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解析弱势群体亲子关系存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今,亲子关系存在着一些问题,成为孩子成长过程中的隐忧,由此出现了一系列连锁性不良反应.而这种现象在弱势群体中表现的尤为突出.主要表现在弱势群体亲子间互动的内容狭窄、方式简单,互动频率偏低,还有就是因价值取向偏离而引起的特定期望值过高及亲子地位的对立.这些问题是错综复杂地交织在一起的,本文仅从社会学的视角来解析弱势群体亲子关系存在的问题,希望能对我们促进弱势群体亲子互动,改善其亲子关系有所启发和指导.  相似文献   

体感技术让用户以更为自然、更具直觉性的肢体动作对机器发出指令,机器通过某些特殊方式对用户的感官动作进行识别、解析,并按照预定感测模式,作出相应反馈。基于体感技术开发的亲子互动游戏,改变了亲子玩家与游戏之间互动方式,让用户甩掉鼠标和键盘玩游戏,通过语言和肢体等多种形式与游戏互动,实现肌体运动与精神娱乐的交织,孩子愉悦与家长愉悦的互染,扩增亲子玩家身体的互动与心理的互动分享的内涵、深度和层次,增加家庭凝聚力。体感外设KINECT以自然的人机交互方式深受亲子玩家青睐,主动追踪双人骨架系统有效支持亲子同时操作。文章首先介绍了体感技术并论证了其对亲子互动游戏有效支持,在此基础上详述了利用该技术进行亲子体感游戏设计的过程,最后展示了一个基于KINECT开发的亲子互动体感游戏应用案例,为开展相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

家庭系统是指由具有亲属关系的成员组成的系统.亲子互动是指父母与子女之间的相互交往活动.家庭系统对学前儿童亲子互动具有重要影响.家庭系统中的一些子系统,如夫妻系统、祖辈系统等,对学前儿童亲子互动的影响尤其明显.从家庭系统的视角研究学前儿童亲子互动,有助于推动亲子互动研究的深化,开展对亲子互动的早期干预,开展有效的亲子教育,促进学前儿童健康发展.  相似文献   

章燕玲 《文教资料》2020,(1):164-165
亲子沟通是亲子互动的内在运行机制。本文总结了亲子沟通的内容、频率、主动性和质量等特点,分析了国内亲子沟通在青少年人格发展、心理健康、社会适应、学业成就、问题行为等方面的研究现状,在此基础上对亲子沟通的研究进行了评述与展望。  相似文献   

一研究缘起 进城务工人员在城市中属于被边缘化的人群。随着时代的变迁,目前进城务工方式已经由过去的独身外出打工逐渐向举家流动转变,出现了进城务工家庭激增的势头。由此,不少研究者开始进~步关注进城务工人员的家庭环境、家庭教育等。但对其家庭内部的亲子互动,特别是对其子女仍处于学前期间的亲子互动研究较少,近乎为零。且以往研究也缺乏对互动场面描述的真实性和连续性,不能生动地展现父母与子女的互动场景。  相似文献   

亲子互动的研究也是近几十年来发展心理学领域的一个热门课题,是从父母与儿童互动的角度来研究父母与儿童的交往行为。以往研究表明亲子互动对儿童同伴关系的发展、认知发展、问题行为等有影响。亲子游戏是家长们教子成才、助子成功的重要方法与途径。那么,亲子游戏,对于0—6岁年龄阶段的儿童智力发展方面究竟有什么影响呢?  相似文献   

幼儿园融合教育存在一些问题,包括特殊幼儿不易被接纳,融入性不强、师幼互动受到局限,师幼关系不良、特殊幼儿家长意识欠缺,家园共育效果有限等,这些问题都阻碍了融合教育的有效开展。利用亲子游戏治疗从家庭教育环节入手,可以有效解决融合教育中存在的问题,充分发挥亲子游戏治疗的优势作用,使得特殊幼儿获得积极、正确的教育引导。  相似文献   

亲子教师会影响亲子互动的主题、内容、方式和深度。因此,如何有效加强亲子教师的专业发展,对于构建良性的亲子互动有重要的影响。亲子教师只有加强知识基础和能力素养,丰富婴幼儿发展知识、教育学、心理学知识,创新亲子教育发展的理念,同时提高组织亲子活动的能力、指导家长的能力、研究反思的能力,才能促进自我发展,进而构建良性的亲子互动。  相似文献   

本研究对146对北京和甘肃临夏的回族和汉族儿童及其家长在游戏情境下的亲子交往行为进行了研究,结果发现,在亲子游戏中,家长的提问、表扬、交谈、旁观、独自玩等行为存在民族文化差异;家长的直接要求、提问、言语引导、肯定、表扬、委婉否定、交谈、一起游戏、旁观、强迫动作、训斥、消极情绪、不说话、替代、不反应等行为存在地域文化差异。进一步的分析发现,汉族家长在亲子互动过程中更关注儿童的自主性,回族家长更倾向于亲子互动中问题的解决;相比北京家长,甘肃临夏家长在亲子互动过程中更关注游戏任务的解决。  相似文献   

本研究对146对北京和甘肃临夏的回族和汉族儿童及其家长在游戏情境下的亲子交往行为进行了研究,结果发现,在亲子游戏中,家长的提问、表扬、交谈、旁观、独自玩等行为存在民族文化差异;家长的直接要求、提问、言语引导、肯定、表扬、委婉否定、交谈、一起游戏、旁观、强迫动作、训斥、消极情绪、不说话、替代、不反应等行为存在地域文化差异.进一步的分析发现,汉族家长在亲子互动过程中更关注儿童的自主性,回族家长更倾向于亲子互动中问题的解决;相比北京家长,甘肃临夏家长在亲子互动过程中更关注游戏任务的解决.  相似文献   

In a randomized controlled trial, the effectiveness of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) and correlates of maltreatment outcomes were examined. Mothers (N = 150) had a history or were at high risk of maltreating their children. After 12 weeks and compared to waitlist, PCIT mothers were observed to have improved parent-child interactions and reported better child behavior and decreased stress. At PCIT completion, improvements continued and mothers reported less child abuse potential and had improved maternal sensitivity. Also, PCIT completers were less likely to be notified to child welfare than noncompleters. Finally, those families not notified post-PCIT showed greater reductions in child abuse potential and improvements in observed sensitivity during treatment. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the family reading behavior of 233 preschool children from low-income backgrounds who were attending Head Start. Parents completed a survey of their family reading behavior, including Child Reading, Parent Reading Interest, and Parent-Child Reading Interaction, and provided demographic data on their educational level, parent and child age, and family size. Children's receptive vocabulary, story and print concepts, letter knowledge, and general emergent literacy skills were assessed in the fall of their preschool year. Analyses focused on the variation in family reading behavior, the relationship between different dimensions of family reading behavior, and the contribution of family reading behavior to early literacy skills. Results indicated that Parent-Child Reading Interaction and Child Reading Interest were significantly related to children's early literacy skills. In addition, multiple regression analyses indicated that Parent-Child Reading Interaction was a small yet significant predictor of children's receptive vocabulary, story and print concepts, and general emergent literacy skills, above and beyond the influence of demographic variables. Child Reading Interest was a significant, albeit small, predictor of letter knowledge above and beyond these demographic controls. Implications of these results for the early literacy education of children of low-income families are discussed.  相似文献   

Trained therapy dogs are becoming an increasingly common sight in many educational and health care settings. This article, coauthored by a college professor, a Therapy Dogs International, Inc., Evaluator and local program director, and a registered nurse reviews the research on using registered therapy dogs as adjuncts in school programs and health care treatment plans for children ages 5–8. It addresses to the most commonly raised objections to allowing dogs in classrooms and patient rooms and offers practical guidelines for maximizing the positive outcomes of animal-assisted activities and therapy (AAA/T).  相似文献   

ObjectiveParent-child interaction therapy (PCIT) has been found to reduce future child abuse reports among physically abusive parents. Reductions in observed negative parenting behaviors mediated this benefit. The current study examined session-by-session interaction sequences in order to identify when during treatment these changes occur and how much the trajectory varies from case-to-case.MethodSession-by-session parent-child interaction sequences, using the Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction Coding System-II (DPICS-II) categories, were coded for 22 child welfare involved parent-child dyads undergoing PCIT for child physical abuse. A total 5,436 interactions across PCIT were coded and analyzed using growth curve analysis.ResultsAt pre-treatment baseline, negative and positive parental responses were about equally likely to follow a child positive behavior. This pattern changed rapidly during PCIT, with rapid increases in positive parental responses and decreases in negative parental responses to appropriate child behavior. A quadratic growth pattern accounted for 70% of observed variance and virtually all change occurred during the first three sessions.ConclusionChanges in observed abusive parent-abused child interaction patterns can occur early in PCIT, a parenting intervention that involves direct coaching and practice of skills. These benefits sustained throughout treatment.Practice implicationPrior to receiving behavioral parent training (PCIT), parents who have physically abused their children failed to match their parental response to their children's behavior. This pattern of interaction improved rapidly and substantially during the first three sessions of PCIT. The changes in the patterns of interaction also remained relatively stable for the remainder of treatment while parents continued to practice positive parental responses as well as began practicing effective discipline techniques. This suggests that use of immediate parent feedback through coaching, explicit directions to parents in how to respond to child behavior, and customization of the application of skills to the problems that arise in session are important components to effective parenting programs with physically abusive parents. Targeting these behaviors with PCIT has been found to reduce rates of recidivism, further supporting clinical application of PCIT in these cases.  相似文献   

本文阐述了音乐治疗的应用范围、功能及属性 ,回顾了音乐治疗的中外发展历程。重点介绍了音乐治疗在特殊教育领域中的作用及在中国的发展现状。设想了今后这一新兴边缘学科在中国特殊教育领域中的一些研究发展方向。  相似文献   

通过对“阅读疗法”研究现况、论文统计以及疗愈类图书的出版现状的分析,可以发现我国出版界在“阅读疗法”理论研究与实践中的缺位.希望能引发出版界对于“阅读疗法”的重视,化被动为主动,关注“阅读疗法”的理论与应用,加强从出版视角对阅读疗法的研究,积极投身疗愈类读物的出版实践.  相似文献   

This article illustrates some ways in which observations of typically-developing infants can inform music therapy and other work with children with disabilities. The research project that is described examines typical infant development with special attention to musical relatedness and communication. Videotapes of sessions centering on musical play with typically-developing infants and of music therapy sessions of children with multiple severe disabilities are examined in light of developmental issues, conceptual frameworks, and relationships between typical development and developmental issues of children with disabilities. Greenspan’s model of psychosocial development is used as a basis for analyzing observations. This research was conducted over a period of several years. Portions of what is reported here were presented at the European Music Therapy Congress, Naples, Italy (Wheeler and Stultz 2001) and the 10th World Congress of Music Therapy, Oxford, UK (Wheeler and Stultz 2002). Thanks to Elizabeth Rightmyer for very helpful feedback on the article.  相似文献   

In this study an abusive parent was instructed in techniques of behavior modification. It was hypothesized that the parent-child interactions would improve as the mother, Mrs. X, began modifying her daughter Jan's behavior.An A-B - A-B reversal design was implemented. Baseline data was collected to determine the frequency with which Jan interrupted Mrs. X. During the treatment phase, Mrs. X was to ignore Jan's interruptions and positively reinforce Jan when she spoke to Mrs. X without interrupting. However, Mrs. X did not apply the treatment consistently and the frequency of Jan's interruptions did not change significantly. Thus a return to baseline and reimplementation of the treatment was not necessary.In order to ascertain whether the parent-child interactions chanqed, two thirty-minute tapes of the baseline sessions were made and two thirty-minute tapes of the treatment sessions were made. The tapes were transcribed and assessed according to the Kasprin-Burrelli, Egolf, and Shames Parent-Child Interaction Scale (Kasprin-Burrelli, et al., 1972).The quality of the parent-child interactions, as measured by the Kasprin-Burrelli, et al., Parent-Child Interaction Scale, improved throughout the study. Thus, it is impossible to state that the treatment was responsible for the improvement. It is hypothesized that the presence of the examiner resulted in the improvement. Mrs. X is a college-educated woman and appears to need adult stimulation. When Mrs. X's need for adult stimulation was met, then her interactions with Jan improved. Thus, although Mrs. X did not modify Jan's interruption behavior, her interactions with Jan did improve throughout the experiment.  相似文献   

人力资源E-Learning是信息时代重要的研究领域和社会教育形态。从"信息互动系统"视角来研究人力资源E-Learning是较可取的研究取向。这是因为"信息互动系统"是基于人类科技史上经典的信息论、控制论、系统论而整合提出的新观点,是人们认识和改造世界的重要方法论。它以整个世界的原理与工程为起点,通过不断迭代,可以达到实践所需要的粒度。在HR E-Learning领域,通过以"HR E-Learning原理与工程"为迭代起点,以"HR E-Learning要素及其架构、过程及其状态的分析、设计、开发、实施、管理、评价"为迭代主线,即可构建起HR E-Learning理论和实践的整体框架。这一框架以"员工和HR E-Learning软件之间的互动"为起点,包括员工、HR E-Learning软件、内容、方法、媒体、互动六大要素,以及登录系统、浏览资源、各类互动、退出系统等环节。该框架能够指导和促进HR E-Learning实践的体系化发展。  相似文献   

亲子关系是个体出生后建立的第一个重要人际关系,对个体发展有重要影响。国内外亲子关系研究有四个方面的主要进展,包括亲子冲突高发期、亲子性别交互作用、家庭形态和结构对亲子关系的影响以及亲子关系对心理发展的影响等。  相似文献   

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