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兴趣如花香一样可以吸引蜜蜂(学生)去采蜜(学习),学生的兴趣度越高,学习的热情越强。如何提高学生的外语学习兴趣一种困扰着外语教师。本文在对交际教学法和目前外语教学状况进行简要分析后将交际教学法运用到初中英语教学之中,以便更好促进学生外语学习。  相似文献   

兴趣是最好的老师。国外外语教学理论界特别强调把激发学生的学习兴趣放在重要位置,强调要让学生在轻松愉快的气氛中学习外语。他们倡导的自然教学法、情境教学法、功能法等对我国儿童英语教学产生了重大影响。小学英语教师  相似文献   

于志强 《教书育人》2001,(18):26-26
随着外语教学在我国的迅猛发展,教学法的研究方兴未艾。中国英语教师已经习惯了传统的外语教学方式,教师是课堂教学的中心,学生只注重语言知识的学习和应付考试,而轻视了语言的基本功能──交际。近几年来,随着外语交际法被广大外语教师所接受,传统的“以教师为中心”的教学法不能满足专科外语教学的需要。“以学生为中心”的外语教学法逐渐得到大学外语教师的喜爱。本文试图对专科外语教学中运用“以学生为中心”的教学法进行论述,为提高专科外语教学进行有益的尝试。 一、传统专科英语教学现状 在专科英语教学中,由于学生已经习惯…  相似文献   

为了达到提高外语教学质量的目的,必须对外语学习主体和外语学习过程进行分析,对教师的主导作用加深认识,对大学英语教学现状重新审视,对外语教学应达到的目标进行探究。主题教学法正是一种充分体现以学习者为主体的教学原则的一种教学模式。这一教学模式具体运用到课堂教学实践中去,其目的是培养和发展学生的自主学习能力和合作精神,满足学生的需求,调动学生的学习兴趣和参与意识,从而提高学生的英语语用、语言能力。  相似文献   

本文从我国大学外语教学现状及存在的问题出发,提出我国的外语教学应转变观念,改变传统的教学模式,放手让学生学习,练习,充分发挥学生的主观能动作用,深挖潜力,培养外语学习兴趣,从而在大学毕业后能有较好的实际应用语言的能力。  相似文献   

朱俊 《教学与管理》2007,(1):123-124
教育心理学理论告诉我们:学习动机是直接推动学生进行学习活动的一种内在动力,正确的学习动机是积极学习的源泉,是激励积极学习的重要心理因素,也是激励学生学习兴趣,增强学生克服困难的信心和毅力的强大动力。学习动机既反映了社会和教育对学生的要求,又表现了学生的主观意向、愿望和兴趣。研究学习动机既是现代外语教学的要求和需要,也是提高外语教育教学质量的关键。在外语教学过程中,教师要注意分析影响中学生外语学习动机的因素,从而采取相应措施来激发中学生的学习动机,以提高中学生的外语学习的效果。  相似文献   

兴趣是最好的老师。国外外语教学理论界特别强调把激发学生的学习兴趣放在重要位置,强调要让学生在轻松愉快的气氛中学习外语。他们倡导的自然教学法、情境教学法、功能法等对我国儿童英语教学产生了重大影响。小学英语教师要有意识地挖掘英语课中的兴趣点,高效率地组织英语课堂教学,以大面积提高小学英语教学质量。《英语课程标准》提出了教学应以学生为中心的原则,提倡采用多种教学活动,设置尽量真实的语言情景,使学生能够使用语言来做事情,通过做事情来促进学生语言能力的发展;倡导体验与参与,注重过程评价,促进学生的发展,逐步创建以活动为主的英语实践课的课堂教学模式。英语教师应依据课程的总体目标并结合教学内容与宴际生活,设计能够激发学生学习兴趣、贴近学生生活宴际的教学活动。怎样做才能使课堂充满趣味呢?  相似文献   

张思中外语教学法的基本原理及应用甘肃省教科所任志娟张思中外语教学法是普通中学教师探索并创立,在中国大地上教授中国学生学习外语,并获得成功的高效外语教学法。它的运用不仅受到了国内外语教学界的好评以及广大中学外语教师的欢迎,而且引起了我国教育行政部门的重...  相似文献   

外语教学要实施素质教育,必须强调思想素质和语言素质;外语教学中的素质教育应注重学生的主体地位,教师的主导作用,重视学生正确学习外语的方法和运用外语能力素质的训练和培养。  相似文献   

外语教学心理学是一门新兴的科学。它的研究对象是外语教学中学生掌握外语的心理特点和心理规律,它的作用在于帮助教学法专家和教师制定外语教学的原理、原则及其基本策略和方法。它是外语教学法的理论基础。本文拟就外语学习理论、学习外语的心理特点和规律、掌握外语口语和笔语能力的特点等三个方面的问题,作些简略的介绍评述。  相似文献   

Metaphors as blueprints of thinking about teaching and learning   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study analyses the metaphorical conceptions of learning based on the reflections of 50 experienced teachers in an evening course on instructional psychology. The metaphors were achieved by collaboration in small groups. “Co-reflection” of group members was well suited to promote metaphorical reconstructions of teachers’ tacit theories about learning. The results show that the majority of these teachers shares traditional metaphors depicting teaching and learning as transmission of knowledge, followed by a smaller group of teachers expressing constructivist metaphors. Only a minority seems to conceive of teaching and learning as a social process. These results are compared with metaphors formulated by 38 prospective teachers without classroom experience participating in a course on curriculum design. In further collaborations these metaphors should serve as stepping stones to broader and more profound conceptions of the nature of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

This study reviews the literature on academic environments with particular reference to the academic department which is seen as the most important factor in the teaching and learning environment. Departmental environment characteristics as identified by faculty and by students are described. For students the most important are:-
  • Student-Faculty Relationships;
  • Interest and Engagement in Teaching; and
  • Satisfaction with Instruction.
  • Differences between teaching and between learning environments are explained, especially differences between social science and natural science departments. These differences reflect the interaction between discipline, personal styles of faculty and students, and faculty-student relationships. Student academic satisfaction seems to be heavily dependent upon the relationships between students and faculty. Student achievement in relation to students' perception of the academic department seems to be dependent on the degree of their adaptation to the department. The studies reviewed clearly show that there are differences between departments. They also show that these differences may be explained not only by differences with regard to the characteristics of the academic discipline concerned, but also by differences concerning student-faculty relationships, faculty interest in students and teaching and the interaction between these factors. Teacher and student satisfaction and student achievement are affected by these variables.  相似文献   

    The purpose of the study was to develop an improved teaching evaluation questionnaire based on students’ learning experiences and selected teacher characteristics identified as indicators of teaching quality. Teaching evaluation questionnaires are commonly designed either based on agreed indicators of teaching excellence, students’ suggestions of characteristics of excellence, or dimensions identified from interviews conducted with excellent teachers. In this study, however, students’ evaluation of their own learning experiences in learner centered classes and a hypothesized framework derived from the literature were used to develop the items for the questionnaire. Students attended to courses designed in a learner centered paradigm and evaluated their learning experiences. Based on the hypothesized framework and students’ reflections of their experiences, items were designed and validated at various levels. Exploratory factor analysis resulted in a 24-item Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching Questionnaire (SELTQ) that comprises four factors: assessment and feedback; course organization and presentation; student self evaluation; and students’ level of engagement. As opposed to the questionnaire widely used in higher education institutions in Ethiopia that focuses on the evaluation of selected teacher characteristics, the new measure enables students to evaluate teaching in terms of their own learning progress.  相似文献   

    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of state-mandated policy, emphasizing control through performance-based instruction and student test scores as the basis for determining school accreditation, on the teaching and learning of science. The intended consequence of instigating the rational theory of management by one state is to improve their current level of student literacy. However, some contend that the implementation of the policy has results that are not intended. The identification of the tension between the intended and unintended results of centralized policy making is the basis for examining a specific case in which the rational model is implemented. One hundred and sixty-five seventh-grade science students and four teachers are participants in the study. Qualitative analysis is the research methodology used as a means to provide detailed information about the contextual nature of the classroom processes. The intention is to identify and describe features of the behavior setting that influence the behavior of the teachers and their students. Three assertions generated during the field work were: Teachers redefine the goals of science instruction as the acquisition of facts and isolated skills, teachers alter their usual instructional behavior to implement uniform instructional procedures, and the teacher/student classroom interaction constrains students' opportunities to learn science. The implications of the study indicate that the state-mandated policy has results that are in opposition to the intended results. Instead of improving the practices of teachers, the implementation of the policy constrains and routinizes the teachers' behavior, causing them to violate their own standards of good teaching. They feel pressured to “get through” the materials so students will score well on tests. The classroom interaction is structured in such a way as to inhibit students from asking questions of their own. As a result, students' opportunity to express curiosity and inquiry—central processes in scientific thinking—are constrained. These unintended consequences of the implemented state policy, instead of improving science teaching and learning, continue to reduce science instruction to the literal comprehension of isolated facts and skills.  相似文献   

    This contribution shows an example of how an assessment innovation can serve as a flywheel for changing teaching and learning. This article first explains the development of an authentic, competence-based performance assessment in pre-vocational secondary education (pre-VET). Using these assessments in pre-VET, that is preparatory to VET, is important for motivating students for a future in VET. Second, in an action research 34 teacher teams of 11 pre-VET institutions implement the new assessment, supported by researchers and teacher coaches, to illuminate how it motivates students, prepares them for VET, and influences teaching and learning. Data from 76 teachers, 68 students, 24 teacher coaches and 3 researchers showed how implementing these assessments raised questions about changing educational content and pedagogy to fit a competence-based approach. Increasing teachers’ expectations of students, changing student-teacher interaction patterns, and developing teachers’ practical understanding of competencies and how they can be observed and discussed in assessments are some of the intriguing challenges that require further support for proper implementation of competence-based assessments and developing an aligned competence-based teaching and learning process.  相似文献   

    提高教学质量 ,培养合格人才 ,始终是大学教育的目的和生命。“以教学为本 ,以质量立校”理应成为前进中高校永恒的研究主题与办学理念 ,成为高校的旗帜、追求、形象和精神。当前高校确立并落实“教学为本 ,质量立校”应采取六大举措  相似文献   

    This article from a pedagogical viewpoint deals with the problem of how to promote meaningful learning in distance education. In correspondence courses, major problems arise from individual learning difficulties which are caused, e.g. by ineffective teaching methods, deficient individual prerequisites, and/or lack of social facilitation because of isolation. Dealing with those problems experts have been using various technical facilities (e.g., computers for administration and management) and media. Nevertheless, learning difficulties can be solved only by students themselves, but not by mere manipulation of technology, educational methods, or students’ activities. Methods to enhance individual engagement and learning cannot be based well on existing pedagogical theories, since these address direct teaching of children or youth in classroom. Search for theories and methods appropriate to distance teaching reveals as a major goal the development of problem‐solving skills and related abilities. Learning activities corresponding to that goal obviously cohere to working on problem‐like tests. Thus, a conceptual model of how to effect meaningful learning by tests is being proposed. Based on that model special modular components of tests are being described which should be apt for enhancing meaningful learning, and for computer‐based application.  相似文献   

    This article reports on a recent study into the experiences of Indigenous and allied environmental activists with teaching and learning during and as a result of Indigenous environmental movements. This inquiry is grounded in a theoretical framework informed by decolonization and cultural revitalization, social movement learning, and repressive tolerance. Interviews with 10 participants across Canada produced rich insights related to significant life experiences, the tensions encountered by activist educators, the complexity of inter-activist relationships, interaction with police agencies, the plurality of protest, and the revitalization and sharing of Indigenous traditions as the ultimate form of resistance.  相似文献   

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