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通过对全国12种图书馆学重要期刊1990年以来在图书馆学理论研究方面的发文调查,从10个方面描述了理论研究的基本进展状况,并针对综述性文章增多等情况,从理论研究与实践的关系、理论研究与发展战略的关系、理论研究与新技术发展的关系三个角度,对1990年以来的图书馆学理论研究发展进程进行了反思与评价,指出了图书馆学开展理论研究的重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of open data research based on bibliometric analysis of publications in Web of Science from 1998 to 2016. It shows that research on open data has grown rapidly since 2009 with the development of various open data initiatives. We identify the different themes using science mapping and performance analysis. The most important themes are semantic web, open government, and crowdsourcing. The basic and transversal themes are data sharing and public sector information. As for the emerging themes, these are Big Data and open government data. In addition, data journalism, monitoring, and recommender systems are specific themes that deserve special attention. The UK and the USA are the leading publishing countries, both in theoretical and practical research on open data. In China, most researchers focus on practical research, and there have been efforts to promote the development of open data. Papers introducing large‐scale projects receive more attention and citation quickly. Recently, researchers have been publishing more on objective topics, including possible issues and dilemmas in the era of Big Data and many problems such as budgets, ownership, licensing, culture, and sustainable development.  相似文献   

MOOC环境下我国信息素养教育研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张丹 《图书情报工作》2016,60(11):143-148
[目的/意义]对MOOC环境下我国信息素养教育发展的现状进行系统梳理,分析存在的问题及未来发展的方向,为下一步深入研究和实践开展提供参考借鉴。[方法/过程]利用文献调研的方法,总结国内信息素养教育MOOC的相关理论和实践成果,对MOOC环境下信息素养教育模式、教学内容、课程效果评价、实施路径等问题进行归纳和总结。[结果/结论]要加强对信息素养教育MOOC的实践研究,积极借鉴国外的成功经验。同时应积极关注国际信息素养教育的新动向与新发展,抓住“后MOOC”时代信息素养教育发展的新机遇。  相似文献   

This article sought to investigate the evolution of library and information science by tracking the author-supplied keywords in the research articles published in the domain between 1971 and 2015. Data was extracted from Thomson Reuters’ citation mainstream indexes and analysed using the VosViewer computer-aided software to obtain author-supplied keyword frequencies in each decade since 1971. We identified the most salient and common research themes in LIS and how the themes have evolved, by delving into the author-supplied keywords to proxy research themes in the field domain. Results indicate that the field of LIS has evolved in terms of its subject focus from information systems design and management in the 1970s to scientific communication, information storage and retrieval, information access, information and knowledge management, and user education in 2015. The application of ICTs in LIS practice and education, too, has emerged as a prominent topic in the field. These issues have the potential of shaping or have shaped the LIS curriculum in some LIS schools in the continent.  相似文献   

论文对国内外基于Web2.0的图书馆信息服务研究,从理论研究、技术研究、应用研究、图书馆2.0等四个方面分别进行了综述,并分析了目前研究中存在的理论研究缺少系统性等三个问题。  相似文献   

Clinical medical journals have not been effective in meeting the information needs of practitioners and bridging the gap between clinical research and practice. The slow adoption of results of clinical research is at least partly due to the failure of clinical journals to disseminate information in a way that would motivate practitioners to change practice. Although implementation is primarily a local process, medical journals are in a unique position to advance implementation by modifying their focus and adjusting their contents. Strategies that may be useful include publication of pre‐appraised evidence summaries and ‘clinical bottom‐lines’ and giving importance to systematic reviews and large evaluative research articles as they represent higher levels of evidence and have greater potential to change practice. Clinical journals should encourage researchers to consider how and by whom the findings will be used and provide information on implications for implementation such as possible strategies that may work, cost‐effectiveness, side‐effects and potential barriers to implementation. Medical journal publishers should explore ways to cooperate so that findings of landmark clinical trials could be shared thus reducing the ‘scatter’ of medical information. Electronic media offers numerous advantages such as quick accessibility and linking of information, and medical journals should capitalize on such innovations. There is a paradigm shift in health care practice as evidence is consciously and explicitly incorporated into individual patient care. Medical journals need to change to reflect this change in practice and provide practitioners with valid and relevant information.  相似文献   

国内外主题图应用研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对国内外主题图发展概况进行简要回顾,侧重介绍国内外主题图应用研究的相关成果,包括叙词表改进与知识库建构、知识组织与检索、知识建构、网络门户导航与知识导航、语义网应用和学科管理几个方面。指出国内在该领域研究中存在的问题,如尚未形成系统性、规模化研究,研究方法手段比较单一,主题图应用范围领域应进一步扩大等,在此基础上提出今后国内主题图研究的可能走向。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 调研国外近3年关于信息技术环境下阅读服务的相关研究成果,为国内该领域的研究发展提供参考。[方法/过程] 使用Web of Science数据库对2017年以来国外的相关研究成果进行检索、梳理,从研究主题、研究方法的角度对其进行分析与总结,提炼出国外研究的优势与特点,探讨其对国内相关研究的启示。[结果/结论] 数字与移动阅读服务的研究仍是国外该领域的热点方向;用户方面,关注K12教育阶段学生的相关研究最多;从研究主题来看,针对用户行为的研究数量相对最多;从研究方法看,国外研究偏好实验法与问卷法、访谈法、观察法中的一种或几种相结合,研究方法与研究问题的适配度较高。未来国内研究需要持续关注新一代信息技术发展及其应用,继续深化用户行为相关研究,并根据研究问题合理地选取相应研究方法。  相似文献   

为了深入了解实证研究方法在图书馆学的应用情况,本文应用文献计量法对发表在19种图书馆学核心期刊的110篇应用实证研究方法的相关文献进行了多方面分析。结果表明,在图书馆学领域,实证研究相关文献数量从2007年开始快速上升。大学图书馆是研究机构的主力军。南开大学信息资源管理系发表的相关论文最多;从内容上看,相关研究侧重于图书馆服务;从方法上看,问卷调查法和实地调查法应用较为普遍,而应用问卷调查法和文献法的相关文献被引次数较高。  相似文献   

Interpreting qualitative research data and presenting it in ways that enable potential beneficiaries of the research to use it readily and appropriately is increasingly important in the context of the research impact agenda. One way of doing uses the Cynefin framework. Cynefin, which is rooted in knowledge management and complexity science, has been used in a range of contexts to support decision-making and strategy development in dynamic and challenging situations. However, it has not been widely used as a data analysis technique or in the information science discipline. An exploratory evaluation uses it to interpret the rich, nuanced qualitative data from a three-year research project that engaged people worldwide to explore issues and practical strategies for managing electronic records, a significant information management challenge. The evaluation demonstrates that the Cynefin framework provides a strategic lens through which to view electronic records management (ERM). Cynefin prompts new questions to be asked, leading to new insights and a deeper understanding of the ERM challenge. Most significantly, it provides a new construct for re-perceiving the challenge in a holistic way and offers a strategic approach to taking action for change. This evaluation suggests that it is an appropriate and effective framework for use in qualitative research on challenging information management problems, with the potential to support the transfer of research into practice.  相似文献   

网络环境下信息资源的数字化与海量化使得现代图书馆的科研工作体系发生变革,信息技术成为主要推动力,单一的数据经过分析、组织所形成的知识产品成为图书馆更重要的服务内容。在这种信息环境下,当代图书馆需要密切追踪最新的技术发展趋势,加强科研工作,创新服务模式,提升服务能力,开辟新的用户群体和用户需求,创造新价值。本文结合工程技术领域资源和用户需求的特征,充分考虑公益服务宗旨和科技信息资源国家保障的责任,确立了以资源分析与信息构建、信息组织与知识链接、数字图书馆服务与用户研究为科研工作的三个重点方向。  相似文献   

曾润喜  魏冯 《图书情报工作》2016,60(10):135-142
[目的/意义] 我国对于信息媒介使用的研究逐渐成为学界关注的热点。为进一步把握该领域的前沿动态和研究趋势,需对已有研究进行梳理。[方法/过程] 基于中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)数据库,选取"信息媒介使用"相关文献进行内容分析。[结果/结论] 研究主题聚焦于信息媒介使用的载体、现状、动机等三维论域,以国外理论进行本土实践或基于国内典型案例作为研究路径,以实证分析方法为主导研究媒介使用与其他变量的关系,但仍缺乏理论创新的自觉性,信息媒介使用主体研究对象有待扩展,议题研究程度发展不均等。建议图书情报学加强对信息媒介使用的相关研究。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]为促进生物医学信息服务尽快适应大数据时代的发展,提供相应的发展思路.[方法/过程]综述大数据在生物医学中的应用,列举几个典型应用案例,指出大数据时代生物医学信息需求的变化,分析大数据对生物医学信息服务流程中数据来源、数据采集、存储、组织、分析及可视化呈现等各环节的影响.[结果/结论]大数据正改变着生物医学信息的生产、收集、存储、加工、组织和传播方式.从观念、内容、技术、人才、制度和合作模式6方面对生物医学信服务如何适应大数据的时代发展要求提出探索性建议.  相似文献   

企业信息化研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,国内外理论界针对企业信息化问题研究较多,从这些研究文献表面看,似乎是鱼目混珠;但是,对这些文献进行总结和归纳后,发现这些文献主要从以下角度展开对企业信息化问题研究:单独从SDN或MC角度;从定性角度研究信息化与企业信息化发展对策、战略等问题;从管理与信息系统角度研究企业信息化问题;从技术角度研究企业信息化问题;从企业信息化应用角度研究;从模型设计角度研究企业信息化问题。从上述六个方面对当前国内外研究企业信息化问题的文献分别进行了回顾,从而为研究企业信息化问题学者提供参考。  相似文献   

医疗保健信息体量巨大、增长迅速,且用户需求多样,是医学信息资源和用户行为研究的热点领域。文章 采用文本分析等内容分析方法对1980—2015年的101篇主要相关研究文献进行梳理,论述医疗保健信息搜寻行为在需 求类型和寻求障碍的表现,并且发现搜寻者个人、情境、信息资源等因素对职业信息搜寻皆有影响,指出医疗保健信 息搜寻行为研究主要集中在基本情况的研究方面,而在改善信息质量、信息寻求困难问题方面研究不足,这将对于我 国医疗保健信息领域的理论研究维度和实践解决方案有所启示。  相似文献   

Cataloging has seen substantial change since 2000, and the cataloging of maps, geospatial data, and other cartographic resources is no exception. The pace and scale of change, tied to the evolution of technology and cataloging/metadata standards, have been swift and broad. This paper highlights the most important changes and trends in the cataloging of cartographic resources during the first thirteen years of the twenty-first century through a review of the published literature and summarizes the state of map cataloging today. The author concludes by proposing future directions for research and practice.  相似文献   

赵跃  乔健 《档案学研究》2019,33(3):44-54
本文基于研究主题的挖掘与演化分析,对改革开放以来我国档案学研究的主题结构、演化规律、热点变迁与研究前沿进行了透视。发现:①“档案资源建设与服务”是改革开放以来我国档案学领域形成的规模最大且最具发展潜力的核心主题社区;②“档案资源&档案信息资源”主题形成前后,我国档案学领域出现改革开放以来最为明显的主题分化与融合现象;③改革开放以来我国档案学研究热点有很明显的“世纪分割”现象,“互联网+”“大数据”等成为学科研究的前沿。同时指出,档案学研究中存在如下问题:①思维保守以致超前研究较匮乏;②盲目追求热度而研究深度不足;③国外经验与国内实践间的冲突。面对问题,档案界应:①做好规划,树立自信;②稳中求进,逆向思维;③正视差别,回归理性。  相似文献   

Children and youth are important populations for research and practice in library and information science. However, comparatively little research has been conducted that directly engages with the perspectives of these groups, particularly when children younger than school age are considered. Task-centered activities, a type of data collection method used in the field of childhood studies, offer a means of conducting research with children and youth in a manner that builds on their strengths and competencies. Specific examples of task-centered activities include arts-based approaches; photography; drama, play, and games; child-led tours; diaries; and participatory activities. The benefits and limitations of these activities are explored, as well as their prior and potential application in library and information science.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]作者主题模型作为近年来计算机领域关注度较高的新型概率模型,在文本挖掘与自然语言处理等方向已有广泛应用。分析国内外作者主题模型及其改进的思路与应用,更好地把握其研究现状,以期为计算机、图书情报等相关领域科研人员提供参考。[方法/过程]本文选取Web of Science核心数据库、DBLP及中国知网(CNKI)数据库作为文献来源,通过制定检索规则、去重及人工判读等操作提炼出关于作者主题模型及其改进方法的文献集,从模型应用过程的视角,结合文献分析法对现有研究进行总结归纳。[结果/结论]通过分析发现,现有相关研究已形成较为完整的分析流程,且模型的改进角度、适用领域也日益多样化。但性能优化、模型评价指标的规范完善以及在图书情报领域的进一步应用等方面仍有待深入探索。  相似文献   

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