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图书馆参考咨询工作的新特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
21世纪是知识经济的时代,网络化的服务手段赋予图书馆参考咨询工作以新的特点,同时也给从事参考咨询工作的人员提出了新的挑战,建立的服务观念和服务模式式,已成为参考咨询工作发展的必然。  相似文献   

文章简要分析了网络环境下高校图书馆参考咨询服务工作的变革,指出了拓宽参考咨询服务工作的几点措施,同时对参考咨询服务人员的综合素质和能力提出了新的要求.  相似文献   

网络技术的发展为参考咨询工作创造了新的物质技术手段,它不仅改变了知识的流动和储藏形式,也改变了参考咨询人员的工作方式与思维方式,继而引起参考咨询工作在网络环境下的角色转变:参考咨询源的转变;服务方法与服务手段的转变;服务范围、服务时间和服务对象的转变;服务内容的  相似文献   

本文就技工院校图书馆参考咨询服务工作的现状作了概括性的阐述,分析了它的不足及新时期的发展趋势,提出了发展策略。力求图书馆参考咨询服务工作能与时俱进,拓展新的广阔的文献信息资源知识服务领域,提高服务品质,强力打造适合技工院校馆情的参考咨询服务品牌。  相似文献   

网络环境的形成赋予了参考咨询工作新的内涵,表现在参考信息源的多样化,服务方式的多元化,服务时间的连续性,服务模式的主动性和交互性,检索工具的智能化和现代化,用户教育的远程化,参考咨询的广泛性.为了更好地开展网络环境下的参考咨询工作,图书馆应加强网络建设及其网络信息资源建设,对用户开展网络知识培训,同时还要提高咨询人员的综合素质.  相似文献   

分析了国内外图书馆参考咨询工作的起源、形成与发展的历史原因及过程 ,而且对参考咨询工作的理论、时效性和新的服务方式进行了有力的论述  相似文献   

图书参考咨询服务在大数据时代下呈现出内容上的单一转向多样,服务方式从封闭走向开放等特点。针对这些崭新的特点,建立以数据库资源为核心的咨询体系、构建新的图书馆参考咨询平台,使得图书馆参考咨询服务工作发展得更加网络化、个性化、智能化。  相似文献   

基于国内虚拟参考咨询项目工作流程,分析参考咨询工作现状,阐述图书馆参考咨询服务的内涵,分析了参考咨询工作现状、服务理念创新,实行有效参考咨询信息服务的措施,以期推动虚拟参考咨询工作的拓展。  相似文献   

本文从分析传统的信息服务参考、咨询服务与现代图书馆知识服务的区别入手,分析高职图书馆开展知识咨询服务的必要性,又从转变服务理念、建立知识咨询服务新的机制、加强知识咨询服务队伍建设和扎实开展高职图书馆的知识咨询服务工作等方面提出加强高职图书馆知识咨询服务措施和思考,对于做好高校图书馆开展知识咨询服务工作有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

参考咨询是图书馆的一项基本服务内容。在图书馆之外,一种新形式的参考咨询正在兴起,这就是百度的“知道”和新浪的“爱问知识人”服务。这种新形式的参考咨询与传统的参考咨询有相似之处,但也有其差别。将新型参考咨询的优点引入到图书馆参考咨询中,会为图书馆的参考咨询注入新的生机和活力,为图书馆的用户提供更好的服务。  相似文献   

新时期要提升高校思政工作的实效性,心理健康教育理应成为其重要内容之一。利用思政网络开展心理健康教育,既契合了当代大学生内在的需要,又是对高校思政教育模式进行变革,以适应社会发展的积极尝试。同时,对如何利用思政网络做好心理健康教育提出了参考性建议。  相似文献   

参考咨询工作应适应信息时代的需要,建立文献信息资源系统,研究探讨适应本馆参考咨询服务的方法和手段,为广大读者提供快捷的服务。  相似文献   

本文从高校办公室负责组织协调、调研咨询、督促检查、催办落实的行政综合职能入手,探讨其在整个学校运作中举足轻重的位置,认为办公室工作的好坏,直接影响到各单位各项工作的正常开展,甚至影响到学校事业的正常发展。文章力图用辩证思维认识高校办公室工作中的上下、左右、里外、大小、新老、虚实、刚柔、软硬、精效以及苦乐“十大“关系,探讨如何以此推进和促进办公室工作。  相似文献   


Purpose: This article explores how voluntary certifications influence the way cooperatives provide advisory services to their members and the influence of these services on agricultural practices. Design/Methodology/Approach: Case studies were conducted in four representative Costa Rican cooperatives interviewing twenty interviewed cooperative administrators and members to determine changes in advisory services and farming practices over the past twenty years and factors which influenced those changes. Findings: Certifications induce cooperatives to offer new services to support farmers. Cooperatives form collaborations with new stakeholders or reconfigure existing collaborations to provide advisory services to their members. These services have helped to shape farmers’ attitudes about sustainable farming practices, though farm-level changes may be small. The main change at the cooperative level is adding new topics for group training, and certification issues are directly linked with practices such as maintaining a farm record book or wearing a mask when applying pesticides. Practices which compete with productivity are unlikely to change. Practical Implications: The results are useful to improve the advisory services provided by cooperatives by better identifying the key issues to be addressed to fulfill the certifications’ requirements. Theoretical implications: Cooperatives are a relevant player to induce more sustainable practices, by providing or coordinating advisory services, but their efforts cannot be seen disconnected from a broader institutional environment. Originality/Value: We demonstrate that certifications change the intensity and scope of advisory services and induce cooperatives to engage with a more diverse network of stakeholders.  相似文献   

图书馆参考咨询服务在现代信息技术条件下被赋予了新的特征,参考馆员的角色定位发生了变化,对参考馆员的素质提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

This paper raises methodological issues about the challenges and dilemmas of inclusive research practices reflecting on the work of an advisory group carrying out research on using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to enhance community participation. The interests of three parties can be identified – the commissioning agent, the researchers and the researched – and these interplayed throughout the course of the research determining the outcomes. Given the relationship between inclusive research and advocacy, there were particular gains in enabling the voice of the advisory group to shape the way in which the research was conducted and to disseminate the findings both within the organisation and beyond. However, the fragility of these new structures required organisational changes for the research to be truly empowering. The experience of the group suggests the need for their involvement at all stages of the research process.  相似文献   

列举新时期高校党期工作中存在的一些主要问题,强调了搞好高校党建工作的重要性;分析搞好党建工作和搞好高校教育的密切关系;作为一名党务工作,提出解决目前高校党建工作一些问题的可行性方法。  相似文献   


This article critically explores neoliberal administrative priorities and the ways in which they shape and constrain academic language and learning (ALL) advisory practice in the Australian higher education sector. Drawing on semi-structured interview data collected from in-service ALL advisors working in Australian universities, we highlight a disjuncture between the participants’ understandings of effective practice and the institutional framing of ALL advisory work as a mechanism to improve accessibility of higher study and retention of diversifying student cohorts. The data indicate the potential for institutional priorities to generate dilemmas in advisors’ daily practice as they are tasked with performing support via formats considered antithetical to meeting students’ needs and fostering productive approaches to study. Under these circumstances, participants characterised collaboration between advisors and content specialists in the pursuit of more embedded approaches as dependent on individual endeavours and stymied by a lack of institutional support. We call for renewed consideration of the formats and affordances with which advisors work in order to better align ALL advisory practice with the holistic development of students’ academic literacy skills.  相似文献   

百色起义时期,邓小平等老一辈无产阶级革命家注重发动、团结、依靠和带领群众,取得百色起义和右江革命的伟大成就.他们群众工作的方法对新时期群众工作很有启示借鉴意义,既必须坚持以群众为根本,切实维护群众利益,密切联系群众,正面教育引导群众,加强干部队伍建设.  相似文献   

通过对云南锡业集团(控股)有限责任公司加强地质工作主要做法的介绍,提高加强地质工作重要性的认识,并提供可借鉴经验。  相似文献   

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