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冷战结束以后,中国和美国在援非模式上都有所调整。总体上看,美国意识形态优先的援助方式脱离了非洲当下的民生急需,成效不甚理想。中国经济优先的援非政策却因较为理性务实并给中非双方都带来了实利,获得了持续推进的动力。美国的民主援助并未能帮助非洲从整体上解决非洲的贫困问题,但它开启了非洲的民主化历程;中国的民生援非虽然受到非洲各国的好评,却无法彻底解决非洲的发展问题。因此,未来的援非需要根据非洲国家的发展需要适时调整援助路径和模式,寻求符合反映非洲本土诉求的发展路径。  相似文献   

援非教育既是国际教育交流与合作的一个重要方面,也是各国对外关系特别是对非洲外交关系一个不可缺少的组成部分。作为国际社会对非洲的一种援助方式之一,教育援非日益受到各国的重视。本文主要分析了国际教育援非的发展、存在问题及其改进策略。  相似文献   

2015年,非盟推出的《非洲愿景:2063议程》规划了非洲大陆发展新未来.自中非合作论坛成立以来,中国政府加大了对非职业教育援助力度,通过在非洲援建职业教育机构、派遣援非教师、开展各类对非培训、提供教育物质援助等,中非职业教育合作取得很大进展,为中国教育“走出去”起到了示范作用.加强对非职业教育援助与合作,对于提升中国教育的国际化水平,促进中非人文交流、经贸合作和产能对接,促进非洲的民生发展和人力资源开发等均具有重要的战略意义.  相似文献   

国际社会对非洲教育援助出现从项目援助模式到部门援助模式的发展态势,实践中仍存在受援国参与不足和援助有条件限制等问题.中国作为新兴援助国,在对非洲教育援助的理念和实践方面开创了一条特色化道路,包括:因地制宜,关注实效;以平等合作为前提,帮助非洲国家进行能力建设;追求共同利益,不附加条件.这些都为国际社会对非教育援助提供了经验,继续探索、持续改进是中国和国际社会的共同任务.  相似文献   

教育援助是日本对非援助政策的主体内容之一,透析日本举办的历届"东京非洲发展国际会议"可发现,日本从早期的对非专项援助到建立体系化的援助机制,援助规模和覆盖面不断扩大,逐渐涵盖了正规教育的各个阶段.日本打着"非洲主事"和"国际伙伴关系"为原则的口号,实则将教育援助融入外交经济战略,从对非教育援助参与者演变为自主领衔的角色.日本通过教育援助输出自己的教育理念,对非洲进行全领域、全方位的渗透,提升了其在非洲社会各阶层的政治影响力.  相似文献   

OECD长期致力于非洲国家的援助与发展,而教育援助一直处于对非援助的重要地位。文章通过分析1995—2017年OECD数据,发现OECD教育援非在规模、结构、区域、方式等方面都有不同于其他国际教育援助机构的鲜明特色。OECD一直重视教育援助的有效性,注重将教育援助如何促进就业提升、促进经济发展和发挥援助项目对经济发展的杠杆作用放在首位。21世纪以后,OECD结合非洲国家发展实际,积极转变援非教育政策和举措,发挥自身教育援助优势与特色,重点提升非洲国家的自主发展能力,实施精准化和立体化教育发展援助体系,进一步提高教育援助效力。  相似文献   

中国与非洲教育合作的新范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国与非洲国家教育合作是中非合作框架下中非全方位友好合作关系的重要组成部分,是中非双方建立的多主体、多层次、多领域、多形式的教育合作关系。中非教育合作本着量力而行、互利共赢、共同发展的原则,旨在促进非洲社会的自主发展。中非教育合作在政府层面的高层互访、院校的交流和科研合作、留学生的双向流动、派遣援非教师和赴非志愿者、对非人力资源开发和非洲汉语教学与研究等方面都取得了显著成效。在中非合作关系不断深化的背景下,有必要对中非教育合作中存在的问题进行分析,并提出建设性思考。  相似文献   

浙江师范大学以中非传统友谊与合作交流为背景,以非洲高等教育发展需求为动力,以国家教育部、商务部的援非政策为指导,以浙江的人文经济与地域优势和浙江师范大学的办学特色与优势为基础,以教育部的教育援非基地和浙江省人文社科重点研究基地《高等教育学》学科及浙江师范大学非洲教育研究中心为依托,积极开展教育援非,促进中非合作交流,为进一步巩固和增进中非友谊作出特殊贡献。  相似文献   

如何提高援助有效性逐渐成为发展援助领域一个不容忽视的热点问题,中非教育交流与合作关注非洲民生问题,是中非合作的基础领域,对中非关系的长远发展具有重意义。本文基于援助有效性的视角,通过文本分析和实地调研,以中喀教育合作为个案,对中非教育交流与合作进行系统评估,分析其成效,并提出中非教育合作可持续发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

欧盟对非洲的援助简述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧盟对非洲的援助经历了一个长期的过程.期间又出现几个不同的时期。本试图以时间为序,通过回顾欧盟成立前欧共体国家对非洲的援助,对比分析欧盟成立后对非洲援助的战略、援助方式和现阶段对非援助的特点,对欧盟援非前景做出预测。  相似文献   

魏杰 《比较教育研究》2006,27(12):25-29
新世纪之初的非洲高等教育面临诸多问题;非洲各国减贫战略曾一度忽视高等教育对缓解贫困的重要性,随着全球性变化,各国加大了减贫战略中高等教育发展力度,并进行了相应的改革;知识经济时代,非洲高等教育由边缘走向中心,高等教育对非洲各国经济发展和缓解贫困具有特殊意义;高等教育与经济发展是双向多维的互动关系,它应与经济发展保持适度弹性,并要防止对经济发展的抑制可能.  相似文献   

The quality of a country’s human-resource base can be said to determine its level of success in social and economic development. This study focuses on some?of the major human-resource development issues that surround the implementation of South Africa’s policy of multilingualism in education. It begins by discussing the relationship between knowledge, language, and human-resource, social and economic development within the global cultural economy. It then considers the situation in South Africa and, in particular, the implications of that country’s colonial and neo-colonial past for attempts to implement the new policy. Drawing on the linguistic-diversity-in-education debate in the United Kingdom of the past three decades, it assesses the first phase of an in-service teacher-education programme that was carried out at the Project for Alternative Education in South Africa (PRAESA) based at the University of Cape Town. The authors identify key short- and long-term issues related to knowledge exchange in education in multilingual societies, especially concerning the use of African languages as mediums for teaching and learning.  相似文献   

南非学校环境教育政策与策略评析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
南非是一个环境问题较严重的国家。结束了种族隔离制度后,南非开始关注环境教育,以此作为解决环境问题的关键策略,并取得了较好的成绩。本文就南非环境教育政策的发展、学校环境教育课程目标、基本策略和途径等方面对南非环境教育的政策与策略作一全面的分析与评价。  相似文献   

The evolution of South African universities continues to be shaped by both apartheid and more recent post-apartheid policies. Yet the South African university system is mainly an elite, low participation and high attrition system, offering a medium quality education. Moreover, there is uneven attention to the opportunities that internationalization might bring to South Africa. The paper explores South Africa’s position in a global, African and regional perspective, and looks at post-apartheid trends in the internationalization of higher education. Finally, it provides an analysis, looking forward, of the essential conditions for more beneficial internationalization. This will include addressing “brain drain” and “brain gain,” global dialogue and mutual learning, and collaborative partnerships, marked by a common commitment to sound academic values, scientific integrity, ethics and social responsibility.  相似文献   

尼日利亚私立大学的发展和困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在非洲各国高等教育体制变革的历程中,鼓励和促进私立大学的发展是一个共同的趋势。尼日利亚私立大学的发展,使其高等教育规模迅速扩大,也对改变尼日利亚高等教育财政体制产生了积极的影响。但由于尼日利亚没有形成与高等教育私有化相适应的体制和机制,私立大学的扩展和高等教育发展之间还没有形成良性互动,出现了一系列值得关注的现象。  相似文献   

African higher education: Challenges for the 21st century   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
African higher education, atthe beginning of the new millennium, facesunprecedented challenges. Not only is thedemand for access unstoppable, especially inthe context of Africa's traditionally lowpostsecondary attendance levels, but highereducation is recognized as a key force formodernization and development. Africa'sacademic institutions face obstacles inproviding the education, research, and serviceneeded if the continent is to advance.Generalizing about a continent as large anddiverse as Africa is difficult. Yet there aresome common elements – and there are certainlysome common challenges. In our discussion, weare not generally optimistic either inanalyzing the current reality in much of Africaor in pointing to future prospects. The fact isthat African universities currently function invery difficult circumstances, both in terms ofthe social, economic, and political problemsfacing the continent and in the context ofglobalization, and the road to future successwill not be an easy one.Based on Africa-wide research, this articlediscusses such topics as access to highereducation, the challenges of funding, thegrowing role of private higher educationinstitutions in Africa, governance andautonomy, management challenges, gender(including the access of women to highereducation and the problems faced by womenstudents and academic staff), the role ofresearch and the problems of scholarlycommunication, language issues, and the braindrain. These issues are at the heart ofAfrica's future academic development.  相似文献   

Universities in Africa are generators of development and of modernization in practically every sense of the word, even if higher education in Africa is poorly developed and is faced with serious problems. Various initiatives for redressing the situation are proposed including those of NEPAD, the New Partnership for Africa's Development. In targeted areas, such as the development of the information technologies, international initiatives are sorely needed. Networking offers chances for different higher education institutions in Africa and in other continents to pool their resources.  相似文献   

In South Africa, the post-apartheid government has committed itself to an integrated approach to education and training. This article addresses South African policy debates, illustrating that global trends such as integration are shaped by significant local influences in the production of specific policy positions. The integration debate in South Africa reflects both equity and human resource development concerns, and is more fully developed in adult basic education and training than in formal post-compulsory education. The article analyses the proposals for integration as part of a complex policy agenda, arguing that the implementation of integration proposals will not be straightforward. This is due to the genesis of the integration debate in training rather than both education and training, its assumptions about economic development, and the contested nature of the policy process.  相似文献   

2009年9月23日上午,浙江师范大学教育科学研究院举办了"非洲及发展中国家基础教育论坛"。会议讨论了亚、非、拉三大洲基础教育发展及经验和问题,讨论了后殖民主义背景下发展中国家教育改革模式;还特别讨论了喀麦隆、南非、肯尼亚、毛里求斯的基础教育改革与发展以及中非教育合作。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to discuss some financial aspects of the future development of higher education in Africa entering the 21st century. Two main aspects can be distinguished: first, problems that concern the economy as a whole, the macroeconomic problems; second, questions that apply to the individual institutions of higher education. The former group includes questions such as: How much will the future expansions of higher education in Africa cost? How large is the capacity of African economies to finance this expansion and to what extent can tuition be applied? The article makes three recommendations to Africa's higher education: flexible tuition fees; a well-designed loan scheme; and a proactive measure to promote access and quality.  相似文献   

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