important in order to measure the success of the outreach activity, identify areas for iterative improvement, and demonstrate the value of the outreach activity to stakeholders. This article is a case study describing the multifaceted strategies employed to assess a major outreach event, Texas A&M University Libraries annual Open House event. It details demonstrating value and programmatic improvement as the articulated goals for outreach assessment as well as the specific strategies used and the insights gleaned from each assessment strategy.  相似文献   

论图书馆评价的主体   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
根据图书馆评价的性质和目的差异,将图书馆评价的主体分为政府机构、图书馆行业协(学)会、各类图书馆、用户和第三方机构等五种类型,并分析各评价主体的定位、特点及相关评价实践.调查总结国内外广受认可的图书馆评价标准、有影响力的图书馆评价项目及其采用的评价工具及方法.第二方机构的评价具有职业化优势,且不易受到各种主观因素的限制,应当予以加强.  相似文献   

The emergence of maker culture has led to an increase of makerspaces across a variety of educational organizations, including public libraries. These makerspaces provide library patrons with new opportunities to learn and create through exploration, creation, and play. However, as the number of library makerspaces grows, so does the need for assessing learning in those same spaces. There is a small amount of research completed on assessing learning of makerspaces in public libraries. The researchers in this study examine patron use of a library makerspace through a theoretical framework based on modern assessment research. Soon after the study began, it was necessary to rethink the original research questions and methods in order to better understand how assessment could be effectively implemented. Findings include determining the scope of library makerspace participants and their assessment needs, potential assessments that can address those needs, and design implications for assessments in library makerspaces.  相似文献   

An academic medical library expanded its iPad loan service to multiple campus libraries and conducted an assessment of the service. iPads loaded with medical and educational apps were loaned for two-week checkouts from five library campus locations. Device circulation statistics were tracked and users were invited to complete an online survey about their experience. Data were gathered and analyzed for 11 months. The assessment informed the library on how best to adapt the service, including what resources to add to the iPads, and the decision to move devices to campuses with more frequent usage.  相似文献   


In an economic climate when colleges can no longer presume that legislators see institutions of higher learning as tacit public goods, institutions around the country are facing budget cuts. This article presents a case study of the experience of a mid-sized public state university and its Library in a budget crisis undergoing a university-wide program prioritization process. The authors review the process of writing three reports on the Library’s value, along with the approach to engaging staff in the process including a retreat. This article raises questions about what every library should consider assessing and provide tools for libraries navigating similar terrain.  相似文献   

This study gauges instruction and information literacy coordinators' awareness of higher education accreditation processes at their institutions and provides a picture of how coordinators use assessment documentation produced by units external to the library. The study took the form of a survey sent to a random sample of instruction coordinators and information literacy librarians stratified by regional accrediting body. Results showed that instruction coordinators generally are aware of accreditation processes but that only about half use documentation relating to student learning assessment, which may include written student learning outcomes at the institution, program, or course level, plans for assessing learning outcomes, and reports on assessment activities and results, to further their information literacy goals. Accreditation awareness is influenced by time in position, time in the profession, and, to some extent, regional accreditor. Use of and considered importance of assessment documentation is influenced by size of institution, regional accreditor, and, to some extent, time in position. Suggestions for increasing awareness and use of documentation include introducing the accreditation process to new librarians in library school, encouraging contribution of experiences with assessment documentation to the literature and regional conferences, and advocating for instruction coordinators to serve on campus assessment committees.  相似文献   

从图书馆评估研究论文的数量与主题分布出发,总结了图书馆评估概念的系统与对比定义方法,系统整理了图书馆评估的三种概念模型,即以整体图书馆为评估单位的模型,针对图书馆活动的某一环节或某一种评估模式建立的模型以及描述一般评估过程的PDCA模型;并对图书馆评估的历史进展、评估方法的研究现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

Usability testing on library search tools was conducted with ten students and eighteen library staff members at Syracuse University. The study addressed three research questions: (1) Do the ways in which librarians carry out search tasks on the library Web site vary from those of student users?; (2) Are those variations indicative of different mental models, i.e. different experience with and knowledge about the content and search tools on the Web site?; and (3) If there are differences, what are the implications of those different models for the usability of the site by students? Participants were tasked by using the library's Web site to locate both known items and items about a subject in the library's collection. The two groups differed in the success with which they were able to complete the tasks, as well as the time used. There were differences in the selection of search tools, the syntax used within the search box, the expectations of how library resources are organized, and the level of persistence as tasks were performed. Students’ behavior is characteristic of different mental models for how search tools work. The results are applicable to the design of the library's Web site and have implications for how library staff conduct reference and instruction services.  相似文献   

美国大学图书馆评价主体的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
美国大学图书馆的评价主体可分为国家机构、行业协会、大学图书馆、第三方机构,不同主体在评价活动中的主要实施机构、具体评价内容、评价工具、评价方法有所不同,并且显现出各自的特点。图书馆评价可借鉴美国大学图书馆的评价主体划分方式,综合运用评价工具与方法,明晰评价机构的职责,构建全面的图书馆评价体系。  相似文献   

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